ABSTRACT OP WILLS PROBA.TID IN THE COMMON PLF.A.S OOURT, also known as MAYOR'S COURT, 1819 - 1892 SUPREME CCURr OF JUDICATURE, 1821-1829 SUPREME COURr OF JUDICATURE, 1847-1856 SUPR»dE C CURT OF JUDICATURE, 1856-1870 ALL OF !fElf YORK COUNTY, NEW YO He CITY, N. Y. Compiled a-nd Edited by Rayo. Sawyer 1948 CONTENTS Abstract ot Wills probated in the Common Pleas court, also known as the Mayor's Court , New Yolk Oity, N.Y., trom 1817-1892 ••••••• Pages l - 14 Abstract ot Wills probated 1n the supreme court of Judicature, New York County, N.Y., ~rom 1821 - 1829 ••••••••••••••••••• Pages 17-47 Abstract ot Wills probated 1n the Supreme Court ot J'udioature, New Yolk county, ?i. Y. , from 184'1 - 185 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Peg es 48-53 Abstract or Wills probated in the Supreme Court of Judicature, New York county, N.Y., from 1856 - 1870 •••••••••••••••••• Pages 54-60 (The original books from which this record was copied can be :found in the New York County Clerk's ot­ tioe, Hall of Records, New York 01ty, N.Y.) l WILLS PROBAI1ED IN THE co:MMON PLFA.S COURT, ALSO CALLED MAYOR'S COURT, NEW YCRK CITY, NEW YffiK. JACOBUS KIP ot New York City. !'armer. Will dated August 301 1770. Probated October 31 9 1817. Heirs: sens, - Samuel and cTohn Daughters, - Catharine, 1.!ary and :Margaret Sister, Nelia. Wl te of John Ven Vleck Sister-in-law, Blandina Kip Grand-daughter, Catharine Teller Executors: sons, Sastel and John and daughter, Catha­ rine and brother-in-law, John Van Vleck and friend, Henry Kip, the elder ot New York, sail- maker. · Witnesses: John Kennedy, John Shttw and Dand Mathews • .TASPER RWKEL, late ot New York City. Baker. Will dated May 3, 1813. Probated May 30, 1818. Heirs: Wite, Mary Son, William Other children; - John, Jasper, El1zabeth, Thomas, Isaac, Hen17 and George Grandchildren, .. Eliza, Philip and ·Emeline, children ot late son, Philip, deceased.· Executors: Wire, ray son, John E., ot New Jersey, baker and m.y brother, John ot New York. Witnesses: John DeLanoy, John Pun'tzius and Frans Child. DAVID "?ILLIS ot the City of Jersey, State of New Jersey. Will dated August 9 1 1805. Probated May 17, 1819. Heirs: Wife Children, - Charles, William and Ann Maria E%ecu'tors: William Ackers ot .dloomfield, N.J. and ' Robert Perine ot New York, gent laaan. Wi 1inessea: James Boyd, Joseph Williams and W1ll1am. Gills. THOMAS WHITE ot New York Will da4ted April 20,1811. Probated June 25, 1819.- Heira: Grandsons, - :rrano1s, William. and Samuel, sons ot lfranc1s, deceased. Grandsons, - William and Thomas, SODS ot Thomas w.Jr., deceased and n1zabeth Carby. Grand-daughter, Ann White, daughter ot Thomas, deoeased and Elizabeth. (oontinued next page) a THOMAS WHITE OF NEW YORK (continued) Grand-4aughier, Cs~har1ne Carby, daughter or John Margaret White Catharine White, widow of son, l'ranc1s Elizabeth Carby, my daughter-in-law· Executors: Catharine Whtie, widow or son, 7ranc1s; John.Lowell and cornelius Schuyler, both or New York, butchers. w·1 tnesses: Ogden Edwards, Margaret Shannon and John Odell. BENJAMIN L0%'J3.l.E ot New York. Butcher. Will dated September l'I, 1817. Probated August 17 • 1819. Heir: Wire, Agnes E:a:ecutrl x: N1te Witnesses: John DeLancey • Arthur Burtis and G. w. Van Ranst JOSEPH WATKINS ot New York Will dated September 24,1816. Probated August 23,1819. Heirs: N1i'e, Elizabeth Children. - Joseph s., John s., William, J"f!IJi.es, George Charles, l'ranoes Susannah Bostwick, Elizabeth Nelson, Harriet Watkins, Amelia, Sarah and ADD w. Exeoutors: Two sons , J"oseph s. and John s. and triend, George Wragg ot New Yonc, merchant. Witnesses: Joaeph Hallett, Jr., Jonathan Webber and John Hogenkaap. HENRY SHERER ot N•w York. Gentleman. Will dated June a, 1818. Probated May 15. 1820. Heirs: Children, - Henry, Pe ter, Martin, John and Jacob Grandson, Henry Kartln, aon o't late daughter, Mary, deceased. · Grand-daugh,ers~ - Louisa and Jul1a, daughters ot late daughter, Catharine, deceased. · Grandson, William, son ot late daughter, Elizabeth, deceased. keoutora: Friends, Frederick Ohristian Sohaerter ot New York City, Minister of the Gospel and George A..rcularius o't New York~ Witnesses: W1ll1aa W1lDlerd1ng, Leonard Goetz and P. Schmidt. JOHN s. SICKELS of Ntnt York. Will dated May 28,1804. Probated Kay 25, 1820. Heirs: Wite, Marla Grandchildren. - John S.A4r1anoe, Letitia end Margarel Adriance an.d Isaac A4r1anoe. Bxecutor1: Wire and Maria and John Adriance wtaesses: Tho.:araaa, .Ta11es Brown and John Mohen. 3 Alfl'HONY LISP:mARD o't New York Will dated December 24, 1802. Probated July 29, 1820. Heirs : Wite , Sarah Children, - Al1oe, Sarah, Leonard, Thomas and Anthony. Grand-daughter, Sarah Beach Kxecutora: Wite and sons~ Leonard, Thomas am .Anthony. fitnesses: Joshua Barker, William .,\.Davis and Edwd. Jno. Ball. JOHN JONGHIN ot New York. ·sh1pmaster. Will dated January 27,1819. Probated August 26,1820. Heirs : Wife, Margaret and children Rxeouirix: wire · Witnesses: Robert Stewart, David R.Bogert ani Alexr. Thomson. HESTER llDSON, late of New York, widow. W1ll. dated Sep-teaber 2, 1820. Probated APl'i!. 21, 1821. Heirs: Kight grandchildren, - Samuel, William, Cornelius, Jr., Jolin X., Josep)j D., James s., ·Hen17 and Richard, children o~ late daughter, Hannah by Cornelius C&dle, her husband. Executor: Cornelius Cadle 1f11aeases: William 1Cdmon4s. George B.Telles and William Deane. MARGAREJ.' KI-IZABErH GAN'l'z· ot New York. Will da°'ed March 14, 1810. Probated June 18, 1821. Heirs: Daugh'ter, Catherine Elizabeth Kling Three sons, John Francis, .Tohn Gabriel and Paul Grand-daughter. Ann Margaret Anderson, daughter o-r Ca tharine Xl1ng. Exeou to rs: BenJ 8111D HUnaton and Philip E. Ruckle Wi"1easea: Daniel Sll1th, W1ll1am W1111s and Jno.Wb.1te,Jr. A?iDRn- MC GOWN, SR., or Harlaem ot New York City Will dated February,1816. Probated ~uly 28,1821. Heirs: Wire, Margaret Sons, - Andrew, Jr., Samson Benson McGown and Daniel Execu-tora: w1re and three sons above Witnesses: Jam.es smith, \'l1111am Steuben smith am Chaun­ oey w.:rowler. ROBER!' WATTS or New York. Sh1p Carpenter. Will dated January 18. 1820. Probated July 28, 1821. Heir: Daughter, Agnes Eieou'tors: Frifend, Thomas Blair of New York, grocer and son, William Blair ot New York, grooer and Daniel Carmichael o~ New Yolk, grooer. Witnesses: Hathan1e l Nott, Jr., Jses l{orr is, Samuel M.F1tch and Archibald Morrison. WILLIAM SL00, formerly keeper o'f the Bridewell, 1n th.e Ci;y ot New York. Will dated Movember 5, 1796. Probated August 25, 1821. Heirs: Wife, Charity Children, - Thom.as, Hannah, William, Margaret, Rachel and Elenore. Children or daughter, Mary, deceased. Execuiora: Wife and son, William and sons-in-law, James Duffie and Peter Thompson. Witnesses: Samuel Dodge, Thom.as Hszerd ad Frans Child. ANN SHALER or New York, widow ot Natbaniel Shaler, late of New Yolic:. Will dated December 28,1819. Probated October 27, 1821. Heirs: Children. - Ann, William, John Truly Shaler and Nathaniel B. ·shaler. Executrix: Daughter~ Ann fitnesses: Brothers, El.1as II.Stilwell and \\Tilliam Shaler. MARIA DUWIE o'f New York, Widow ot John Duf:r1e, deceased. Will dated June 30.1819. Probated June 24. 1822. Heirs: Children, - Margare-t, Cornelia Ann. Jene An­ toinette, Eliza Matilda Depeyster, Maria Caroline Todd and Cornelius ~~ Exeou~ors: Son, Cornelius R. • son-in-law, William W.Todd and relation, Elbert Herring. Witnesses: Benjamin Bailey, James c.Roosevelt and William. G.Jones. WHITEHEAD J'ISH ot New York. Will dated June 14, 1819. Probated Jaauary 25,1823. Heirs: Wite, Elsen Your children, - Louisa Harriet, Sarah Ann. Catha­ rine Gilbert Fish and Isabella Graham Fish. Exeou tors : W1~e , 1: a the r-1n-law, w1111 am. w. G1 lb ert and brother-in-law, Thmaas w. Gilbert; also brother­ in-law, D•. Andrew Hlmt. Wi'tnesses: - - - - 5 lOTHAM POST ot Hew York. Will dated October 23 • 1815. Probated May 24, l.823. Heirs: Children, - Kary. Wright, Joel, Jotham, Jr., Allison, Mary and Elizabeth Mowatt, widow o'f Alexander Mowatt, deceased. He 1rs o t de.ceased son, W1111 sa Post Heirs ot deceased dau{jlter, Nancy Hawes, late w1te ot Peter. lh:eouiors: Sons, Wright, Joel and Jo'tham Post, Jr. il~neesea: J'lamen Bell, Henry H. van A.mringe and George D.Post. WILLIAM ROSE ot New York. OOach Maker. Will dated September 13,1822. Probated JUly 26,1823. Heira : Wite, Hannah Children, ~ Daniel !I. 1 John V., Willian E., Samuel T~, Rachel, wite ot William. Colton and Sarah M., wite ot J'rancis Sexton. Executors: w1re and son, William E. witnesses: J.L.Riker, o hri s. c. Yates am Edward Rockwell. JOHN KNOlJLTON ot New York. Livery Stable Keeper~ Will dated March 14, 1805. Probated July 26 ,1823. Heirs: W1te, Isabella and children &eautors: Wite and tr1ends, Charles and James Warner, Charles Marsh and Roge~ Strong. Witnesses: John A.Hardenbrook, Jam.es 'l'abele and I. Pearsee · P»?Ira GOJL.ft ot New York. Merchant. Will dated April lB, 1809. Probated 3d :At>nday ot Nov.1823. He 1r s : W1te , El.1zabeth Sons, - John (eldest son), ThOmaa, Christopher, Robert Batse, Goelet, Peter P. alll rlillopp Goel~. Daughter, Elizabeth and her husband, W1ll1em c. Buekn•r Grandchildren, - Xl.1zabeth, Abraham.,· Gerty (also referred w as Gertie) and cornelia, children ot deceased 4augh'ter, A.11oe Lott. _ Ch1lc1ren or 4aughter, Je nnett1e (also .Tennetie). Daughters 5 Al1oe and Jennette. ~outors: Sons, B1llopp, Christopher, 'l'homas and _ · Robert Ratsey Goel8'. , Wi tneases: S.Jonea, Jr., D.S.Jones and I.Ste~ ns, Jr. CRRISTIAM POLIS ot New York Will dated May 2, 1808. Probated May l, 1824.
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