\ Friday, June 5, 1931. THE PILOT, a Paper With Character, Aberdeen, North Carolim Page Eleven interesting c r a f t s m a n PLANT AT CARTHAGE Highest Grade Lumber Moore County Boasts Great Handled at Pinehurst The Sandhill Craftsman, the Car- * plant that manufactures artis- Variety of Manufactures iTards There Supplying Materials r furniture and novelties under the *■ for Fine Homes Building H aisdiction of J. M. Pleasants, is an Its Fiactory Products Totaled give the factory a good range of bus­ in Sandhills North Carolina Hade iitpresting member of Moore county's Million and a Half in Valua- iness. The McDonald Truck body plant -Tustries. The plant was started ten ti<m During 1929 has made a place for itself with an The Pinehurst Lumber Yards have - ears ago by Prank Blue, and quickly output that is of importance to the broadened the industry of supplying j/iined prominence by its character of SIXTY establishments community, and an asset in the coun­ the builders of fine homes in this sec­ .. rk and the unusual field it occu- ty’s industry. The saw mill is the tion. With theii. own saw mill and ed. Features are its ekillful hand- planing mill at the plant, and latge (Continued from page 9) chief industry working in wood, Co­ rned work, spool bed-room suits, forest area from wTiich to draw the another outcome of a desire to broad­ lin Spencer’s operations in the upper (lar chests, its intelligent repairing en the local industrial field, and it real old-fashioned long leaf*^ pine GOODS part of the county from Carthage ' V ' old furniture, its accurate Colon- trees they are equipped to furnish has been the livelihood of a great north, attaining the dignity of one of al note, its use of local m aterial anything in the way of dimension FOR many people for several years. the big lumber factors of this part of ; its employment of people of the stuff of any size or shape. In the dry­ The Furniture Industry the state. Many small mills operate roinniunity. The shop is a point of at- ing yards is carried a stock of all More or less furniture has been as the demand for lumber justifies. MADE-IN-NORTH CAROLINA WEEK action for visitors in Carthage. sorts of rough lumber, and extraor­ made in Moore county, the factory at This is an industry that is permanent dinary lengths and sizes are on hand Carthage, the successor of the old in ,the county, for pine timber grows to meet almost any emergency. Bill Help your State industries by buying the Bedroom furniture valued at $27,- company, enjoying a varying so rapidly that many successive crops stuff for complicated or unusual or­ ' '2,092 and dining room furniture prosperity, and the plant at West End are taken from the same land at in­ following North Carolina made items, ders, planing mill work of all sorts, valued at $13,736,485 was manufac­ building up with a good business in tervals of not a great many years. building material of the highest all priced at tured in North Carolina in 1929. All the last few years. The West End in­ The manufacture of railroad ties from grades and at prices that enable w loden furniture manufactured in the stitution has brought out some special the excellent oak in the Deep River everybody to have good' lumber and 'tate was valued a t $53,414,111. lines that found sufficient favor to country is considerable of an indus­ $ OneOoUar S try, the working going on as condi­ supplies. You can^t afford to order building material until you have gone tions encourage it. Some paper pulp- Men’s Khaki P ants ..... $1.00 wood is also cut and prepared for over the stocks at the Pinehurst Lum­ ber Yards. Men’s Pin Check Pants ........ $1.00 the mills, while an industry that brings a lot of money to farmers is Men’s White Duck Pants .......... $1.00 More cotton goods are manufactur­ 1Cor(Mtson-3 farbottle. -j«c. supplying lumber in the form of fuel Men’s Blue Overalls ___ $1.00 for the villages. ed in North Carolina than in any other State. Men’s Work Shirts ________ $1.00 Many Planing Mills ta k e rs of Men’s Dress Shirts, plain and fancy-.$l,00 In Carthage, Pinehurst, Aberdeen, There are 3,792 plants in North 3F^lite "3fan6 W rougbt "3roii "Xamps au6 Southern Pines and elsewhere are Carolina which had an output amount Men’s Hanes Union Suits ....... $1.00 I planing mills and establishments for ing to $5,000 or more each in the "3Fixlures wood-working for builders’ needs, the last census year. We consider the above items superior to those made any- wthere, and that they are more economical than Cheap­ TCaittfs, TCanlerns. amount of the product reaching a figure that adds to the income of North Carolina manufactures more er Merchandise. A ndirons an6 "BF'lre Sets, Woo6l)ol6er5 ait6 the county a tidy sum in a year’s time. 7 0 0 d e n bedroom and dining room furn­ The crate and box factory in Aber­ iture than any other State in the Un­ 3far6ware. 3ti fact. tvom deen is another woodworking shop ion. Groceries Market that helps to swell the total pay roll ^rass. (Topper, "pewUr Dry Goods of the county. The Lorenson & Har- North Carolina manufacturers pro­ or Stainless bottle Iron works in Aberdeen turns ducts in 68 of the 340 classifications out a lot of structural and ornamen­ into which the Bureau of the 'Census tal iron work that is of interest. The groups all manufactured products. soft drink industry at Aberdeen is PINEHURST DEPARTMENT STORE ♦♦ Her raw materials, climate, lahor, also of magnitude and a factor in transportation and other facilities PINEHURST I Zhhdvbtdn. ^ort^ (TaroUna supplying the wants of a population make it possible for her to manufac­ over a wide area. Among the novel ture goods in at least 144 of these institutions is the Archery plant near classifications. Pinehurst, where archery goods are made for local uses and to scatter over the whole United States. The Busbee Jugtown Pottery is of such a high character that be it industry or art, it is the inspiring motive in a com­ At tke rnEHURSI LUMBER YARDS A. B. SA L L Y munity of some size, and along with its artistic phase it is the dependence of a numl>er of employes and the n m s i. Mm CAMUM leading influence of a large number of people in its neighborhood. Judge Way’s Orchid plant at Knollwood is THIS WEEK’S SPECIALITIES X another industry that is unique in its S General Contracting and Building work and in its classification. It is H an industry, but it is also a biologi­ A Oar of Red Oedar SHingles cal laboratory and research establish­ H .A. Car of Oeiling ti ment as well. But it helps to boil sev­ eral pots the year ’round, and is one Estimates furnished on request of the Made-in-Moore County depend- ables. It has no rivals south of the The Pinehurst Lumber Yard’s Specialties are the Materials that Potomac and not many any place. You Know Are Right. Talc Production Phone 4291 At two points in the county, at In the yard is a modern saw mill. At all times a sup­ Pinehurst, Hemp and at Glendon, the production of talc has been an industry of im­ ply of genuine heart pine logs can be brought in from portance for several years. The prin­ the woods and dimension stuff to fit any bill can be cipal staple has been the ground pow­ manufactured on the shortest notice. der, shipped out in large quantities, but for a time the sawed shapes were In the yard are piles of dry stuff that has been on also a factor at the Glendon mill un­ sticks for months. :: til the old building was burned a few s Big stuff, big sizes, big lengths, odd sizes, almost :: years ago. Much talc is avaiFable in the Deep River section for manufac­ anything any specifications call for. :: VASS COTTON MILL ture for many years. Another indus­ Flooring, in Oak, Gum, Pine, Rift, Colonial. try that is akin to talc production is ** that of sand, which is shipped in hun­ Moulding, Trim, Odd Shapes made to order at the n n dreds of car loads from the country modern planing mill in the yard. VASS, N. C. north of Aberdeen. The old coast lines p]stimates offered for supplies for big jobs, for lit­ of ages ago left on the high ground, n,ow the location of the Norfolk tle jobs, repairs, or, anything that calls for lumber and Southern Railroad, a tremendous body A MADE-IN-MOORE COUNTY of good sand, which finds a market building mat,erial. over a wide area of country, and much MEMBER OF MOORE COUNTY revenue has come into the county F^ixieHurst Liumber Yards from mining and loading it for indus­ INDUSTRY trial uses. One of the most striking manufac­ turing establishments in the county is that of the Mountain Ice company at »IH»»»»m UU illllllllMTTTTmTr The Vass Cotton Mills were built with Aberdeen, where vast quantities of ice are made throughout the year, the deliberate intention to afford an out­ much of it stored for the rush seas­ on of summer when refrigerator cars let for the product of the Moore county are iced in large numbers every day Hand-Turned Spool Bedroom Suites farm and employment for Moore county at Aberdeen, chiefly in the fruit trade.
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