§»au ÌFrattrisru O ln iH a ìip r “The one gay publication that cannot be bought” San Francisco’s only Tri-Weekly Newspaper. "A S ight of linòrrBtanìiiug for All' Truth is our only weapon, and justice our defender Serving the Contmunity since 1972. ISSUE NUMBER 68 November 29 - December 20, 1978 FREE ASSASSINATION of HARVEY MILK & MAYOR MOSCONE California’s first elected gav official was dain by a former San Francisco Policeman, and ex-Supervisor who had a real hate for homosexuals. )n Monday, November 27th at 11 AM ormer Supervisor Dan White walked iinto the Oifice of Mayor Moscqne.... shot him dead from all reports it_was White, and then fled across City Hall and shot down Supervisor Harvey Milk. This insane act by Dan White, shocked the entire city and left the gay comm­ unity grief-stricken. Frienti and poli­ tical foe alike, of Milk’s, shed tears openly, for both Milk and the Mayor, white, who resigned from the Board of Supervisors &cause he said he cou­ ld not live on the $9,p00.a year pay, had been vety bitter in his disputes The ^ Mayor George Moscone is Aown above, addressing his victory crowd that i ^ t he won j!}f S®" |" with Supervisor Milk, and as a police- The background at his ririit is Los Angeles gay activist Morns Kight and on the left, Assemblyman Willie Brown. H ^ e v MUk is officer, was openly anti-gay. White turned nimself into the North­ ern Police Station, 841 Ellis Street, at about 11:30 AM. He was then taken to the Hall of Justice and City Prison. Supervisor Dianne Feinstein, as the President of the Board of Supervisors, DIANNE FEINSTEIN OFFERS HOPE became the Acting Mayor, and is a_ to hold back the tears unsuccessfully. possible choice to succeed the slain Dianne Feinstein is the Acting Mayor of the At her side was longtime aide, Peter Nar- Mayor M oscone............. City of Saint Francis. She became so after doza who helped her back to her office. Moscone was deeply like.by, niany in Mayor Moscone was assassinated by the ex- Supervisor Feinstein, whose husband, a the city, friend ana politick toe uike. Supervisor Dan White. fine humanitarian, passed away earlier The loss of the two men. the shoot- City Charter calls for the President of the this year, promises nope to the City of ing, has left the city stunned. Up and Board of Supervisors to ascend to the Office San Frandisco. down Castro Street, Milk’s district, of Mayor whenever something happens to Acting Mayor Feinstein, a long time men and women alike, openly wept the Mayor. Dainne will be the Actng Mayoi IFriena of the gay community, spoke at tears of great sorrow. unto su d time the Board of Supervisors can the rally at City Hall the n i^ t of the slay Polk Street, which was not Milk s area meet and vote to choose a successor to the ing of Moscone and Milk and the 25.000 had the same scenes. Gays telephoned dain Mayor Moscone, for the remainder of people assembled cheered her wildly.. one abother, ctying over the tragic his term, which ends in 1979. She joined famed songtress loan Baez as assassination of the city s first elected Dainne Feinstein has twice been the candid­ die fed the people in singing “Amazing gay official. Sorrow lays over the ate for mayor in the past, in 1971 against Grace". All had candles and it was one ol city very heavy, very heavy. Mayor Joseph Alioto and in 197S against a the most moving happenings in the hist­ host of candidates and she failed to make ory of our city. the run-off against Moscone. Supervisor Feinstein paid high tribute to INSIDE: A Tribute fo Milk Acting Mayor Feinstein’s first official task Mayor Moscone and to Harvey Milk. It on page 4. An editorial on was to announce the deaths of both Mosco­ was a tear filled tribute, to which the per­ the violence on page 3. ne and MQk to a crowed rotunda of CUy sons assembled cheered her wfldly. A DIANNE FEINSTEIN UaII OfeAk MW «neat ladv. Diarme. Aotinir M avor! Benefit Auction for Senior Lunches THURSDAY Bpm Hov.30th| with TESSIE &Leon at ^cui ^f^utrtsrl1(íl•usa^rr ür- ^an îfraurisniCruaaîipr Mcwa ItcMS COMfENTS ON THE ASSASSINA­ TION OF HARVEY MILK AND MAYOR MOSCONE: GRAVE DANGERS FORECAST ON A C a r l l s Assemblyman Willie Brown; “The whole worl^ is going crazy!” Elmer Wilhelm, president of the îïm . (I F O L L O Minutemen Gay Democrats: “1 am horrified at this senseless slaying. é YliC R TFlC * m m ■ vfevv'"’ 1 have always supported Harvey, who was a member of out Club.... J IheatiPB • Films • Music »Ftc. ^driver ^ ^ ^ ^ ri»»» 11 t - he means a great deal to me and to gay liberation. 1 am sadder than most could ever imagine.” be camp but it plays because, despite her State Senator John Briggs; “1 am first name listed) as the psychotic, who age, the talent seems undimmed. Mae gives a frighteningly realistic portrayal of a shocked. As to HarveynMilk, we twisted personality. The strongly implied, West has laways possessed a unique ability were in disagreement about Prop.6 .... so often imitated but never equalled, but I came to develop a respect but verbally denied, homosexual relation­ to give the most commonplace phrase an ship between the other two offers an inter­ for Harvey as a man who pursued esting sidelight but I found that in general extra meaning that has often placed it in that in which he fervently believed all three inter-relationships more muddy the American language for all time. although I thought he was wrong. than clearly drawn and the too constant There is nothing very remarkable or very There are many demogogues in repetition of THE four letter word some­ memorable about the six words, “Come this world and he (Milk) was not thing less than scintalating. Still and all the up and see me sometime.” It is basically one of them.” play has moments of great verisimilitude just an invitation to drop by at some un­ Wayne Friday: “Harvey Milk, he MAÍO 0Ñ WfôiÎINGTON, BY GAYS and offers those who like this sort of thing specified time but what a world of mean­ was the ultimate spokesman for ------ ------------------- -—_ w r» r- /-^AVC n r a seemingly realistic portrait of less than ing it assumes when she delievers it, what the gay movement.” WASHINGTON,.D.C. GAYS DE­ admirable characters in their day to day unimagined delights are promised. NOUNCE MARCH ON THEIR existance. It is this idea of “unimagine delights” Perry George, vice-president of the CITY....SAY IT WILL HURT THEM •*•**•*•••** that makes it still possible for her to carry Pride Foundation: ' ‘We are deeply AND ACCOMPLISH NOTHING! off the role of a stx symbol. With other locked, and saddened by this act AH, INNOCENCE! AH, HAPPINESS! sex goddesses, the Harlows, the Monroes, of murder. We all shall miss him.” The November issue of the BLADE, “Ah, Wilderness” (at the Geary Theatre, in the Bardots, one could have very explicit Perry “Tenderloin Tessie” Spink: the gay newspaper in Washington, rep, call 673-6440 for info) Eugene O’Neills erotic thoughts and therefore their physi­ “I can’t believe it, I just can t be­ had a scathing article on the pro­ only comedy and, not surprisingly, his most cal beauty was of paramount importance. lieve it. Why did this have to hap­ posed march on their city by the often produced play, is given a rousing pro­ This has never been true of Mae West. pen in our city. Harvey was a nice gay carpetbaggers from around the duction by ACT. An obviously nostalgic She has always been a beautiful woman guy. Why did it have to be him?” nation. look at the past (O’Neil stated that it was but never exceptionally so, just as she “Apprehensions of local activists somewhat autobiographical, not so much as has always been more “well upholstered” his family actually was but as he would hked than the usual American sex symbol. were hei^tened late last week when them to be) it concerns the affairs of Nat Nevertheless she has probably excited mo­ news reach Washington that the Miller’s family of New Haven over the 4th re men over generations than any other group was planning a march.” ^ of July week of 1900, especially of the sev­ woman in history. She has been able to The march they say, “raised fears enteen year old Richard, an intense dreamer do this because ^ e has always implied ra­ among many of Washington’s gay JOE BELLAN above, ms "SchwsUi” In the production, “The Good Soldier Schweik" and dangerous liberal. he particularly ther than shown and, ninety years old or President Jimmy Carter: “I am out represenatives who say such a march Photo by Allen Nomura, and the artwork is by Dave Gelaer. worries his mother when she finds the Rub- not, * e can still imply more delights with raged and saddened at this sense­ is ill-timed and could hurt local gay iat of Omar Kyhem hidden amongst his shir- a single line than others would be able to “HOORAY FOR THE LITTLE MAN”! humanity to keep it from becoming a stick less kiUing. Mayor Moscone had ri^ ts efforts” in that city. figure, and Cliff Watts as Schweik’s buddy te. Horror of horrors! It turns out he has convey completely nude.
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