![The San Francisco Call (San Francisco) 1901-10-29 [P 1]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
_ «• *-^ *-' The San Francisco Call. 17*1 1 V- I VOLUME XC—NO. 151. SAN FRANCISCO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1901. PKICE FIVE CENTS. ASSASSIN CZOLGOSZ PAYS DEATH PENALTY IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR AT AUBURNPRISON AUBURN, N. Y., Oct. 29.— At 7:13 o'clock this morning Leon F. Czolgosz, the anarchist who fatally shot President William McKinley at the Buffalo Exposition on September 6, was electrocuted. The assassin went to the electric chair unrepentant and unconfessed. ELLIOTT IS GLAD THAT HIS BULLET ENDED VENEZUELAN NATIONAL EXPEDITION LANDS BRUTAL HUSBAND'S LIFE AND RESCUED GIRL REFUSES TO A AND BATTLES WITH GOVERNMENT FORCES HE LOVED FROM CAREER OF DEGRADATION RECEIVE ALL ON THECOAST OF THE STATE OF MATURIN Mrs. Bessie Sherman, tire Young Woman Who Was Widowed by the Tragedy of Sunday Night in San Jose, Testifies at the Coroner's Inquest That CONSOLATION Troops on the .Frontier of Rosario de Cucuta Number Fifteen Thousand Condemned y Man Has and Six Prosperous She Had Never Encouraged the Attentions of the Man Who Avenged Her but Insulting Words Colombians .Thousand Venezuelans-Former Inhab- for Priests. itants of Caracas Are Reduced to Beggary and Seek Alms on Streets JOSE, Oct 28.-"I am glad I killedhim. He deserved it. for h© nay ruined the life of first love." Tells Brother ;Not to Have other, continues one of expectancy. The This was about all Harry L.El- SAN country liott, who sjhot and killed J. W. Religious Ceremony \ economic condition of the is re- ported good, though awaiting the in- In a house of ill-repute last • Sherman Over His Body. creased animation that will follow the night, would say to-day, after the excite- ment of last night's tragedy had subsided movement of the coffee crop. YORK, dispatch End left him in frame of mind that NEW Oct. 28.—A cable a Remains of the Electrocuted Man to announcing the election brought realization of enormity of his of President Cas- the Be Buried in the Prison Yard Venezuela, pro- act. That Elliott was In love with Bessie tro of who has been in Order to Dis- year, Bray before she married Sherman and Prevent visional President for one has been that she had played fast and loose with turbances. , received at the Venezuela consulate in his affections was the prime cause of the this city. The official proclamation will be made to-morrow by the Congress of raurder. He maintains an indifference AUBURN, N. ¥., Oct. 2S.— Leon F. concerning his crime, except . that country. " when the Czolgosz will have paid tribute with his flrl's name is mentioned, and then he life to the law, as the murderer, of Presi- GERMA2T CRIES "HANDS OFF!" bursts Into tears. dent William McKinley, Elliott has engaged State Senator Oneal by 7:15 o'clock to- Captain von "Wellheim Makes a Sen- morrow morning^, - as his attorney and willmake a fight for and Tunless he under- sational Speech. goes a great change his life. He does not deny the killing, 'of heart and BERLIN, Oct. 28.—During an address but evidently will plead insanity and self- strength in the few hours of life.left to at a recent meeting of the Fleet Society defense. To some he claimed he had act- him, he will go to the electric chair un- in Hanover, Captain von Wellheim of the ed in self-defense and that Sherman was confessed and unrepentant. He suffered German navy is represented to have said: a slight nervous attack late to-day, but '.'German interests In the five republics of America, in view of American remained sullen and" stoical up to the Central competition, can ,only be maintained time the prison closed at 10 o'clock! He when we have a fleet strong enough to refused the " to heed words of the priests say to the Americans 'Hands off!* urge who came to spiritual preparation The declaration was received with for death, and declined to either re-em- stormy applause. The papers generally brace Catholicism or renounce anarch- Ignore It,and the Freissinige Zeitung ob- ism. Hence, unless he changes his mind, serves: ' there will be no religious ceremony kt "There Is a species of political mischief- the end. \u25a0.,'.. \u25a0 making which, while not punishable un- ' Czolgosz showed no, strength of love der the penal code, is none the less calcu- for kin, nor«3id he turn to any of those lated to cause apprehension." higher- considerations .which '.ordinarily claim ,the thoughts of mehNocc'upylng hisi position. .. He may hav^'.Biiffered .untold tor^aev^but outwanlly^eVteaiWed-isxiSien'- .and indifferent;" TKe State Isrriot*toMBur- render' possession of his. body, and by sundown it willhave been secretly in- terred in ground ,controlled by the of- ficials of Auburn prison. „'; AllRelics to Be Destroyed. Waldeck v^olgosz, brother of .the mur- derer, foreseeing endless- difficulties and possibly angry demonstrations as the re- sult of an attempt to give the body.or- dinary burial, heeded the advice .of Su- perintendent of State Prisons Collins and Warden Mead, and formally relinquished all claim to it. He merely stipulated that at the close of the autopsy all parts of the body should be buried. Allchance of an unhappy and unfortunate sequel to the execution, neither in displays of pop- ular contempt or the exhibition of ghastly relics, is therefore finally prevented. 1 plan burning his clothing- and The of SPAIN, TRINIDAD, city. A large part of the once prosperous papers carried out Immediately OF will be Oct. 28.—The Venezuelan nation- inhabitants are reduced to seeking alms after the execution. • public - practi- .. alist expeditioh,'...-which .left :here in the streets. Business is The electrical, machine is ready for its night of the 15th, effected a cally at a standstill, and merchants ex- ;; prison is carefully, PORTthe work Auburn press, they soon be guarded, the city Is in its normal' calm,' landing on the coast of the state the .belief that will Maturin, Venezuela, and engaged the compelled to close their doors altogether. and .there seem to be.no circumstances of forces, "i under WASHINGTON. Oct. 28.—Mail advices standing in the way of a successful and Government General Maica, near Particulars of > the up to October 15 were received to-day expeditious execution of the law. Canos. t momentarily expected. It-is es- from his country by Senor Pulido, the Last Two Interviews. fight are timated that the forces, on the frontier Venezuelan Charge <TAffaires here." They Czolgosz held his 3ast two interviews Rosario.de Cucuta number 15,000 Co- came from Edward Blanco, the Minis'er ; Superintendent of to-night, the first with lombians and 6000 Venezuelans, and on the of Foreign Affairs, who reports that af- second with Collins and :the his brother frontier of Guajira, near Maracaibo, C000 fairs are tranquil there and the condition and Both of the Inter- normal. The situation on brother-in-law. and 3500 Venezuelans. of the country f brief, Colombians views were- and the interviewers Arrivals from Caracas give distressing the Tachira frontier, where the armies of talkinguntil question did most of the the accounts of poverty perceptible In that Colombia and Venezuela are facing each of religion was mentioned,' when Czol- gosz broke from his seeming lethargy and violently denounced the church, and the answered with more vehftmence about the main entrance at dusk quietly clergy, made his relatives promise And he and he had previously shown: dispersed with out any. suggestion from that there should be no service for him, than — . , «'No, - them; don't send them here police or guards. living or dead. Prior to the late evening '- again. Idon't want them." ; ; The superintendent and warden retire 1 WIFE WHOM J. W. SHERMAN SUBJECTED TO A LIFE Interviews, Czolgosi reluctantly, received o'clock, OF DEGRADA- The brother-in-law. Interjected here: at 10 with the announcement that TION AND THE MAN WHO, BECAUSE OF HISLOVE FOR THE YOUNG Fathers Fudzinski and Hickey. It was - there would Ibe .nothing given out an-1 . afternoon, "That's right, Leon." . WOMAN, ENDED THE HUSBAND'S CAREER* WITH A BULLET. late in the and occurred after j disturbed by that no one would enter or leave the refused to them. The brother looked rather he had once meet When Then, stepping up to prison before £o-morrow morning. Be- they reached the '. prison Superintendent the answer. close^ retired, bars, the .condemned man said: £j \ fore the . superintendent had the conveyed the request • for an in- the reported • him that She had been in this city and killed in by Henry Collins "And don't you have any Jpraying ovar death watch to «Czol- Francisco. San Jose L. El- terview to th4 prisoner. Czolgosz soundly. had met Elliott liott,,had a bad reputation, sent when I'm dead. Idon't want it. T gosz was sleeping Besides th? about a week. Sherman and It was that he did' see me — in brought only ago back word not care to any their \religion." two regular men on the death watch VENEZUELA'S PRESENT. CHIEF on the street yesterday and him three weeks that he .was forced them, the priests him, don't want of guard to leave Oakland, but asked to see the corridor, an additional sat in AND THE FOE WHO WOXTLD up to the house last night. After|greet- where he had placed his despite refusal. -Superintendent Cannot Witness Execution. young a his Col- Czolgosz's cell to-night.. DISPLACE HIM. ing her ho left and a few seconds later wife in notorious house,- known consented, and personally There was a painful pause ofa few min- as the Palm Leaf.
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