4862 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13 JULT, 1923. (A) Streets. and to alter, vary or-extinguish all rights and In the urban district of Burley-in-Wharfe- privileges which would or might interfere with dale:— any of the objects of the Order, and to confer Corn Mill Lane, Clarence Place, Iron all other rights and privileges necessary for Eow, Spring Gardens, North View, Park carrying such objects into effect. Bow, North Parade, Leather Bank, Sun And notice is hereby given, that the draft Lane from Maria Street in a westerly direc- of the Order has been deposited at the office tion for approximately 600 yards, Wrexham. of the Electricity Commissioners, and printed Boad, Stirling Boad, Mansfield Boad, Booth copies of the draft Order as applied for and Street, Victoria Boad, Hill Top, Airville of the Order when made may be obtained (at Terrace, Manse Boad, William Watson the price of two shillings for each copy) of Boad, Langford Boad, Southfield Boad, Mr. W. J. Kay, Council Offices, Burley-in- "Scalebor Lane, Coldstone Drive, Stony Wharfedale, and at the offices of the under- Lane, Woodhead, Hag Farm Boad', road mentioned Parliamentary Agents. between Heatherleigh and Briarfield, road between Braeside and Martinsyde, road lead- And notice is hereby further given, that ing from Station Boad to front entrance of every local or other public authority, company Blackwood (formerly Cathedine) and to Bose or person desirous of bringing before the Bank, Prospect Boad, Bose Bank, Elm Electricity Commissioners any objection re- Grove, Oak Avenue, Grange Boad, Grange, specting the application must do so by regis- field Avenue, back street between Grange- tered letter addressed to the Secretary, Elec- field Avenue and Lawn Avenue (highway), tricity Commission, Gwydyr House, White- back street between Lawn Avenue arid Lawn hall, S.W. 1, posted on or before the thirteenth Boad and Fenton Street, Lawn Boad, day of September next, and a copy of such Fenton Street, back.Lawn Boad and back objection must also be forwarded to the under- Fenton Street (East), Ash Lane, Johnson's signed Parliamentary Agents. Yard, Lewis Terrace. Dated this 12th day of July, 1923. In the rural district of Wharfedale:— Parish of Menston:—Leathley Boad, TORE, DURNFOBD AND Co., 2, Millbank House, Westminster, S.W. 1, Par- Farnley Boad, Upper Gleasby Boad, Park 094 Boad, Low Hall Boad, Dicks Garth Boad, liamentary Agents. Walkers Boad, East Parade. (B) County Roads. In the urban district of Burley-in-Wharfe- DISEASES OF ANIMALS ACTS, 1894 «dale:— TO 1922. Skipton and Otley main road, Kirkstall, Otley and Shipley main road. MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES. In the rural district of Wharfedale:— Notice is hereby given, in pursuance of Parish of Menston.—Kirkstall, Otley and section 49 (3) of the Diseases of Animals Act, 'Shipley main road (Otley and Shipley 1894, that the Minister of Agriculture and branch), Kirkstall, Otley and Shipley main Fisheries has made the following Orders : — road (Kirkstall and Burley branch). Parish of Pool.—Leeds and Otley main road, Dudley Hill and Killinghall main Date. Subject. road, Tadcaster and Otley main road. Parish of Bramhope.—Leeds and Otley main road, Dudley Hill and Killinghall 1923. .main road. 9th July Six Alsatian Wolfhound pnp- pies, the property of Mr. Parish of Arthington.—Leeds and Otley H. A. Fischer. main road, Tadcaster and Otley main road. 4. The names of the streets and part of 9th July Six German Sheep-dog pup- •street in which it is proposed that electric pies, the property of Mr. lines shall be laid down within a period to be J. J. Davis. .specified in the Order are as follows:— Urban district of Burley-in-Wharfedale:— Copies of these Orders may be obtained at Station Boad, Main street from Leather 4, Whitehall Place, London, S.W. 1. Bank to the junction of Otley and Bradford roads. Bural district of Wharfedale:— In the parish of Menston.—Station Boad, INCOME TAX. Gleasby Boad. Whereas it has become necessary to renew 5. To prescribe and limit the prices to be the List of Persons to supply Vacancies .charged for a supply of electrical energy. amongst the Commissioners appointed to act in the Division of Smithdon and Brothercross, 6. To confer upon the Company, with or in the County of Norfolk, as Commissioners without variations, all or some of the powers for the General purposes of the Acts of Parlia- of the Electricity (Supply) Acts, 1882 to ment relating to -Income Tax and Inhabited 1922, and enactments incorporated therewith, House Duties: Now we, two of the. Commis-.
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