Deputy Clerk Probe Eyed by .May* Weather HOME Considerable cloudiness and coaler with chance of an occa- THEMEY •tonal shower today, high la low 7te. P»rUy cloudy and cool to- 1 Red Bank, FMSIOU 7" night, low In low Mi. High to- [_ Long Branch J FINAL morrow In mid <*t. Sunday'* out- look, fair and milder. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 89 YEARS DIAL VOL. 90, NO. 62 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1967 10c PER COPY PAGE In Aftermath of Hurricane Beulah Floodwaters Isolate Million CORPUS CHRISTI, Tex. (AP) roughly the size of Indiana. Pettus, north of Corpus Chris- old folks' home at Sinton. "It's got a one-line report of good track would continue for up to —Rampaging floodwaters from Torrents also pounded vast U, reported by a ham radio op- going to be touch and go get- news from a unit at Edna. "The 48 hours. Hurricane Beul&h's 30-inch rains reaches of Northern Mexico ad- erator that water was 7 feet deep ting them out," a Texas Depart- water in Cuero and Dewitt Coun- Some South Texas rivers were roared in streams and rose in joining the Texas devastation in parts of town. More than 100 ment of Public Safety official ty is receding," it said. near crest level stage. Driving said. Later the DPS reported the' cities in South Texas today, iso- area. refugees were reported on high For hundreds of. square miles was next to impossible and there lating nearly a million persons. National Guard and Navy vehi- ground in the town. Patients in evacuation had been made. Beulah's devastation was height- was no chance to begin the eval The drenched area in Beulah's cles pushed through- floodwaters the hospital at little Kenedy, At Kenedy, a ham operator re- ened by water. Formerly dry uation of Beulah's full force. aftermath was vast, covering early today for rescue work in Tex., were evacuated to a rest ported that 24 blocks of the north- creeks became raging rivers. Gov. John Connally planned to some 40,000 square miles of Sinton, Falfurrias and Pettus, home on a high hill. east part of town had to be evac- Everything that would carry wa- fly to the lower Rio Grande Val- South Texas, with about one- Tex., the scenes of major flood- The Weather' Bureau predicted uated and 643 persons were ter—including sidewalks and ley with a key group of state of- twelfth of the state's population ing. floods of as much as IT feet for housed in the city's high school. streets—was at flood stage? Flat ficials to look at the damage Isolated in cities, towns and More Rain Predicted some South Texas rivers. The report said 437 of the evac- areas were flooded, too, and the there. Federal and state officials farms. the.Weather Bureau predicted Five National Guard and Na- uees were refugees from other rains continued. made a preliminary estimate of Communications were all but more rain. The deluges contin- vy vehicles were dispatched to parts of South Texas. The Weather Bureau said the half a billion dollars in damage And early today the state DPS deluges touched off by Beulah's Impassible for a chunk of Texas ued in South Texas. evacuate 40 or 50 residents of an Corpus Christi, a coastal city f 200,000 was completely sealed off by floodwaters late last night Emergency traffic had been able Hughes Warns GOP 'Wrecking Crews' to move previously. The Rio Grande Valley, con taining about 500,000 residents, REPUBLICAN KEYNOTER — Assemblyman Jos»j* \ was closed by water to the out- zolina, R-Monmouth, delivers keynote address at Re side. Even travel betwen clos- ly linked valley towns was a haz- lican State Convention yesterday in Trenton. Azzolina Flays Democrats ardous proposition. (AP Wirephc Plans were made to fly 25,0011 By CHARLES A. JOHNSTON The two'parties will resume New Jersey and, in 1903, in Long back to New Jersey, we receive has increased the payroll by 21 pounds of tinned meat to th TRENTON -r Assemblyman their conventions Oct. 5 when Branch, Mr. Azzolina said: the, brilliant news that the attor- per cent in two years. valley today, weather permitting. Joseph Azzolina, R-Monmouth, platforms will be adopted. "We have observed county! ney general will interview a "It takes no courage," he said, Corpus - Christi's International Added Classrooms keynoted the state Republican Mr. Hughes asserted, that it Re- prosecutors, the state attorney magazine writer — if the writer "to spend a billion dollars the Airport was closed early yester- convention yesterday with publicans regain Senate and As- general and a U.S. Attorney pass cares to be interviewed." way these people are spending day afternoon by water on the charges that the Democratic ad- sembly majorities they-'will un- the back back and forth. After he left the rostrum, Mr. them. You simply determine runways. ministration is soft on criminals do many of what the governor "Meanwhile, the syndicate goes Azzolina was asked what speci- where this spending will buy the Sinton Sheriff Wayne Hitt sail most votes, load your, shotgun Eyed in Mawlapa • and hard on "criminal" money considered significant legislative right on raping our economy ped- fic incidents he had in mind and his city was in an increasing!; spending. advances of the last two years. dling drugs to our troubled youth he said there were none. and start shooting.,., dangerous situation. "There' MANALAPAN TOWNSHIP — The Manalapan-Englll While the Tviiddletown Republi- Eyes GOP Victory and, through bribes and coercion, "But we all know from the "We are spending millions for more water here than I hav Board of Education last night announced it is formulating plas can was hitting away at "the Speaking in the War Memorial continues its efforts to fix public public record about narcotics expertise which, is not being de- ever seen," Hitt said. to add additional classrooms to existing buildings. livered by our executive depart- man:in the front office" and his Building, Mr. Azzolina, who also officials and control govern. and we have Life magazine," he The cause of it all, Beulah The project will Include four classrooms end ah ad alleged throat grip on the Demo- was elected chairman of the con- ment." said. "That's enough to stir ac- ments At the. price we are tration building at the, Gordon's Corner School,: nine tion but we don't see any." paying for this inefficiency, moved into Mexico at a poinl crat-controlled Legislature, that vention, predicted a GOP victory "We have endured prosecutors just south of Laredo, Tex., la rooms and an additional all purpose room at the Levitt! The freshman assemblyman borders' on criminal." man, Gov. Richard J. Hughes, if the party outlines alternatives who«say the job should be han- night. She still bore 50 mile-an which is still under construction, and 14 classrooms add; was warning the Democratic con- to the deficiencies he charged to dled by the attorney general. We made his strongest pitch against Mr. Azzolina had many recom- multi-purpose room at the "builders'" school. ' • have an attorney general who "shotgun spending" which he mendations for the platform com- hour winds and still was rated vention that an election loss in the Hughes' administration. Money for the project is expected to come partially fn November would turn state gov- says the task belongs to the fel- said has doubled the state bud- mittee 'which is to be' headed by tropical storm. With obvious reference tp a the $33,000 contributed by Hovnanlan Brothers, developer* i ernment over to the "wrecking recent Life magazine article al- low in Washington. get from $500 million to %l bil- former Sen. Wesley Lance, of The town of three rivers, crews." • leging Cosa Nostra control in "And when the buck is passed lion in the last four years, and Hunterdon; County. The speak- miles south of San Aritonii Yorktowne. er picked off these points: braced for a 42-foot creit—17 feet ' The money had been heM up by, the Township i but -the J»ard -announcedAtal night it h*« received a < —Limit, spending and,, pledge above flood stage—on the Nue> ; sales tax revenues to stop rising ces River, The town gets its name ment from the committee for the money. Navy Manes Rip East Und^ local property tixes. from the confluence of the Tas BUSING CHANGE —Hold public hearings on con cosa, Erie and Nueces rivers. Responding to the complaints of five sets of parents, trovetsial legislation.. AH were flooding. board voted to study a change in 'busing policy to allow ; —Resist interference in- the The tornado count stood kindergarteners to be picked up in front of their homes. fu Legislature from the executive 56. ;The, twisters ranged far oi The parents are objecting to the childreit walking alonjgV" branch, that is the governor's oi(- frdm the 40,000 square miles a county road without sidewalks to a school where they atfti! Haiphong fice. deluges. One hit as far. north picked up and bused two miles to their own school. .jjjK Require master plans for fu Burleson, a suburb of Fort Worth The board agreed to have a permanent solution within M^ SAIGON (AP) - Raiding Na- one span of the 658-foot Kien An fight, one of the Phantoms scored ing on Red gun positions. In ad- ture development of elementary, more than 400 miles north of Coi week, and in the interim, provide a teacher aide to escort Hat" vy warplanes severed the last highway bridge, leading south; "possible damage" on one of the dition, high-altitude B52s twice (See AZZOLINA, Pg.
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