&naldrun,a @ American Cream Murs wHAr: 2008 Annual Meeting Weekend wHEN: October 16-18, 2008 wHERE: Bennington, vermont wHY: ACDHAAnnual Meeting; Meet other Association members; Visit New England;AND To Have Fun! How: See Below Before we get to the HOW......Look who's driving our Shirley on a visit to Bennington a few years agoll! lt's Don Johnson from Russell, lowa, long time Cream member, former Director for many years, and original owner/breeder of Shirley (and a bunch of others!). Don't they make a good pair? Now here's HOW to plan for your weekend in Vermont, the agenda after you arrive, and the signup sheet: Airport all major airlines at Albany International Airport, Albany, New York Car Rentals all major car rentals at Albany International Airport Amtrak train station name Albany-Rensselaer, New York - NO CAR RENTALS Motel Paradise Motor Inn, Bennington, Vermont - www.paradisemotorinn.com or 800-575-5784 or 802-442-8351 - BOOK BY JULY 15, 2008 TO GET $85/NIGHT RATE-2 NIGHT MINIMUM AND MENTION THE ACDHA Thursdav. October 16th 5:00 PM - We will pick you up with our Creams and wagon(s) at the Paradise Motor Inn and bring you to The Bennington Station - a renovated train station - for dinner. And, oh yeah, we'll take you back, too!! Fridav, October 17th 7:30 AM - Pancake and Vermont Maple Syrup breakfast at the Lively's plus a meet and greet with the horses. Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the country and we'll have a display for you of how it's done with all of the different grades to sample. Schedule continued on page 6 ,7 i r t ieri can {.:reu r 1,,,\Lws Merchandise FROM THE DRIVER'S SEAT American Cream News is o hinc/ir of membershiP in rhe Spring is in full force here on the East coast with ,{rrrcricatr Cre crn Draft Horse lots of rain to make up for last year's Associcrtion, pubLished rlrunterly, tts Just a few reminders: of 2005. American Cream draught. Ness ttclcotncs articlcs, pictltrcs, Horse hogress Days - July 4 & 5, Mt tlope, ldttdr.\, dn.l cLrssified ads dealing Ohio. To date we have one team promised. If rtith Anrcrican Creums, other draft you schedule has changed and you can bring horse lrrce.ls, and etluipment antl horses, contact the secretary. Help is needed to er ent.s Jeriling rL ith draft horses. man the ACDHA booth and to assist with the /aJ(oo^ 'JLan y )'Lno\. )c(reldr) team of horses. Refer to page 14 for the mile- age reimbursement plan. This event gives us lively 123 @ comcast.net national exposure each year with the Rural Heri- Rd l9J Crossover tage spot on RFD TV. Bennington. VT 05201 Your dues notice will be arriving shortly. When ,i\" (: fi)D m ?lG^. b. J'WJiltya. EJircr you pay your dues please provide the secretary 1 need [email protected] with your foaling/stallion report. We this information. Er 6kX., Wcbmaster ^ Annual Meeting - October 16 - 18 Bennington, www.acdha.org Advertising Prices Vermont. Remember your reservation must be Business Card $12 made at least 9O days in advance to lock in the Please pay l/4 Page $20 special group rate. When making your reserva- ll3Page $22 tion be sure to tell them that you are with the annual dues 1/2 Page $30 American Cream Draft llorse Association. Full Page $50 by fune lsth. Color $70 + ad cost The ACDfIA web site is up and running. 2-Line Ad: (wwur.acdha-arg) Please look it over and give us and suggestions. Your comments See Page 7 $3.00 + 10 P per word your concerns over 2 lines. are always welcomed. The directors can be con- for forms. tacted by email [email protected], phone, or the old fashion U S mail. Remember as a mem- ber of the ACDHA you can advertise your ani- INSIDE THIS ISSUE: mals. As of now there is only one horse listed. Officers Lastly, I would like to thank all of the Bennington lnvitation F Personally r\. Directors for all of the time that they have spent 'r-l.nr; I-rdnk I T(mci From the Driver's Seat 2 this past year on Association business. There \"icr PrcsiJcnt:'\Yendel.ILupkes meet- Bios from Candidates 3 hasn't been a week since our last annual Tre a-s Nancy Litef -\cc7 ing that we haven't been in contact with one an- Sporting LibrarY 4 I)irectors: Linda Corson Nationai other trying to solve the many problems that John Schu'orttler Reciprocation 5 have arisen. Catherine Mr.rrPhl Days End Farm 6 ,t'*h Frank Tremel, President 'l r'..'."! \\', l.rLrrstcr: Dean Tick-i lt, L Forms for VT Meeting o l:,i;ior: Nancl PhilliPs American Cream: A Novel o I r \rrrerrirn llrc,urr I)rrit Horc A*ocrrnon l0 '., r; |lrt ot the Aniuricrin Creon Netts Alliance FOR SALE: Yearling colt, white tail and double i,rrlrirling photographs) mry be What ntade nte chutse... llIt mane, medium cream. Excellent conformation. rr 1.rr11r.'.i. ptlt ()11 \\'ebsites tlr usecl in l'r.rlllr( r \\ irl), Ilte u rittcll JEB Neg. Frank ':r, 'tll Monies 15 Dam #T0004, Sire #463. oi the i.ernrissiotr ,rf the Secretary Tremel, 301-261-5327, rosehillcreams@aol'com '\\:t )C I.ltl ()ll. Cheater's Amber #482 B glmerican Cream J'fews BIOS from Candidates for Director Dear Members, I am running again for the position of Director in our Association, and I would appreciate your vote in October. I Dear Fellow Members. have been a member of this Association since 1995. My hus- band, Ben and I have bred and worked Creams since 1995. As one of the newer members to the Association it is a honor We have worked to promote the Creams by attending shows to place my name for your consideration for a seat on the and being in local parades. board. We (Bill and I) became interested in the Creams after seeing a horse shoeing demonstration at the Draft Horse Since 1995 I have attended numerous meetings and Classic in Grass Valley. They were utilizing John have enjoyed seeing old friends and meeting new members. I Schwartzler's Creams and Donna Miller was talking to the wish we were closer together so meetings could happen more audience about Creams. It was love at first sight and soon often, but am very thankful our membership touches all parts after bought our first Cream, Bobbie from Donna Miller and of this country. As a member I have been on several commit- then six Creams later and the birth of our first foal. Luckv, tees. the latest of which was the Brochure Committee. Work- we have a herd of Creams. ing with Betsy Ziebell and Karen Smith to produce an up- dated Brochure was a joy. I always felt it a privilege to be part ofbringing a breed back from near extinction and have enjoyed watching all our I am looking forward to continuing to serve the As- young horses grow up. Our intentions our to cross-train all sociation and helping it grow. It has changed so much from our horses to ride and drive so that we can better promote the where we were when I joined, to the Association we have versatility of the breed and get more people interested in become. We have so much potential as an organization be- owning a Cream. Bill and I enjoy grooming and cleaning the cause of our members ( and our truly amazing horses)! Creams and showing them off to all our friends and family and in turn to their friends and family. Sincerely, Linda Corson I have been a Farm Loan Manager with the Farm Service Agency for the past seven years and I am comfortable work- ing with people and organizing. participating and getting the job with the Agency a total of 30 years Dear fellow ACDHA members, done. I have been and know what it means to be dedicated to something you I have been an owner and breeder of American Cream Drafts believe in. We were privileged to attend an association for 8 years. From one mare in foal our herd has grown to I I meeting here in California that first year and were able to horses. Although I enjoy riding and driving our horses, my meet many of you and enjoyed seeing everyone's dedication primary focus is on breeding. I want the genetics of our to the breed. Though we are unable to attend all the associa- breed to be preserved and a niche found for them in the horse tion meetings we will always attempt to attend a few. world. Due to the lack of a market for Creams, I feel sty- I can't continue to breed mied. Since we are not wealthy, However, with the modern convenience of email it is not indefinitely to either sell them at a loss or keep them horses always necessary to attend everything in person to stay in is for a 100 lb. bale in California, myself. Hay currently $16 touch. I have first hand experience in this because of my go hay. and I through A LOT of work and being responsible for 17 counties in California. I would strive to make it easier for all members to feel a part I would like to see the association dedicate the next year to ofthe association even ifthev never could attend a meeting.
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