v 1: : *•'•<•<«: ? / ;»*v ; \ • :•"• v•;>£ s VISITATION ACADEMY^ '*: CONVENT ' * ;r y ;••... »vjhi - \ v •v;%^C-., • • -• •:., •,;..-'•• ', •••;•. -• .; •••: ; :, -, .* , . ... • i .^,: i '-••;- '- •->-•; v^'.'-^v^;^-> •.•>;-. •. , /:. v Bishop Portier secured the services of Visitation Nuns frpm ;^ >;V:"iV'^"*<.';C K-'^'^ViPribourg, Switzerland in November,? 1832, to conduct a school ;y;../!;v ,;..•-^^for girls, in Mobile* ' They arrived on Dec* 31, Sister 'Madeleine'/.-;':,.:; '^f^v ;'.. -v *;• : '"'.:•';•":.• '•;'•:•••:+•.';-i >•"•.••. •-•''••: '•;•'•••'v--->\'. ••• . '.-'*r'v f^rV^ Augustine d'Arregger, superior, Sister Mary Ignatia Miles and :•*«;;'« K<.-! .^V . •', '• '• .. .'•,•• • v .,'':'•'•'.• : " .••.:''. i.«.V„ .'..•••«- : ,k -•".. .••...•" •'.•.,...'-,'.' ^'vC^U^'Slster Mary Paulina Millard, from Georgetown. The new institution ,^'V i(jt^|***-fl> erected on the 27-^aore" deAngelis property at a" cost of ^7,000.;:.'.; '•S}^i*!lfl ' •).•;•• •"'"•'>'. ••;. ;•./:/,: •;;:'v:'after a few months "'•"(.•-'• ^ from Baltimore,.'.; ^^•^JvCvV The first croup of sisters left/and were replaced by others under;.^"y-l i'V^i'7* '*'• ',*••' -•. .v'v., :•••!." •' ••••''.,-•:' •• •',•'..-. •.•'•»•..••? ,'.<-,,."•••;•, .• .-•.• • •;. •' •.-• • }.,i^'v V"^* i^Sister Margaret Marshall» The Chapel was .dedicated, under the i-.'i:.,•;,•?' -V ; i ^'> -r .-patronage of St." Francis, deSales in 'l8i;5.' ': . ;1j^^.;|]»t W^tV^^^^^t ^^•'"•%«-;.-:':. ^';«^^1^^-^', :' ;••• / •• •:•••:• •,.-.: -'.v-;'--. v••'.,:.••• .:\-,:,'v^^^ t i v,: , H-,:''-*' ' 1-{--* •.-•:. ••• -•••..•„• ;<!•*•-:.•••••• ST. MRY......-...- ASYLUM•, i Mobil. e / n •; \,f ; The Catholic, Female 'Charitable Society" was begun on Jan. ij., i^Cy-'I838 'to support and educate orphan and destitute children, '• •'. ^in Mobile. With the permission of Bishop Portier and his sec- ^(.t^^M.retary, Rev. James McGarahan, Z. Guesnard, president and M* * •. :'i :XfM&?&: "'' :V';';;! •' ' 'V- '.-': .::;jA-'-.r": . ";"•., .'"'•'• •v:;;••..'..•:.'• .' •: ;';*;;/'";.vv:McNally, the society, was Incorporated F"eb. 5, I84.O. These ladies •^^^-^^ifOrked-for three years j in I8J4.I Bishop Portier obtained the ser- -V.^l\;;;i,^Vices of the Daughters of'Charity of St. Vincent. dePaul, Emraits.-/; -.."ii^'i\:?-Vburg, Md. These Sisters also staffed the Cathedral School which. ; •'^3'• :» ';«','•;<:'1*v-H' ; opened in 18J4-7* which has been discontinued, but .the Sisters:N ' havei conti ", - girls. 1 *-" '' for *•>- '*$*-*K. sr * r VjtCiki.^;•• ': v";•"':" .:;, BROTHERS OF SACRED HEART ' /;/,;V" .•', In January, l8i;6, Bdsh6p Portier sent Father, Stephen Bazin to s:^'jv.'>' France to recruit help to teach boys' schools in Mobile. He ''':V^ ^vl^J.,":- returned with Brother Alphonse Bernard and four'other religious ;.. t'^^^on the same ship as the Jesuit Fathers who were enroute to Mobile..;-:;: .. v^;,:,';^'. They arrived in January, I84.7 and have taught in several parish' ^.»vi'*V schools, maintained The Catholic Boys' Home for" orphans, and,teach at McGill High School since'1928., -0-;T;-', tf^.^':;My: •'"''• , : '>•'•;'&"» ; f *,i ;>;'>' ;• ' ' -.-y.,..: •-. • . •>..,., '....^ :• •, ,;•,".' J'.-V". • '.•". • 'iV*.,-,•••' •.'•'^•'•„i i ;«f >-,i- . <•< ...; V in • •«--M$pl'?4 ?• r-1 »• : '• ••/••*•••• -S •••• ^ r / ••'' • ' '•'••<..-•".'•• :>•: /='i--**-''%vr^i*>»^."i^ :v-sv !i-,;^;41. ? *f >*<• .-. \ , ; i,,f '7, .VISITATION ACADEMY^ '£ CONVENT ' * /? y „' g* '»*h - \ Y , /:. v Bishop Portier secured the services of Visitation Nuns frpm ; ;;\'^V;•;"*>' V.!\^^vrV:Fribourg, Switzerland in November,fl832, to conduct a school ;y .,/!;v ,;..•-^^for girls, in Mobile. ' They arrived on Dec. 31, Sister Madeleine',;'„•; .->•., *: - v : ; , : '^f^v ;'.. - *;• : -.•:,•'•:•'-':• ; 'v;,r. ;;;- ,• ".. ; . r'-'-Vi "- •';'•••',•• •• . '.-'*r'v ... -i '^ f^rV^ Augustine d'Arregger, superior, Sister Mary Ignatia Miles and :•*«;;'« K<.-! .^V . •', ''••'.'','• • > .•'.'• >:'- '•'•-.'" •- : " .••.:''. .^X-.. .'..•••«- : ,k •-•".. .••...•" •'.•.,...'-,'.- £^U^:fSlster Mary Paulina Millard, from Georgetown. The new institution,;^:: '.j-'1- *'A;'''H.'* ' **".'•' ' '••••. " . ' - -*' '•••• ., .- •-. •". .''''' •',''.'. ''•- i(jt^|***-fl> erected on the 27-*aore" deAngelis property at a" cost of ^7,000.;:.'.; '•S}^i*!lfl ' •).•;•• '-'^ '. 'Y;;; •./:/,:.;/'-'after a few months "'•"(.--'• 'Vfrom Baltimore,.'.; ^^^JvCvV The first croup of sisters left/and were replaced by others under; .^"y-l V"^* i^Sister Margaret Marshall» The Chapel was .dedicated, under the -^. ,;,•?' ''•< : v : , , / l ^&$vi*Xi '-'•- :N -. '.T**•;'•••• i,v '>.:i;NA, '-':A •• :.v«V'j.••«•••: ••'••'••-•.-•> •• - ' .v.v'.v-" vrt;.v\.:;; V;..; :,.,,i;;jS:^ ;;j{ ^'> -r .-patronage of St." Francis, deSales in 'l8i;5.' '"/^^V^:^ 1 : v S^^^->x^-^^^^^^ V" .' '' v\- ',.-.; -'.V- ••'•••^. - '--'- .S^VV.>:^-0V v,: , H--^'-*'>-K-{--* •,--:-. '-. -•••..•„• ;<!•*.•-:•••••• ST. MRY......-...- ASYLUM• , i Mobil. e / n •; \,f " The Catholic, Female 'Charitable Society" was begun on Jan. ij., ; ;;; -.'<;,'l838 'to support and educate orphan and destitute children,' ^in Mobile. With the permission of Bishop Portier and his sec- ^(.t^^M.retary, Rev. James McGarahan, Z. Guesnard, president and M* * •. :'i •: ;';*;;/'";.vv:McNally, the society, was Incorporated F"eb. 5, I84.O. These ladies •^^^-^^ifOrked-for three yearsV in I8J4.I Bishop Portier obtained the ser- -V-^l^j^^Vices of the Daughters of'Charity of St. Vincent. dePaul, Emraits.-/; -..'*^>'i;,;?;Vburg, Md. These Sisters also staffed the Cathedral School which. ; • ';«',;•;; opened in 18J4-7* which has been discontinued, but .the Sisters :N ' ?^i;» <:-;|*V-H; havei conti pyr.>*u> for girls. *•>- '*K**K. s? * r \jM^:dri ' ." v ":'"'J" :'. , BROTHERS OF SACRED HEART ' r;;,;.V" •', In January, l8i;6, Bdsh6p Portier sent Father, Stephen Bazin to sivl^fe^^Prahce to recruit help to teach boys' schools in Mobile. He '':i; ^vl^J.,":- returned with Brother Alphonse Bernard and four'other religious ;.. v v?-.-'V;-s*yj£.;.:=«, , . • • , •• , • _ •. ''•.•-..•'.,, " . ••• •,; .•''"'• ^''^•^fon the same ship as the Jesuit Fathers who were enroute to Mobile..;-:;: -"•' •'"'•*''* .;";•'*".-: "'..••' ••'. * '.,; ' • •' :' • •.-. -. •'••.. .•:'' • ..v;;;,;,';^'. They arrived in January, I84.7 and have taught in several parish; ^.»;^'*V schools, maintained The Catholic Boys'Home for" orphans, and teach at McGill High School since 1928., ;0-;T;-', tf^.^^y' •'"''• : V* V^YVfV • •'•; ',-'C'l>\:';i Y/;..;v, ,.<;*r...."', -••^••. ..tf*?^ 1 :: •^•V-^r'v^••..;• Y v^v:' ^; • ••',.• '•'"•: . ='V ••;•*'*••• ' 'Y>'^^V^#WY^YY<; ;;v 1;Y*.YY-Y/ ; : i 1' '''' • " . ' ''' • ,. '•'Y':*'*••,**'*•' Y'. »",'•'"*"'>Y' 'V ' ' t "'•V.'•.^'Y^•' ^'•':'.'Y"Y^j•''''''• v s : :: x , • '• Y,;v Y,Y' ' ' ):'•"'• .•'';•";'*"• The Bonodictine Sisters ^'Y' ';' \'' •. > ---5-^"-;-"" -'.rr-*".'*'- ---*""'^>T^^^i ^-5';Y'-- 1 J 1 u 1 ; Y'' -. *'>*' S -' •• ." \ •'• ' K -., • i'-V *-* . <•' •" M-:-i '••- "'' ' * •••' . '.•'-' ••.-'''vv^v';!-, Y^C-vW W' '. ; l u-f'." '"•*-'} -'• y ,' \ . > .- .. '• '' ' •';, .'. - • , '• ' *Y ; •':--Ji'->-'«.'..."-; "' .^.' > ' j .'.-- {-•^:; Xl In answer to the plea of tha Benedictine Father* of Tuacumbia. Aia,, for''''"j(!>:&<Y\,-Y'i" li,;^..'. ' i : ' •'• : - ,- ;• \?., ..•*' v..''•'•'>*;•,'.«' : : T : v listers to operate sohools in the Mobile Diocese, four Benedictine Sisters ' >5; " fe,¥A . fx.i.'^-,, i : ,• .-.•-• •-, •••..... • . • :•'.. • '••; .. '-AsX.-yr' .': • •V "! \ - • * '• . .' .-A . •: •• "• •• ••' ' ••••.*. >'1'.- ''.-•;:•'.'! -?v:-, 'from St. Wal burg1 • Convent, Covington, Xy., arrived by train in Xusoumbia tin.?*' Y^;.^YY^' ; 2A ^••>i??*- » > ,-:,.A..YY/Y,. ,Y;;: • ' ;•, A^y •••,,,;.. Y,^::;Y--YA A:^''.^'!^' ; 4 •; j- Y A rebruary,/1881. : t^?i-.:^$.:'»<.V '-• ;-' •'?;.'.',. Y.| Y^;/^: ••ir^V.-^.-.i-^:-' ^V-'-'' i'-f •r'/"^^'-^- ,,-v^'-K ; ! : : : <t>>i;'...^- ;.. *I n 1886., - a "•seoon• • d- ban:-.-:d .of?^» SisterY« .aV froY m- the••;-. same- ^Motherhoua •• ^- : ^/•"••.e werev senY- t Y-.f"--Y.^fto take c i ^•fVi-?'?''-•' ' '•'.'" Y •• '•'•• '••• '"" ; ''•'•• '• '';' ''-' A . YY-Y-" :. .. ' - .. .-Y • f.. i.*; ^\:,&f/.y ukY&; charge of the »Holy Angels Aoademy' in Birmingham, renamod1 St. Paul School1 „ .4; Y J : Vf ; •-•..*. 4 A-- - * *- • « .' ..... .* : ' . , " . ' " • V A A • ' v..;., . , .t ,. ... -' .•?.. s-: ... , A / -'...' : • '•?•:••. * ••;.. ....', y. ^/i^,^' v T *v'^,.v.-;. in lylO. •>-Y - -. -I-- :". '•• V;' -'••:'->.>' , . «••,• :\A.. • •".•• •vYYv'. •!'•.' •.':•-••• . A :'-+\:\^ -:= ••;--**•;•• ''".'^ .•.". • '.'=. ,'. >.'•'* A:. - ..;•; ^',>>'.',' ^•••V :• . •; • . , <•'. AA ' '.A A, ••,.';;•'-: i.." ...A- V; .' •; ,: ; . -.. " \ ' A. .'-%>' V.'X - <"A •,. ?Y--s".^aY'v Yin .1895 * thi$d band from the same convent arrived to teach in St. Catherine " S: ; j '2'!'%'^.:'* ? - • ;*'".'' •••'•-';' '..'"..• - .A',-"-. ••• .';••."•.'• .,* • - ' .• i,.v ", ,'.'•'.' - - '•'' *" - '' >>, "Y- - f |5&^School, Pratt City (Birmingham).^: ••''• t-'^v'' .; ' '• -Y^; ' s '"''"'• Yv'' v-;V'.'• -Y-s"-' '?&4:P?tfj& %^P^Y • •':*•'• •;:"-*. in September,-, 1898, ' '':, ^ Y''%Yu*Y %'& ^ From Holy Name Convent, San Antonio, Fla.,/came five. Benedictine Sisters to .:'"<;•;?'-YY;: /vJ "»**•;-' ^ . • • .•,.•',•- -•••'•.-.•••., -.. -. • t- .:.••• , ..,-..- ,. • !•- • n:*Y:-,- Q^,^^ staff the little 'Mary Help' convent and school, Cullman, in answer to the Bene-^Y/Y;^ • w k : ; ; YWYY Y - ' .•« , .>.-.• ', ••' • YV: •,..'-.' - .; Y'"; -''•> ' ••••' Y< ••- ,.v c'^^^YH.; ^A'^l^^diotino' Fathers of St. Bernard, Abbey. The Notre Dame
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