PRAIRIE REGlt SCHEDULE Jan. 6 . 12, 19 Issued Each Week by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporallon VOLUME V-No, 2 ISSUED AT WINNIPEG, DECEMBER 28 $1.00 Pl This Week: 'The Best of All Possible Worlds' Our Special Speaker (Page 2) * CDC Chairman On Press Conference (Page S) * CBC Wedne.day Night­ Music a la Voltaire (Page 5) * School Broadca.t- A Newfoundland Pioneer (Page 7) * OLTAIRE'S CANDIDE is by no means the V only young person to leave home to seek his fortune in another country. Canadians have been doing the same thing for a long time, and many of those who decide to pull up stakes head south across the border. On Thursday night. Citizens' Forum will look into the question, trying to deter· mine why this movement takes place. The panel will consider money. opportunities. the weather, Mavar ftfoore, begging Voltaire's pardon, retells in a musical satire tile ,tory wanderlust. the glamour of another country and other poSSible factors in the situation. Taking part oj all optinlist's search for the gooll liJe. will be three Canadians living in New York and three Torontonians who have stayed at home although they might well, by the nature of their "EVERY CAUSE has a natural effccl .,. ond everything alwo)'s turns out for the best:' This, at work, also have moved abroad. The New Yorkers an)' rate, is what the young hero of this week's CDC 'Wednesday Night feature has been led to will include Hugh Kemp of the National Broad­ believe, For example, it is not long: before the young man's master, a 'Vestphalian baron, raises his casting Company. whose radio plays have often right boot (cause) to a position immediately behind Candide. which is the young man's name. and been heard on the CBC, and Harold Cummings, projects him into a life of adventure (effect), After this unceremonious exit, Candide goes to Holland 3 business man. A week later, on the 17th, there (lower left) where he Bnds his old teacher still preaching his code of optimism; is shipwrecked with will be a discussion of a related subject: whether Pangloss off the Portuguese coastj slays the Grand Inquisitor of Portugal after nearly perishing lit or not Canada has a cultural future of her own. the stake as one of the "devils" behind an earthquake; is reunited with his lover. the baron's daugh. And on the 24th a group of speakers at Queen's ter Cu.aegonde, and Bees with her to South America where he finds a fleeting Eldorado and she, dis­ Univenity in Kingston will tackle another matter guised as a highwayman, becomes his companion in adventure. The trail finally ends at Cowtan­ with a bearing on C.mada·U.S. relations: the St. tinople where a wiser Candide and a (considerably less beautiful Cunegonde find a happy home Lawrence Seaway. Oower right). Page Two CBC TIMES « « NOTES » » Graham will tell ahout Crt>y Owl's Twelfth Night Songs. By Geoffrey steel, locomotives, eng i nee r i n g, funny little pair of heavers, McGinty Bush; for tcnor, small choir and or­ machine tools, textiles, electric power, Recital. Cecile Prefontainc, pianist· and McGinnis. who lived in his cabin chCSlra. From Vancouver. chemi«als, soaps, industrial invest­ harpist. From Montreal. with him for some timc. In the music f'reilldf'; It Music De tile FOOd or ment, radios, airlines and hotcls. Lo\'e; Farewell neal' 1.0\'1"; Oil. ~f'le{'lIon~: room Bernie Johnson and Lou Snider W-9:20 p.m. K·8:20 p.m. X-8:20 p.m. Harp The Swan (S,lint­ ;\Iistress Mine; Comp Away neath; Sacns); El ron ron ron, petit )HltuVOn will H'1X'at the CinderelliJ Work Song I AIIl Gone, Sir. an(! Anon. Sir; I (Grandjan;r>; La Fille alB: cbeveux that was a hit on a previous show, Will He with YOII Again j When That Winnipeg Concert. CBC \Vinnipeg de lin (Dpbussy, transcribed ror harp I "'os a Little Hoy. by GranrlJany); La Source (Zabel). and Bernie will sing about The Little Concert Orchestra conducted by Eric Plano selectlonR: Chant ~allS JlUl'olc \Vhife Duck. From Toronto. W-5:30 p.m. W-5:30 p.m. X-5:30 p.m. (Mendelssohn); Variations 5111' le \Vild, and the Ukrainian Male Chorus Dom. 3:00 p.m. MST nom ABEGG (Schumann). Little Symphonies. Orchestra con­ conducted by "'alter Bohonos in a Miss Prefontaine h.'lS just won a Que­ progrnm marking the Ukrainian Christ· Fiddle Joe's YanlS. Now that 1906 is ducted by Roland Lc<luc; Jean Bel­ bec provincial schol.1.rship to study in land, 'cellist. From Montreal. mas season. Tom Taylor, producer. six days old in St. Christophc, P.Q., From Winnipeg. Pnris. She will devote her major (:oncerto ror 'Cello and Orcbe~1l'a in one of man's oldest enemies rears C ,raJor (Dach al·r.llenrl Casadesu::. ChorU5: God [lema!. a Chl'lslffiaS its ugly head-tax rcvisions. A num­ W·6:30 p_m_ K-6:30 p.m. X.s:30 p.m. rolk cal'ol (al'r..\Ie.\ander Koshctz): ber of citizens recrive rrossessment 011. \ntat a i\lIracle, a CllrlSlmas carol (K. Stel.:;;enko); two :Xew Year notices and some pretty violent firc­ Stage 52. This series will originate in carols.-------By the Rher Jordan, and Re­ works result. The final e1im:.!x involves joice. b :\Iankind (I(. StetSenko); ~Iontreal during January. Tonight: Schedr;rk, a ,Xew Year rolk carol tlU" tpmporary creation of La Repub­ The Adding Machine by Elmer Rice, (arr. lron1o,·lch); Cl1erublmle Hymn liqup df' St. Christophe-vcry temp­ (arr. M. Tele1.hlnsky): Glory to tbe adapted for radio by Charles Rittcn­ omry-and finally a more pcaecful Lord, a ChrlstmllR P:;alm ('l;ykola house; Rupert C1plan, producer. The I.ysf'nko). settlement of tax prohlems is reached. play was first produced on the stage W-IO:OO p.m. ..JC--4:30 p.m. X-4.:30 p.m. Fiddle tells the rest of the story. Joe in New York in 1923. The hero, a Scriptwriter Charll~s Wasserman re­ ~Ir. Zero, represents all the slave Cana<liana. Writing For Fifty Ycars. calls that the core of thc story is based labour sinee the beginning of the social a series of talks by P. \V. Luce of on an old folk yarn which tells of the order. Si..x thousand years ago he was Vam.'ollver. "It is true that I have near-secession of a French Canadian hauling stones to build the pyramids; written nothing that will live, but county, due to local squabbles. From 2,000 years ago he was a Homan gal· what of it. Few scribblers achieve i\fontrcal. ley slave; and later he was a serf with immortality." So says Mr. Luce in W·4:00 p.m. K·3:00 p.m. X-3:00 p.m. an iron collar. Today's slave, Mr. Rice demonstrates, is tied to conlraptions Don Wright Chorus. Pop tunes and of steel and iron, like an adding light classics by a 14-voice chorus mat:hine. Thl' east includes Mae conducted by Don \Vright. From Lon­ Shoub as Mr. Zero, and Eileen Clif· don, Ontario. ford and Phyllis Carter. If YOll Arc Dut a OJ'cam; Funiculi, W·8:00 p.m. K.7:00 p.m, ;X.7:00 p.m. Cecile Prefontaine Jo'llnlCllla; To a \Vlld Hosl)--witlJ volcp;; lIsed as In.~II·llm('nt.'l; Sale or Golden Drpamfl; Wht\1 J.:;; Tills Thing­ studies to the harp and will be the enllp(1 Lovp?; 801I1all'('; l('ac! On, Our Special Speaker. :\finoo R. Mas.'mi, pupil of the teacher of Marcel Grand­ 011 "Ing Etf'I'nal. a member of the Indian Parliament jany, under whom she has been Dom. -4 :00 p.m. MST who is in North Anwrica as chairman studying in Montreal. --- of the United Nations SUb-COOlllliltc(' W·IO:30 a.m. K·9:30 a.m. X·9:30 a.m. Jake and The Kid. Today the great for t1w prevention of discrimination Saskatchewan poetess, Belva Taskey, and the protection of minorities. Topic: N.Y. Philharmonic. New York Phil­ comes to Crocus, wherc the wind is India and tile \Vestem \Vorld. lIe harmonic·Symphony Orchestra con­ lyric and j,{Tasshoppers chirp in iambic tllinh that India's future lies in in­ ducted by Guido Cantelli; The \Vest­ pentameters, hut w her e culture creasing its ties with the \Vest, a posi­ minster Choir. From CBS. doesn't necessary harvest 50 bushels tion which he energetically defended fOllr PIf'("COl (Frp"cobliidl orr. GlJe­ to the acre. She is hcing brought to at the Lucknow Conference a year dini); ;\lagnitlcat. for Sevcn·Pal't Crocus by the Atheniums, a sort of ago. A lawyer by profession, he was Choru'l, Organ and Orches1ra (Monte­ one of the founders of the All India "crdi arl·. GhE'dlnl); Symphony No. 5 ladies' culture·pushing circle which is In C Minor (nee1hoven)_ sponsorin~ the Prairie Celebrity Club Congress Socialist Party. He was W-2:00 p.m. X·I :00 p.m. X-I :00 p.m. series of recitals and addresses. Jake mayor of Bombay in 1943 and 1944, ami The Kid and the others are all Indian Ambassador to Brazil in 1948 Cuckoo Clock House. The story for going to hear thc bard. The occa­ and 1949, and is a member of the P. W. Luce children this week (.'emcs from the sion is the publication of Miss Taskey's e.xecutive committee of the Indian book Trumpets in tile \Vest by Geof­ latest collection of poetry hy :\Iac­ Council on \Vorld Affairs.
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