16—MANCHESTER HERALD. T\iesday, June 5,1990 I HOMES FOH SALE I CARS FOR SALE SOUTH WINDSOR ”8-1- DODGE - 1984. ’150’, 318 G* SPLIT-2900 Sq FT. CID, automatic, bed What's News.. Custom alr-conditloned liner, tool box, 50K, home features eot-ln kit­ % Specialist chen with bow window $5500. 742-8449._______ overlooking Inground CADILLAC-1979 Coupe pool, master suite with DeVllle. New paint, oath# plus finished wal- clean, runs great. Must kout LL. ANS THERE’S MASONRY MISCELLANEOUS sell. $3,200 or best offer. MORE! $309,900.D.W. LA W N CARE INSTALLATION PAINTING/ 435-7391.____________ Fish Realty, 643-1591.0 SERVICES REPAIR PAPERIN6 Mfrali SOUTH WINDSOR-New SPRING IS THE TIME Schaller's U & R 4 bedroom Gilbert's Lawn Service Quality Pre-Owned Autos For Chimney Repair CHARLES THE Installation and Replacement CARPENTER & HOUSE PAINTbHS Contemporary. Ready Complete Lawn Care Value Priced Wednesday, June 6,1990 for your own decor, Call Now For Free Estimate HANDYMAN of Water Heaters Prolesslonal, experienced, reliable Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Newsstand Price: 35 Cents Trucking, Bobcat Rental, HANDYMAN SERVICE AQuall^ Work 1980 ACURA LEGEND L SEDAN large 1st floor family Talaga Masonry •Gas ENTERPRISES Loam, Stone & Mutch ^ In s u r a n c e $ 2 2 ,900 room, 2nd floor bol- D e liv e rio s •Electric No job too small. cony, formal dining 643-8209 POWER WASHING Specializing In remodeling. ★ Free Estimates 1988 MAZDA MX 6 QT a fte r 6pm Free Estimates •Oil AReferenoes room, 2'/j bath, 3 car residenb'al & commercial Fully Insured. $ 1 0 ,9 0 0 2 9 1 - 9 6 8 1 Wilson Oil Company ' Call CollacL 487-1422 1988 SUBARU DL WAGON garage. $320,000. U & R PAINTING Call Tom - 649-6273 PRESTO PAINTERS Realty, 643-2692.0 ______ -64&«?93 $7400 DECKS/ interior/exterior MANCHESTER- LAWN SERVICE ’ 1988 FORD MUSTANG LX Stunnlng 3 year old, 6 A D D IT IO N S SPRING CLEANING SA LE/TR ADE $5900 Fertilizirig, liming, spring, KITCHEN & BATH IN-EX Painting 1988 PONTIAC 6000 STE Investments audit ordered room U & R Ranch at •garages -yard -cellars clean-up, complete lawn other for politicizing last rntmth’s pen­ Mountain Farms off •gutters -rotatilling $ 5 900 By Rick Santos Katz & Thibodeau. That firm was ap­ had volunteered to do the audit for free. Gardner St., 6 rooms, service. TH E B O O IT REMODELING Services 1968 HYUNDAI EXCEL OL sion-fund fiasco. DECKS •brush/lree & trash Manchester Herald pointed by the Republicans. The directors’ vote acts also to force all one floor. Cathedral removal 643-0747 From the smallest Senior Citizen Discount $2700 “I have no problem with the audiL" celllnged family room Pressure Treated RACK 1967 OLDS CALAIS SEDAN “I just want the people of Manchester the PensicHi Board to reptxt to the direc­ Custom Designs ★ 30 yrs. experience repair to the largest said Democratic minority leader Stephen with stone fireplace, 649-8045 __ Power Washing $5900 The town’s Board of Directors has or­ to be assured that the audit would be tors the policies that have been instituted FREE ESTIMATES ■k fast reliable & fully insured Audio C auette Books. All renovation, we will do a T. Cassano. “I have a problem with the large Hying room, 2 Call ^ ' 1986 VW GOLF dered an audit of investments marie, by done accurately without political in­ regarding the treasurer since the invest­ bedrooms, formal din­ ★ 10% senior discounts Categories. Free Estimates process.” THE DECK SPECIALISTS Discounted at 10%. complete job. $4700 Town Treasurer Roger Negro, the offi­ fluence,” Cassano said, adding that he ment. The new policies restrict Negro to ing room, oversized CALL 872-4072 MOWING 1965 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVILLE kitchen. $289,000. U & R 6 4 6 -0 0 3 2 All lawn, tree, and Start to finish. Fully Insured cial blamed for bungling a $200,000 in­ Cassano, who already had questioned wanted an independent auditor. investing no more than $500,000 in 43tSJ H artford’Tpke. $8900 vestment of pension-fund monies. Realty, 643-2692.D shrub service “S h op s a t 30 P laza” FREE ESTIMATES 1987 HYUNDAI EXCEL GLS the OOP’s participation in the investiga­ However, Cassano’s colleague low-risk investments. JUST REDUCED! Excep­ THE DECK WORKS^ GSL Building Vemon, CT 06066 Complete do4t-yourself WeTreat Your Home StlQOQ Republican and Democratic members tion of the bad investment, is now Democratic Director James F. “Dutch” Cassano and Democratic Director tional, 7 room, 1 Vi bath (Spring Special) CALL JOHN 870-8870 1964 NISSAN SENTRASE of the board unanimously ^iproved the angered because the audit will be done at Colonial In the 8th Dis­ Maintenance Co. prpgrams available. Fogarty had made the suggestion to use Beautifully built decks at Cofrenerdal/Reskiential buHd- 649-0773 Like Our Own ccqnn audiL but not before they attacked each no cost by the town’s auditor, BennetL the town auditor, considering the firm trict. 1st floor family great affordability. 1984 HONDA ACCORD LX Please see AUDIT, page 10 room with fireplace. A Ing repairs and home bnprove- CARPENTRY/ Heritage Kitchen & Kevin great buy. Priced In the FREE ESTIMATES menls. bitertor and axlerior LAWN-SCAPE Bath Center $ 4 995 $150's. Blanchard 8r ^ 644-2362 . painSng, IghI carpentry. Com­ Complete property maintenance REM O DELING 1985 TOYOTA MRZ plete bnitorial service. Experi­ Come visit our showroom at: 644-0056 Rossetto Realtors," Fully Insured $ 5 9 0 0 Coventry enced, reliable, fiw - e ^ 1987 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN • The Assodaied Press We're Selling Houses” "THE FINISHING TOUCHES" wallpaper - $25 a roll 2 5 4 Broad Street. 646-2482.0 CLEANING males. Larry $ 7 400 643-8275 Vinyl Floor M anchester PRIMARY DAY — Dianne Feinstein, a JUST REDUCED! This 3 SERVICE 643-0304 Ceramic Tlla 1985 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM bedroom Colonial lo­ _____ Doug_____ C a rp e n try 649-5400 528-6389 $ 5 4 0 0 Democratic candidate for governor in 1987 HONDA ACCORD LXISED monitors cated In the Waddell Licensed S Insured CHAMP California, casts her ballot Tuesday. School District Is now TinEJ OF HOUSEWORK? rr Gilbert's Liwn Service Tom's Installation Interior/Exterior $ 9 9 0 0 priced In the $140's. Get OR A HOUSE ONLY Cu s t o m CARPENTRY. Painting Done MCC Student gets Primary roundup on page 7. your checkbook and Complete Lawn Car* 647-7126 SCHALLER ACURA \ SURFACE CLEANED. Tfuddno. Bobcat ReiAd. UNLIMITED *i>ower washing oarpantry 345 Center Street call! Blanchard 8, Ros­ THEN CALL MEAT T . Loam,^im A M u lc h ‘driveway tealng *OM)ng9 and wwe hall talk setto Realtors," We’re Licenced A Insured rapakao ‘attioa and oalara olaanad Manchester her kicks from karate 644-1134 ■ ‘ DeHvertoa ■ » ROOFING/ Center Springs Pond gets Selling Houses" 646- M &M OIL V Free Estimate Decks. Kitchens & Bath­ 646-6386 647-7077 2482.0 ASK FOR ANITA S ID IN G tally Insured/tree estimates BONDED S INSURED PLUMBING & t (EATING 291-9681 rooms designed & remod­ ' By Jacqueline Bennett By Rick Santos $250k revitalization funds LAKEWOOD CIRCLE eled, Ceramic tile, all phases OUTTOBECOME Pristine 3 bedroom, 1 •Oil Burner Service & Sales Manchester Herald Manchester Herald NO JOB TOO BIG OR SMALL of carpentry & repair. “We can tell you The state is going to provide Manchester with iq> 1/2 bath Cape over­ House Cleaning •Automatic Oil Delivery DON'S LAWN SERVICE to $250,000 to revitalize Center Springs Pond, an looking the town reser­ RESIDENTIAL Cal Now For Spring Specials w h a t to lo o k f o r ... MANCHESTER’S \ •Weli Pumps Sales & Service •ROTOTILLING Edging • Roof Repairs , COVENTRY - A new camera with voir. 2 fireplaces. and w hat to look “It’s hard to hit people. But when issue which has been the subject of controversy in Polish woman will ■Wafer Heaters (Eiwstrio & Qu) •Hedge & Bush Trimming ■Gutters 528-5502 Anytbna # 1 built-in microphone now monitors the past months. $182,500. Blanchard 8< o u t f o r r you’re in the ring, it’s a sport It’s a Rossetto Realtors," clean your home. •Bathroom & Kitchen Call now for lawn mowing. ■Wood Shingles A Specialty approach hallway outside police head­ game.” State S»en. Michael P. Meotti, D-GIastonbury, Remodeling We’re Selling Houses" Dependable Work. Call Anytime Ask For Gil CUSTOM QUALITY USED CAR quarters in the Town Office Building, said today that the state also has $25,000 available 646-2482.0 •Senior Citizen Discoun. - Those may sound like the words of a 5 - n 644-4663 or 644-2835 646-7011 ________ 646-0674 One stop improvements. H a r B r o part of $12,000 in renovations. heavyweight champ, but this champ is for funding of a study needed to determine the best AVERY STREET 8 room •Electric Work Framing to Painting. DEALER : There are no signs indicating the FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured. classified as a featherweight. way to clean the pond. I'/a bath Colonial, 1st TARi5MASTE5g“ P a in t in g 1982 Cadillac Eldorado $ 5 9 9 5 presence of the camera-microphone, floor family room, fire­ DEES CLEANING SERVICE Phone: SEW ING C air'ave Adamick Meet the averaged-size Mary Horvith, Meotti, whose district includes MaiKhester, has 1982RrabM $? 9 9 g which is situated diagonally above a place, oversized 2 car Are you upset with your present 649-2871 SPRING CLEANUP ALTERATIONS for a free quote. of Manchester a 20-year-old Manchester Community pushed the state to set aside the monies.
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