Computer system - page 3 VOL XVIII, NO. 28 the independent student newspaper serving not re dame and saint man TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1983 Student Senate upset about Roemer’s veto of K of C proposal By BRIAN REILLY Student Body Vice-President Peggy News Staff Prevoznik, “He (Roemer) saw K. of C. (o n the proposal)said no, and just The Student Senate discussed its ran with it.” frustration and disappointment over Student Body President Brian Cal­ Dean of Students James Roemer’s lahan said Roemer’s response to the veto of its proposal to allow theresolution, “switched from a ques­ Knights of Columbus building to tion of can we have a party in there rent its building for hall parties and to why is the K. of C. here.” student organizations. This “blurring” of the issue an­ Many senators believe it is time to gered oth er senators. “T here was ab­ start having more of a voice in thesolutely no reason for the letter decision making of the University. (Roemer’s response) to be as sarcas­ “We just sit back and take whatever tic and condescending as it was,” they give us,” said Bob Riley. “I think Riley said. McAvoy, the resolution’s a middle ground must be found. We sponsor, added, “ I think he took the should be more assertive, showing whole issue and made what he that we are concerned.” wanted out of it.” A few senators wanted to confront The Student Senate is purely an the administration, but Callahan was The Observer/Carole Laugier advisory committee, having no against any sort of action that could Bridget Baker gives a hand to customers in the "Comer Market" legislative powers. While no senator lead to a break in communication. Check out located on the first 1st floor o f Haggar College Center at Saint hinted that the Senate should have “You can’t do that (force a con­ M ary’s. legislative powers, most felt that the frontation) because when you get administration is taking advantage of shut off, you can't get anything done its position by vetoing so manythe rest of the year.” Senate resolutions. The Senate is concerned that the Callahan’s advice not to confront Sophomore class officers explain student body won’t take them Roemer was accepted by the rest of seriously. Said Senator Dave the Senate, and decided instead to McAvoy, “Student Senate is on the discuss the matter with him at a rules for Cap’n Crunch contests line. Students ask, ‘What can you do? future meeting. By AMY STEPHAN time between their qualifying and Each t-shirt winner will be entered You pass a resolution, and Dean Callaghan ended the discussion Copy Editor championship rounds. in a draw ing for another trip for two Roemer cuts it down. You are a on the resolution by asking the A team can consist of five men, to the Penn State game. worthless body. ” senators to consider two questions: The neatest eater, not necessarily five women or any combination, McAvoy believes that the ad­ “What is our role?”, and “When we the person with the largest appetite, said Broussard. The drawing will take place after ministration has never enjoyed get shut dow n, w hat should o u r next should win the Cap’n Crunch eating the eating contest finals and the win­ having the Knights on campus. Said m ove be?” contest, according to Sophomore The Cap’n Crunch costume con­ ner must be present and wearing his Class President, Lee Broussard. test will take place in the South or her t-shirt in order to win, said Detailed rules for the eating con­ Dining Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 19 Broussard. at 7 p.m., Broussard said. The person test and other events to be held Treasure chest certificates, one during Cap’n Crunch Week (Oct. who most resembles the Cap’n will win a trip for two to the Notre for an individual and one for a dorm, 17-21) were recently released by will be hidden on campus and clues the sophomore class officers, Dame-Penn State football game. Approximately 125 t shirt certif­ will appear in The Observer each day campus sponsors of the event. of Cap’n Crunch week, said Brous­ Over 150 press releases announc­ icates will be hidden on campus each day, on Oct. 17-20, by the soph­ sard, adding that the dorm prize will ing Cap’n C runch’s visit to th e N otre be a video cassette recorder, but the Dame campus have been distributed omore class officers. Most of the cer­ tificates will be hidden indoors, said individual prizes have not been an­ (to newspapers, magazines and nounced. television stations) across the Broussard. country, said Broussard. “I would There will be a limit of one t-shirt Quaker Oats is spending a say about five to ten will respond,” per person and certificates must be reported $60,000 to sponsor Cap’n he added. redeemed in the Cap’n Crunch cen­ Crunch week, in response to a letter In the eating contest, teams of five ter in LaFortune, said Broussard. from the sophomore class officers. will compete in a tag team competi­ tion in which each team member will eat about the equivalent of two dining hall bowls of cereal, said C S C. brother dies; Broussard. Each member of the win­ ning team will receive a trip for two to Ft. Lauderdale over spring break. If a contestant should spill any teacher for 40 years cereal or milk, he or she will be re­ Dorm publicity rules quired to eat a “penalty bowl” By KATHRINE ESQUIBEL Broussard said, “The spillage rule News Staff gives every team a chance. Those left to rectoresses few minutes to eat a penalty bowl Brother Adalbert Rowe a died Sun­ By EDWARD NOLAN hall take charge of posting the will probably put you out of the con­ day morning at 1:30 at St. Joseph’s News Staff great amount of material test." Medical Center. The contest will be limited to 300 concerning hall and class fun The 70 year old Holy Cross The final decision as lo how teams, which will compete in three tions, and campus wide _ ac­ brother was admitted last Monday many publicity flyers are dis­ heats of 100 teams, beginning at 3 tivities. These students would morning after suffering injuries in a tributed in a dorm wifrbe left to p.m. on Friday, Oct. 21. The top two work in conjuction with the bicycle accident near St. Michael’s the hall’s rectoress, said Di rector teams in each heat will compete in dorm’s publicity representative. laundry. He had cancer of the lungs of Student Activities Mary Anne the championship round at 4:15, O’Donnell said the procedure A 1936 graduate of Notre Dame, O’Donnell at last night’s Board of said Broussard. was initiated “to eliminate some Brother Adalbert had been with the Governance Meeting at Saint Registration for the eating contest of the mess caused by the flyers. physics department for almost forty Mary’s. and the Cap’n Crunch costume con­ We hope to encourage students years. He received his doctorate in “As it stands now, each dorm ’s test will be Oct. 10 through Oct. 18 to look at one specific location 1944. Adalbert specialized in publicity representative should in LaFortune, said Broussard. There for all upcom ing events as w ell as polymer physics and did research in discuss the issue with the hall’s will be a $5 entry fee per team for save money by eliminating nuclear magnetic resonance. He had resident director," O’Donnell the eating contest. There is no fee Brother A dalbert Ro wca C. S. C. overcopying of publicity ” many of his articles published in the said. This would include decid­ for the costume contest. Physics Review. “It’s good to register early,” said ing where flyers are to be posted Saint Mary’s students will no His wake will begin at 2:30 this af­ The funeral mass will be held in St. Broussard, explaining that the teams and the procedure for their longer choose from A and B ternoon and will run until 7:30. A Joseph’s Brother’s chapel at 3 30 will be placed in heats in order of stamping and distribution. schedule tickets. A drawing will wake service will be held in Our tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be It was suggested by the board be held to determine which stu­ registration. Thus, those teams Lady’s Chapel of Sacred Heart in Joseph's Cemetery immediately -that several students from each dents receive basketball tickets. registering early will have the most Church, at 7:30. afterward. The Observer Tuesday, October 4, 1983 — page 2 In Brief Chaos in motion A m e m o r ia l M a ss for Cathy Pax, a Notre Dame sopho­ more who died this summer, will be tonight at 10 in the chapel of Walsh Hall. Father Don McNeill, director of the Center for Social Concerns, will celebrate the Mass Pax, 19, was killed in a two-car The shuttle bus between Notre Dame and Saint accident Aug. 20 while returning to her home in Coldwater, Ohio. Mary’s is taking a new turn these days, thanks to the Pax was a copy editor forThe Observer and was involved in fund­ directors of student activities and the student govern­ Margaret Fosmoe i raising for her dorm. — The Observer m ents at both institutions.
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