G Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’ the brutality and aggressiveness required as the (1928–1967) ‘leader’ of the ‘free world’ (Robinson 2008). Today, as we witness the world’s only superpower Peter McLaren1 and Lilia D. Monzó2 using its divinely ordained pre-emptive power to 1Chapman University, Orange, CA, USA ‘democratise’ rogue countries through the sav- 2College of Educational Studies, Chapman agery of war, symbolically delousing its new University, Orange, CA, USA immigrant populations from the south by highlighting their supposed cultural inferiority, and deploying surveillance and cyber capabilities Synonyms to steal industry secrets and sabotage financial systems in order to advantage its domestic indus- Biography; Che Guevara; Cuban revolution; try and spy on its own citizens and those from Focoism; Guerilla warfare; Marxism countries around the world, we can safely say that while democracy clearly has no historical present in the US, it could possibly have a future should a Definition socialist alternative to capitalism be one day realised. Yet, this seems unlikely in today’s his- This essay explores the life and work of Argentine torical juncture, in a world harrowed by war, Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla famine, racism, and ecological destruction. leader, military theorist, and diplomat, Ernesto Any vestiges of social responsibility are tram- ‘Che’ Guevara (1928–1967). pled into dust by a world corporate media system We all appreciate heroes whose actions and that deploys its own ‘heroes’–i.e., Bill Gates, historical stature help enable us to recognise our Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, the Walton fam- potential as human beings and who give us the ily – to ensure that the capitalist marketplace is impetus to be better than we are – more coura- venerated as the motor force of democracy. geous, more selfless, more committed to making Humanity appears weak and puny in the face of the world a better place. This is especially true the entrenched dominance of the capitalist mode today when our world is on the verge of planetary of production and its billionaire heroes, and alerts catastrophe at the hands of a transnational capital- us to the seemingly insuperable task of emerging ist class and its corporate clientele and a US-led victorious against any and all forces aligned with imperialist order seemingly willing to forsake the interests of capital accumulation. As Peter millions of lives in favour of protecting its corpo- McLaren (2010) notes: rate interests through a shameful complicity with © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020 I. Ness, Z. Cope (eds.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91206-6_299-1 2 Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’ (1928–1967) In a world torn between the oppressed on the one his time and his pedagogy of revolution that was side, and those who esuriently exploit them, on the based on a critical engagement of Marxist- other, there seems little hope today of a grand alter- native for the wretched of the earth. They seem Leninist theory and the philosophy of praxis he forever caught between the jaws of those scrupu- developed from the basis of such an engagement lously respectable people who offer them the slav- (Harris 1998). Through the words with which he ery of wage labour and a lifetime of alienation in agitated, incited, and persuaded men and women exchange for their labour power, and those who fi loathsomely criminalize their very existence, or to ght for a socialist alternative, we witness feel justified to leave them to suffer whatever cruel the honesty, self-reflection, and integrity that he fate the market has in store for them. (102–103) argued were necessary characteristics of the ‘new [wo] man’ and socialist revolutionary (Löwy The unmitigated lie that we are destined to be 2007). His Guevarian pedagogy and socialist passive participants in history and unable to act in imaginary were not the product of some a world of necessity becomes evident when we privileged access to his own internal reflection come to know and recognise the valiant self- but came through a commitment to truth, a strug- fashioning of those who – despite being locked gle for solidarity, a belief in the political efficacy within the prison house of capitalism with its of guerrilla warfare, and a search for a coherence dislocation and disaggregation of person identity – between theory and practice, a coherence that has create spaces of protagonistic agency that enable informed various revolutions since and provides them to act with integrity, valour, and commit- great insights into how we, as critical educators, ment toward a ‘collective struggle’ (Darder can begin to attain proletarian hegemony through 2011). What we need is to learn of and from the a pedagogy of love, revolution, and social justice. heroes who stand among real men and women and who have made profound contributions in our lifetime precisely because of their humanity – because somehow conditions in and around their A Legacy of and for Revolution lives forced them to demand of themselves more Che is revered as an epic symbol of revolutionary than most of us dare to do. The real heroes of our heroism among disenfranchised communities world are those whose disquieting commitment to across the globe and especially in his native resisting the brutalisation of everyday life con- América Latina. His extraordinary willingness to vinces us that we too can be revolutionaries – make the ultimate sacrifice of his life to liberate that in the substantive and aggregative nexus of humanity, his unwavering commitment to his our historical experiences, we all have the capac- Guevarian (Marxist) pedagogy, and his coura- ity for courage, for honouring others, and for geous and unflinching affront to capitalism and revolutionary love. US imperialism support the image of a knight Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara was a man from whose from Arthurian legend, a secular Christ, or an storied legacy we can glimpse the possibilities of avenging angel wielding a fiery sword promul- an authentic humanity, recognising at the same gated and instructed by divine ordinance to slay time that he was also one of the most important the hydra-headed beast of US imperialism. For socialist revolutionaries of the twentieth century many of us on the left, he inspires and energises and beyond. His accomplishments as an intellec- us to continue to fight for what we know is right tual and a military commander continue to be felt and just, and instils a sense of solidarity and love in the hearts of those who knew him and among that reminds us of our purpose. new generations who continue to discover him Hundreds of books and articles have been writ- anew (Löwy 2007). His gift to his own generation ten about Che, the man who, alongside Fidel and future generations was his refusal to give Castro, spearheaded a socialist revolution that succour to despair, his diligent focus on the brought down the dictatorship of Fulgencio world-historical antagonisms of his day, the clar- Batista in Cuba in 1959 and played a key role in ity he achieved in redressing social injustices of various aspects of Cuba’s transformation into Guevara, Ernesto ‘Che’ (1928–1967) 3 communism. In 1965, he moved on to develop all, honesty, creativity, voluntary labour, solidar- and support other socialist revolutions in Congo- ity and a sense of community (Löwy 2007). Kinshasa and in Bolivia, where he was eventually The obsessive focus on the self that captured and assassinated by the Bolivian army characterises much of how we engage in the with CIA assistance. He was and continues to be a world, including our explanations for success controversial figure, idolised by poor, indigenous, and failure, is part and parcel of the totalising and otherwise brutalised communities worldwide effect of capitalism that breeds a deep-seated sur- and intensely hated not only by the transnational vival of the fittest attitude that normalises poverty functionaries of the capitalist superstructure and and other forms of human suffering. This individ- the restrictive circle of the ruling class but also by ualism runs throughout all institutions under those of the working class whose enduring capitalism, including education, where the oppor- embourgeoisement positions Che as a determinate tunity to learn is determined through competition threat to their upward mobility (McLaren 2000). for grades and scores as if these were not related to A man who grew up in the so called middle a host of other social factors and in particular class with privilege and opportunity and became a poverty and the availability of material resources. physician, Che renounced what could have been a It is considered a superior human quality to strive lucrative medical profession to bring an end to the to be the best of the best and to leave others unnecessary suffering of people caused by what trailing behind. Given this capture of education he recognised not only as the unconscionable and by individualism, it is not surprising that people gluttonous greed of the capitalist class but more learn early on to see themselves not as part of a importantly as the very system of capitalism itself social group working collaboratively to achieve in which it was impossible to function humanely goals with the benefit of mutual support but in an since it was powered by overaccumulation and the antagonistic relationship to each other. Capitalism expropriation of surplus value from the poor in pits human
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