Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 9-26-1962 UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 42, No. 1 WKU Student Affairs Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Leadership Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, and the Sports Studies Commons This Article is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. College Heig4ts Herald Western Kentucky State College VOLUME 42, NO. 1- Z251 BOWLING GREEN, KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26, 1962 Sou. Ky.'s Tallest ....,~L,L c:tJ. J Weetern Kentucky State Construction Begun On "Skyscraper" Dormi~ory Western's "skyscraper" men's dormitory is now under DOUGLAS L. VERDIER JOHN SMITH construction on the old football practice field at the rear of Editor in Chief Advertising Manager West Hall. The 11-story structure, which will be built of Class Officer reinforced concrete and finished in colonial brick, will be the tallest building in southern Kentucky. Nominations Verdier; Smith To Head The contract for its construe• financed through sale of bonds to tion was awarded to the Robert the Federal Housing and Home C. Crouch Company, Memphis, Finance Agency. Begin Today Tenn., the low bidder, who sub­ Funds to equip the building with mitted a total construction bid of additional furniture, if needed, Upperclassmen will meet at Herald Staff This Year $1,197,700. the huge structure will will be paid from the state's cap. 3:00 p.m. today for the PUl'POSC of have 10 floors, which will provide ital construction fund. nominating candidates fot· 'class Heading the staff of tile College son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Smith, bedroom space for 410 men, Four-Story Dorm Planned offices. Heights Herald for the 1962-63 Greenville. A graduate of t'.treen­ apartments for the director and At the same time, a four-story The sophomores will meet with school year will be Douglas L. ville High School, Smith served as co-advertising manager of the assistant director, central eleva• dormitory for women is also being their advisor, Wilbum Jones, in Verdier, Bowling Green, who will tor service, all necessary sup. planned for construction on the Snell Hall Auditorium; the jun­ Herald last year with Mary Ann porting auxiliary space, and will Kentucky Building grounds at a iors with advisor Willard Cock­ assume the position of editor in Wood. be fully air-conditioned. The 11th right angle to the recently com­ rill, in the Memorial Roo1.1 of the chief, and John Smith, Greenville, Other members of the Herald floor will house the elevator sliaft, pleted six-story women's dorm. Student Center, and the seniors who will continue as advertising staff include: Larry Dykes, SPorts .air conditioning units and other Estimated cost of this building with advisor Rhea Lazarus, regis­ manager. Editor; Lou Lanier, Society Ed­ utility equipment. is $800,000. It will provide hous­ tar, in Van Meter Auditorium. A senior English reajor, Ver­ itor; and Allen Pardon, Photo­ Cost Estimated At $1,300,000 ing for 230 women and will be The freshmen will meet at 4:00 dier is the son of Mr. ::ind Mrs. grapher. fully air-conditioned. p.m. Monday, October 1, with ad­ Joseph N. Verdier of Harrisburg. Estimated total cost of the edi• Pa. He is a graduate of Bowling Miss Frances Richards, a mem• fice which will be known as Men's The new women's dormitory visor Lee Robertson, in Van Met­ will extend from the Russellville er Auditorium. Green High School and is a mem• ber of the English department. Dormitory No. 5, is $1,300,000. ber of the ROTC and Pershing is faculty advisor and instructor T.:iis cost is to include furnish­ Road to the six-story structure The names of all nominees for near the Heating Plant. It will each office in their respective Rifles. Verdier will succeed co• of the intermediae a.nd advanced ings, landscaping and planting, editors Bernard Madison and Ed journalism classes. Robert Coch­ walkways and utility facilities be constructed of reinforced con­ classes will be placed on ballots crete with brick finish. Plans call which will be distributed to mem- Hocker. ran, director of public relations. along with last • minute pre-oc• for another do1mitory of match­ Smith, a senior English-Econ• is general manager and Robert cupancy details which may come Continued on page 12, column 3 Towe, News Coordinator. under the catagory of necessities. ing design to be erected in a omics and Sociology major, is the Frank Cain, Bowling Green, and similar space near the Kentucky Will Publish Weekly Ben Johnson, Owensboro, are the Building at a later date. Sandwich Shop This year, the Herald will con­ architects. A small sandwich shop is in­ Pres. Thompson Moves tinue to publish weekly in an The dormitory will serve as au cluded in the plans for the new effort to increase the timeliness anchor for future buildings to be building and will be located ou of the news printed in the Herald. constructed around the eastern the ground floor at the northwest. The weekly publication schedule sector of the campus in the same end. W. S. Arrasmith, Louisville, To Stop All Speculation will also aid in handling the tre­ architectural motiff. and Joseph P. Wilk, Bowling Dr. Kelly Thompson, president mendous i.icrease in volume of The dormitory project will be Green, are the architects. of Western, this week removed news to be printed. P' himself from any consideration The Herald will be published for the presidency of the Univer­ every Wednesday and students sity of Kentucky. may pick up their copies of the Dr. Thompson in a letter to S. C. p a p e r immediately following Van Curon, editor of the Frank­ freshman assembly. Copies of the fort State Journal, stated, "It is Herald will be availible for dis• my desire to do the very best tribution in the lobby of Van job that I can as piesident of Meter; the main entranC<! of Western Kentucky State College. Cherry Hall; and the main en• I would, under no circumstances, trance of the Paul L. Garrett I, .ve this endeavor for any other Student Center. position in the United States, re­ Because of increased circulation gardless of what it might be." and a better distribution schedule, Dr. Thompson's letter was tele­ a slight increase in advertising graphed to Van Curon relative rates has become necessary in to a statement. Sunday in Van order to operate. Persons wishi.ig Curon's column 'I Say What I to advertise in the IIerald may Think' which appeared in the call the Herald office at Victor Park City Daily News. In the 2-0341 Ext. 240 for any informa• column Van Curon stated that tion they may desire. Dr. Thompson's n.:.me had been The Herald will have 26 issues mentioned in speculation in con­ during the 1962-63 school year, the nection with the University of DR. KELLY THOMPSON Kentuck-y. Continued on page 6, column 2 Complete text of Dr. Thompson's University of Kcntuck,·. I realize letter to Van Curon follows: that this type of speculation is NOTICE "Your column, "I Say What I one of America's great pastimes. This year the Library will be Think," appearing in yesterday's In fact, I enjoy indulging in it open on Sundays 5":30 p.m.- issue of the Park City Daily myself. 9:00 p.m. News stated that, in speculation, ''In order that there be no fur­ Weekday schedule as fol­ my name had been mentioned in­ ther speculation regarding me (if lows: cidentally in connection with the anyone were to be so inclined), 7:45 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Mon• I am making the following state­ day through Thursday MEN'S DORMITORY NO. 5 ment so that my name be re­ 7:45 a.m.-S:30 a.m. Friday Rogers Lumber moved once and forever from 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Satur­ day New College Personnel Lowest Bidder On Continued on page 12, column 2 Co-Op School Introduced At Reception Roger Lumber Company, Au­ Western Players Will launch Eight • four members of th e Business and Government burn, was the apparent low bidder .eaching staff, administrative J. R. Foster, Miss Carolyn llead, on the new $500,000 co-o,>erative 16th Consecutive Season staff. and secretarial staff were T. J. B. Wenner, Glen Lange, city elementary school, with a bid ·ntroduced at the annual recep. and William E. Laux. of $410,872, according to a recent Western Players formally open­ don for persons joining the West­ announcement by Dr. W. R. Mc­ ed their 16th consecutive season Economics and Sociology Neil, ooperintendent of Bowling ern staff since the reception was Wayne Dobson; Roy D. Hedges, with an open house and reception ~eld at the beginning of school Mrs. Audrey R. Jackson, and Green city schools. The school is on Wednesday night, September LaSt year. to be constructed on the Western 19 in the Memorial Room of fu, John H. Watson. campus on the Old Russellville The reception this year was Student Union Building. Education - Dr. W. L. Brack• Road. Betty Lou Miller opened the pro­ ..eld last evening at 7:30 p.m. ett, Mrs. Ruth Fuller, Kenneth the Kentucky Building. Second low bidder wi:s Arch Lu­ g1:am as Karen Botzart set th Brinstead, Dr.
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