![1937-03-12 [P A-7]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
ANTI-VIVISECTION BILL been Introduced In this Congress by Senator Frazier, Republican, of North Good Will Era Celebrated Measure la Offered in Dakota. COAL MEASURE “Ride ’Em, Congress by Cowgirl!” It would make experimenting on liv- Senator Frazier. ing dogs in the District a misdemeanor An anti-vivisection bill, similar to and fix penalties for conviction of the SENT TO SENATE measures which have been pending in offense. In previous Congresses the Congrees for a number of years, has measure met considerable opposition. Government Forces Holding House Passes Price-Fixing Back 30.000 Italians Bill Quickly, Upsetting on Northeast. Amendment Efforts. BACKGROUND— By the Associated Press. FASHION Frequent artillery strafing of Disposition of a price-fixing bill fQr Madrid during the four months’ in- the $11,000,000,000 soft coal industry surgent seige resulted in stiffening became the exclusive responsibility of the government lines of defense. the Senate today as it received the Militiamen have been rushed to measure rushed through the House greet the invaders, with customary yesterday afternoon. Passage in the success. Air raids became fewer as House was the third vote of approval womm a result of many plane battles in for such legislation in the past two which rebel flyers were brought years, that of yesterday being without down, despite heavy loyalist losses. a record vote. The present bill, sponsored by Rep- By the Associated Press ■CKHIt resentative Vinson of Kentucky and MADRID. March 12 f/Pl.—Insurgent Senator Guffey of Pennsylvania, is a artillery- blasted anew at this be- slightly revised version of the original leaguered capital today as government invalidated act. commanders reported their war-fagged In rapid succession, the Democratic •‘milicianos” were holding an army of majority in the House beat back every Saturday 80.000 Italians in check on the north- attempt at amendment and sent the eastern front, 44 miles away. measure to the Senate in exactly the Shells exploded in the Gran Via, an form in which it reached the floor. March 13th Important thoroughfare, and struck The bill closely parallels both the the lower section of buildings of one invalidated act and its substitute the city. Edgar Morris, president of the Washington Board of Trade which was hurried through the House 2:30—5 and 8:15 Several persons w-ere believed hit last (left), and Assistant State Francis B. are session. and screaming ambulances raced to Secretary of Sayre shown at the dinner the Board Labor provisions of the invalidated the shelled area. Several other per- “pan-American night” of of Trade last —Star act were eliminated from the revised sons were killed or night. Staff Photo. injured yesterday bill, however, because the Supreme In another of the countless bombard- Court objected to them. ments of the four-month MAYFLOWER siege. Before the present bill reached the On the other hand. 300 insurgents floor the powerful House Ways and were killed or wounded in Southern Means Committee had put new and HOTEL Spam, it was from reported Andujar, bigger teeth in it. A penalty tax for when they attacked Villanueva del ; producers who fail to comply with the Duque, Jaen Province. code of fair competition prescribed by Ban Violation Charged. the law was increased from 13per Cast as hard-riding cowgirls, Agnes Doherty (on horse), The government cabinet in Valencia, Admission, 25c cent to 19'a per cent. niece of Senator Joseph C. O'Mahoney, and Cuyler Schwartz, meanwhile, prepared a protest to the I Entire Receipts For Senator H. H. Schwartz will take a International At the same time, the committee daughter of of Wyoming, Care of Needy in Nine Neutrality Committee, I Washington Hospitals lowered a tax to be levied on all prominent part in the seciety circus at Fort Myer, Va., late this of which Italy is a member, terming pro- ducers to finance administration of month. Proceeds from the shoiv will be given to charity. the presence of Italian troops a grave Is Main Dr. Du Sayre Speaker, Dip- Vincent Vigneaud Is Photo. violation of the European non-inter- the law. This levy was cut from 1>,2 —-Harris-Ewing vention accord. lomats Guests at “Good Lauded for Work on Sul- per cent to per cent. The government accused Italy of Representative Merritt, Democrat, of ment by Representative Mapes, Re- Speaker Bankhead took the floor for Waging an "undeclared war” on Spain. Will” Program. phur Compounds. New York sought to reduce the tax publican, of Michigan, to place all em- the first time since his election to that In the face of combined assaults by further to *4 per cent, but failed on a ployes of the seven $10.000-a-year office to indorse the legislation as artillery, planes, mechanized units and The era of good will among the na- The Hillebrand award of the Wash- voice vote after Vinson told the House commissioners, charged with adminis- "legitimate, prudent and constitu- waves of infantrymen and machine i tions of North, South and Central ington section of the American Chem- the industry was averse to adding "a tration of the law, under civil service. tional." America was last ical was dollar of burden’’ to the United States gunners, Madrid's forces were reported | emphasized night Society presented at the an- The bill exempts certain clerks, law- He expressed hope it would pass the to have forced a flattening of the in- as Ambassadors and Ministers of the nual dinner of the section at the Cos- Treasury. yers and experts. Senate and "run the gamut” in the sister of the surgent spearhead along a 23-mile j republics Americas and mos Club last night to Dr. Vincent The House also beat down an amend- Just before It went to a vote. Supreme Court. front in Guadalajara Province. officials of the State and Commerce Du Vigneaud. professor of biochem- with the Tile .jagged line bisected the Aragon- J Departments joined Board istry at George Washington Univer- of Trade in a celebration Madrid highway at Trijueque, 12 miles ! of Pan- sity Medical School, in recognition of northeast American night. researches on of the city of Guadalajara j sulphur compounds. which is 32 I The celebration was held at the miles from Madrid. It ex- This work led during tne last few Hotel as tended from north Mayflower part of the trade Ccgolludo, of the | months to the first large-scale syn- road, to on the body's regular March meeting. One Budia, south. thesis of glutathione, which occurs of the highlights was the raising of Four Italian columns had been naturally in the animal body and is the flag of each republic, accompanied beaten from a closely-integrated war in some way associated with normal by the playing of each country’s na- machine of narrow front into a growth and possibly with the ab- broader tional anthem. and more vulnerable organiza- normal growth of certain tissus in Assistant of State Fran- tion. government declared. Secretary malignant tumors. strategists cis B In view of the Sayre, one of the principal government's stub- j This. Dr. Du Vigneaud said in ac- born speakers, said that, although each re- resistance, they said, the attackers cepting the award, was one of the of the Americas is dif- made no further public vastly ; efforts to advance on outcomes of work started 10 years ago ferent from the others, there is a the direct route to Guadalajara. to determine the complex common bond of understanding, of chemistry More Italians Expected. of insulin, the secretion thrown into aspiration and a feeling of kinship The government's characterization the blood stream from the Isles of existing between them. Urging fur- : of the conflict as ‘'international” was I^angerhan in the t Iterance of President Roosevelt's pancreas, which is said to have been strengthened further necessary for the metabolism of j "good neighbor” policy, he said: sugar by the reported declaration of an the body and lack of which "The President not only advanced causes Italian prisoner of war, identified as diabetes. his ideas of the good neighbor policy, Maj. Luciano Antonio de Inino, that i j but he acted on them and translated Structure Eludes Chemistry. the Italian was government planning them into concrete realities." Insulin, Dr, Du Vigneaud is an to send even more "regular Italian said, Hits “Dollar Diplomacy.” extremely complex, troops’’ to Spain. sulphur-contain- Warning against "dollar diplomacy,” ing molecule which cannot be synthe- The major, described as the chief of j Sayre said the future success of good sized at It is an Italian present. one of the machine gun unit in relations with South America depends hormones, substances produced by the Guadalajara, was one of three officers ; on the pursuit of a wise foreign com- glands of internal secretion and 42 men who became in the lost and were j merce He said that policy. no effort mammal body which have very great trapped by government militiamen. i should be spared to extend Latin- physiological effects in He was as exceedingly quoted telling Gen. Jose American trade "so that all concerned minute doses. Some of these, such as Miaja's staff that i "Italy’s support of may profit.” the secretion from the Fascism in thyroid gland, Spain is in line with the Dr. Don Adrian Recinos. Minister of are relatively simple chemically and Italian policy to establish a of league Guatemala, responded briefly to As- can be synthesized in the Fascist countries.” laboratory. sistant Secretary Sayre's message on Others, such as A defense insulin, the secretion junta statement said dis- behalf of the South and Central from the parathyroids which governs closures by the prisoners on the com- American countries.
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