Lecture Notes on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Roderich Tumulka∗ Winter semester 2019/20 These notes will be updated as the course proceeds. Date of this update: March 4, 2020 ∗Department of Mathematics, Eberhard Karls University, Auf der Morgenstelle 10, 72076 T¨ubingen, Germany. Email: [email protected] 1 1 Course Overview Learning goals of this course: To understand the rules of quantum mechanics; to understand several important views of how the quantum world works; to understand what is controversial about the orthodox interpretation and why; to be familiar with the surprising phenomena and paradoxes of quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics is the field of physics concerned with (or the post-1900 theory of) the motion of electrons, photons, quarks, and other elementary particles, inside atoms or otherwise. It is distinct from classical mechanics, the pre-1900 theory of the motion of physical objects. Quantum mechanics forms the basis of modern physics and covers most of the physics under the conditions on Earth (i.e., not-too-high temperatures or speeds, not-too-strong gravitational fields). \Foundations of quantum mechanics" is the topic concerned with what exactly quantum mechanics means and how to explain the phenomena described by quantum mechanics. It is a controversial topic. Here are some voices critical of the traditional, orthodox view: \With very few exceptions (such as Einstein and Laue) [...] I was the only sane person left [in theoretical physics]." (E. Schr¨odingerin a 1959 letter) \I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." (R. Feynman, 1965) \I think that conventional formulations of quantum theory [...] are un- professionally vague and ambiguous." (J. Bell, 1986) In this course we will be concerned with what kinds of reasons people have for criticizing the orthodox understanding of quantum mechanics, what the alternatives are, and which kinds of arguments have been put forward for or against important views. We will also discuss the rules of quantum mechanics for making empirical predictions; they are uncontroversial. The aspects of quantum mechanics that we discuss also apply to other fields of quantum physics, in particular to quantum field theory. Topics of this course: • The Schr¨odingerequation • The Born rule • Self-adjoint matrices, axioms of the quantum formalism, collapse of the wave func- tion, decoherence • The double-slit experiment and variants thereof, interference and superposition 2 • Spin, the Stern-Gerlach experiment, the Pauli equation, representations of the rotation group • The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen argument, entanglement, non-locality, and Bell's theorem • The paradox of Schr¨odinger'scat and the quantum measurement problem • Heisenberg's uncertainty relation • Interpretations of quantum mechanics (Copenhagen, Bohm's trajectories, Ev- erett's many worlds, spontaneous collapse theories, quantum logic, perhaps others) • Views of Bohr and Einstein • POVMs and density matrices • No-hidden-variables theorems • Identical particles and the non-trivial topology of their configuration space, bosons and fermions Mathematical tools that will be needed in this course: • Complex numbers • Vectors in n dimensions, inner product • Matrices, their eigenvalues and eigenvectors • Multivariable calculus • Probability; continuous random variables, the Gaussian (normal) distribution The course will involve advanced mathematics, as appropriate for a serious discussion of quantum mechanics, but will not focus on technical methods of problem-solving (such as methods for calculating the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom). Mathematical topics we will discuss in this course: • Differential operators (such as the Laplace operator) and their analogy to matrices • Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of differential (and other) operators • The Hilbert space of square-integrable functions, norm and inner product • Projection operators • Fourier transform of a function • Positive operators and positive-operator-valued measures (POVMs) 3 • Tensor product of vector spaces • Trace of a matrix or an operator, partial trace • Special ordinary and partial differential equations, particularly the Schr¨odinger equation • Exponential random variables and the Poisson process Philosophical questions that will come up in this course: • Is the world deterministic, or stochastic, or neither? • Can and should logic be revised in response to empirical findings? • Are there in principle limitations to what we can know about the world (its laws, its state)? • Which theories are meaningful as fundamental physical theories? In particular: • If a statement cannot be tested empirically, can it be meaningful? (Positivism versus realism) • Does a fundamental physical theory have to provide a coherent story of what happens? • Does that story have to contain elements representing matter in 3-dimensional space in order to be meaningful? Physicists usually take math classes but not philosophy classes. That doesn't mean, though, that one doesn't use philosophy in physics. It rather means that physicists learn the philosophy they need in physics classes. Philosophy classes are not among the prerequisites of this course, but we will sometimes make connections with philosophy. 4 2 The Schr¨odingerEquation One of the fundamental laws of quantum mechanics is the Schr¨odingerequation N @ X 2 i = − ~ r2 + V : (2.1) ~ @t 2m i i=1 i It governs the time evolution of the wave function = t = (t; x1; x2;:::; xN ). (It can be expected to be valid only in the non-relativistic regime, i.e., when the speeds of all particles are small compared to the speed of light. In the general case (the relativistic case) it needs to be replaced by other equations, such as the Klein{Gordon equation and the Dirac equation.) We focus first on spinless particles and discuss the phenomenon of spin later. I use boldface symbols such as x for 3-dimensional (3d) vectors. Eq. (2.1) applies to a system of N particles in R3. The word \particle" is traditionally used for electrons, photons, quarks, etc.. Opinions diverge whether electrons actually are particles in the literal sense (i.e., point-shaped objects, or little grains). A system is a subset of the set of all particles in the world. A configuration of N particles is a list of their positions; configuration space is thus, for our purposes, the Cartesian product of N copies of physical space, or R3N . The wave function of quantum mechanics, at any fixed time, is a function on configuration space, either complex-valued or spinor-valued (as we will explain later); for spinless particles, it is complex-valued, so 3N : Rt × Rq ! C: (2.2) The subscript indicates the variable:pt for time, q = (x1;:::; xN ) for the configuration. Note that i in (2.1) either denotes −1 or labels the particles, i = 1;:::;N; mi are positive constants, called the masses of the particles; ~ = h=2π is a constant of nature, h is called Planck's quantum of action or Planck's constant, h = 6:63 × 10−34 kg m2s−1; @ @ @ ri = ; ; (2.3) @xi @yi @zi 2 is the derivative operator with respect to the variable xi, ri the corresponding Laplace operator 2 2 2 2 @ @ @ ri = 2 + 2 + 2 : (2.4) @xi @yi @zi V is a given real-valued function on configuration space, called the potential energy or just potential. Fundamentally, the potential in non-relativistic physics is X eiej=4π"0 X Gmimj V (x1;:::; xN ) = − ; (2.5) jxi − xjj jxi − xjj 1≤i<j≤N 1≤i<j≤N where p jxj = x2 + y2 + z2 for x = (x; y; z) (2.6) 5 3 denotes the Euclidean norm in R , ei are constants called the electric charges of the particles (which can be positive, negative, or zero); the first term is called the Coulomb potential, the second term is called the Newtonian gravity potential, "0 and G are con- stants of nature called the electric constant and Newton's constant of gravity ("0 = −12 −1 −3 4 2 −11 −1 3 −2 8:85 · 10 kg m s A and G = 6:67 × 10 kg m s ), and mi are again the masses. However, when the Schr¨odingerequation is regarded as an effective equation rather than as a fundamental law of nature then the potential V may contain terms aris- ing from particles outside the system interacting with particles belonging to the system. That is why the Schr¨odingerequation is often considered for rather arbitrary functions V , also time-dependent ones. The operator N X 2 H = − ~ r2 + V (2.7) 2m i i=1 i is called the Hamiltonian operator, so the Schr¨odingerequation can be summarized in the form @ i = H : (2.8) ~ @t The Schr¨odingerequation is a partial differential equation (PDE). It determines the 3N time evolution of t in that for a given initial wave function 0 = (t = 0) : R ! C it uniquely fixes t for any t 2 R. The initial time could also be taken to be any t0 2 R instead of 0. So far I have not said anything about what this new physical object has to do with the particles. One such connection is Born's rule. If we measure the system's configuration at time t then the outcome is random with probability density 2 ρ(q) = t(q) : (2.9) This rule refers to the concept of probability density, which means the following. The probability that the random outcome X 2 R3N is any particular point x 2 R3N is zero. However, the probability that X lies in a set B ⊆ R3N is given by Z 3N P(X 2 B) = ρ(q) d q (2.10) B (a 3N-dimensional volume integral). Instead of d3N q, we will often just write dq.A density function ρ must be non-negative and normalized, Z ρ(x) ≥ 0 ; ρ(q) dq = 1 : (2.11) R3N A famous density function in 1 dimension is the Gaussian density 2 1 − (x−µ) ρ(x) = p e 2σ2 : (2.12) 2πσ 6 A random variable with Gaussian density is also called a normal (or normally dis- tributed) random variable.
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