

Group Ownership Sudbury Affiliates LLC, 333 Links Dr. 42908, Texarkana, Ownership: A subsidiary of Susquehanna Pfaltzgraff Co. Sumrall and WTNM(FM) Water Valley. all MS. (All 100% AR (71854). (903) 793.4671. Cable TV. owned.) Stns: 2 AM, 2 FM. KJMY(FM) Hope and KFYX(FM) Ownership: Steve Davenport Texarkana, both AR; KCMC(AM) and KTFS(AM) Texarkana, TX. Thomas Radio LLC, 126 W. International Speedway T Blvd., Daytona Beach, FL (32114). (386) 255-9300. Sudbury Services Inc., Box 989, Blytheville. AR (72316). Stns: 4 FM. WFKX(FM) Henderson, WHHM -FM (870) 762-2093. Fax: (870) 763 -8459. Harold Sudbury Jr., TV 49 Inc., do WJJA(TV), 4311 E. Oakwood Rd., Oak Henderson. WZDQ(FM) Humboldt and WWYN(FM) Creek, WI (53154). (414) 764 -4953. Fax: (414) 764 -5190. pres. McKenzie, all TN. (A11100% owned.) Joel J. Kinlow. pres. Stns: 5 AM, 5 FM. KLCN(AM) -KHLS(FM) Blytheville, Ownership: Black Crow Media Group LLC (see listing). KAMJ(FM) Gosnell, KXAR(AM)-KHPA(FM) Hope, Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM, 1 TV. KAVH(FM) Eudora, AR; KNBY(AM) -KOKR(FM) Newport, KOSE -FM Osceola. WGLB -AM -FM Port Washington and WJJA(TV) Racine, Three D Radio Inc., Box 908, Twentynine Palms, CA both WI. KTPA(AM) Prescott and KOSE(AM) Wilson, all AR. (92277). (760) 362 -4264. Fax: (760) 362 -4463. E -mail: 29palms.com. Duane Hoover, pres. Ownership: Harold L. Sudbury Jr., Lydia Sudbury Talley Radio Stations, Box 10, Litchfield. IL (62056). (217) kdhi Occi- J. Langston, LaNeal Sudbury Salter. Cable TV: Blytheville TV 324-5921. Fax: (217) 532 -2431. Hayward L. Talley, CEO; Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. KKJT(FM) Joshua Tree and Cable Co., Blytheville. AR. Brian Talley, VP. KYYN(AM)- KDHI(FM) Twentynine Palms. both CA. (All 100% owned.) Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WSMI -AM -FM Litchfield and Summit America Television Inc., 400 5th Ave. S., Suite WAOX(FM) Staunton. both IL. (All 100% owned.) 19340 Furrow Rd., 205, Naples, FL (34102). (786) 206 -0047. Fax: (239) Three Eagles Communications, Ownership: Hayward L. Talley. Monument, CO (80132). (719) 481 -9378. Fax: (719) 643 -3682. E -mail: summitamerica ©earthlink.net. Web 481 -8793. E -mail: threeeagle @aol.com. Rolland C. Tarzian Box IN (47402). Site: www.summitamericatv.com. George R. Ditomassi, Sarkes Inc.. 62, Bloomington, Johnson. chmn/CEO; Gary Buchanan, ores/COO. pres/CEO. (812) 332 -7251, Fax: (812) 331 -4575. Tom Tarzian, chmn; Tom Tolar, pres Sarkes Tarzian TV; R. Geoffrey Vargo, pres Stns: 14 AM, 21 FM. WCCQ(FM) Joliet, IL: KIAQ(FM) Stns: 5 TV. KCNS(TV) San Francisco, CA; WSAH(TV) Sarkes Tarzian Radio; Robert W. Davis II, sr VP accounting Clarion, KRIB(AM) -KLSS -FM Mason City. KYTC(FM) Bridgeport, Lawrence, MA; WRAY -TV CT; WMFP(N) 8 finance; Valerie Camey. sr VP /gen counsel. Northwood and KTLB(FM) Twin Lakes, all IA: KATE(AM)- Wilson, NC; and WOAC(TV) Canton, OH. KCPI(FM) Albert Lea. KAUS -AM -FM Austin, KOAD(AM)- Stns: 1 AM, 3 FM, 3 N. WGCL(AM)- WTTS(FM) Ownership: SAH Holdings L.P. KLQL(FM) Luverne, KEEZ -FM Mankato, KLGR -AM -FM Bloomington, WAJI(FM) Fort Wayne and WLDE(FM) Fort Redwood Falls, KRBI -AM-FM Saint Peter, KITN(FM) Wayne, all IN; KTVN(TV) and KTVN -DT Reno, NV; and Sumter Broadcasting Co. Inc., Box 727, Americus, GA Worthington and KWOA -AM -FM Worthington, all MN; WRCB -TV Chattanooga, TN. (31709). (229) 924 -1390. Web Site: KZEN(FM) Central City, KJSK(AM) -KLIR(FM) Columbus, www.americanradio.com. Steve Lashley. pres. Ownership: Tom Tarzian, Mary Tarzian, estate. KTTT(AM)- KKOT(FM) Columbus, KROR(FM) Hastings, KFOR(AM) -KFRX(FM) Lincoln and KLMS(AM)- KRKR(FM) Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WDEC-FM and WISK -AM -FM Team Radio LLC. Box 2509, Ponca City. OK (74602). Lincoln, all NE; KBRK -AM -FM Brookings, KIJV(AM)- Americus, GA. (All 100% owned.) 765 Fax: (580) 767 -1103. (580) -2485. Web Site: KZNC(FM) Huron, KJAM -AM -FM Madison and www.eteamradio.com. Sun Valley Radio Inc.. 810 W. 200 North, Logan, UT KSDR-AM -FM Watertown. all SD. (All 100% owned.) Stns: 2 AM. 3 FM. KOKB(AM) Blackwell, KOKP(AM)- (84321). (435) 752 -1390. Fax: (435) 752-1392. M. Kent Ownership: Rolland C. Johnson. Frandsen, pres. KOSB(FM) Perry, KLOR -FM Ponca City and KPNC -FM Ponca City, all OK. (All 100% owned.) Stns: 2 AM, 6 FM. KKEX(FM) Preston and KLZX(FM) Thunderbolt Broadcasting Co., Box 318, 1410 N. Lindell Weston, both ID; KLGN(AM)- KBLQ -FM Logan, Ownership: William L. Coleman, 100 %. St., Martin, TN (38237). (731) 587 -9526. Fax: (731) KVNU(AM) -KVFX(FM) Logan. KZHK(FM) St. George and 587 -5079. Directors: Paul F. Tinkle. Tele Inter -Rives Ltee., 15 Rue de la Chute, Riviere -du- KGNT(FM) Smithfield, all UT. Stns: 1 AM, 2 FM. WCDZ(FM) Dresden and Loup. PO (G5R 5B7). Canada. (418) 867 -1341. Fax: (418) Ownership: M. Kent Frandsen, owner. WCMT -AM -FM Martin, both TN. (All 100% owned.) 867 -4710. Thunderbolt owns WTNE A/FM, Trenton; WTKB FM Milan, SunAir Communications, Box 90, Selinsgrove, PA Stns: 4 TV. CHAU -TV Carleton, CFTF -TV Riviere -du- both TN., 78% of Gibson County Broadcasting. Loup, -TV Riviere -Loup -TV Riviere -du- (17870). (570) 374 -8819. Fax: (570) 374 -7444. Web Site: CIMT -du and CKRT Ownership: 40% Paul Freeman Tinkle. www.bigcountrynow.com. David Bernstein, owner. Loup. all PO. (All 100% owned.) Box NE Stns: 1 AM, 3 FM. WYGL -FM Elizabethville, WWBE(FM) Ownership: 101885 Canada Llee., 54.37 %; Groupe NA Tracy Broadcasting Corp., 532, Scottsbluff, Mifflinburg, WLGL(FM) Riverside and WYGL(AM) Inc., 44.66% (see listing); and Marc Simard, 0.97 %. (69363- 0532). (308) 635 -1320. Fax: (308) 635-1905. Web Selinsgrove. all PA. Site: www.tracybroadcasting.com. Tele New Hampshire L.L.C., 320 W. -Media Co. of 2 AM, 4 FM. KOLT -FM Bridgeport, KOZY -FM Pleasant Stns: Sunbeam Television Corp., 1401 79th St. Causeway. College Ave., Gap, PA (16823). (814) 359 -3481, Gering, KBFZ(FM) Kimball, KMOR(FM) Scottsbluff, Fax: (814) 353-2072. Web Site: www.tele- media.com. Ira Miami, FL (33141). (305) 751 -6692 Fax (305) 795 -2746. KOLT(AM) Scottsbluff and KOAQ(AM) Tarrytown. all NE. E -mail: 7news @wsvn.com. Web Site: www.wsvn.com. Rosenblatt, VP opns. Stns: 2 TV. WSVN(TV) Miami, FL: and WHDH -TV Stns: 3 FM. WNNH(FM) Henniker, WHOB(FM) Nashua Travis Media L.L.C.. 2101st St. S.W., Suite 240, Roanoke, Boston, MA. and WLKZ(FM) Wolfeboro, all NH. (All 100% owned.) VA (24011). (540) 344-2800. Fax: (540) 344 -4001. Ownership: Robert E. Tudek. chmn, majority owner; Stns: 1 AM, 5 FM. WXTW(FM) Auburn, WNHT(FM) Sunbelt Broadcasting Corp., Box 351, Columbia, MS Everett I. Mundy, vice -chmn, majority owner. able TV. Churubusco, WGL(AM) Fort Wayne and WCKZ(FM) (39429). (601) 731 -2298. Thomas F. McDaniel, pres. Roanoke, all IN; WZZU(FM) Lynchburg and WZZI(FM) Stns: 2 FM. WCJU -FM and WJDR(FM) Prentiss, MS. Telemundo Group Inc., 2290 W. 8th Ave., Hialeah, FL Vinton, both VA. (33010). (305) 884 -8200. Fax: (305) 889-7950. Richard (Both 100% owned.) Ownership: NCA Radio LLC, 51 %; Karen Travis, 19 %; Blangiardi, pres /CEO /chmn; Vincent Sadusky, CFO /treas; Robert Travis, 19 %; David Urbach, 9.8 %. Sunbelt Communications Co., c/o KVBC(TV), 1500 Juan Antunez, VP gen counsel /sec. VP/finance. Foremaster Ln., Las Vegas, NV (89101). (702) 642 -3333 Stns: 15 TV. KPHZ(TV) Holbrook and KHRR(TV) Tri-Market Radio Broadcasters Inc., 300 W. 120 South. Fax: (702) 657 -3423. E -mail: ch3 @kvbc.com. Web Site: Tucson, both AZ; KVEA(TV) Corona, KWHY-DT Los Rupert, ID (83350). (208) 436 -4757. Fax: (208) 436-3050. www.kvbc.com. RalphToddre, pres. Angeles, KWHY -TV Los Angeles and KSTS(TV) San Jose, Al Lee, pres: Kim Lee, gen mgr. Stns: 13 TV. KYMA(TV) Yuma, AZ; KPVI(TV) Pocatello all CA: WSCV(TV) Fort Lauderdale, FL; WSNS(TV) Stns: 3 AM, 2 FM. KFTA(AM) and KKMV(FM) both and KXTF(TV) Twin Falls, both ID: KBBJ(TV) Havre, Chicago, IL: WNEU(TV) Merrimack, NH: WNJU(TV) Rupert, KBAR(AM) and KZDX (FM) both Burley, ID. KTVH(TV) Helena and KBAO(TV) Lewistown, all MT; Linden, NJ; KXTX -DT Dallas, KXTX -TV Dallas, KTMD(TV) KENV(TV) Elko, KVBC(TV) Las Vegas, KRNV(TV) Reno Galveston and KVDA(TV) San Antonio, all TX; and Tri -State Christian Television, Box 1010, Marion, IL and KWNV(TV) Winnemucca. all NV; KCWY(TV) Casper, WKAO -TV San Juan, PR. (62959). (618) 997 -9333. Fax: (618) 997 -1859. Web Site: KJWY(TV) Jackson and KSWY(TV) Sheridan, all WY. (All Ownership: TN Acquisition Corp., 100 %. Note: General www.tct -net.org. Garth W. Coonce. pres; Christina M. 100% owned.) Electric Co, is 100% shareholder of TN Acquisition Corp. Coonce, VP: Shane Chaney, CFO. Ownership: James E. Rogers. General Electric Co. also own NBC TV Stations Division Stns: 18 TV. WTCT(TV) Marion, IL; WINM(TV) Angola, (see listing). IN; WTLJ(TV) Muskegon, WTLJ -DT Muskeon and Sunrise Broadcasting Corp., Box 2307, Newburgh, NY WAQP(TV) Saginaw, all MI; WNYB(TV) Jamestown, NY; (12550). (845) 561 -2131. Fax: (845) 561 -2138. J. Klebe. Tele- Quebec, 1000 rue Fullum, Montreal, PO (H2K 3L7). WLXI -TV Greensboro, NC. Note: Group also owns pres. Canada. (514) 521 -2424. Fax: (514) 873 -4413. E -mail: low -power TV stns W66BD Fort Wayne. IN (ch 66); W54AE info@ Stns: 1 AM, 1 FM. WGNY -AM -FM Newburgh, NY. (Both telequebec.gc.ca. Web Site: www.telequebec.qc.ca.

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