学生Formula_日本大会2019第17回_A4_表_英.ai 2019 Formula SAE Japan Formula SAE® Series 2018 Competition Winner Osaka University 2019 Monozukuri Design Competition Since 2003 Formula SAE Japan 2018 Spirit of Excellence Award for EV Class Nagoya University EV ICV & EV Class 2019 8.27TUE 31SAT Ogasayama Sports Park - ECOPA - Organizer CONTENTS Message of Congratulations/President’s Message Awards ����������������������������������������������� 8 ���������������������������������������������������������������� 1 Organizer/Support/Committee Members ����� 9 About Formula SAE Japan ���� 2 Team Information (Vehicle Specifications) Registered Teams ��������������������� 3 ������������������������������������������������ 10 ~ 19 Schedule of Events ����������������� 4 Team Information (Members and Sponsors) �����������������������������������������������20 ~ 44 Sponsors ������������������������������� 5~6 Notices ���������������������������������������������� 7 OutlineOutline of Events of Events OutlineOutline of Events of Events 1. Purpose of Competition Outline of Events Outline To developof Events human resources that, through the support of government, industry, Aboutand academia, Formula will contribute SAEto the development Japan and promotion of both automobile 1.technology Purpose and of industry Competition by having the students play the main role in planning, designing, and constructing an automobile on their own in a competition of comprehensive To develop human monozukuri resources skills. that, through the support of government, industry, 1.and Purpose academia, ofwill Competitioncontribute to the development and promotion of both automobile technology and industry by having the students play the main role in planning, To develop human resources that, through the support of government, industry, anddesigning, academia, and will constructing contribute to an the automobile development on and their promotion own in ofa bothcompetition automobile of 2.and Fundamental academia, will contribute Policies to theof thedevelopment Competition and promotion of both automobile comprehensivetechnology and monozukuri industry byskills. having the students play the main role in planning, technology and industry by having the students play the main role in planning, designing,As an engineering and constructing society, to provide an automobile students with on antheir opportunity own in afor competition monozukuri forof comprehensivedesigning, and monozukuri constructing skills. an automobile on their own in a competition of the purpose of: comprehensive monozukuri skills. 12. ) helpingFundamental the students Policies to independently of the Competition develop their comprehensive monozukuri Asskills. anan engineeringengineering society, society, to to provide provide students students with with an an opportunity opportunity for formonozukuri monozukuri for for the purpose of: 2.the) Fundamentalpurpose of: Policies of the Competition 12 ) helpingincreasing the the students educational to independently value of the experience develop their by providing comprehensive the students monozukuri with an 1As ) skills.helpingopportunity an engineering the forstudents thesociety, practical to toindependently provide application students ofdevelop skills with and theiran opportunityknowledge comprehensive thatfor monozukuriare monozukuri connected for the2) increasing skills.topurpose their classroom of: the educational studies. value of the experience by providing the students with an opportunity for the practical application of skills and knowledge that are 12 ) connectedhelpingincreasing the theto students their educational classroom to independently value studies. of the experience develop their by providing comprehensive the students monozukuri with an skills.opportunity for the practical application of skills and knowledge that are connected 3. toOperating their classroom Guidelines studies. of the Competition 2 ) increasing the educational value of the experience by providing the students with an 1 )) ToTo bebe aa placeplace wherewhere monozukurimonozukuri skillsskills areare verifiedverified whilewhile placingplacing thethe highesthighest prioritypriority onopportunity ensuring safety.for the practical application of skills and knowledge that are connected toon theirensuring classroom safety. studies. 2)To conduct the competition in connection with representatives of industry, 23. ) government,ToOperating conduct andthe Guidelines academia.competition of in theconnection Competition with representatives of industry, 31 )) ToTogovernment, conductbe a place theand where competition academia. monozukuri with skills a wide are rangeverified of while both placing individual the highestand corporate priority volunteers. 33. ) ToOperatingon ensuringconduct safety.the Guidelines competition withof the a wide Competition range of both individual and corporate 4) To conduct the competition as a non-profit, public enterprise. volunteers. 512 )) ToTo buildbeconduct a placea network the where competition of monozukuri student formula in skills connection competitionare verified with while participants representatives placing thatthe highestwill of contributeindustry, priority 4 ) toToongovernment, exchange conductensuring the safety. betweenand competition academia. engineers as a non-profit,that transcends public corporate enterprise. frameworks. 3 ) To conduct the competition with a wide range of both individual and corporate 52 ) To buildconduct a network the competition of student formula in connection competition with participants representatives that will contributeof industry, to Outline volunteers.of Events: Scoring the points out of 1000 points overall. exchangegovernment, between and academia. engineers that transcends corporate frameworks. Events Category Points 34 ) To conductconduct the the competition competition as with a non-profit, a wide rangepublic ofenterprise. both individual and corporate To determine if the vehicle meets the Rules requirements and restrictions and safety by Tech inspection and Technicalvolunteers. Inspections Braking( 4-wheel locked state); Exhaust noise for ICV( 110 dBC or less); Tilt-table( no fuel leak at 45°, and - 5 ) To build a networkno roll-over of atstudent 60°); Rain formulatest for EV insulation competition participants that will contribute to 4 ) exchangeTo conduct between the To competition evaluate engineers the ability as to that considera non-profit, transcends budget and publicincorporate corporate enterprise. production frameworks. considerations for production and ef- ficiency. Cost and Comparing with the actual vehicle, 100 5 ) To buildmanufacturing a network(1)the costof accuracystudent of a formula Cost Report competitionbased by the cost tablesparticipants for 1,000 units that per year. will contribute to (2)manufacturing quality and workmanship, etc are judged. Furthermore, an oral question by the real case Static Eventsexchange betweenscenario engineers is conducted. that transcends corporate frameworks. To evaluate the ability to develop and deliver a comprehensive business, logistical, production, or Presentation 75 technical case that will convince outside interests to invest in the team’s concept. To evaluate the engineering effort that went into the vehicle and how the engineering meets the intent of Design 150 the market both in terms of vehicle performance and overall value. Acceleration To evaluate the acceleration in a straight line 0-75m. 100 *1 Skidpad To evaluate the corning performance on a figure-of-eight course. 75 *1 2 Dynamic Autocross To evaluate the vehicle maneuverability and handling qualities on a roughly 800m course by run 1 full lap Events 125 *1 including straights, bends, a slalom and a chicane. Endurance To evaluate the overall performance of the vehicle and test the durability and reliability. 275 *2 20 laps of a roughly 1,000m course including straights, bends, a slalom and a chicane. 2 Efficiency An evaluation is conducted based on the fuel or EV power consumption during endurance running. 100 Total Points 1000 *1: Each team may attempt up to four runs, using 2 drivers, limited to two runs for each driver. 2 *2: Endurance event consists of two runs, each using a different driver, with a Driver Change between at 10 Laps. 2 Registered Teams <ICV Class> Car No School Name Country Car No School Name Country 1 Osaka university Japan 54 Shizuoka Professional College Of Automobile Technology Japan 2 Kyoto Institute of Technology Japan 55 Sebelas Maret University Indonesia 3 Tongji University China 56 The University of Tokyo Japan 4 Meijo University Japan 57 Kyushu University Japan 5 Shibaura Institute of Technology Japan 58 Gunma University Japan 6 Tokai university Japan 59 Hiroshima Institute of Technology Japan 7 Nagoya Institute of Technology Japan 61 Kindai university Japan 8 Kobe University Japan 62 University of Toyama Japan 9 Tokyo University of Science Japan 63 Osaka Prefecture University Japan 10 Yokohama National University Japan 65 Meisei University Japan 11 University of Fukui Japan 66 Kogakuin University Japan 12 Shizuoka University Japan 67 Sojo University Japan 13 Ibaraki University Japan 68 Chiba Institute of Technology Japan 14 Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Japan 69 Hiroshima University Japan 15 Tokyo City Univercity Japan 70 Hanyang University Korea 16 Nippon Institute of Technology Japan 73 National Chiao Tung University Taiwan 17 Kasetsart University Thailand 74 Kookmin University Korea 18 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Indonesia 75
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