243 MERISTOTHECA PROCUMBENS P. GABRIELSONEf ET KRAFf (GIGARfINALES, SOLIERIACEAE): AN EDffiLE SEAWEED FROM ROTIJMA ISIAND Antoine D.R. N'¥eurt Marine Studies, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. ABSTRACT The edible Rhodophyte Meristotheca procumbens P. Gabrielson et Kraft (Gigartinales, Solieriaceae), found for the tirsttime outside its type locality of Lord Howe Island, Australia, is described from the island of Rotuma, South Pacific, where it is a favourite food item in the Rotuman diet. It is characterized by a procumbent thallus and stellate cortical cells. It is still unclear why this species docs not occur elsewhere in the southwest Pacific, and possible biogeographic hypotheses are discussed. INTRODUcnON Rotuma Island (120 30' S, 177° 05' E; Fig. 1) is a small volcanic island located about 465 km north of the Fiji group, to which it is politically attached. The only study of the Rotuman algal flora to date is that by the author (N'Yeurt, 1993) who listed some 106 taxa of intertidal and shallow benthic algae. Among these was reported the fleshy, decumbent rhodophyte Meristotheca procumbens P. Gabrielson et Kraft, which was previously known only from its type locality at Lord Howe Island (Gabrielson and Kraft, 1984). The alga is a popular edible seaweed on Rotuma, and is commonly eaten as a gel following boiling in coconut milk. To the author's knowledge however, it has not been reported before as a food item, although other species of Meristotheca are S.PacJ.Nat.Sci., 1995,14:243-250 244 .0 d Fig. 1 30N ..-- ~ :~: .. 16 is / -- ".---- ---- ( ( ( Fig. 2 245 consumed Figure 1: Map of Rotuma Island, with collecting sites. 1. Losa 3. Hapmafau 5. Tua'koi 2. Faputa 4. Savlei Figure 2: Map of the tropical and sub-tropical western Pacific, showing prevailing ocean currents in January (adapted from Ash, 1992). 1. Mariana Islands 17. Society Islands 2 Saipan 18. Cook Islands 3. Guam 19. Niue 4. Yap 20. Samoa 5. Palau 21. Tonga 6. Caroline Islands 22. FUi 7. Marshall Islands 23.· Rotuma Island 8. Nauru 24. Vanuatu 9. Kiribati 25. Solomon Islands 1O.Tuvalu 26. Papua New Guinea llTokelau 27. New Caledonia 13.Line Islands 28. Norfolk 14.Hawaii 29. Lord Howe 15.Marquesas 30. New Zealand 16.Tuamoto Archipelago 31. Australia elsewhere, for example in Japan (Meristotheca papulosa; Abbott 1988:141). Considering its abundance and importance as food on Rotuma, it is reasonable to question why this particular species does not occur on any other Pacific island, such as for example Fiji or in Micronesia. Such biogeographic considerations have been looked at in N'Yeurt (1993), and are discussed here. MATERIALS AND METHODS Algal collections were made on Rotuman reefs during 1992 and 1993, as part of the author's M. Sc. Thesis project (N'Yeurt, 1993). The plants were preserved in 5% formalin in seawater, and brought back to the laboratory in Suva for further processing. Hand-sections of the algae were used for general observation of internal anatomy. Slides were stained with either crystal violet or 1 % aniline blue, and made permanent if necessary by embedding in glycerine jelly (Drury et aI., 1967) following impregnation of the material in 246 50% glycerol/water solution for 2-3h. Dried voucher specimens were deposited in the Phycological Herbarium, South Pacific Regional Herbarium, and are housed at the Institute of Marine Studies, The University of the South Pacific (USP). RESULTS '\1eristotheca procumbens P. Gabrielson et Kraft: Edible qualities 1\;(. procumbens is commonly hand-collectcd from the intertidal reef flats by RotLlman women, to be made into a particularly esteemed dish (ULum mie'ta"). fhis seaweed is typically found attached to the base ofAcropora coral rubble (Fig. 4), the richest harvest being obtained at sites where the water depth is 0.5-1 m (Fig. 3). The alga is picked from the coral skeletons, and put into large bags. Once brought back to the collector's home, the seaweed (ULumi" in Rotuman) is first soaked in seawater for 1-2 hours (Fig. 6), then carefully cleaned of coral debris and sand. The cleaned and drained material is then put into a large cooking pot, to which was previously added an amount of coconut milk and some lemon juice (the latter to remove the strong flavor inherent to the seaweed). The whole is then boiled briefly, with frequent stirrin6, until the seaweed has reduced by about three-quarters in volume and has taken a gel-like appearance (Fig. 8). At this stage, a number of condiments can be added, the most popular being chopped onions and fish flakes (either fresh or tinned). The dish can then be served, although it is usual to leave it overnight and consume it cold in the morning, as it is said to have a better flavour thus. The author's personal experience of this dish was quite pleasant, the preparation having no particular strong taste and endowed with an agreeable "nutty" flavor, with a texture comparable to jelly or soft pudding. The dish is also quite sustaining, and said to be very nutritive. 3. Typical habitat of Meristotheca procumbells (Losa, North-West Rotuman coast). 4. M. procumbellS : habit in situ, showing attachment to base of Acropora coral. 5. M. procumbens : habit of living specimens shortly after collecting. 6. M. procumbens: plants soaked in seawater prior to cleaning. 7. M. procumbells : cross-section of thallus showing medullary region of stellate cells. Scale = .100,um. 8. The prepared dish "Lum mie'ta", ready for consumption. 9. M. procumbells: surface view of cortical cells. Scale = 20,um. 10. M.procumbellS: detail of medullary stellate cells. Scale = 25,um. 247 248 TAXONOMIC DESCRIPTION Meristotheca J. Agardh 1872 Meristotheca procumbens P. Gabrielson et Kraft [Figs 4, 5, 7, 9, 10] Gabrielson and Kraft 1984:241, fig. 14A-D [type locality : Lord Howe Is., Australia]; Millar and Kraft 1993:26; N'Yeurt 1993:164, Figs 171; 176-181; 237- 238. Ei.ii: New published rccord for Fiji. In Herb. Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hawaii [BISH 536995; 537010]. University of the South Pacific representative material: USP411; USP351. Plant deep-pink and turgid when fresh, procumbent, up to 10 cm in diameter, irregularly branched and lobed. Thallus attached at various points to supporting coral via terete haptera up to 2 mm long. Frond up to 800,um in thickness, composed of an inner medulla of predominantly rhizoidal filaments (40% of thallus) surrounded on both sides by equal thicknesses of a cortex grading from large unpigmented stellate-ovate cells up to 95,um in diameter, to a surface layer of small pigmented rectangular cortical cells up to lOx 20,um. Cystocarps absent from Rotuman specimens collccted in May/ June and December/ January, but reported present in this species by Gabrielson and Kraft (1984:245) in Lord Howe specimens. Tetraspores unknown. Distribution: Lord Howe Island, New South Wales (Australia), Rotuma. Rotuma dL<.tdbutjon: Fapufa [USP 411]; Hapmafau; Losa; Savlei; Tha'koi [USP 351]. Common on the northwest and south coasts (see Fig. 1). Habitat: found growing at the base of Acropora coral debris, in shallow lagoonal waters or tide pools. [Note: specimens of this genus (identified as Meristotheca sp.) were also located by the author in the collections of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum Herbarium in Hawaii, having been collected for W.E. Booth in October 1975 and August 1977. These specimens have been examined by the author, and were ascertained to belong to the species M. procumbe/ls P. Gabrielson et Kraft. No other Rotuman algal collections had been made by Booth, despite some unsuccesful attempts to culture Rotuman M. procumbe/ls in Laucala Bay, Suva (W.E. Booth, in lit.)]. DISCUSSION Since Meristotheca proclimbens is quite abundant in certain parts of the Rotuman south coast (N'Yeurt, 1993), there needs to be a satisfactory 249 explanation as to why it has not been reported from islands between Rotuma (120 30" S) and Lord Howe Island (31 0 33" S). An examination of the main ocean current patterns in the southwest Pacific (and hence the most probable dispersal routes for algae in the region) shows there is a steady southwesterly flow from the equatorial region (Fig. 2), and hence dispersal from more northerly latitudes towards more southerly ones are favored, with the reverse route being highly unlikely (Ash, 1992; N'Yeurt, 1993). Hence, it would appear that the Lord Howe Island M. procumbens ultimately originated from more northerly donor areas, with an intermediate site at the higher latitude of Rotuma. Why it does not occur in the intervening islands (eg. Fiji, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia) is open to question. It could be that there are no suitable habitats for long-term settlement of M. procumbens on these islands, or that the species did not manage to "hit" these particular islands, a problem often encountered in long-distance dispersal of algae (Hoek, 1987). Still another possibility would be that this species does exist in the intervening islands, but has simply not yet been found. CONCLUSIONS A number of interesting questions arise as to the origin and biogeographic distribution of M. procumbens in the southwest Pacific, and these will ultimately only be answered by more extensive algal collections and research in the region. Meristotheca procumbens has a good economic potential, being easily harvested and one hundred percent edible, warranting further research into its possible development as an aquaculture species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the University of the South Pacific (URC grant # 0713-91 06) and from the International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD; Canada), which enabled field research on Rotuma. I wish to thank Faga Aisake of Fapufa village, who assisted in collecting material in the field and instructed me in some of the finer pointsof Rotuman seaweed cuisine.
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