874 AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION volume, which presents a real history of Public Theory of Evolution. 2. Physiology contain- Health in the United States and Canada. ing Metabolism, Development and Locomotion. The book contains many chapters, all 11. Special Botany: 1. Thallophyta, Bryo- written by experts, from which we will mention phyta and Pteridophyta with subdivisions. the following: “History of Bacteriology,” 2. Spermatophyta containing Origin, hlor- by Frederick P Gorham, M.A.; “Fifty Years phology, Oekology and Development of the of Water Purification,” by George C. Whipple, seed plants, their classification into Gymno- C.E. ; “Progress in Federal Food Control,” by spermae and Angiospermae with subdivisions. Carl I,. Alsberg, M.A., M.D.; “Milk and Its Further advantages of the work are a bibliog- Relation to Public Health,” by Charles E. raphy of 16 pages and a systematic table, of North, M.D.; “A Fifty Year Sketch History four doubIe column pages, containing the offi- of Medical Entomology,” by I,. 0. Howard, cial plants and an index comprising 29 pages Ph.D., M.D., l,L.D; and “History of Public divided into three columns. The book con- Nursing,” by Lavinia L. Dock, R.N. tains 849 illustrations and the principal plants In no field have more remarkable advances are produced in natural colors, which are been achieved than in medicine, both curative works of art. It is a pleasure to see them in a and preventive. Both have been revolution- book on botany intended for pharmacists. ized; knowledge has replaced guess-work; The colored illustrations of Digitalis Purpurea experiment has superseded empiricism and of one-half its natural size, on p. 613, and many superstition; medicine has become a science others of the official plants should be we11 rather than an art-all through the brilliant studied and are as good as the natural plants. researches begun by Pasteur, and carried on The ”Vier Manner Buch” is one of the by Koch and a host of earnest workers who master works on botany. It is well suited to followed in their footsteps. make this somewhat dry subject highly in- The American Public Health Association teresting and instil into the student and phar- and its president and editor are to be com- macist the much-needed love for botany and plimented upon the publication of this volume, the entire vegetable kingdom which used to be which is not only of interest to physicians one of the first needs in the pharmacist of old. but also to chemists and pharmacists. The work should be better known on this side of the “great pond,” especially among The German publishing firm Gustav Fischer teachers who master the German language. in Jena, well known in pharmaceutical and We wish the 15th edition the success which it medical circles, sent us the two following fully deserves. works for review: Hamatologische Technik von Prof. Dr. Herm. Lehrbuclz de7 Botanik fiir Hochschulen von Schridde und Prof. Dr. Otto Naegeli. 2. um- Edward Strassburger, Fritz Noll, Heinr. gearb Auflage. 28 Abbildungen and 3 Platten. Schenck and A. F. W. Schimper. 15. umgearb. Lex. 150 pp. Prof. Dr. Schridde, Director of Auflage, bearbeitet von Dr. Hans Fittig, Dr. the Pathological Institute in Dortmund, pre- Ludwig Jost, Dr. Heinrich Schenck and Dr. sents in 66 pages including 6 illustrations and George Karsten. Lex. 701 pp. 2 colored plates (works of art), the technique As assistants in the department of botany in of the histological methods for the examina- the University of Bonn the original four au- tion of blood and the organs secreting same. thors in 1894 prepared this textbook as an urgent need for pharmaceutical and medical Part I1 of the book is by Prof. Dr. Otto Naegeli, students. That 15 editions have been pub- director of the medical clinic at the University lished during 27 years proves the success of the of Ziirich, who presents the technique of clinic so-called “Vier Manner Buch” (4 men‘s book) ! blood analysis in 80 pages with 22 illustrations Only one of the original four authors survives, and one colored plate. i. e., Dr. Heinrich Schenck, Professor at the Both authors are well-known authorities in Technical High School in Darmstadt. this field and for that reason the book is such The following short outline of the contents that we can cheerfully recommend it to all will serve as an illustration of the vast material who do work along this line. Clinical exami- covered and the excellent way in which same nations rightly belong to the domain of the is treated. scientific pharmacist, who can carry out this I. General Botany: 1. Morphology consist- work with honesty and conscientiousness to ing of Zytology, Histology, Organography and the benefit of physician, patient and himself. .
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