Langston University Digital Commons @ Langston University LU Gazette, 1950-1959 LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) 1-1956 The aG zette January 1956 Langston University Follow this and additional works at: http://dclu.langston.edu/ archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959 Recommended Citation Langston University, "The aG zette January 1956" (1956). LU Gazette, 1950-1959. Book 9. http://dclu.langston.edu/archives_gazette_newspaper_19501959/9 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the LU Gazette (Student Newspaper) at Digital Commons @ Langston University. It has been accepted for inclusion in LU Gazette, 1950-1959 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Langston University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Langston University Gazette VOLUME FIVE LANGSTON UNIVERSITY, OKLAHOMA. JANUARY. 1956 NUMBER TVyO Mayor Is Feted On ' I L U. President Eve of Departure Visits Liberia Several hnndred citizens of Lang­ P'-esident and Mrs. G. L. Harrison ston, Oklahoma, gathered at the attended the week-long ceremonies high school on Dccemlicr 15, 19S5, of the inauguration of William U. to bid farewell to their mayor, Pro­ S. Tubman, President of Liberia. fessor M. B. Tolson, on the eve President Harriscjn was a%varded 01 his flight to .Monrovia, Liberia, an honorary degree from the Uni­ to participate in the ceremonies in­ versity ot Liberia. The conferral of augurating a third term ot office the degree was made by Dr. Kermit for William \ ’. S. Tubman, presi­ King. President of the University dent elect of that country. Dr. Tol­ ot Liberia. son, who is Poet Laureate ot Liberia His wearing appareal for the ac­ and Officer in its army, was com- tivities were: a conventional or m.inded by its government to apj)ear morning suit, (stri{x;d trousers, t"or the inauguration, one of the black morning coat with tie and top most brilliant in mcxlcrn history. coat.) The attire for evening and -\t least forty nations, including the RABBI NORBERT ROSENTHAL tor state tunctions was full dress Soviet L’nion, are sending otticial (tail Luat with while vest, white delegations to Liberia tor the oc­ Brofherhood Time bow tie and decoration from the casion. United States destroyer Liberian government). The attire for cruised into port the last week in Will Be Observed the garden party— a grey morning December for a friendly visit in In cooperation with the Nation- "^^tch. honor of President Elect Tubman. al C:onlerence of Christians and lews . V'’', H^>rnson s itinerary During the t’estivities honoring the sixth annual observance of the '” chides visits to Lisbon, Portugal; .Mavor Tolson, several citizens ex- brotherhood season will be held on Casablanca, [iressed good wishes tor a hap|iy the campus of Langston L'niversitv ^ ‘-'"“■'e. <^'cn- anil prosjierous voyage. Professor F!. throughout the month of I'ebruarv. ^'''''zerland. Pans, then hack R. Edmonds of tl'.c Langston L’ni­ The activities will incUule seminars <'rk-arriving in Oklaho- versity staff hade t'arewell to Lang­ .ind group tliscussions anil sermons •''lonth. English Head Completes Work for Ph. D. ston s “ first citizen,” assuring him by rejireseiil.itive clergvmen. on Ix’halt of his colleagues that he Morning worshiji will be held in Actuarial Profession Miss Yoiira QiuilK, Cti.iirman of ‘ and American Literature and F.n- would be missed but that he would the IX'|iarlnK'iit «t Fni:lisli .iml ^^lish and American History, will he so fitly represent his people on this 0«ers New opportunity Nfockrn l-aiimiagcs at l.an^stdii I ’ni- conferred in I'ebruary, occasion that they were iiappy to tory sermon will be delivered, by N 1A\' \ ( ) R K — Several hundred versity, complctcil rci|uin.incms lor Miss Oualls, a grailuate of Fisk have him go. Mrs. Opal Norman, the Revereiul Dr. lolin W. C'nle college grailuates are needed each tlic ilcj^ra- of l)(Klor of Philosophy ’ L’niversity, hoKls the Master of Arts (leneral Chairman of the occasion, man. University Chaplain. The year to begin work as casualty and at Kaclcliffe Clollc^'c in Novcmlicr, dej;rec Ironi Radelille College, presented a mahogany placjue from schedule ot other s[>eakers is as fol- lire insurance actuaries, .\lbert Z. K)5S. with the suhmission and ac- ■ where, durini,' the period of her the citizens of Langston to be given lows: February 12. Rabbi Norbert Skelding, secretary-treasurer of the reptance of her ilisscrtatioii, “Friend doctoral study she was electcd to to the citizens of Liberia by .Mr. Rosenthal, Rabbi of Temple Israel. C^nsualty .\ctuarial Society, annonuc- aiul Freechnan; 'Hie work of the the Anne Radcliffe Society of Fel­ Tolson. A gift purchased by con­ Tulsa, Oklahoma; February 19. the ed here today. Association of I-riends ot Philadel­ lows. She is also a Kent I'ellow ot tributions of citizens, the plac]vie Right Reverend Chilton Powell. His- Skelding said that the fire and phia and its vicinity for the lU-lief the National Council on Religion in bore a bronze .African head and a hop of the Diocese ot ( )klahoma, casualty acturarial profession, though ami Fihication of Frcedmer) diiring Higher F.ducation and the Langston suitable inscription. From the De­ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Febru- not too well known offers one Chapter (Fta Sigma) of Kappa Del­ 18621S-2,” The «-lei,'rec, in Enj:lish partment of Englisli and .Modern ary 2^1, the Reverend Mr. F'.. Jen- of the most interesting, satisfving the ('ivil War and Reconstruction, ta Pi, Honor Society in t.ducation. Languages Dr. Youra Qualls asked nings Perry, Minister of the Taber- and rewarding careers available to .Mr. Tolson to present to the Uni­ nacle Baptist Church, Oklahoma college graduates interested in math- [Vomen's Day To Credit Union Will versity of Lilx-ria a set of copies of City, Oklahoma. ematics. Meet on January 26 rare documents, bearing on the his­ The public is invited to participate “To acc^uaint college stucients with Be Observed Here tory of Liberia, gathered from his­ in the activities planned for the the advantages of actuarial careers, The Annual Meeting of the Lang­ torical archives in the L'nited States. , month. the Casualty .Actuarial Society has The Women’s Personnel depart­ ston Federal Cerdit Union is set Included were copies of Sargent por­ -------------------- just published a folder describing ment and women students of Lang­ for lanuary 26. 1956, Langston City traits of the nineteenth century , f f • . fhe profession,” he declared. “These ston University arc sponsoring School, at 7:00 P. M. All are in­ statesmen D. D. W^irner, both of L a n g s f o n U n i v e r s i f y folders are being made available W'omen's Day to help the Religious vited. whom were Mr. Tubman’s early A ^ I I without cost to undergraduates all Activities Committee with its pro­ The Nominating Committee will predecessors in office. A o a p p e i i a l i n g e r s over the nation through college gram for Religious Fmphasis Week. nominate candidates to fill vacan­ (Pictures on Page Two) . mathematics departments and place- Well-trained, interesting and experi­ cies on the Board of Directors, Cred­ This Musical Organization has for offices. enced leaders are invited as guest it Committee and Supervising Com­ Art Departnnent Gives its purpose the presentation of the “Actuaries’ are the analysis charg- speakers. mittee. best Nocal music so as to enrich with keeping casualty and fire Women's Day will be held at the Entertainment and refreshment Exhibition Schedule the lives of our students, the offer- j jpsurar'ce companies in financial bal­ 11:00 A. M. W orship Service at committee members are: Mrs. E. Watercolor Show, February 5-18, ing of cultural programs which con-1 skelding explained. “ In L W, Young Auditorium, Sunday, E. Jones, Mrs. B. L. Young, Mrs. .\rt Department, University of Flor­ tribute to the cnioyment and gen- ^^rms of .salary,'working conditions January 29, 1956. A. L. Thomas, Mrs. D. (iofjJlow, ida. eral music education of audiences; advancement opportunities, few Everyone is invited to attend this and Miss Blanche Smith. Charles Okerblooin, Jr., one man in and out ot the state; and tostcr-. careers ofl'er such a good start service. A Socio-drama will be conducted. show. March 4-1 f"). Professor of Art. ing of gootl public relations tor; mych possibility for getting It will answer many (juestions and L’niversitv of .Arkansas. Langston Lniversiiy, 'ahead. Aituaries arc emploved in The group has completed s.x per-^ The teacher of a high school class explain the functions of the Oedit Duayne Hatchett, one man show, tormances which included: The O ^ knowledge of the insur- began her course with a c]uestion, L'liion. in March. ,\ N T. Oklahoma C.ity. StilKvater, busine.ss that makes them log- ‘‘Can you give me any w'ell known Earl Scarborough, May i Ardmore, Oklahoma City Televi- ,..,ndidates tor rapid advance- date in Roman history.'” I can re- Plind date: \\’hen you expect to :\nnual Student Show, .May 13- plieij I little dapper ot sixteen, “ An­ meet a vision and she turns out to 2S, Langston University, .Art Depart­ sion, and Ponca (.ity. executive and manage- be a sight. ment. The A Cappella singers will also (Cor.tnitied on Page Two) ' thony’s date with Cleopatra,” tour the west coast again this year. ________________________________ Second Semester Schedule 55-56 Term i 1. Registration of Students for Second Semester, January 23, 24, 1956 2. Classes begin January 25, 1956. 3. Final date for enrolling for full credit. February 7, 1956. FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION SCHEDULE Examination Date Examination Hour— First Weekly Meeting of Class January 17, 1956 8:00— 10:00 All 10 o’clock Monday Classes 10:00— 12:00 All 10 o’clock Tuesday Classes 1:00-- 3:00 All I o’clock Monday Classes 3:00— 5:00 All I o’clock Tue.sday Classes January 18, 1956 8:00— 10:00 All 8 o’clock Monday Classes 10:00— 12:00 .All 8 o’clock Tuesday Classes 1:00— 3:00 All 9 o’clock Monday Classes 3:00— 5:00 All 9 o’clcKk Tuesday Classes Members of L.
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