Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1016 10th Ave. Menominee, MI 49858 Phone: 906-863-5239 Fax: 906-863-2249 Office Hours: M-W 9am - 3pm: Th 9am - 12pm www.holyspiritonline.org Like us on Facebook: Holy Spirit Catholic Church In case of emergency call Fr. Abraham at 906-369-0028 Pastor: Rev. Abraham Mupparathara MCBS [email protected]………………863-5239 Rev. Francis Dobrzenski Senior Priest [email protected] Deacon: Chuck Gervasio [email protected]………..…863-5239 WLCJ Catholic Talk Deacon: Steve Gretzinger Radio 92.5 FM [email protected].…….…863-7460 Listen to the 10:15 Secretary: Ray Brunner Sunday Mass aired live [email protected]..…………..…863-5239 every week. Bookkeeper: Missy Peterson [email protected]……………863-5239 The Weekly Mass Schedule Email .................……[email protected] Weekend Mass Maintenance: Mike Holmes…………...863-5239 Saturday Vigil - 4:00pm House Keeper: Tabitha Stockmann….863-5239 Sunday - 7:30am & 10:15am Weekday Mass Monday - 7:30am Tuesday (Harbors) Mass 3:45pm Wednesday - 7:30am Thursday - 12:10pm Friday - 7:30am Saturday - 7:30am July 26 2020 Pastor’s Page Sev ent eenth Sunday in Ordinary Time My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. The good, the bad, and the treasure Jesus takes the ordinary for his story asking what you would really want never to lose/ asking what your treasure is. Is it money, reputation, locality? I gave up a better job but had time for the family and for love’; words of a young father. We know that parents give up a lot for their children; as do grandparents/ godparents and others. As people we look for what’s most important in life: the love of God; deep and enduring friendships/ success after hard work in school/ commitment to the poor – what cannot be lost and what is worth sacrificing other good things for. Life is a mixture of the good and the bad. There is an old Dublin saying: ‘There’s good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us’. We work for God with the strengths and weaknesses of all we work with. God sows the seed of the gospel in good and bad soil; it bears fruit in its own way wherever it is sown. The treasure is in our people. So much hidden generosity comes out at bad times – floods, power cuts, illness and death. We need always to find the hidden treasures in our own people and even in our history. The kingdom of God is close, near and is within us. Think of what you really value in life. Take time. Give thanks to God for what brings deep joy in life.Thy Kingdom Come, Lord Jesus. (Fr Donal Neary, S.J, Gospel Reflections) This week let us think about the people who gave up many things in their life to make our life better. It can be your husband or wife, parents or children, grandparents or godparents. It can be your siblings, friends or neighbors. It can be a priest, a deacon, a co-worker. It can be any one that we meet every day in our life. Let us thank God for giving that person into our lives. And let us pray for the grace to make the lives of others better by giving up something in our own lives. May God continue to bless our parish family and keep us all in His loving care. With love and prayers, Fr. Abraham, MCBS We pray for all those who are sick, injured or in nursing homes, and those who are being cared for by their loved ones at home or those who receive ongoing treatment for terminal and life-threatening diseases. May God bring them healing and sustain them in hope. Let us pray for… Sally Clements - Jackie Jozwiac - Ken Nimmer. If you would like to add someone to the prayer list please call the Parish office at 906-863-5239. Thank You Mass Intentions Adult Envelopes…………………...…………. $4,484.00 (H)= Holy Spirit (R) = Resurrection (HB) = Harbors Retirement Loose………………………………………….. 192.00 (A) = Atrium Post Acute Care (L) = Luther Home Assumption…………………………………… 2.00 sAtuRDAY, julY 25 Holy Spirit Receipts.………………….….….. $4,678.00 (H) 7:30 am * Ad Intentionem Dantis Receipts Needed to meet Budget……………. $5,483.00 (H) 4:00 pm * Ray Wesoloski - Cider Family Weekly Surplus or (Deficit)…………..….…. (805.00) (R) 4:30 pm * Shasha Plude Orzel—Donna Bemis St. Vincent de Paul……………………………. 10.00 suNDAY, julY 26 World Collection……………………………… 5.00 (H) 7:30 am * Pro Populo UP Catholic…………………………………… 3.00 Total.………………………….. $4,696.00 (R) 8:00 am * Pro Populo (R) 10:00 am * Ralph Sorensen—Wanda & Jim LaLonde Readings for the week of July 26, 2020 (H) 10:15 am * Hank Zane (honor of birthday) Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129- - sandy Patz 130 [97a]/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46 sanctuary light (H) * People of Holy spirit Monday: Jer 13:1-11/Dt 32:18-19, 20, 21 [cf. 18a]/Mt 13:31-35 - Minh Do Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [9]/Mt 13:36-43 Sanctuary Light (R) * For End of the Pandemic Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 MONDAY, julY 27 [2]/Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 (H) 7:30 am * janice Vanitvelt Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab [5a]/Mt 13:47-53 - Dewey & Kim Bellisle Friday: Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14 [14c]/Mt 13:54-58 (R) 8:30 am * NO MASS Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34 [14c]/Mt tuEsDAY, julY 28 14:1-12 (R) 8:30 am * Eugene Janquart—JPII School Next Sunday: Is 55:1-3/Ps 145:8-9, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 16]/Rom (HB) 3:45 pm * Wayne Williams 8:35, 37-39/Mt 14:13-21 - Dick & Peggy Menuier WEDNEsDAY, julY 29 (H) 7:30 am * Dave Behnke - gignac’s & Anderla’s Liturgical Ministers (R) 6:00 pm * Florence Beland—The Beckley Family August 1-2 tHuRsDAY, julY 30 4:00 pm 7:30 am 10:15 am (R) 8:30 am * Gerald Menard—Laura Hornick (H) 12:10 pm * Donna Oreshoski Altar Servers - Dewey & Kim Bellisle FRIDAY, julY 31 (H) 7:30 am * Hank Zane - tom & Mary tickler (R) 8:30 am * Mitchel Thorpe—The Beckley Family s Readers sAtuRDAY, August 1 Missy Peterson Val LeBoeuf Tim Gardner (H) 7:30 am * Ad Intentionem Dantis (R) 8:30 am Intentions of the Blessed Mother —The Bemis Family Extraordinary Ministers of Communion (H) 4:00 pm * Khay Do & Ngoan Nguyen Sue Ellie Pete Mayhew Jay Kenney & Do Family - Minh Do (R) 4:30 pm * Vi LaLuzerne—Nancy suNDAY, August 2 Ushers / Greeters (H) 7:30 am * Pro Populo Dick Frisque Joe Lauer Jim Cole (R) 8:00 am * Pro Populo Dave Frisque Bill Plemel (R) 10:00 am * Lyle Lange—Wally & Kathleen Shier (H) 10:15 am * joshua Mathieu - tim & Anne gardner sanctuary light (H) * joseph Wood - Monica Crandall Sanctuary Light (R) * Bob Liberty—The Ball’s You may still register for the 2020-21 school year. Please visit www.thomas-aquinas.org for registration information and forms. If you 2701 17th Street / Phone: 906-863-3190 have any questions, please contact the office Website.......….www.jpiicatholicacademy.org at 715-735-7481 to leave a message and Office Hour someone will return your call. Summer office hours for the Office hours are Monday through Friday 11 am to 2 pm. If Middle/High Campus are on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 8 items need to be dropped off outside of those hours, please a.m. to Noon beginning July 7. The Elementary Campus drop them in the yellow drop-box outside the academy. will not be open during the summer. Please contact the Scrip Orders office at 715-735-7481 with any questions. We wish We are still placing Scrip orders at the Academy! Please call everyone a safe and happy summer! Please stay tuned for us for our next ordering date! We also have several cards on- updates throughout the summer. hand in the office. 10 Understanding the Mass 52 Club Winners this week of 7-14-20 I will go to the Altar of God Judy & Dave Ebsch Menominee, MI $100.00 The altar, a sign of Christ himself, occupies the Chuck & Pam Duvall Menominee, MI $ 25.00 holiest place in the church. Roberta Janes Marinette, WI $ 10.00 Here is the true high place where the sacrifice of Christ is continually offered in mystery; here perfect praise is given to you; here our redemption is set forth. Attention: We will be having a Mass on every Here is made ready the table of the Lord Saturday morning at 7:30 am. where your children are refreshed by the Body of Christ and gathered into the Church one and holy. Here your faithful drink deeply of the Spirit Saints of the week from the streams of water flowing from Christ the spiritual rock; through Him they themselves July 27: Blessed Antonio Lucci become a holy oblation, a living altar July 28: Blessed Stanley Rother (Preface of the Mass for the Dedication of an July 29: Saint Martha Altar).. Gestures of reverence express this significance of July 30: Saint Peter Chrysologus the altar and impress it upon us; the profound bow, July 31: Saint Ignatius of Loyola the kiss, and incensation.
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