Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI) ABC Association of Barangay Councils ACMD AdHoc Committee on Migration and Development ACTEX Alabang-Calamba-Sto.Tomas Expressway AIP Annual Investment Plan AIR-ATIP Anti-illegal Recruitment and Anti-trafficking In Person APP Annual Procurement Plans ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations BCCI Batangas Chamber of Commerce, Inc. BESO Barangay Employment Services Office BEST Business Expense Savings Training BFAR Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources BM Board Member BPMC Batangas Provincial Migrant Center BPMCC Batangas Province Migrants Coordinating Council BuB Bottom-Up Budgeting CAFFMACO Cavite Farmers and Feed Milling and Marketing Cooperative CALABARZON Provinces of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon CARE-MBA Cooperative Alliance for Responsive Endeavor Mutual Benefit Association CBMS Community-Based Monitoring System CDIP Comprehensive Development Investment Plan CFC Couples for Christ CFO Commission on Filipinos Overseas CMD Committee on Migration and Development CPDO City Planning and Development Office CSOs Civil Society Organizations DA Department of Agriculture DepEd Department of Education DFA Department of Foreign Affairs DILG Department of Interior and Local Government DOLE Department of Labor and Employment DoT Department of Tourism DSWD Department on Social Welfare and Development DTI Department of Trade and Industry ELA Executive-Legislative Agenda EO Executive Order GAD Gender and Development GDP Gross Domestic Product GNP Gross National Product GRDP Gross Regional Domestic Product HTAs Hometown Associations IENA Information Education Networking and Advocacy IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development INSET In-Service Training IRTO International Relations and Trade Office ISE Investment, Savings, Entrepreneurship ISO International Organization for Standardization JMC Joint Memorandum Circular JMDI Joint Migration and Development Initiative LACMMI Lipa Archdiocesan Commission on Migrants and Missions LCE Local Chief Executives LDC Local Development Council LGA Local Government Academy LGUs Local Government Units LINKAPIL Lingkod Kapwa Pilipino LLH Local Learning Hubs LOFF Laguna OFW and Family Federation M&D Migration and Development M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MLGU Municipal Local Government Unit MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOFYA Model OFW Family of the Year Award MOU Memorandum of Understanding MPDC Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator MPDO Municipal Planning and Development Office MRC Migration Resource Centers MSG Multi-stakeholder Group MSWDO Municipal Social Welfare and Development Offices NCR National Capital Region NEDA National Economic and Development Authority NEMCO NIA Region 4 Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative Incorporated NGAs National Government Agencies NGOs Non-government Organizations NRCO National Reintegration Center for Overseas Filipino Workers OIC Officer-in-Charge OFs Overseas Filipinos OFWs Overseas Filipino Workers OPA Office of the Provincial Agriculturist OPG Office of the Provincial Governor OSMRC One-Stop Migration Resource Centers OTOP One Town One Product OUMWA Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs OWWA Overseas Workers Welfare Administration PAO Public Affairs Office PCCI Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry PCDO Provincial Cooperative and Development Office PCLEDO Provincial Cooperative, Livelihood and Enterprise Development Office PCMD Provincial Committee on Migration and Development PCW Philippine Commission on Women PDC Provincial Development Council PDP Provincial Development Plans PDPFP Provincial Development and Physical Framework Plan PEOS Pre-employment Overseas Seminars PESO Provincial Employment Services Office PGADC Provincial Gender and Development Council PGADO Provincial Gender and Development Office PGSO Provincial General Services Office PHO Provincial Health Office PIA Philippine Information Agency PICAD Provincial Information and Community Affairs Department PICTO Provincial Information and Communication Technology Office PIO Provincial Information Office PLIP Provincial Local Investment Program PLGU Provincial Local Government Unit PMOS Pre-Migration Orientation Seminar PO Provincial Ordinance POEA Philippine Overseas Employment Administration POLO Philippine Overseas Labor Office PPDC Provincial Planning and Development Coordinator PPDO Provincial Planning and Development Office PSA Philippine Statistics Authority PSCC Provincial Sectoral Concerns Committee PSWDO Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office PTO Provincial Tourism Office PVO Provincial Veterinary Office QFUC Quezon Federation and Union of Cooperatives RDC Regional Development Council RDP Regional Development Plan RIAMCO Rizal Inter-agency Migrant Coordinating Office SC-IMD Subcommittee on International Migration and Development SIDC Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative SLEX South Luzon Express Way SLO Special Livelihood Office SMERA Small and Medium Enterprises Roving Academy SPES Special Program for the Employment of Students SSS Social Security System STAR Southern Arterial Road TESDA Technical Education and Skills Development Authority TOT Training of Trainers TWG Technical Working Group UAE United Arab Emirates ULAP Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines UNDP United Nations Development Program UP ISSI University of the Philippines Institute of Small Scale Industries URS University of Rizal System USA United States of America LIST OF CHARTS, TABLES, DIAGRAMS CHARTS 1. Percentage of Gross Regional Domestic Product Contribution per Industry 9 2. Percentage of OFWs in the Philippines from CALABARZON from 2010 to 2014 11 3. Number of Land-Based and Sea-Based OFWs per CALABARZON Province 11 4. Male and Female OFWs per Province in CALABARZON 12 5. Top Ten Destination Countries of OFWs from CALABARZON from 2012-2014 13 6. Estimated Remittances per Province for 2013 in Billions of Pesos 14 7. Number OFWs vis-a-vis Remittances per Province 14 8. Type of Employment of OFWs from 2012-2014 15 9. Top Sending Municipalities of Laguna, based OWWA 4A 2015 Data 47 (Male vs. Female) 10. Top Sending Municipalities of Laguna, based on OWWA 4A 2015 Data 47 (Land-based vs. Sea-based) 11. Top Destination Countries of OFs from Laguna 61 12. Result of Survey conducted by SPES Participants 61 (Number of OFs and returnees) 13. Top Sending Municipalities of Batangas, based on OWWA 4A 2015 Data 67 (Land-based vs. Sea-based) 14. Top Sending Municipalities of Batangas, based on OWWA 4A 2015 Data 67 (Male vs. Female) 15. Top Sending Municipalities of Cavite, based on OWWA IV-A 2015 Data 81 (Land-Based vs. Sea-based) 16. Top Sending Municipalities of Cavite, based on OWWA IV-A 2015 Data 81 (Male vs. Female) 17. Top Sending Municipalities of Quezon (Land-based vs. Sea-based) 100 18. Top Sending Municipalities of Quezon (Male vs. Female) 100 LIST OF CHARTS, TABLES, DIAGRAMS TABLES 1. List of Economic Resources and Potential Industries per Province 10 2. Top Ten Destination Countries of OFWs from CALABARZON 12 3. List of Programs for OFWS by Province 16 4. Mainstreaming Migration and Development in Local Governance Roadmap 28 5. List of Local Ordinances and/or Resolutions passed by Provincial Governments of CALABAR- 37 ZON 6. Summary of Local M&D Thrust and Designated M&D Focal Offices in the Provincial Govern- 40 ments of CALABARZON 7. List of National Agencies with Data on OFW Profile Dimensions 42 8. Overview of Migration and Development initiatives in Laguna from 2009-2015 49-52 9. Top Sending Municipalities of Batangas, based on OWWA 4A 2015 Data 67 10. Overview of Migration and Development initiatives in Batangas from 2009-2015 70-72 11. Top Sending Municipalities of Cavite, based on OWWA IV-A 80 2015 Data 12. Overview of Migration and Development initiatives in Cavite from 84-86 2009-2015 13. Number of Land-based and Sea-Based OFWs in CALABARZON by Province, based on 88 OWWA IV-A 2015 Data 14. Summary of Provincial Orders Passed relating to Migration and Development 90 15. Overview of capacity development activities attended Cavite 95 OFW Council members 16. Overview of Migration and Development initiatives in Quezon from 2014-2015 102-104 DIAGRAMS 1. Proposed Cavite M&D Resource Center Organizational Structure 89 2. Rizal Committee on Migration and Development (CMD) Organization Structure 113 MAINSTREAMING MIGRATION & DEVELOPMENT IN LOCAL GOVERNANCE: Roadmap for Local Governments, and Experiences from Region 4A-CALABARZON CHAPTER 1: OVERVIEW OF THE SUMMID- who are increasingly being aware of the magnitude of this issue. One of the earliest advocates in the region CALABARZON PROJECT of bringing migration and development (M&D) in the forefront of public and private convergence initiatives is RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives Inc.2, or Atikha, a non- government organization based In the Philippines, Region 4A or CALABARZON—an in in San Pablo City, Laguna. Among Atikha’s initiatives acronym for the provinces of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, are: (1) building the capacity of the local government and Rizal, and Quezon—is a major sending region of civil society (both locally and internationally through the overseas Filipinos (OFs). CALABARZON is the top migrant leaders in Italy, UAE, and Qatar) in addressing the sending region in the country with roughly 422,280 social cost of migration and maximizing its development migrant workers abroad or 18.4 percent of the country’s impact; (2) doing advocacy work for the involvement of 2,295,000 OF population.1
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