MAP Cross-Border N° Centrope STATISTICS Newsletter 8 June 2017 Contents Municipality Data for Municipality-level data makes CentropeSTATIS- TICS a unique service the Centrope Region Regions and Districts of the Czech Republic Municipality-level data makes Slovak regions in figures Soon to come: “Muni- CentropeSTATISTICS a unique service cipality comparison” in Various websites from CentropeSTATISTICS Region NUTS 2 NUTS 3 LAU 2 national statistical offices or Austrian part 1 11 767 pan-European institutions -of -+-+-+-+-+-+- Czech part **2 3 2 000 fer regional statistics. How- Hungarian part *1 2 399 ever, these datasets only refer **2 2 340 CentropeMAP Slovak part CentropeSTATISTICS to hierarchical levels NUTS 2 Centrope 6 18 3 506 Cross-Border or NUTS 3. CentropeSTATIS- * region only partly covered by Centrope, ** one of two regions only partly covered by Centrope Newsletter TICS is the only cross-border database with an emphasis on ministrative districts. ity) tend to arise rather quick- municipal-level datasets. The former NUTS levels 4 ly. Data must therefore be se- Edition no. 08 June 2017 The NUTS classification of and 5 were renamed in LAU lected very carefully to obtain territorial units for statistics 1 and 2 (local administrative a high level of data quality -+-+-+-+-+-+- (abbrev. NUTS – nomenclature units) in 2003. However, the across the border while at the des unités territoriales statis- term “local administrative same time respecting privacy CentropeMAP tiques) was developed by the unit” is deceptive for LAU 1 re- regulation in all four Centrope CentropeSTATISTICS European Union as a geocode gions in particular because in partner countries. is a cooperation project standard for referencing the many countries, these regions Local data provide a more of subdivisions of countries for do not have national admin- detailed view on a region. The statistical purposes. NUTS lev- istrational equivalents. LAU 2 Centrope region (as defined els range from NUTS 0 (whole regions are usually equal to in CentropeSTATISTICS) com- member state) to NUTS 3. In municipalities. prises 3 506 municipalities most countries, the NUTS re- Providing municipal-level and therefore provides infor- gions match national territo- data is not always an easy task mation with high explanatory rial boundaries – for example, because in countries with a power even in large scales like www.centropemap.org kraje (CZ, SK) and megyék (HU) small municipality size, such as 1:25 000 or 1:10 000. are equal to NUTS 3 regions the Czech Republic, problems DI Clemens Beyer, whereas in Austria NUTS 3 re- with data confidentiality (small CentropeMAP team, gions consist of groups of ad- population size per municipal- e-mail: [email protected] All datasets, maps, charts and illustrations in this newsletter are either part of the web portal www. centropemap.org or are courtesy of the statistical offices of the Czech Re- public, Hungary, Slovakia, Burgenland, Lower Aus- tria and Vienna. Any redistribution of this newsletter is highly ap- preciated! Imprint: Planungsgemeinschaft Ost Rockhgasse 6/3, 1010 Wien [email protected] No responsibility for correctness. Map: Comparison between population density map on LAU 2 and NUTS 3 levels. CentropeMAP/CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Newsletter Nr. 08 June 2017 Regions and Districts of the Czech Republic The Czech Statistical -Of Users may choose infor- fice annually releases an ex- mation from various statis- tensive electronic publication tical domains, but data can called “Regions of the Czech also be displayed directly in Republic”, which is a direct a simple graph or cartogram. output of the public database Explanatory notes on meth- (VDB). Data on regions are ods are attached displayed in two configura- The publication “Districts tions: chronologically by re- of the Czech Republic” is an- gion, and as an inter-regional other direct output of the comparison. VDB database. Its basic layout In addition, the VDB data- is different, but it also offers base allows users to vary the a number of statistical data, different table parameters mainly at district level (LAU 1), (territory, time, or detail of with the option of parameter data). Not only NUTS 3 level selection in individual tables. is available, but also LAU 2 Most data can be displayed in (municipalities) and selected simple cartograms. data for NUTS 2. Each chart can be exported into several Jan Honner, formats, including metadata Czech Statistical Office, related to each figure. e-mail: [email protected] Web links: Regions: https://www.czso.cz/csu/czso/regions-of-the-czech-republic-2015 Districts: https://www.czso.cz/csu/czso/districts-of-the-czech-republic-2015 MAP Multi-language website: Centrope STATISTICS German, English, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian www.centropemap.org CentropeMAP/CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Newsletter Nr. 08 June 2017 2 Slovak regions in figures “Our regions” is an analytical and PR publication that characterises development tendencies in Slovak regions on the basis of selected statistical indicators for the last five years with new visual elements, graphs and short analytical texts. character in previous years, the publication has undergone visu- al and content changes. The new visual elements used improve the readability of the statistical data as such and make it easier to see connections between the statistical domains. Graphical elements are supplemented by short analytical texts. What are the development The Statistical Office of the paths of the Slovak regions? Slovak Republic has published What is their relative position in the new brochure „Our regions“. Slovakia? The reader becomes Its aim is to present Slovak familiar with the Slovak Repub- regions (kraje) through selected lic through facts and figures and statistical data on demographic, finds answers to questions. The social and economic develop- publication is downloadable free ment in the last five years. Com- of charge from the website of pared to products of regional the Slovak Statistical Office. Map (left): The 8 regions (kraje) of the Slovak Republic. Chart (above): Population development 2011–2015. Text source: http://www.statistics.sk Web link: https://slovak.statistics.sk/PortalTraffic/fileServlet?Dokum ent=2fa5657f-3b3a-4fda-9b5d-4d0bc6411208 Soon to come: “Municipality comparison” in CentropeSTATISTICS Every national statisti- extended by a municipal- pality comparison function are All charts and tables are cal office provides informa- ity comparison tool. It will taken from our cross-border displayed as time series so tion called “municipality at be available as an additional database. A number of tables they show all changes at a a glance” or similar on their function besides map and and indicators will be shown glance. As all datasets are websites. CentropeSTATIS- chart creation. It is an easy- and can be selected for dis- homogenised, all data can be TICS will follow suit soon; to-use function with only two play with checkboxes. In par- compared directly. the unique value added that major steps: ticular, the new municipality Semi-annual meetings of makes CentropeSTATISTICS (1) Select municipalities: comparison function will also the national experts of the outstanding is that all num- The municipality selection allow users to create user-de- CentropeSTATISTICS partners bers and figures can be com- works in the same way as fined regions by aggregating ensure high data quality and pared within the Centrope with chart creation – you can municipalities. Data are then homogeneous definitions for region. Municipalities can be search by municipality codes displayed for the selected re- cross-border analyses. compared with each other or municipality names. gion. Data are automatically DI Clemens Beyer, across national boundaries. (2) Select the data to be contrasted with comparative CentropeMAP team, The CentropeSTATISTICS displayed (indicators and figures like NUTS 3, Centrope, e-mail: [email protected] standard user interface is years): All data for the munici- or country averages. CentropeMAP/CentropeSTATISTICS Cross-Border Newsletter Nr. 08 June 2017 .
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