Vol. 1 No. 43 Armw Air Forces Gunnery School, Tyndall Field, Fla., Nov. 21, 1942 MAJOR GENERAL ROYCE INSPECTS TYNDALL f GALA. "TURKEY DAY" DANCE FOR TYNDALL CO~ND'G GEN'L OF SEAAFTC ARRIVES W!TH MEN TO BE GIVEN BY LOCAL U.S.O. CLUB GEIJERAL WELSH ON FIRST OFFICIAL VISIT Determined to make this the most Just before noon today, Major General successful affair in their short his­ Ralph Royce stepped out of his plane tory, officials of the Panama City onto the landing apron at Tyndall Field u.s.o. Club have completed final ar­ and was greeted by Colonel Warren A· rangements for their Thanksgiving DEw Maxwell, his Starr and the Field Band. Dance. Accompanying the veteran airman was 411 Tyndall men are invited to be at Brigadier General w. w. Welsh, Chief of the Harrison Avenue Club House at 7a30 Staff of the Southeast Ar~ Air Forces P.M. on Thursday evening. The eve­ Training Command. ning's activities will begin at that Before making his first of three time with Bingo and Bridge parties. scheduled addresses at Tyndall, General At 8i30 P.M. , dancing will begin, with Royoe went into a short conference with music by the Tyndall Field Dance Band. Brigadier General Walter Kraus, Chief A floor show, presented by amateur en­ of Staff of the AA.FFTC, who arrived here tertainers from Panama City and from yesterday. Tyndall Field, will be staged at about At 12s45 P.M. the Commanding General 9a30 P.M. Refreshments will be . serv­ addressed the Field's Officers and Ser­ ed during the course of the evening. geant Pilots. Later, at 2:30 P.M., he Miss Ouida Lee, the Club's Secretary, spoke to the permanent enlisted person­ -- has announced that 15 young matrons nel who were assembled at the Boxing of Panama City have volunteered to act ning Area. At 3s30 P.M., General Royce ~s hostesses, and that over 400 invi­ made his final address of the day to tations have been mailed to the local the Student Personnel at the Student "Victorettes". Athletic Area. ,I .·I This evening, the Officers and their PANAMA CITY PILOT CLUB TO SPONSOR ladies will hold a formal recaption for ARMORY DANCE FOR BENEFIT OF A.E.R. General Royce and General Welsh, at the On Friday night, November 27th, the Officers • Club. · Pilot Club will sponsor a dance at the Previous to his assignment as Command­ local Armory. All proceeds of the af­ ing General of the SEAAFTC, General , f~ir will go to the Army Emergency Royce was Commanding Officer of the Relief Fund. Northeast Air Area in Australia - the The dance will begin at 9a00 P.M. forward zone of · operations where Jap and will continue until 1 tOO A.M. Mu­ and Allied planes slug it out daily. sic will be furnished by the Tyndall He recently was awarded The Distin - Field Dance Band. Tickets are priced guished Flying Cross for leading 13 Fly­ at $2.00 per couple for civilians, and ing Fortresses in a 4000 mile bombing $1.00 per couple for Servicemen. raid from Australia to the Philippines Tickets will be sold through organi­ and back, without the loss of a single zation orderly rooms and at the PX. ship. A L.ETT TO JACK - - ON MARRIAGE Dear Jack, When you suggest the thought of marriage while in the Army, you are touching something serious. To the question, "Should a man in the Army marry?" there ca:n be no blanket "yes" or "no" answer; rather the answer depends on many circum­ stances--not the least of which are the social and economic. However, Jack, this point above all you must considers marriage is a sacred contract. It is sacred because so established by God. It is a contract because it regards an agreement between a man and a woman, excluding every other person · from the rights and fruits of partnership, and bringing with it serious respon­ sibilities. Consider the contracts "I, Jack Soldier, take thee, Ellen Amabilis, for my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, ~ for richer or poorer, in siclmess and in health--until death do us part." W In business, men seriously consider the qualiti~s and capabilities of a prospective partner and balance them against the needs of the business. Yet this partnership can be easily dissolved. In marriage, you 3hould thoughtfully weigh the qualities and capabilities of the girl you wish· to marry, keeping in mind the purpose of marriages children, a home, and a wife whom you will revere throughout your whole life. There is a little rhyme, Shakespearian, not in construction, but in wisdom, which I want you to memorize, He fell in love with a dimple and a curl And foolishly married the entire girl. When you consider marriage, discount external trifles and estimate frankly the qualities of the girl you want to be your wife and the mother ofyour children. e Faithfully, THE PADRE P.s. Since you expect the ideal from your girl, wouldn't it be rotten to offer her less from yourself? I thaptl St~uietil WllmAI IImSDAI 8:00 A. M. --Mass ... Cbaplain Finnerty 5:00 P.M ..................... ... Mass · 9:00 A. M. --Prote&'tian,t 811nday School 6:30 P.M .•......•.. Instruction Class .10:00 A. M. --Morning Worship .... 7:00P.M...••........ Fellowship Club Chatt~ain Wester ~SllAI 11:15 A. M. --Mass ••• Ch,aplain Finnerty 6:30 P.M ........... Evening Devotions 7:30 P.K•..•.•...... Bible Study Hour IHDBSDAI . ~AX mHING 6:.30 P.M·•••........ Instruction Class 8:00 P. M. --Eveniag Worship ••• WDAI Chap·lain Wester 6:30· P.M •.•... •• . •.•• J·ewish Services Quoting the Greenville, Miss's "POST", The w.c.T.U. r eceived another booster "···Although Lt. Gable i s reported to be thi s week, when Cpl. "Sparky" Morrell, headed for the West Coast on a secret one of the "Blue Bird'a" die- hards, took mission, it is thought he may be taking the vow after discovering that he was a gunnery course in Florida.• • • • Bmmnnn •• ~not alone" in a pool game --just as he • • If what we~ve heard is so, that was a was about to make a double-bank shot, a rather rash . wager. made by Tyndallette chance glance to the r i ght revealed a Janet Mann. ·'We ·wander if the odds have small goat complacently watching the changed? •• •Arid, · according to Lt. Col onel game . (This just goes to show yo~ that Hyndman, Major Hunter ($oesn '~ need a things are NOT going t o the dogs\) •••• It telephone f ·or any calls this side of may never become a "Book of the Month Atlanta. His is the sort of voi ce that . club" choice, but we recommend the manu­ carries •• •For the edification of all con­ scr ipt now being penned by a D. of T. cerned, we would suggest that Lt. Zemo , Instructor entitled, "Silly Student-Say­ newly appointed Special Service Officer, ings." One incident will include the should request pilots with his planes in sad tale of the aeronautical genius who, the future •••From Camp Lee, Va., we hear upon bein.g told that the wings would be that former Tyndall Sergeants, Ed Pod­ waggled as a signal to begin firing. ask­ sen and Charles Widlitz, have recently ed, ~ich wing?" (He ' ll probably have received their gold bars •• •The Misses to learn the hard way) • ••And, believe i~ Riley, Miller and Monk, of the Signal or not, a nickel accidentally sent to . Office, entertained on Wednesday night. the prison laundry in the clothing of It must have been the "Body by Fisher " one of the "Mustangs", was returned in (Buick) that turned the trick ~ •• •The re­ an envelope. Our guess ia, they don't porter from the Medical Detachment fail­ have "coke" machines in Tallahassee ••• ed to notify us, but we found out any­ Fur lough fervor reached its peak when how, and we take a great deal of pleasure Pfo. M. Diaz of' the "Guardians" got so in announcing that former Lt. Frank excited upon receiving his "traveling" Gaston was promoted to .the ..r .ank of Cap­ papers, that he caught the wrong bus and tain ••••we hear that the "line" had its went to .Alabama instead of Tampa ••• The "ups" and "downs" last Thursday, and we hub-bub at Post Hq. on Wednesday was understand that several planes that were caused by the return of "Beau Brommel", awaiting spar e parts are being put back sometimes known as "Hard-Rock", Stone into servi oe mueh sooner than anyone from one of his many furloughs . He im­ expeeted • • • •Our reporters on the " line", mediately annmmee.d that his intentions (they haven't reported anything i n the were honorable.·amdthat he was in a state last three weeks) are going on leave •• • • of "engagement"•• ••"Oookie" Lou Getlin, ••we don't know how true it is, but 'tis {"69er"), tells us that his kid sister reported that the Chaplain had a long Elaa, would "give anything in the world" "conference" with t he Inspector General to have her name mentioned in t he "TAR­ last Wednesday ••• • Major Fl eming and Cap­ GET" ••• Think nothin' of it, El sa, it was tain Hinchman r et urned this week. Inci­ a pleasure • • • • Judging from the news on dent ally, Captain Hinchman, after sug­ t he "APALA ·C~TTER " page, all the "buck" gesting plans t1J several officers for a privates and corporals must have gone six-ear parlay to a,_ve gas 1md tt·res, ';rrov.er 'the hill" at the new Sub.;Base • .At · casual ly menticJned "of course my oar arl;Y r.a.te that' s how it c.ppeara to us , is being repair•sd at.
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