TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE “BEAUTIFUL BLUNDER” IN RIBBONS AT JONN HICKS’. The Clinton Republican. VOL. XL1II.-NO. to. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1898. WHOLE NO. 2,245. our band and think there is no other BUSINESS LOCALS. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. like it. Capt. A. J. VanEppsaud Private M. J. liny Carpets at John Hicks'. Ilotufnnl House lilt During Saturday's Bentiy, of Co. G. 33d, Mich. Vol., of Grand Clearing Sale Storm. Owosso, have been appointed recruiting The Wm. Botsford house, opposite the officers to assist in recruiting up the Of every trimmed and uutritmued hat iu our store at prices greatly reduced, jail, was struck by lightning Saturday companies of the regiment to the full j A Class of Eleven Will Graduate—Six With “A” Certificates. Jay Williams, of St. Johns, On His limit of 106 men. Major Nancrede has j something like this, 5oc hats at 25c, etc. afternoon, tearing a hole about four feet been appointed chief surgeon of the ! We want the room aud money, henc* square through the roof, and blowing Way To Manilla. third division of the second corps, also i this great slaughter sale. the front of the grate off. It also acting chief surgeon of the first division. Boucher it Putsch . A H MilllC tt STAN DARI) \\ II.I. I»K ti KOI IKED NEXT YKAK. The Michigan congressmen are showing | loosened some siding, melted the paint I.allies I*. K. I*tiIT Ties at John Itlcka’. the soldiers from their state every at- j off the eve trough, and made some holes Wiu. Rogers knives aud folks for $2.10 DKSCRIHKS HIS TKI1* FROM ATLANTA tention. As Co. G. will have a full limit | THE CLASS. iu the chimney. Julia /.ell was the only of 106 men 1st Sergt. W. E. Gardner will at Allison's jewelery store. o._cupant of the house at the time, and TO THK (iOLIlEN GATE. be appointed third lieutenent. tft anted was severely shocked being rendered W. E G ardner , ENGLISH COURSE. 1st. Sergt. Co. G., .'k’W. Second hand heating stoves, aim LATIN COURES. unconscious for a time. The loss was pay cash for rags, copper, zinc, lead covered by insurance. Camp Merritt, San Francisco , Cal . I.icu tent lit O. I.. Spaulding Jr. and rubber, Faxon A Richmond block, .Frances M. Church. Glenn R. Hathaway* June Iff, 1898. 8 a. m. Sunday. O. L. Spaulding, Jr, has been appoint Wm. Ckich . .Bernice M. Skinner. ! Edgar B. I^ice. THE REVENUE LAW. Dear Parents: I suppose by this ed a second lieutenant in the army. Physic weakens. Shredded Wheat >4 time you have received my postal stating Biscuit builds the strong healthy body, I Katherine L. McFarlan. Adah. L. Sturgis. When tin- IiiciTaxnl Tax Will Go Into that I arrived here all right, and am Appoinled a Nurse. brings natural conditions without the feeling well. use of medicine. Call at the exhibit at K fleet. Miss Jessie Crichton, of St. Johns, an cGally M. Smith. L. Eleanor Smith. Tax on manufacturers of mixed Hour Wo left Ft. McPherson last Saturday A. A. Chick's grocery June 27, 28, 29. at 10 p. m. and arrived here Friday at 11 experienced trained nurse, has received takes effort August 12lh. Take Advantage of the Rlbhon Sale. p. m., making a total distance of 2,750 an appointment as an army nurse and Stamp duties take effect July 1st. They will not last long at ENGLISH SCIENTIFIC. miles, over the Southern Pacific railroad. will report at Washington. Tax on tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, The route lays from Atlauta to Mobile, John Hicks ’. N. Marie Blanchard. snuff, etc., on malt and spirituous Ala , to Now Orleans, La., to San Antonio Ileautiful Cut Flowers, and El Paso, Texas, to Yuma, Arizona, liquors took effect Judc 14. CORNER STONE LAYING Flowers for Weddings, Funerals and Fred L. Nichols. to Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cal., and is a very barren road, throe fourths all occasions. Roses and Carnations grown in large quantities. A specialty SCIENTIFIC COURSE. 6 of the distance being desert. When we At Price Next Week Thursday. struck California there wasn't anything of designs tor tuuerais. Prices very The corner stone for the M. E. Church reasonable. Mail and telephone orders IT WHS II " 1 DAY. too good for us at any of the towns we receive prompt attention. Grace C. Emmons. stopped at and at one time we had at Price, will he laid next Thursday at Sunnyside G reen House , six boxes of oranges on our car alone. 12 o ’clock. All former pastors are ex­ North Washington St., Owosso POST GRADUATE—SCI. There were twenty-eight men on the pected to he present. A cordial invita ­ sleeper I was on. 28-tf. Michigan, ’Phone 86. tion is extended. M. Agnes Hope. Sunday at St. Johns Church —The On our arrival here we were left in our Floor paints, all the light shades, at sleeper until morning, then taken from Hunt ’s Drug Stork . Oakland across the bay by way of ferry Th« past year has been a successful Robert Morris took a darkey part to per ­ Debt is Paid. NO USE FOR THEM. to San Francisco, a distance of five mile,s Untrimmed Hats at a great reduction one in St. Johns schools. A class of fection, and Luman Warner made a good and marched to the head-quarters of the at Mrs. L. Cankield ’b. eleven will be graduated ton ’ght, and Black Hawk. Oliver Merrill as Abraham Red Cross society, where we were im­ Union Silver Democrats Won ’t Affiliate Willi Gold ling*. Beat Values in Cnrpets at John Hicks’. one more. Authur Laughlin, who has Lincoln, and Harry Fitzgerald as Steven THK CIU'KCH WAS CONSECRATED mediately banqueted by them. It was a dandy affair. Next we were marched The Clinton county union silver-demo ­ completed the course iu three years, A. Douglas, spoke clearly and took their Shredded Wheat Biscuit for the first ANI> A CLASS CONFIRMED from there out to the camp, a distance of crats adopted th 1 following as plank No ■could have graduted, but, was advised time gives the people what they have parts with much credit. The New Eng ­ five miles, through the main streets of 3. in their platform at the county con ­ been looking for, a whole wheat food to continue his studies and take an land home life Beene, and the two the town. vention last week: that actually takes the place of starch additional course another year, and con ­ Upon our arrival at the camp we were made bread and is capable of being southern Beenes were especially good, We hereby express ourselves as un ­ cluded to do so. Next year the standard particularly the singing of the darkey Suuday was a very interesting day for marked off and so many of us were al­ served at meal in a great variety of ways. lowed each company, twenty-six going qualifiedly opposed to any coalitiou with will be raised a little, 90 per cent, being St. Johns church. The new building had Over 140 receipes are contained in a girls. In presenting the diplomas Mr. to mine (M>. We were then immediately the so called gold democrats in their beautiful little cook book given away been paid for, and the Bishop came to efforts to modify or in any way change the lowest standard that will be per ­ Townsend thanked the parents for the assigned, and six of us were put in a tent. with every package of biscuit sold dur­ consecrate it. Rev. Stearns, who had The floors of the tents are composed of the doctrines contained in the platform mitted in English work. Six of this support given him, and asked that they adopted at the Chicago convention. ing the exhibit at A. A. Chick ’s grocery .year's graduates receive “ A " diplomas, continue their earnest support on through labored faithfully in the Held to get the sand. Each company has its own mess. Monday, June 27th, Tuesday 28th, Wed­ work started, and under whose rector­ We thought we had our complete out ­ nesday 29lb. the highest standard, which is a very the high school. fit, but hear that we have to draw one Hralh of Mr*. C. J. Tranchell. ship the corner stone was laid, came good showing. There are 23 or 24 There were 76 pupils enrolled in the brown duck fatigue suit, two white duck Magadalena, wife of Charles J. Trar- Here’s Virtue In Wash Goods. hack from Omaha to witness and take chell. of Bingham tow nship, died Friday, juniors, which probably insure a class of eighth grade last year, with an average suits, one white cork helmet, and one One lot Scotch Dimities, fast colors, part in the Hnal ceremonies Rev. Hall, pair of white canvass shoes. I already aged 86. our regular 8c goods now 5c. One lot nearly 20 next year. The eighth grade attendance for the whole ten months of who succeeded him and carried f irward have oue blouse, one pair pants, two The maiden name of deceased was Organdies, good values at 10c now 8c a will be very full next year. The 74 and six tenths. Only three were tardy blue shirts, two undershirts, two under ­ Magadalena Stagner. She was born in the work to successful completion, came yard; Viscase Fancies 10c; Dotted Swiss primary grade have also been increasing. for the whole time. This is a great drawers, four pair socks, four hander- Belgium in 1811.
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