Melon_GenomeCyc: Cucumis melo Cellular Overview Author: Yi Zheng, BTI a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced a reduced + CycA1 CycA1 + CycA1 CycA1 + + CycA1 + CycA1 + + CycA1 CycA1 CycA1 + CycA1 + + + CycA1 an an an an an H cytochrome cytochrome H cytochrome cytochrome H H cytochrome H cytochrome H H cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome H cytochrome H H H cytochrome electron- electron- electron- electron- electron- UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ UQ MQH2 UQ UQ UQH2 UQ UQ UQH2 UQ UQ UQH2 UQ MQH2 UQ UQ MQH2 UQ UQH2 UQ MQH2 UQH2 UQ UQ UQ UQH2 UQ UQ UQ UQH2 MQ UQ MQH2 UQH2 UQ UQH2 UQH2 UQH2 UQ UQ UQ MQH2 UQ UQ UQ UQ MQH2 UQ MQH2 UQ UQH2 UQ MQH2 UQ UQH2 UQ UQH2 UQ MQH2 UQ MQH2 a plastoquinol a plastoquinol a plastoquinol UQH2 UQ transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer 2+ quinol quinol quinol quinol quinol an oxidized an oxidized an oxidized an oxidized an oxidized an oxidized an oxidized 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H a xenobiotic 2+ heme b cytochrome phosphonate a xenobiotic an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome Ca 2+ cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome Cu cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate cytochrome an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate cytochrome cytochrome an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate cytochrome an alkylphosphonate Cu2+ cytochrome cytochrome an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate cytochrome Cu cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome an alkylphosphonate cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome Cd cytochrome Ca 2+ cytochrome cytochrome an alkylphosphonate cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cytochrome cyto a polyamine Cd2+ Cd2+ a polyamine Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe a polyamine a polyamine H H Ca an alkylphosphonate phosphonate phosphonate Mn phosphonate Ca phosphonate Ca phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate Cu phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate Mn phosphonate Histone MELO3C018529 MELO3C015716 MELO3C023987 MELO3C012866 MELO3C009294 MELO3C003698 MELO3C003419 MELO3C024564 MELO3C007977 MELO3C007457 MELO3C003154 MELO3C025720 MELO3C021859 H4 MELO3C011653 MELO3C010804 MELO3C008122 MELO3C008674 MELO3C004090 MELO3C017972 MELO3C017813 MELO3C017612 MELO3C017049 MELO3C017026 MELO3C016978 MELO3C016919 MELO3C016823 MELO3C016724 MELO3C016713 MELO3C016707 MELO3C016381 MELO3C016174 MELO3C016130 MELO3C012522 MELO3C026758 MELO3C009702 MELO3C022540 MELO3C007315 MELO3C023357 MELO3C022394 MELO3C000924 MELO3C000106 MELO3C025377 MELO3C020331 MELO3C023063 MELO3C016861 MELO3C018763 MELO3C017843 MELO3C006949 MELO3C010798 MELO3C000102 MELO3C000180 MELO3C001167 MELO3C005389 MELO3C027417 MELO3C007641 MELO3C025258 MELO3C002086 MELO3C002555 MELO3C016915 MELO3C018775 MELO3C016861 MELO3C023383 MELO3C017843 MELO3C024330 MELO3C027020 MELO3C014579 MELO3C020400 MELO3C023063 MELO3C006949 MELO3C019495 MELO3C019495 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MELO3C019676 MELO3C000106 MELO3C020013 MELO3C011224 MELO3C010798 MELO3C010794 MELO3C010670 MELO3C020331 MELO3C019495 MELO3C016534 MELO3C011192 MELO3C016353 MELO3C014285 MELO3C004538 MELO3C000428 MELO3C010708 MELO3C000850 MELO3C018775 MELO3C018775 MELO3C016497 MELO3C016817 MELO3C017471 MELO3C026176 MELO3C026186 MELO3C026261 MELO3C001930 MELO3C002206 MELO3C002335 MELO3C002380 MELO3C002382 MELO3C002461 MELO3C002713 MELO3C002755 MELO3C002803 MELO3C002817 MELO3C002822 MELO3C004794 MELO3C005051 MELO3C020519 MELO3C020655 MELO3C020660 MELO3C020704 MELO3C021810 MELO3C025545 MELO3C025550 MELO3C026079 MELO3C010478 Cytochrome b MELO3C014177 MELO3C001109 MELO3C020013 MELO3C019495 MELO3C018775 MEL MELO3C024263 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ + 2+ 2+ 2+ a polyamine 2+ Cu 2+ 2+ 2+ Cu Zn 2+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Cu + + + + + + + + + a xenobiotic a xenobiotic a xenobiotic + a xenobiotic + + Ca + a xenobiotic + a xenobiotic + + a xenobiotic 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ + + + + + + H + + + + + + a xenobiotic 2+ + heme b + + + + a xenobiotic 2+ Cu Cd2+ Zn 2+ 2+ Cu Cd 2+ an an an an an a phosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate Ca an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate Cu 2 an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate an alkylphosphonate Ca an alkylphosphonate 2 NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H NADH H MQ H NADH NADH O2 NADH NADH UQ H H UQ NADH MQ H H NADH MQ H H UQ NADH a polyamine MQ H UQ H NADH NADH Cd2+ 2+ UQ NADH NADH H UQ MQH2 H NADH MQ H O2 NADH O O2 UQ H NADH NADH a polyamine MQ H NADH NADH NADH H MQ H Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe NADH MQ H H UQ H MQ H NADH UQ NADH UQ a polyamine NADH MQ H NADH MQ H a polyamine H H O H O2 H O2 H UQ H Ca H H H H H + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + an alkylphosphonate + phosphonate phosphonate + + Mn + + + phosphonate + + phosphonate Cd phosphonate + + phosphonate phosphonate phosphonate + phosphonate + phosphonate Cu + phosphonate + phosphonate + + + + phosphonate + + + Mn + phosphonate electron- electron- electron- electron- electron- ele Ca 2+ 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Cd 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ν ν ν ν ν ν 2 transfer transfer transfer transfer transfer tra NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQH NAD UQ H O UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH UQH UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQH NAD Ca UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQ H O UQH NAD UQ H O UQ H O UQH UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH UQH NAD UQH UQH UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD UQH NAD h h h h h h UQH quinone quinone quinone quinone quinone qui MELO3C024124 MELO3C023502 ACETYL-COA BIOSYNTHESIS DEGRADATION/ POLYMERIC COMPOUNDS DEGRADATION MELO3C018774 COFACTORS, PROSTHETIC GROUPS, ELECTRON CARRIERS BIOSYNTHESIS FATTY ACID AND LIPIDS DEGRADATION UTILIZATION/ Rubisco shunt ASSIMILATION - OTHER α α 2'- + α α 2'- β α 2+ α α a sugar dCTP a linear D-galactono- uridine dCTP D-glucopyranose -D- a sugar a 1-6- - juvenile GDP-6-deoxy- a 1- an N-acyl-D- carbonic β a 1,4- - uridine a 3'- a 1,4- - UTP N-acetyl- -D- RNase E mRNA cytidine methyl-2- -L- 4-hydroxy-2- peroxiredoxin- a protein , - lysine within N-acetyl-β- phosphoenol N-acetyl-β- superpathway of acetyl-CoA biosynthesis muropeptide lathosterol α-D-glucan L-arabitol D-altropyranose D-arabitol ribofuranose alcohol hyaluronan D-glucan leukotriene A4 deoxycytidine L-canavanine NAD H2 α-D-talose starch a -1,4-mannan D-glucan chitin 3-fumarylpyruvate 2'3'-cyclic D-glucan violaxanthin L-ascorbate deoxycytidine glucosamine(anhydrous) processing fucopyranosyl- precorrin-2 Co nonenal-[Cys- (S-hydroxy-S a chlorophyll trehalose maltoheptaose coenzyme A pimelate N-acetylneuraminate (R)-lipoate (deoxynucleotides)(m) DNAn a plasmenylethanolamine sulfite chitin degradation II phosphate 1,4-lactone 6-phosphate asp DHAP hormone III haloalkane glucosamine acid hydroxyflavone chlorophyllide b GGPP β dithiol gcv protein H neuraminate pyruvate neuraminate superpathway of alkane oxidation cyanide degradation monophosphate -N-acetylmuramate substrate -D-galactoside Gly] conjugate -oxocysteine) flavin biosynthesis I (bacteria and plants) chlorophyll a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate salvage II (plants) molybdenum cofactor
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