Всички цитати Звено: ( ИФХ ) Институт по физикохимия „Академик Ростислав Каишев” Година: 2015 ÷ 2015 Брой цитирани публикации: 576 Брой цитиращи източници: 1762 1959 1. Scheludko, A., Exerowa, D., Uber den elektrostatischen Druck in Schaumfilmen aus wasserigen Elektrolytlosungen. Kolloid-Zeitschrift, 165, 2, Springer-Verlag, 1959, ISSN:0303402X, DOI:10.1007/BF01809974, 148 - 151 Цитира се в: 1. Danov, K.D., Kralchevsky, P.A., Radulova, G.M., Basheva, E.S., Stoyanov, S.D., Pelan, E.G., Shear rheology of mixed protein adsorption layers vs their structure studied by surface force measurements, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science 222, 148-161 (2015) 1960 2. Scheludko, A., Exerowa, D., Uber den elektrostatischen und van der Waalsschen zusatzlichen Druck in wasserigen Schaumfilmen. Kolloid-Zeitschrift, 168, 1, Springer-Verlag, 1960, ISSN:0303402X, DOI:10.1007/BF01513550, 24 - 28 Цитира се в: 2. Dhayal, S.K., Delahaije, R.J.B.M., De Vries, R.J., Gruppen, H., Wierenga, P.A., Enzymatic cross-linking of α-lactalbumin to produce nanoparticles with increased foam stability, Soft Matter, 11 (40), pp. 7888-7898 (2015) 3. Peng, T., Peng, K., Li, Q., Methodology for disjoining pressure of free water nanofilms, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (25), pp. 14273-14280 (2015) 1969 3. Kashchiev, D., Nucleation at variable supersaturation. Surface Science, 18, 2, 1969, ISSN:396028, 293 - 297 Цитира се в: 4. M.A.Duran-Olivencia, J.F.Lutsko, Mesoscopic nucleation theory for confined systems: A one- parameter model, Phys.Rev. E 91(2015)022402. 5. MA Durán-Olivencia, JF Lutsko, Unification of classical nucleation theories via unified Ito- Stratonovich stochastic equation, Phys.Rev. E 92(2015)032407. 4. Kashchiev, D., Nucleation at existing cluster size distributions. Surface Science, 18, 2, 1969, ISSN:396028, 389 - 397 Цитира се в: page 1/165 6. NS Yuritsyn, Influence of preformed nuclei on crystal nucleation kinetics in soda–lime–silica glass, J.Non-Cryst.Solids 427(2015)139. 5. Exerowa, D., "Effect of adsorption, ionic strength and pH on the potential of the diffuse electric layer?. Kolloid-Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift f?r Polymere, 232, 1, Steinkopff-Verlag, 1969, ISSN:0303402X, DOI:10.1007/BF01500168, 703 - 710 Цитира се в: 7. Lech, F.J., Wierenga, P.A., Gruppen, H., Meinders, M.B.J., Stability properties of surfactant- free thin films at different ionic strengths: Measurements and modeling, Langmuir, 31 (9), pp. 2777-2782 (2015) 6. Kashchiev, D., Solution of the non-steady state problem in nucleation kinetics. Surface Science, 14, 1, 1969, ISSN:396028, 209 - 220 Цитира се в: 8. L.S.A.Gallo, T.D.M.Mosca, B.H.Teider, I.Polyakova, A.C.M.Rodrigues, E.D.Zanotto, V.M.Fokin, “Effects of lithium oxide on the crystallization kinetics of Na< sub> 2 O• 2CaO• 3SiO< sub> 2 glass”, J.Non-Cryst.Sol. 408(2015)102. 9. Chr.N.Nanev, “Theory of Nucleation”, in: “Handbook of Crystal Growth”, Ed. T.Nishinaga, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2015, p.315. 10. NS Yuritsyn, Nucleation of crystals in sodium-calcium-silicate glasses of the metasilicate section, Glass Phys.Chem. 41(2015)112. 11. A.V.Mokshin, B.N.Galimzyanov, Scaling law for crystal nucleation time in glasses, J.Chem.Phys. 142 (2015)104502. 12. S Kruger, J Deubener, Lag time to crystal nucleation of supercooled lithium disilicate melts: A test of the classical nucleation theory, J.Non-Crys.Sol. 426(2015)1. 13. CN Nanev, VD Tonchev, Sigmoid kinetics of protein crystal nucleation, J.,Cryst.Growth 427(2015)48. 14. NS Yuritsyn, Influence of preformed nuclei on crystal nucleation kinetics in soda–lime–silica glass, J.Non-Cryst.Solids 427(2015)139. 1972 7. Rashkov, St., Stoichev, D., Tomov, I., Influence of Current Density and Temperature on the Morphology and Preferred Orientation of Electrodeposited Copper Coatings. Electrochimica Acta, 17, 11, Elsevier, 1972, ISSN:0013-4686, DOI:10.1016/0013-4686(72)80020-3, 1955 - 1964. SJR:1.288, ISI IF:4.504 Цитира се в: 15. М. Г. Георгиева, “Безтоково отлагане на медни композитни покрития върху полимерни подложки”, Дисертация, “Доктор”, ИФХ-БАН, София 8. Markov, I., Kashchiev, D., Nucleation on active centres. I. General theory. Journal of Crystal Growth, 16, 2, 1972, ISSN:220248, DOI:10.1016/0022-0248(72)90109-1, 170 - 176 Цитира се в: 16. ND Nikolic, ER Ivanovic, G Brankovic, UC Lacnjevac, SI Stevanovic, JS Stevanovic, MG Pavlovic, Electrochemical and Crystallographic Aspects of Lead Granular Growth, page 2/165 Metall.Mater.Trans. B 46(2015)1760. 9. Kashchiev, D., Nucleation in external electric field. Journal of Crystal Growth, 13-14, C, 1972, ISSN:220248, DOI:10.1016/0022-0248(72)90074-7, 128 - 130 Цитира се в: 17. P.Hicher, R.Haumont, R.Saint-Martin, P.Berthet, A.Revkolevschi, “Experimental evidence that a high electric field acts as an efficient external parameter during crystalline growth of bulk oxide”, J.Cryst.Growth 409(2015)23. 1973 10. Stoichev, D., Rashkov, St., Effect of Some Addends on the Electrolytic Deposition and Structure of Copper Coatings from Acid Solutions. Compt. Rand. Acad. Bulg.Sci, 26, 1973, 243 - 246 Цитира се в: 18. М. Г. Георгиева, “Безтоково отлагане на медни композитни покрития върху полимерни подложки”, Дисертация, “Доктор”, ИФХ-БАН, София (Юли, 2015 г.). 1974 11. Manev, E., Scheludko, A., Exerowa, D., Effect of surfactant concentration on the critical thicknesses of liquid films. Colloid and Polymer Science Kolloid Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift f?r Polymere, 252, 8-Jul, Steinkopff-Verlag, 1974, ISSN:0303402X, DOI:10.1007/BF01558157, 586 - 593 Цитира се в: 19. Deng, Q., Li, H., Li, C., Lv, W., Li, Y. 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Izestiya po Khimiya B’lgarska AN, 9, 1976, 633 - 652 Цитира се в: 22. М. Г. Георгиева, “Безтоково отлагане на медни композитни покрития върху полимерни подложки”, Дисертация, “Доктор”, ИФХ-БАН, София (Юли, 2015 г.). 1977 15. Gutzow, I., The mechanism of crystal growth in glass forming systems. Journal of Crystal Growth, 42, C, 1977, ISSN:220248, DOI:10.1016/0022-0248(77)90172-5, 15 - 23. ISI IF:1.698 Цитира се в: 23. J. Gerges, F. Affouard, Predictive Calculation of the Crystallization Tendency of Model Pharmaceuticals in the Supercooled State from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119, 33 (2015) 10768-10783. 1978 16. Stoychev, D., Tomov, I., Vitanova, I., Rashkov, St., Determination of the size of the crystallites that form bright galvanic copper coatings. Surface Technology, 7, 6, Elsevier, 1978, ISSN:03764583, DOI:10.1016/0376-4583(78)90021-3, 433 - 441 Цитира се в: 24. I Djaghout, AM Affoune, ML Chelaghmia and M. Bendjaballah, Experimental Investigation of Nickel Electrodeposits Brightness in the Presence of Surfactants: Modeling, Optimization and Polarization Studies, Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta , 33(4), 209-222, 2015 25. М. Г. Георгиева, “Безтоково отлагане на медни композитни покрития върху полимерни подложки”, Дисертация, “Доктор”, ИФХ-БАН, София 17. Stoychev, D.S., Vitanova, I., Rashkov, St., Vitanov, T., Adsorption of substances acting as brighteners in the electrolytic deposition of copper. Surface Technology, 7, 6, 1978, ISSN:0257-8972, DOI:10.1016/0376-4583(78)90020-1, 427 - 432. SJR:0.96, ISI IF:1.998 Цитира се в: 26. T. HERNANDEZ-SELVA, D. L. ENGELBERG, F. SCENINI, D. FOX AND A. MCCLUSKY, Manufacturing technology for implementing geological disposal: electroforming of copper canisters, Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 79(6), pp. 1521–1528, 2015 27. I. Djaghout , A. M. Affoune , M. L. Chelaghmia and M. 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