SERVING THE STORRS COMMUNITY Establishedeel Weather 1896 Sunny and mild Member Of The United Press (Emutwiiatt Qbxmpm Vol. XL Storrs, Connecticut. Friday. October 16. 1953 No. 20 Marine Recruiting Security Cracks Down On Newspaper Officials Senate Sets New Criteria University Releases The Security Department, in a concerted "get tough" policy with students hare, has issued tickets For Homeconrng Displays Listing Of '52-'53 to the managing editor of The Connecticut Campus and the vice Homecoming displays this year Honor Students chairman of the Photopool. will be judged according to a George Anastasio of The Cam- specific criteria, Senator Richard pus and Richard Benedek of Marsh reported at Wednesday's A total of 134 undergraduate Photopool were among eight stu- Senate Meeting. Marsh explain- students earned first honors for dents who received stickers per- ed that the lack of such a criteria both semesters last year, accord- mitting special parking privi- leges to be used in connection in the past has often caused con- ing to figures released by the of- siderable dissatisfaction. with official Campus business. fice of student personnel. The The stickers were issued from James Zito, a junior of Sigma students were registered for at the office of Reuben B. Johnson, Chi Alpha is working with Alum- least 12 academic credits per assistant director of student per- ni Association secretary, George semester, earned at least 35 sonnel at the request of the edi- Pinckney, in determining the times as many quality points as tor-in-chief of the student news- criteria. According to Marsh this the number of academic credits paper. information will be available to for which they were registered Benedek was tagged at 1:45 the living units by Oct. 26. at the end of the semester, and Monday afternoon and charged Marsh also stated that the received no mark below C. with parking in a restricted area —Photo by Godfrey theme of this year's displays Undergraduates meeting these and parking without lights. "I The two students above are among those who have taken ad- should be "more closely concern- standards with the exception oi thought someone was playing a vantage of the Marine Corps recruiters information booth in the ed with welcoming back the earning 30 times as many quality practical joke," said Benedek main lobby of the HUB for the past two days. alumni" instead of with the foot- points as their credits were in- when relating the charges to The ball game. cluded in the category of second Campus. In other reports. Senator Arthur Krenz. chairman of the Bloodmoblle honors for both semesters. There Checking at the security office, committee repoited that about 203 were 327 students in this classi- Benedek was told that both U. S. Marines Offer Programs pledges have been collected thus far for blood donation on Oct. 29. He explain- fication. charges were "a mistake" and ed, however, that this Is not the final figure since all living units have not For the second semester last they were erased by the officer For Both Men And Women yet reported. year 222 students achieved first in charge, Benedek was then The recommendation by Senator Earl Capuano, finance committee chairman, honors and 600 got second hon- charged with parking on the that Robert Neal. sophomore of SIKma ors. Alpha Ep-ilon. be appointed buslnes wrong side of the road. The Marine Corps has set up is given at the Marine Corps malinger for the distribution of '52 and Ten students were made Uni- On appealing to Lawrence '53 Nutmegs was approved. three programs for college men Base in Quantico, Va. Capuano also reported that the Fort versity scholars last year. They Goodale, officer in charge of Se- and women interested in becom- Having been screened accord- Trumbull Loan Fund which was turned were the highest ranking mem- curity, Benedek's ticket was re- (Continued rn Page 4) ing commissioned Marine Corps ing to academic background and bers of the Junior and Senior duced to $1. classes selected solely on past officers after graduation. ability, each fully commissioned Anastasio was charged with scholastic records based on cumu- Freshman, sophomore, and officer in the Marines receives Community Sing "parking in a restricted area," lative quality point ratio. The lOct. 12. Bringing the ticket to junior men are eligible for the five months of specialized train- ing which is included in his two- four juniors were Grace Benson, the Security department, he was Platoon Leaders class, which is A sing will be held Sunday Janet Haburay, Marilyn Abel, a training program comparable year active service requirement. at 7 p.m. in the HUB ballroom informed by officer Goodale that and Donald Doolittle. to ROTC training. No training is The officers are then given three to encourage community sing- "you guys should get together choices of duty. and understand that these stick- taken up during the school year, ing. Mr. R. W. Yingling, as- ers aren't for parking wherever but two separate six-week sum- "The spirit is very high among sociate professor of music, will I. S. O. Primary you please." mer courses are required for l the commissioned officers," com- lead the singing of Uconn those who qualify. These reserves jmented Lt. Frank Copeland, who songs and old-time favorites. The Independent Student Goodale stated that students are deferred from selective serv- was with the Marine Recruiting Three "bouncing ball movies Organization Primary will be with special stickers will no long- ice. group on campus. Approximate- will be shown.. two on old held Oct. 20 in the HUB at 7 er be permitted to park in front The Women's Officers Training ly 65% of the Marine officers in favorites and one on college p.m. "Any independent stu- of the HUB to "go in there and course is a comparable program Korea were reserves. songs. The purpose of the pro- dent can seek the endorsement study." Taking the ticket from for college women in their soph- Although these training pro- gram is to encourage commun- of the ISO,' said Roland Mar- Anastasio, he said, "I don't want omore, junior, and senior years. grams were only initiated in ity singing. lineau, president. you people ever coming in here For college graduates, the Of- 1951, they have proved very suc- Only ISO members will be with these again, understand?" ficers Candidate course, consist- cessful for many more applica- allowed to vote, but member- In a letter dated Sept. 25, Reu- ing of ten weeks of concentrated tions are received than can be U.S.Grant Awarded ships will be sold at the pri- ben B. Johnson assistant direct- training is offered. All training (Continued on Page 4) mary. or of student personnel said to To University (Continued on Page 4) Hews Briefs BY THE United Press For Clinical Psych. Two Persons Injured In Dulles Meets With Churhill LONDON—Secretary of State Dulles and British Prime Minis- A $7,581 grant in U. S. Public ter Churchill met for dinner tonight to discuss Churhill's plan for Health funds has been awarded a new strategy with Russia. Dulles is attending the Big Three For- the University of Connecticut to n Atwater Lab Road Crash eign Ministers meeting that begins today. promote the program in clinical * * • • • psychology, announced President A. N. Jorgensen. Two persons were slightly in- Manning sustained contusions Indo-Chinese Front Flares Up Again jured yesterday afternoon when and lacerations on her left knee HANOI, Indo-China—Thousands of French and Indo-Chinese The grant, under terms of the award which specify its use for two cars collided at the corners and her daughter, Mary Anne, troops are attacking a vital communist fortress. The offensive is teaching purposes, will be used of Atwater Lab Road and Rain- received a nose injury. designed to cut off Red supplies and retreat routes. bow Alley Road. * * • * * to increase the program staff. Two other daughters of the in- Awardsd by the Department of A 1951 Ford sedan, driven by jured Mrs. Manning, Bethany, Administration To Meet Problem of Falling Farm Income Health, Education and Welfare Mrs. Gertrude S. Manning, 49, of age 19 months, and Carolyn, 3 KANSAS CITY—Agriculture Secretary Ezra Benson says the under the National Health Act, RFD 1, Willimantic, was struck weeks, as well as the driver were Eisenhower administration will continue to meet the problems of the grant is given only to those by Ralph E. Shaw, 55, an em- unhurt. Neither Shaw or his pas- falling farm prices and mounting surpluses head-on. Benson told the schools which have been accred- ployee of the plant and mainte- senger, Mrs. F. D. Bowering of national convention of future farmers of America that the Adminis- ited by a special committee of nance department here, operat- Storrs were injured. tration has acted promptly to meet these problems. the American Psychological as- ing a 1940 Ford sedan. Shaw col- Shaw said he was unable to sociation. In view of the grant, lided with Mrs. Manning when Mundt Calls For High-Level Price Support avoid the collision as the Man- Dr. Margaret Riggs and Bernard she attempted to enter Atwater ning car emerged from behind a Republican Senator Karl Mundt of South Dakota says Agri- Pellet have been appointed to the Lab Road and proceed south. row of parked cars onto the road. culture Secretary Ezra Benson has two choices to make. Mundt says staff as assistant professor and Injured in the Manning car Both cars were removed to the Benson should either resign or make it clear that he will continue as graduate assistant, respective- were Mrs.
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