VIIS VIIMAST KAITSMIST KADRI MAIKOV MARKO TEDER NON-DESTRUCTIVE ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF STRUCTURAL TIMBER AND GLULAM PUIDU JA LIIMPUIDU FÜÜSIKALIS-MEHAANILISTE OMADUSTE UURIMINE MITTEPURUSTAVATE MEETODITEGA Professor Jaan Miljan, Dr. Xiping Wang (Forest Products Laboratory, USA) 29. august 2016 ALO ALLIK FOREST TO GARDEN FROM THE LANDSCAPE: OF PROPERTIES THE SALUTOGENIC EXPLORING DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTED ENERGETICS SOLUTION BASED ON THE INCREASING OF LOCAL RENEWABLE FRACTION HAJAENERGEETIKA LAHENDUSE PLANEERIMINE LÄHTUDES KOHAPEAL TARBITAVA TAASTUVENERGIA OSAKAALU SUURENDAMISEST EXPLORING THE SALUTOGENIC Professor Andres Annuk 30. august 2016 PROPERTIES OF THE LANDSCAPE: FROM GARDEN TO FOREST ANNEMARI POLIKARPUS MANAGEMENT AND ANIMAL EFFECTS ON THE BEHAVIOUR OF LACTATING DAIRY BUFFALOES (BUBALUS BUBALIS) AND COWS (BOS TAURUS) WHEN MAASTIKU TERVENDAVAD OMADUSED: ENTERING THE MILKING PARLOUR UURIMUS TERVENDAVATEST AEDADEST VESIPÜHVLITE (BUBALUS BUBALIS) JA KODUVEISTE (BOS TAURUS) KÄITUMINE JA SEDA MÕJUTAVAD TEGURID LÜPSIPLATSILE SISENEMISEL METSAVAADETENI Professor David Arney, Professor Giuseppe De Rosa (Univeristy of Naples Federico II, Italy) 22. september 2016 LILIAN PUKK KADRI MAIKOV ANALYSIS OF MOLECULAR GENETIC AND LIFE-HISTORY TRAITS IN EURASIAN PERCH (PERCA FLUVIATILIS L.) AHVENA (PERCA FLUVIATILIS L.) MOLEKULAARGENEETILISTE PARAMEETRITE JA ELUKÄIGUOMADUSTE ANALÜÜS Väitekiri Dr. Anti Vasemägi, professor Riho Gross, professor Tiit Paaver Filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks maastikuarhitektuuri erialal 14. oktoober 2016 A Thesis AIGI ILVES THE LEVEL AND MAINTENANCE OF GENETIC DIVERSITY IN ENDANGERED For applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PLANT POPULATIONS AT THE MARGIN OF THE DISTRIBUTION RANGE in Landscape Architecture GENEETILINE MITMEKESISUS JA SELLE PÜSIMINE OHUSTATUD TAIMELIIKIDE ÄÄREALADE POPULATSIOONIDES Vanemteadur Kadri Tali 6. detsember 2016 ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-569-55-7 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-569-56-4 (pdf) Tartu 2016 Trükitud taastoodetud paberile looduslike trükivärvidega © Ecoprint Eesti Maaülikooli doktoritööd Doctoral Thesis of the Estonian University of Life Sciences EXPLORING THE SALUTOGENIC PROPERTIES OF THE LANDSCAPE: FROM GARDEN TO FOREST MAASTIKU TERVENDAVAD OMADUSED: UURIMUS TERVENDAVATEST AEDADEST METSAVAADETENI KADRI MAIKOV Väitekiri Filosoofiadoktori kraadi taotlemiseks maastikuarhitektuuri erialal A Thesis For applying for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Landscape Architecture Tartu 2016 Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Estonian University of Life Sciences According to the verdict No 6-14/15-8 of 5.09.2016, the Doctoral Com- mittee for Environmental Sciences and Applied Biology of the Estonian University of Life Sciences has accepted the thesis for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Landscape Architecture. Opponent: Daiga Zigmunde, PhD Latvia University of Agriculture Dean of the Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Kalev Sepp Department of Landscape Management and Nature Conservation Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Prof. Simon Bell Department of Landscape Architecture Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Venue and time for defence of the thesis: 06.12.2016 at 14.15 Kreutzwaldi 5-2A1, Tartu. The English text in the thesis has been revised by Elsevier and the Esto- nian by Marju Mertelsmann. The thesis was pre-reviewed by Erja Rappe, dos. MMT/ DSc., /senior researcher/ Ikäinstituutti / The Age Institute. Publication of this thesis is supported by the Estonian University of Life Sciences and by the Doctoral School of Earth Sciences and Ecology cre- ated under the auspices of the European Social Fund © Kadri Maikov 2016 ISSN 2382-7076 ISBN 978-9949-569-55-7 (trükis) ISBN 978-9949-569-56-4 (pdf) CONTENTS List of original publications . 7 Abbreviations . 8 Terminology . 9 Preface . 13 1. Introduction ....................................... 14 1 .1 . Health and green space . 14 1 .2 . Salutogenic landscapes . 15 1 .3 . Earlier research . 16 1 .4 . Landscape quality . 17 2. Theoretical framework and review of the literature ......... 20 2 .1 . History of healing gardens . 20 2 .2 . City parks . 21 2 .3 . Nature and health . 21 2 .4 . Landscape preferences and links to health and well-being . 22. 2 .5 . Characteristics of salutogenic landscapes . 26 2 .6 . Perceived Restorativeness Scale . 30 2 .7 . Bringing together the theoretical models . 32. 3. Aims and objectives .................................. 33 4. Material and methods ................................ 36 4 .1 . Concept of research . 36 4 .2 . Study locations . 37 4 .3 . Data collection . 37 4 .4 . Descriptive and map analyses . 39. 4 .5 . Statistical methods . 39 5. Results ............................................ 42 5 .1 . Landscape characteristics in healing gardens . 42 5 .2 . Landscape characteristics and landscape elements in parks . 43 5 .3 . Landscape preferences of people . 45 5 .4 . Development of a new tool for landscape architects - the Emotional Character Line Method . 47 6. Discussion ......................................... 52 6 .1 . Landscape characteristics in healing gardens and the Emotional Character Line Method . 52 6 .2 . Landscape characteristics and landscape elements in parks . 53 6 .3 . Open green spaces and earlier research . 55 6 .4 . Forested landscape preferences of people . 57 Conclusions . 59 5 Summary in Estonian . 61 Appendixes . 65 Acknowledgements . 69 References . 70 Original publications . 79 Curriculum Vitae . 138 Publications . 140 6 LIST OF ORIGINAL PUBLICATIONS The papers are reproduced with kind permission from the publishers. This thesis is based on the work contained in the following papers (the contribution table shows the role of the author in each): I. Maikov, Kadri; Bell, Simon and Sepp, Kalev (2008) A comparison of the evaluation of room characteristics of healing gardens. Design and Nature IV. Wessex Institute of Technology Press. 223-232. II. Maikov, Kadri (2014) Landscape characteristics of Tartu city parks – user influences through design. In: Zubir S.S and Brebbia CA (Eds). Sustainable City VIII. Ashurst, UK: WIT Press. 353-364. III. Rennit, Piret and Maikov, Kadri (2015) The perceived restoration scale used as an evaluation tool for parks and open green spaces, using Tartu city parks as an example. City, Territory and Architecture 2:6. The SpringerOpen Production. DOI 10.1186/s40410-014-0020-3. IV. Hansson, Karl; Külvik, Mart; Bell, Simon and Maikov, Kadri (2012) A preliminary assessment of preferences for Estonian natural forests. Baltic Forestry 18(2):299-315. Contribution table. The contributions from the authors to the papers are as follows: Paper I II III IV Original idea KM KM KM KH Study design KM KM KM KH, MK, KM Data collection KM KM PR KH Data analyse KM KM All KH Manuscript All KM All All preparation KM – Kadri Maikov, SB – Simon Bell, KS – Kalev Sepp, PR – Piret Rennit, KH – Karl Hansson, MK – Mart Külvik 7 ABBREVIATIONS ART Attention Restoration Theory CAD Computer Aided Design - Digital maps about green spaces in Tartu EBD Evidence Based Design EBLA Evidence Based Landscape Architecture EBP Evidence Based Practice EC Environmental Characteristics ECLM Emotional Character Line Method EPM Environmental Preference Matrix EPT Environmental Psychology Theories GIS Geographic Information System HST Health Support Tools LC Landscape Characteristics POE Post-Occupation Evaluation PRS Perceived Restoration Scale PSD Perceived Sensory Dimension QET Quality Evaluation Tool SET Supportive Environment Theory SPUGS Small Public Urban Green Spaces UGA Urban Green Areas UGS Urban Green Spaces WHO World Health Organization XO, AC, CL etc. marking the green space location on Tartu map 8 TERMINOLOGY BEING AWAY – involves putting a psychological and possibly physical distance between one’s usual context, including the work one ordinar- ily does and the pursuit of particular goals and purposes (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). COHERENCE – one component of Kaplan’s “legibility” dimension, an important factor in predicting preference (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). COMPATIBILITY – the degree of match between personal inclinations and purposes, environmental supports for intended activities and envi- ronmental constraints on action (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). COMPLEXITY – the amount of variety present in a scene able to keep one occupied or interested; complexity is defined through different visual elements in a scene (Ulrich, 1983). CULTURE – the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time. ENVIRONMENT – the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. ENVIRONMENTAL PREFERENCE MATRIX – the (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989) developed a preference matrix comprising four informa- tional factors which affect preferences of landscape. These factors are coherence, complexity, legibility and mystery. EXTENT – refers to the possibility for immersion in a coherent physical or conceptual environment that is of sufficient scope or scale to sustain exploration and interpretation. FASCINATION – effortless attention (Kaplan and Kaplan, 1989). FESTIVE – landscape characteristic - A meeting place for festive activity and pleasure. GREEN AREAS – a place where plants are grown. 9 GREEN ROOM – is used to convey a sense that a specific place such as a garden consists of a set of distinct spaces that are separated from each other spatially and by intervening landscape elements
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