Irish World Championships Team 1993 Eileen Loughman, Eadaoin Morrisb, Una Creagh, Darina Cunnane, Julie Cleary; Colm O'Halloran, James Logue, Bill Edwards, Steven Linton, Jobn Feeban. The Irish Orienteer isavail- THE IRISH ORIENTEER able through all Irish orien- USEFUL ADDRESS LIST teering clubs. AU material The Irish Orienteer concerning orienteering will No.66 November - December 1993 ISSN 0790-1194 Tara Horan, 17 Mounl Pleasant Place, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 (01-964663) AJAX ORJENTEERS be gratefully received by the Ellen Feehan, Scarleen Lr., Newmarket, Co. Cork. BLACKWATER VALLEY oc Editor, John McCullough, 9 The International Front Rita Sheehan, Killeendaniel, Whlle<:hurch, Co. Cork (021·301457) CORK ORIENTEERS Arran Road, Drumcondra, Eileen Loughman, 169 Monread Heights, Naas, Co. Kildare (045-79780) It is November and the rash or international competitions is over. The CURRAOH.foIAAS ORIENTEERS Dublin 9, World Championships.the World Junior Championships, the European Junior DUBUN UNVERSITY 0 Mary Blrken, Box 67, Regont House, TCD, Dublin 2. John de Lacy, 9 Heather qrove, Marlay Wood, Dublin 16. Match and the three Home Internationals. We've probably bad more people ori- EASTERN COMMAND OC enteering on Irish teams this year than ever before, so where do we stand? FERMANAOH ORIENTEERS GeN)' Kingston, 'Cranagh', Croaghrln, Floreno800urt, Co. Fermanagh BT92 1BJ. Subscriptions: still only Frank Flood, 1 Brookdale Green, RlllerValley, Swords, Co. Dublin (01-8408362) In the World Olampionships the results were reasonable, in the Home ANOAL ORIENTEERS £6.50 per annum (six is- Tony Joyce, Llndisfame, Bishopslown, Cork (021-541246). Internationals they weredisappointing. 'This is not to say that the team members FORMER UCCO sues). OREAT EASTERN NAVIOATORS Nora Lalor, 6 Knoekslnna Grove, Foxroek, DubSn 18 (01-2893497) were at fault: at the woe Relays the men and women both finished 18th, beating KERRY ORIENTEERS Rory Costek>, 14 Manor Court, Manor VlNage, Tralee, Co. KeN)'. (06&25532) · 1 countries wbo have previously beaten usand Steven Linton's 50th place was KEVIN ST. ORIENTEERS Eoln Dunne, Studen!s' Union, Coil, 01 Technology, Kevin SI., Dublin 8. (01-2698489) • Next TIO Copy Date is. good. While ourperfonnances are improving, so is everybody else: we have to LAOAN VALLEY ORIENTEERS Alan Gartside, 22 Orrrlslon Drive, BeHast BT4 3JS (011-0232·655065). • December 20th • keep running to stay in the same place, LEE ORIENTEERS Clare Nuttall, 4 Upr. Panorama Toe., Sunday's Well, Cork (021-300373) ••••••••••••• Without serious efforts to fu nd our athletes to train and compete abroad LEtNSTER SCHOOLS' OA Eveleen McAuley, 19 The Nurseries, KHlern.y Road, Bray, Co. Wlcklow. (01·2828308). Cover: Eileen Loughman at we cannot hope to compete successfully at international level. Exposure to Mary Young, L1HIe Killary Advenlure cenne, Salruok, Renvyle, Co. Galway (096·43411). UTTLE KILLARY OC the last control in the Relay at complex terrain and to top level (llCCS are vital if we are to succeed, Tbe 1994 Breda D",Iy, Cameloon, Ballydengan, Co. RoscollY"nOn (0905·73502) World Cup series, the World Student Championsbips and the World Junior PHOENIX NAVIOATOR!! her 10th World Champion- NORTH WEST OC Moureen Loughert, 39.Moyola Ave., Caotle Dawson BT45 8BA, Co. Derry (08·0648· Championships are our gateway to the World Championships. Without exposure 68602). ships in October. to stiff international competition we will be complacent, living in our own little SETANTA ORIENTEERS Jocalyn Calhalln, 36 Taney Road, Dundrum, Dublin 14 (01·2985799) cocoon with others of our own standard. In the past I have felt that the efforts of SOUTHERN ORIENTEERS Kevin O'Dwyer, 2 Weilingion Villas, MUhort Hili, Cork (021.506740) CONTRNTS many Irish orienteers was just to mnke it onto the ream. I don't (Junk that is tile New· .. 4 THOMOND ORIENTEERS Alan Shaw, Innlsmore, 40 College Park, Corbally, Limerick (061·343959) ses World Own", Report 8 case any longer. We now bave more top class younger orienteers coming THREE ROCK OC Vera Murtegh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure, Dublin 6w (01·908237). 1993 Mountalo ManolhOl1l IS through, whose skill, commitment and determination will being them to the top, 93 ""p & rou~1 18 UCC ORIENTEERS Aileen Mead, PE OI1loe, UCC, College Road, Cork. woe if they get our support. F,.nellS-Day 21 C.rlyn Dunney, Box 55, Arts Block, 8eijleld, Dublin 4. UCD ORIENTEERS Senior Home Inlematlonal 2J The Irish international squad bas been operating in tbeshadows for too UCO ORIENTEERS Sille Baxter, clo Porter's Desk, Concourse, University College, Galway. Club Newl 2.j Rotulls 26 long. Let's get them out in the open: they need to sell themselves to the rest of WATERFORD ORIENTE.ERS Veronica PurceM, Lodge's Lane, New10wn Hili, Tramore, Co. Waterlord. I'I~IU". 34 us.lbey rely on us for support, weareinterested in whattbey aredoing.1t should Flnola O'Donoghue, House 01 Sport, Longmlle Road, Dublin 12. (01·569099) IRISH O-ASSOCIATION bensymbiotic relationship: they giveus.and particularly thejuniors, something Deirdre Ryan, Regional Technical College 00, Dublin Road, Galway IRISH 0-8TUDENTS' ASSOCIATION Why not write for The I to aspire to and we are bappy to help tbem, to run training sessions or assist with Myra Patterson, Oak Bank, Mount Prospeol, Dorrylln, Co. Fermanagh, BT020LS. NORTHERN IRELAND OA Irish Orlenteerv fund raislng. BRmSH O-FEDERATION RlveNidale, Dale Road North, Darley Dale, Mollock, Derbyshire DE4 2HX (0044-629- I 734042, FAX 0044-629·733769). On a related topic, it was extraordinary to see the number of people out INTERNATIONAL <>-FEDERATION Lenn",t Levin, Box 76, S·191 21 SoIlentuna, Sweden (00-46·11-353455, FAX 00·46- Results and articles can in Irish team O-suits at tile Senior Home International in October, particularly 8357169) now be accepted on most at the Relays. It was difficult to teU when a genuine Irish team was corni ng. I was TIOUN ADVENTURE CENTRE Adrrlnlslralor: Maeve McPherson, Tiglln, Ashlord, Co. WlckJow (0404-40169). shocked a couple of years ago to see an Irish team orienteering suit being worn forms of floppy disk from at an ordinary event, now il seems quite common. Iknow that I am not alone in commonly used computers, finding this objectionable: I think it diminishes the honour of running for your Remember: 24 hour fixtures information on 01-569099 although preferably Mac's. country and devalues the fact of beings elected. Do you ever see rugby players, Especially results! hockey players or athletes competing in Irish colours except at representative For further information on orienteering, contact the Irish Orienteering Association, c/o AF AS, matches? Certainly not. Printed by Denlon Prlnl, Dundrum, House of Sport, Long Mile Road, Dublin 12 (Phone 01-509845/501633/569099) Dublin 14 (01·2988944). Let's stop it now. Wearyour Irish orienteering suit or top with pride but on the appropriate occasion. Let the lOA or F10A have the Ovsuits back after r Cover Photo your competition so that they'll be available to the next team and wear your own Full details of the 1993 World Championships with maps and results in £20 to you if you supply the Ovsuit the rest of the time. Witb Irish O-suits being worn at every local event, '" cover photo for TIO! Black & wben the big occasion comes along tile state of the old and torn O·suits is Orienteering World white or colour, preferably appalling. Let's give the representative teamstracksuits, badges or T-shirts that the journal of the International Orienteering Federation about S'x 7' or larger. they can wear to proclaim that they were honoured to run for their country but available from The Irish Orienteer, 9 Arran Road, Dublin 9. let's keep the O-suits for the big ones, tbe representative internationals. To be Published in English, six issues per year, only IR£13. .. selected to ron for Ireland is a very great honour, Let's treat it as such. 2 The Irish Orienteer The Irish Orienteer 3 FIXTURES CHANGES M19'SATIT AGAIN • that you have competed abroad several times, O·BITS The AJAX Leinster League event planned for Following on Marcus Pinker's great win in the Six preferably in different countries or have other Raven's Rock on December 5th has been changed Nations International event at Epping Forest on broad international experience, WORLD CUP 94 No, the real one! If you would toCloghleagh, near Manor Kilbride, Co. Wicklow 19th September, Cork 0 clubrnate Brian Creedon ... that you be competent in English or German, like to be considered for selection for the 1994 as the new extended Raven's Rock map won't be won the Ml9 class at the Merthyr Common Na- and World Cup races please apply to Alan Gartside. 22 ready until the Spring. An event there is planned tional Event in south Wales on October 24th with ... that you be familiar with the following IOF Ormiston Drive, Belfast BT4 3JS, if possible be- publications: for May 8th next instead. Marcus in second place a scant 9 seconds down and fore the end of November 1993. The Setanta event at Ballinascorney on February more than two minutes clear of the rest of the field. Rules for International Osevents, 6th will be replaced by one at Hellfire Wood. Marcus has been based in Norway during the past International Specification fcr Osmaps, VIDEO NASTlES If you know the whereabouts year and has his sights set on next year's World Control Descriptions, of the three Leinster orienteering instructional video VETERANS TEAM THIRD Junior Championships and no doubt on the 1995 Principles of Course Planning tapes made by Silva, please get in touch with Jane The current list of IOF Licensed Controllers has STOP PRESS! Irish Vets finish third in Veteran World Championships in Germany.
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