NEWS FOR AND ABOUT THE PEOPLE OF THE WASHINGTON STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT JUNE-JULY 1974, VOL 4, No. 3 AndrewsHeceives Great Honor Carter Wins Maintenance Homer Carter, Highway Department M^tenance Super visor at Okanogan in North Cei^al Washington, has received the statewide "Maintenance Man of the Year" award for 1974. The honor was bestowed by the Washington Highway Usem Federation during its annual meeting May 28 in Seattle. This is the first award of its kind presented by the Federation. Carter has worked in the jjjg experiences have in- Highway Department's Oka- eluded operating an oil nogan Maintenance Division tributor machine when since his^ discharge from the - roadway ofiing was required; Army at the end of World War working as a meinber of the II. He retired June 1, upon special crew responsible for completing 30 years of service Etching along hi^ways and with the Department of High for repairing highway ways. right-of-way following spring The award was made by washouts. Jack Silvers, Chairman of the His civic contributions are Washington Highway Users many, including being Federation, in recognidon of chairman of the Okanogan HIGHWAYS DIRECTOR GEORGE H. ANDREWS (right) receives awards from the late Gil extra efforts made by Highway County Fair Entertainment bert M. Schuster at ceremonies in Seattle on May 24. Andrews was. named one of the top ten Department maintenance men Men-of-the-Year for 1974 by the American Public Worics Association (APWA). Schuster, Committee, and being a to improve the condition of member and past captain of Director of Tacoma Public Works and president of APWA,**died of a massive heart attack" on Washington State highways Tuesday, June 11, **ifae day before he was scheduled to be released from Tacoma General Hos the Board of Directors of the and to provide services to ISO-man Okanogan Coun^ pital." motorists. Sheriffs Posse, wMch special The award also focused at izes in law enforcementsearch Nationally-Andrews tention to Carter's personal and rescue operations. services to the community in Under his direction, Oka general. Silvers, who heads the nogan Highway Department statewide organization of agri maintenance crews have prch Mr. Schuster Is One Of Top 10 Men cultural, industrial and auto dnced the high:qnali^ of work motive users group, is also expected! by die Department The American Public Works Association (APWA) has be Master of the Washington Dies At 56 stowed top honors on George H. Andrews, Director of the and the motoring ipublic. His State Grange. manner, bearing and aditade Washington State Department of Highways, by'naming him as Carter began his career withi one of the Top Ten Menrof-^e-Year for 1974. Andrews re- toward the M^way Defsrt- TheDepartmeiit of %e DepaEtmenlpaxonem m- [' idii^^iiLwwy s'wab gxfe saddened by the "unex in Seatde., - op^erWlor M the The APWA award was pected" death of Gilbert began work as a structural Highway M^tenance section based on Andrews' achieve Oarter and his wifej Kay, engineer with the department's in Tonasket. He then worked M. Schuster on June 11.' ments as Highways director are the parents of ttirCe Only 56, Mr. Schuster headquarters bridge division. his way up through the ranks over the past five years, in chBdren — Stan ahd' was listed as the nation's He then became Urban Bridge to Heavy Equipment Opera cluding his efforts to increase who are Washington State top municipal engineer. Engineer with the depart tor,, and to Maintenance citizen involvement in University giiadliates, and Jay^ He had had back surgery ment's Seattle District, was Foreman in December 1960, highway planning, the con 12. In addition to hiS' Mily a few days prior to his promoted to the post of Con when he transferred to Oka struction of the award^winning responsibilities, Carter etypys expected release from struction Engineer and later nogan. North Cascades Highway and became District Engineer. hunting, fishing and bowlihgv Tacoma General. Hos-. ^the department's increased pital. He had .been He'was then promoted to attention to environmental public works director at the headquarters level as as concerns. Tacoma since 1958. sistant director for Hi^way Mr. Schuster, a native Andrews, who began work Development and later, was of Chehalis, was a grad with the Highway Department named the department's uate of Washington State upon his graduation from Deputy Director. University. He was a Washington State University He wals named Director of in 1941, is the department's member of the Wash Highways in August 1969. ington State Urban Ar first career director. He is cur rently serving as president of Andrews is a fellow and terial Board which ad past committee chairman of ministered $220 million the American Association of State Highway and Transpor the American Society of Civil in street funds..Survivors Engineer^ and is past presi include his wife, a mar tation Officids and is past president of the Western Asso dent of the Northwest Society ried daughter, a son and of Highway Engineers. three grandchildren. ciation of State Highway Offi cials." He and his wife, Ruth, have Following, his graduation three sons and one grandson. from WSU with a degree in They reside at 3126 Anchor civil engineering, Andrews Lane, Olympia. Accounting Division Saving Lots Of $$$ The Accounting Division has been engaged in implementing a work simplification program along with methods improvement changes to bring about notable savings in Department ofiera-' tional costs, John MiUigan, Department Finance Officer, pointed out recently. The effort has been A REASON TO BE PROUD—'Homer Chriei^ underway since August, 1971. nance Sopervisor for the. Dtepaffmenf of 2 In January, 1973, a consulting firm" was retained to design a program for the Division to operations in the Olmnogan Division,(nntii Ms train supervisory personnel, idehtify work simplification improvements, task descriptions and 1) has reason to smile as fie holds coveted' pl^pe Ibr fieli^ target times and prepare a weekly manual control report to enable supervisors in the Division to named statewide Maintenance Man-(ri5#e«¥em fbif wMfe measure the utilization of their staff. (Cbnt. on Page 6) In Wenatcbee, holds an awaid cmi^dng Carter^ name smd ae? complishment. This latter award is on fmi^c display in DimiCt BULK RATE your 2*8 main office. U.S. POSTAGE highways PAID PERMIT NO. 210 newsletter OLVMPIA. WASH. LortgTlme Tradifion EDITOR'S NOTE: It has been a long-time tradidon vrith the Washington State Department of Highways to publish annually the photographs smd brief summaries ^ hi^ school and colle^ graduates who are sons and dau^teis of employees of the Department. Graduates of 1974 are again featured in this edition of The INTERCHANGE. News Frbrn HEADQUARTERS DISTIHGt S DISTRICT DISTRICT 3 MAINTENANCE DIVISION -r- The Roadway Mainte I nance section has had a numbej ofT)ersonnel changes in recent months. Ed Ferguson, formerly District 6 Project Engineer, has transferred to the section on a promotion to Senior Highway Engineer. He is recuperating from the frustrations of housing Joyce Bait R. L. C^innon _ transactions in both Spokane.and Oiympia. Frances McTaggart Yakinia, Coiresppndeit Don Slater has recently Seattle, Correspondent 'ttowater, Correspondent been promoted to Highway RIGHT-QF-WAY DIVI PROMOTED out of Dis PROMOTIONS Am Engineer IV in the section. He SION — Wendy Tracy, Sten- CAR.POOLING PAYS TRANSF^S — William^ is also involved with building ographer II, has replaced OFF — With a destination of trict 3 recently was Mrs. Ellen Kjesbu, an Accounting As Linse has been promotedi .^ a new home from the slab up. Thelma Blodgett in Property "Beautiful Downtown George District 5 Plans Engine Karl Kuehner has . joined Management. Two employees town" In the Seattle Industrial sistant I, to Accounting As sistant 11. She formerly his office in District staff as Management Analyst in Right^of-Way havchad area, the District's car pool Union Gap, He was pr^ousl^ III. He previously-served with their jobs reclassified. Sandy program saw a rediiction from worked under the direction of 51 per cent to 35 per cent of Ed Kranz, but now is ^ em- Assistant Frcject En^fieer State Parks and Recreation, Crimmins now holds the posi W. C. Halj atEUensbui^.V^|J preceded by. 23 years with the tion of Data Services Assistant the employees traveling to ployed by the Toll Bridge work alone in private vehicles. Authority at Headquarters' in Pfulip Nickson, United States Navy. II and Eva Barlin is Opera Engineer.II from W. C^MdWi Al Cunningham v/sis re- tions Assistant I. During the 3V^ months of Oiympia. pooling, the average car occu PROMOTED recently in office has been promoiedl to cently,employed as a Manage George Hill, Acquisition Highway Engineer HI jOiiiim" ment Analyst II, after serving Supervisor, and his wife, pancy has increased from 1.26 District 3 were R. C. Martefl, to 1.53. The changed driving now an Engineering Techni in the Environmental PlaffiiBg^ ^ with Public Instruction, Se Mabel, have left for a month's Unit of the Plannii]^ attle School Administration tour of Europe. We .are habits are estimated to save cian 4. Martell is employed at inCWymiMa.. ^ and the "great kite factory." looking forward to some inter 16,000 gallons of gasoline per Port Angeles and works under In April, Dean Cooper was esting stories and pictures of year =— assuming an average the supervision of Project En Dean Shaker was promOlj^l appointed as Management their trip. consumption rate of 13 miles gineer O. H. Hagge. from Maintenance T^hhidaiiJj Analyst IIP on a transfer from Keith L. Densley, Chief per gallon. NEW EMPLOYEES — II to Maintenance Ljejdllech^x the Administrative Services Right-of-Way Agent, attended ' APPOINTMENT — Four new employees were nician in the CcmnCli area fol^ Division of the Department of the Western Association of Steven McDuffee, Construc hired in District 3's operations Fred Pierce ia DirisionJlt v at Port Angeles.
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