Some Emigrants to Virginia EN RGED SEC OND EDITION , LA COMPILED BY T A N A R D W . G . S PR CE ONE DOLLAR I , Posi age Fi ve C ents Additi onal ‘ THE BE LL BOOK AND STATIONERY Co , RICHMOND IRGINIA , V Some Emigrants to Virginia ECOND ED ON ENLARGED S ITI , “2 a. 4 r Viag a MEMORANDA IN REGARD TO SEVERAL HUNDRED E M I GR A N TS T O VIRGINIA DURING THE COLONIAL PERIOD W HOSE PARENT AGE IS SHOWN OR FORMER RESIDENCE INDICATED BY AUTHENTIC RECORDS COMPILED BY S T A A R D W . G . N 1 9 1 5 THE BELL BOOK AN D ST I N RY AT O E Co . CHM RI OND, VIRGINIA C RI 1 1 1916 BY OPY GHT, , , S NARD CHMOND VA . W . G . TA , , P R E FA C E The following list was begun durin g leisure hours with the ex ectati on ul p that it wo d be very much shorter than it is, and without any special idea Of publication . After some progress had been made the compiler grew in terested in asce rtaining h ow many such instances could be discovered in readily accessible sources, and when it was completed it was thought that, though of r it consisted only b ief memoranda, it was probably worth pre i n i serving pr nt . No attempt has before been made to collect the names of the various emigrants to Virginia in regard to whose parentage , n fin l family connections, or former homes somethi g de ite cou d be learned . In the list here presented there is no claim for exhaust i ven es s to an , nor is there any attempt give many details as to c es tr . of y, social position, or occupation It is a list names with i brief notes concern ng them , and with references to printed books or of manuscripts, where proofs the statements made are either given in full or epitomized . It is not intended as an enumera t r ion of gent y, but includes all ranks from the laborer to the lord . of f or Though use , no doubt, genealogical investigations, the compilation was not made for that purpose ; but to give examples of the great variety of people who composed the emigrants to the Old colonies . t Some of the persons, whose names are given, died withou an d issue , others returned to England, of still others nothing is k . i nown but the name Yet they all lived in Virginia , and w th to their different characters, habits, and antecedents helped make the colony what it was and to mould the character of the V i r ginia people . The principal sources used have been the Vi rgi ni a Magazi n e o H i t r n B r W l i f s o y a d i og aphy ( cited as V . the i l am an d ’ a rterl r l a Mary Q u y ( cited as W . Wa te s G e ni ngs ( cited as 3 w E n la n d H i s tori ca l a n d en ea lo i ca l R e is ter W . N e G G ) , the g g g , - n various other well k own genealogical and biographical works, and a large collection of manuscript notes from Virginia coun ty i r i n i a records in the possession of the compiler . In the V g ’ i n t r a n d Bi o r h M L Wi th i n ton s Magaz e of H is o y g ap y r . othrop g “ ” Gleanin gs have furnished nu merous names . i n f or In many nstances, where there has been no opportu ity ’ of minute investigation , only one year an emigrant s residence fi in Virginia has been noted . The name of the emigrant is rst m given, followed next by his dates, and i mediately after this the of fi place his residence in Virginia, and nally the foreign refer l r ence . When detai s as to ancest y are given in the authorities of D referred to , as in the case John West, Edward igges , and n ot many others, it has been deemed necessary to add the social h &c . designation of gentleman , esquire , T is has been only fi done, as a rule, in cases where contemporary records af x such ’ titles to the emigrant s name and the compiler knew nothing of his ancestry . In conclusion , it should be said that no statements have been made f or which it is believed there is not full proof in reliable . A records ll probabilities, however strong or reasonable , and all merely traditional accoun ts have been omitted . This is also the case in regard to some positive statements as to parentage or f r descent o which no authority has been given . It will be observed that many prominent Virgi nia names are m o itted from this list . The emigrant ancestors Of the families of A M o lexander, Berkeley ( iddlesex , Braxt n , Brocken H brough , Brooke, Carter, Chew, Cocke ( of enrico , Surry , D M l H : andridge , Eppes, Farrar, Jefferson , Grymes ( idd esex) , ar r H H L rison ( Sur y, arwood , ooe , Kenner, Kennon , ee , M M M k adison , arshall , ason , Newton ( Norfol ) , Perrott, Pettus, Ru ffin Pope, Poythress , Rootes, , Slaughter, Steptoe, Stith, a Swann, Taliaferro, Venable , W lke, Whiting, Willoughby ( Nor — folk ) , and many other well known names have not been traced positively to their former homes across the sea . It has been only recently that any work has been done towards this end in th e English records, and it is hoped that many more details will yet be discovered . 4 NOTE TO SEC O ND EDITIO N The fi rst edition of this little book was exhausted early in 1 9 1 5 u ffi , and there has since been s cient demand for it to justify r the printing of another . Some necessa y corrections and altera fi tions have been made in the text of the rst edition, and through information obtained since its publication the compiler has been fi able to a dd a number of emigrants to the list rst given . He wishes to express here hi s great obligation to two men who fi — have died since the rst publication of this pamphlet H enry F . L t . Waters and othrop Wi hington The former, in ripe old age, peacefully in his home ; the latter, in the prime of life , lost on Lu i an a the s t i . S ome Emigrants to Virginia AB BES W R . f L , ED A D, surgeon ( d formerly o ondon . ’ V . M. 4 2 . M A 4 . , XIV, athews Probate cts ABRAH ALL BERT 1 68 1 &c , RO ( in Virginia , New Kent n . 1 6 8 1 An n a dmi n i s cou ty In , Richard Cawthorn and his wife, tratri x Abrah all of her late husband, Thomas citizen and skin of L of r ner, ondon, gave a power attorney to recover prope ty Abrah all M . un . in the hands of r Robert , of New Kent co ty, Va n A deed from the latter to Wm . Bassett bears o the seal the arm s Abrah all O H of f erefordshire . M iddlesex Records . A BERT . Al n s on of DAM , RO (b exa dria ; Rev . John D . A D . O dam , , and Janet Campbell, his wife, f Kirkbride Scotland . “ L . 7 3 . The odge of Washington , p A S BEN E ER . un n f DAM , E Z ( d New Kent co ty s o o A of A Richard dams, bridge , Essex, citizen and merchant tailor of London . - M . 1 59 1 6 1 . w . V , , AD S O S AM , TH MA ( in Virginia shortly before Isle of of a A f D o . Wight county ; brother Willi m dams, Kenton , evon M . 22 5 W . , VII , . A N N . LLA , JOH ( d Spotsylvania county, merchant , of H o t of A formerly amilt n , Sco land , and son James llan, mer of H . chant, Baillie amilton 6 . 1 8 . Spotsylvania Records, p A B ER I C R 1 6 90 o o M L , R HA D ( Yorkt wn and Jamest wn ; of hn Bu rka dike Am son Jo and Elizabeth ( ) bler, of the city of York . ’ “ ” M . 42 . Paxton s arshall Family, p f AN REWS H ENRY . o L . D , , gentleman ( d formerly ondon M. 6 5 . W . 1 , II , AN REWS N 609 of n A D . 1 , JOH ( d in or before ) son Joh ndrews, i . of Cambr dge , merchant XI 1 5 . V M . 5 . , , ARC ER MI C E 1 68 1 H , HA L, gentleman ( James C ity n . cou ty ; born near Rippon , in Yorkshire 7 1 . H . Va ist Col , VI , 1 649 in AS COUGH AYS COUGH H ENRY . or , , gent ( b about , 1 6 7 9 - 1 698 H i i Virginia , enr co county ; brother of W lliam As cou h of g , of the city York ( alive Henrico County Records . ff AS T N ETER . H O , P ( d Northumberland and Sta ord n s A of - U cou tie ; brother of James shton, Kirby nderwood , and n A L L i n L .
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