2006 Masters Age Records

2006 Masters Age Records

MASTERS AGE RECORDS 2006 Edition (as of August 21,2006) WORLD AND U.S. AGE RECORDS FOR TRACK & FIELD Compiled by Peter Mundle - Men's Records Shirley Dietderich - Women's Records Rex Harvey - Combined Events World and U.S. Age Records for Racewalking Compiled by Beverly LaVeck Addresses: Peter Mundle: 3955 Bentley Avenue, Culver City, CA 90232 Shirley Dietderich: 5 Arcade Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94708 Rex Harvey: 6744 Connecticut Colony Circle, Mentor, OH 44060 Beverly LaVeck: 511 Lost River Road, Mazama, WA 98833 Masters Age Records 2006 has the blessing of the USA Track & Field (USATF) Masters Track & Field Committee. This book was published with the help of the National Masters News, and Nolan Fowler and Pay Carstensen (compilers of the weight throws). These pages contain the known world and U.S. bests for standard track and field events, age 35 and above, as of August 31, 2006. If a U.S. best is not a world best, it is listed below the world best. Please be aware that these are single-age "bests" and not official WMA or USATF records. Due to time constraints, these marks do not receive the same scrutiny as the official five-year age-group records that are published by the National Masters News. Thus, these "bests" may differ from the official five-year records. To print record application forms, go to www.nationalmastersnews.com/ record-application.htm1 Information from left to right: age, performance, athlete's name and resi- dence (or country of origin), and date of meet. Key to abbreviations: dec = mark made in decathlon, h = heat, i = indoor mark, m = metric event, n = noteworthy racewalk mark, p = pending verifi- cation of date of birth, date of meet, wind velocity, etc., pen = mark made in pentathlon, w = wind-assisted mark, y = track mark made at imperial djs- tance (yards, feet or miles). .-. Track & Field Walt Butler(CA) +1.6 Ltnford Christle(GBR) Clorenre RavlU5> 100 YARDS wo~tsut~erit\ j LP than correrpondlng lBWo tlmer) Kenneth Dennis(CA) Clifton BertrondClRI) 8- -71 Kenneth Dennlr(CA) 4- 7-73 Movrice HcDonold(NC) 4- 3-76 8ob rcrran(1A) 8-25-73 Eddte ~ortiCAj Clifton Bertrond(TR1) 6- 8-72 Hanuel Ulocio(VEN) Loaor Hillcr(H1) 6-19-82 Wol t Butler(CA) 6-11-78 volt Butler(CA) 6- 2-79 Percy KnoxCCA) 6-28-72 Dem Smith(CA) 7-21-71 Walt BU~IC?(CA)~ Robert Thomos(NY) 6-15-72 Gsorae RhodenfJlUII Percy Knox(CA) 8- 1-74 Robert Thoaulr(N1) 6-16-73 Jia Ileavrr(Txj Percy Knox(CA) rhone Baker(TX) Kenneth Denntr(CA) Pe~cyKnox(CA) -1.8 illlllom Callins(TX) Cllfton Bertrond(lR1) Thone BoXer(TX) Perq Knox(CA) -1.0 Willlorn Collinr(1X) Thane Boker(TX) Bert Loncorter(PA) Richord 5tolpe(NB) Thone Baker(TX) Thane Boker(TX) Thonc Boker(TX) Matt Brown(NJ) +l.2 Willion CoILlnr(TX) Jock GreenwoodCKS) Poyton Jordon(cA) Ednund ~chuler(~~) Alfred GuidetCCA) Edmund Schuler(FL) Alphonre Juillond(CA) Edmund 5chuler(FL) Rudolph Valcntine(HY) poiton ~ordonic~j Edmund SchulcrrFL) Poyton Jordon(CA) red ~uidet(c~j Ron Toyior(G0R). Chorler Beoudry(TX) Alfred GuldetCCA) Payton ~ordoniCAj Payton Jordon(CA) Poyton Jordan(cA) Payton lordon(CA) Fritz ArrmrlGFR1,. Poyton lordon(CA) Colin ~olrey(c~~) Payton lordon(CA) Poyton Jordon(cA) Charles Beoudry(TX) Poyton Jbrdon(cA) Pwtm Jordon(CA) Bernard Hogon(AUS) Paytan Jordon(CA) Poyton Jardon(CA) Jlmmer Low(NC) t1.5 Wolfgang K ReUter(GER) Payton Jordon(CA) Joaer Lan(NC) Gilbarto Gonzolez(PUR) llorry Koppal(CA) Robert whllden(1X) Payton Jordon(cA) Poyton lordan(CA) Payton Jordan(CA) Gilberta Gonzalez(PUR) Poyton Jordon(CA) Herbert Anderron(C0) Payton Jordon(CA) Lonor Jockron(CA) -0.8 Fritz Assmy(GER) Willion Weinacht(0H) tl.3 Frltz Army(GER) Herbert ~ndersonicnj 7-25-81 Milton SilverrteinfVA>. A. E. Pitcher(1H) 9- 9-83 14.70 POYtOn Jordoo(cA) llerbert AnderronlCD> 7-28-84 14.78 Poyton Jordan(cA) Bert Morrow(CAN)' . 2-16-36 14.44 -0.4 Fritz AIIRY(GER) A. C. Pitcher(1N) 5-10-85 14.60 4.0 Melvin Lorren(1~) A. E. PltcherfIN> 6-15-86 11.35 Poyton Jordon(c~) 14.52 r0.5 Payton Jordon(c1) 15.15 rl.9 Rudolf Breder(GER) 15.40 -1.9 Payton Jardon(CA) 15.36 r1.9 Fritz Army(GER) 100 METERS 16.71 t1.3 frank Finger(VA) 16.15 -0.7 Gulseppe HorobottI(1T~) 17.4 A. E. Pitcher(1N) 16.16 tl.3 Gilchi Sudo(JPN) 16.22 0.0 Roderick Parker(AR) 16.94 -0.6 Gulreppe Morobotti(1TA) Stsphen Robbinr(CA) +a,, vittorio colo(ir~j r0.4 Nillion Colllnr(TX) Anthonv Cortro(CA1 Alfred Guldet(CA) Ron Toylor(G8R) Anthony cortro(c~)~ Chorler Beoudry(TX) Duncon MrCleon(GBR) Poyton Jordon(CA) Herbert Anderron(C0) Alfred Guidrt(CA) Ralph Romain(TR1) Stephen Robblnr(WA) Jill HOthll(lH> on ~ay~oric~b Jim UPthir(TH) -0.3 Ron l~ylor(GB~) ling-chon Rong(TA1) Payton Jardon(CA) Herb Kirk(M1) t0.7 Jurgon Rodke(GER) Herb Ki?k(HT) t1.2 Harold Tolron(L.4) Kopodo Johonboy(1ND) ~0ytc.n tl.2 Emin Jask~Lskl<AUT) 4.7 Jurgon Rodka(GER) 13 Stephen Robbinr(WA) r0.3 Paul Edcnr(0R) PoYton Jordon(CA) ing or air~d oidad aorkr r1.8 &ido HuelleribEi) n10.69 Nilliam Collinr(TX) tl.0 llorold Tolron(C1) wll.71 Reginold Aurttn(AU4 rl.2 Robert Lldo(K5) ~ennethDennis(&) Payton Jordon(L.4) t2.a Paul Edenr(0R) Joiner Low(Nc) t2.8 Stephen Robbinr(M) Jomer Loa(HC) r3.8 ~orbld~olron(ci) Jim 5elbyic~j t3.0 Kenneth Dcnnlr(CA) Horry Kappel(cA) +1.S Amondo Roro(5PA) +0.5 Horrt Schruder(GER1 William We1n;chtio~) Poyton Jardan(CA) r2.4 Melvin Lorren(1A) +0.4 Allon Heddingr(C0R) t2.9 #ill1 Seizer(GER) Payton Jordon(CA) Roderick Parter(U5) Payton Jordan(CA) Gulseppe Horobotti(lTA) -0.2 Wolfgong K Rauter(GER) 3 Poytan Jopdon(CA) -0.4 Bill MelvillermI> HWI Bob Hattaron(VT) Anthony Cortro(cA) NllI Friedcrich E Hahlo(GER) t3.8 Errrin Jorkulrki(AUT) t1.6 woifgong K'R~;~&(GER) Nilliom Neinacht(0H) 16Fritz Army(GER) 200 METERS Melvin Lorlen(IA) Fritz Arrmy(GER) Llnford Chrlrtie(G0R) Anthony cortro(CA) Oelono Heriwether(U5) 0.0 Fritz Arrmy(GER) Linford Chrirtie[bBR) t0.9 Melvin Lorren(1A) Larry Hyrirkr(~s) Payton Jordon(CA) Eugene Driver(CA) Payton Jordon(CA) .7 Linford Chrirti~(GBR) tl.0 Hel Luras(R5A) Eugene Oriver(CA) t1.4 Rillion Nelnocht(0H) Edrrord Jaffcrlr(R5A) +0.2 Fritz Arimy(6ER) A. E. Pitrher(1N) Ugo Sonronetti(1TA) A, E. Pttther(1H) -1.8 Roderick Porker(AR) Raderirt Psrker(AR> -1.1 Frirderlch E Hnhlo(GER) . Russell R~ndoll(C0) Eddie Hort(CA) rl.1 Frederico fircher(BRA) Honvel Ulorlo(VEN) Anthony Cortra(CA) lhone Ooker(TX) Rurrell Randoll(C0) Nillion Collinr(TX) -1.2 Vltto~ioColo(1lA) st& Whltley((A) Janer Burnett(PA1 Willie Goult(CA) Georoe Rhoden(Jw1 vitt& co~o(i~~j Kevin Horning(CA) Hox Springcr(TH) 1 Kevin Horntng(CA> t0.2 Frlederich E Hahlo(GER)~. -1.9 Stephen Petcrl(GBR) Eve~ettHo~~ck(oIi) ston whttle~cc~) r0.9 Frlederich € kohlo(G€R) Ston WhitlsyCCA) Herb KirkCHT) -0.3 Staphen Peterr(G8R) Povl Spangler(CA) Alphonre Jutllond(L4) Everett Horott(0lll -0.9 Stephen PeterrCGBR) -4.7 Erflin J.rkulrki(~~~) Kenneth Oennir(CA) 0.0 R~ldoll~B~~ney(K5) t0.4 Stephen Peterr(GBR) -1.6 Everett Hol~tk(OlI) stephen Robbinr(L.4) Everett Horork(0ii) r1.3 William Collinr(TX) Everett Horock(0H) Ron Taylor(G8R) tng or * ind aided aorkr HI11 Selzer(GER) ~23.53 +4.7 Thooar Jones(U5) Harry Brc*m(IL) 2 La~ryColbert(HD) niul SFIZLP(GER) Berthold Neumonn(GER) Don chc~k(CA) John Davinon(US) Wllli SelTer(GER) Illlton Silverrtrin(VA) Roderick Porker(U5) MI Bob U.?ttaran(VT) wlul srizar(GER> Rodney Brmn(U1) Horold Chopron(H1) 400 METERS Hike Johnrton(AU5) Rodcrick Porkcr(U5) Ibrohins lode(FR*) Gote Lindblod(S%) Jones King(u) Horald Chqpson(H1) Eugene Driver(CA) Horold Chapron(H1) Clifton HcKenzia(u) Aieksondar Ernersokr(CAI Rob~rtThonor(US) Harold Chopron(H1) HogUer ROger(FRA) Fricderlch Hohlo(GER) Robert Thmor(U5) Jim Hanno(NJ) Enrlco Sorocsni(ITA) Herbert Lladtke(5NE) James King(CA) Hnx Sprtnger(1N) Erlc Roerke(NE0) Roderlck Porker(AR) Hanuel Ul~cio(vEN) Rodertck Porker(AR) Sol AllohlNJ) Friederlch E Uohlo(GER) Lee ~vmr(c~j Hox Sprlnger(TH) Hagues RoQer(FR4) friederich E Wohlo[GER> Ston NhitievICA1 Stan Nhitleiic~j Frledrrlch E Yohlo(GER) ston *hitley(u) HOX springer(^^) Stan mhit\cy(cA) Friederich E HohloCGER) Gutdo Hucller(GER) uox Sprlnger(TN) Jock G~~enwood(K5) Jlng-chon mong(TA1) Fred SonPrby(HV) Paul Spongler(CA) Stephen Peterr(GBR) Jlns-chon lang(TA1) Horold Horloka(cAH) Herb Kirk(U1) Don Park~NcA) Everett HOrotk(0H) Stephen Roibiir(c~) Everett llorock(oH) chorler Allie(PA) Herb Kirk(IlT) Rolph Romoin(TR1) Everett Hcrock(OH) Dove wo1 tL"(WA) chorler AIlle(PA) Guido Huellcr(FRG) 00 METERS Charles Ailie(PA) Ralph ~onoin(i~~j Johnny Groy(CA) Chorler AIlie(PA) Johnnv Grav(CA1 Rolph Romoin(TR1) ~ohnn; ~r&ic~j Lorry Colbert(HD) lahnny Groy(CA) Ralph Roailin(TR1) Johnny Groy(CA) Jim Hothi~(1N) Johnny Groy(cA) Rudolph Volentlne(HY) Peter Brwne(G8R) Rolph Rosloin(TR1) Tony Young(NA) Roper Pierce(HA) 5111 Allllh(NJ) Ralph Ronoin(TR1) Ernest Billupr(1L) Larry Bornun(u) Ernart Billupr(1L) Rolph Ramatn(TR1) 501 Alloh(HJ) lorry Calbert(HD) Anrrll Lebourne(NJ> Rolph Ramllln(TR1) Don Porkcr(CA) Lorry Colbert(H0) Bill Fitzgerold(CA) Berthold Neuaionn(FRG) Don Parkcr(CA) Poul W Jahnron(1X) Bill Fitzgerllld(CA) Guida Hueller(GER) Ronoldo Hercelino(HO1) Joaer Low(HC) Bill fttrgerold(CA) Earl fee(U\H) Holon Shbheed(CA) Poul N Johnron(1X) J.

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