Report No. AOOO 00 0291 • Department of Water Affairs Department of Water Affairs Republic of Botswana Republic of South Africa Joint Permanent Technical Committee on Water Affairs JOINT UPPER LIMPOPO BASIN STUDY r------·- ______ -,Stage I ,., _.-. l ! '.. ~ I." .'--- I v_: , WATER RESOURCES 1991 MacDonald Shand Consortium Sir M MacDonald & Partners Ltd Ninham Shand Inc. PO Box 2466 PO Box 95262 Gaborone Waterldoof,0145 ]111 Botswana. LA}! South Africa. A.,... "' ·F.x Cl WATER RESOURCF..s P:lIC No EXECUTIVE SUI>L\1ARY ABBREVIATIONS CHAPTER 01; !N1'RODUcnON 01.1 G·' CHAPTER 02; BOTSWANA GROIJM)WATER mmy G2.1 Inooductia1 G·' 02.2 Hydros;colo,bl Etlvironmenl G·' 02.3 S"niflCltlt Aquifers G4 02.3.1 W:IIcrbcrJ FOlm:uio.... G4 02.3.2 Tr.In$V.1.1l Formations G4 02.3.3 Karoo Form:llioos G4 02.3.4 Sand River ~ Alluvium G·' G2.4 Ground..,:II., R~ es: Current Snu:uiOll G·' G2.U Ocncr.ll G·' G2.4.2 TJ:IIIS.:s:>i Form3lions· Lob'lItc Arcl G< G2-4.3 Tr:IIISY:II:lI Form:IIionl' R~ ..... Arc3 G·' G2-U TI3I\SY3:II Form31ions· K3nye AIel G< CH.S Wataber, Form.llion . Mcchlldi and Mokpolole G·' G2.4.6 W3teI'bcrJ Form.llior\s • P:113p)'1l Are:! G·' G2.4.1 K""lO Form:llioo . Mm:uoobtlla A:e:I G·' G2 .•.8 Sand Riven . Lo"'Cf Stwlle. MolloulSe and Mah:Ilaps,"c G·IO G2.4.9 AlIuvi:ol . T'lbn3 Md Dil:lblOnll Areas G·]O G2.~ Grouoo..,ater Resources: Future Pomnti:ol G·] I Cl.S.1 Oc ...13l 0· ] I G2.S.l Karoo Ftm>:lOOns Ww of Scrowc. G·l] 02.S.l Karoo FtmuIions in die: LelJh.lkcnl· Belllh3p.nlou G·]2 02-S.4 Karoo FQrrn3Ilons • Mm3lOObu!.1 Att<1 G·]2 02~~ K3IQO F<XIII:IIions. Tuli Syncline Arc:I G·]2 G2-6 HydroJooIolic:ll Considcr:IIions R.bled 10 • Umpopo D:Im G·]2 02-6.1 Ri_ Flow Lossn 10 Adjxcnl Aquifers G· ]3 02.6.2 Arc3I Rd.lIionship Bcr-cn Aq\Iif.... :Ind Paccnti:IJ Dam S;lC.S G· ]3 , LIST OF COI'lTt."ITS (CONTINUED) CHAPTER Gl: SOU'T1i AFRICA..'" GROl,NDWATER Sl1JDY G3. I Introduction G·u 03.2 H.>nl·roek F<:ml=O:!s G·16 G3 .2.1 Crocodik-M:Irio:o 1o..,1:wL G·16 G3.2.2 M:ltbbou C.:ltchmcm G·n 03.2.3 wAkrbaz Co:II Sarin G.18 03.2.4 Monte ChrisIo· AUll:Iys lUll G-" G3.2.3 Limpopo K=o bin G·21 03.2.6 WQl.... P:ut of WOILiPQon K:In)Q Troulh G-" Gl.2.1 Conc1udinl Remarks G-" 03.3 AJlovU.! Aquifers .... T~ G-D G3.3.1 ~ Ri_ G-D GJ.3.2 Crocodik RIV(1 G·23 03.3.3 M:r.tL1bas RIve' 0·14 G3.3 .• MoI:olo Ri""" 0·24 Gl.)J l.eptW:Ib RiV(1 G-'-5 G3.3.6 MO~!I3RI"" G·2S G).4 AJluvi:l! Aqutfcrs a1on, tllf.ltmpopo Ri,cr G·2S G3A.l IIItrodr.octiol G-" GM.2 $QoR:cs of Inform:tIIOII 0·26 G3.".3 Secrion I: ~e 0 IQ 190 km 0·26 03.4.. Section 2: OWnace 290 1Q~.1O Un G-" GJ . ~ . S Section J: OWnace.5O IQ 470 km G_" G3 .• .6 Sccticn.: OWnace 470 10 SIO km G-" 03.4.1 ~ge from "'" River 0·31 (;).4.B Conclumns;wL Reoommend.uiOtll G·] I CHAP'I"ER 04: SEDIME1."T" YIELD ANALYS IS 04.1 Inl1"Oduct;on G·33 04.1 Rm:trdotd Sediment Yield V:lJues G·33 04.3 Effccti", Dlcttmcnt Sizes 0." 04.4 AYU:Ile t..oaa G·lS 04J ConclllSioots G_" CHAPTER GS: WATER QUALITY SmJATION ASSESSM£r,"f G5. 1 Introduction G·31 m.l Av:ribbiW;y of W~tcr Qu:l.Lity 0313 G·J1 " LIST O ~' CONTENTS (CO,vr4'oIUED) ~eNo m3 Waw- Qu:IJ;1)' Ouide~ne Co:ICtn!ntionl G .. 37 053.L Domestic: Use G-" 0$3.2 AancuJlUr.II Use G-" 0~.).3 lndWilli~ Use G.. 39 05.3.4 ProIccliOll of "''I,,:uic Lit. G"" 05.3.5 R=1ion.>L Use G.O Wilier Qu;lhl)' Assessment Tnbutlries G"" 05".L )o. brico R..vtr G--'O 05.4.2 Cn:l«)dile R..ver G.' 05.4.) NoI~ R.._ G., OS.U ~R.._ G., OS.4.5 Bon~;1S. ~ R LocAne RlYCIJ G4' OH.6 MokoIo ltlve. G4' m.4.7 lcphilib Rlvet G.' 05.4.' M~·.1l3 Riller G.' 05.4.9 MOIIoul.SC Riller G4' G5.5 Walr:r Qu.>Lil)' A$Je$Im<:nc: Limpopo River G4. 05.6 Waler QcuLicy ~ I : Proposetl R."NQII$ G~ OH.. ! Bufi"dsdritc D3m G4' 05.6.2 Sclib D3m G., 05.7 Coox!usions G4' 05.7.1 Tribuwo<s:Lnr;I)o.u.n Rl_ OwI... Lof IM Lllnpopo Rtvct G., 05.U PrOjJMCd lmpoundmcms II Buffdsdnh Md Schb G4' 0'.. 8 Recom.mend.lcKm for Funhcr Modr:Um.:and. Mon>IOfUII G., GU.1 W;oU:r Q!.IalJly l>1odr:Um. G4' GU.2 W:>ler Qu:Llity 03L> CoJJecIiorl G4' G,.8.) Conunenu on Rccommend3ciOf"l$ G-" CHAPTER 06: RESERVOIR YIELDS «-, lmrodudioo1 O·SL G6-2 Ini~ Yield UIl1l3l= G .. '3 G6.J BWcYICLd~ G .. " GO-,' S:u.e CaR Flow Series 0·5' G033 Allem;lllive AI,)w ~uenccs G .. ~, «-. The E.Ustin. System G~' 06.4.1 Yields horn clle Ewe",. System G-6> 06.4..2 ErrCC'! of 03m CorutnlCtiorl G~' 06.. 43 Compens:uion Rcqiji:l:mcnlS G-66 GO.' YieLds from a Multi"lIK 03m 0 .. 61 G6.6 Yields for • MuLci-<bm Developmenl (; .n '" LIST OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page No G6.7 Shapane Offstream Storage G-75 G6.8 Expected Yields for the Future Development Scenario G-77 G6.9 Reliability of Yields in the Early Years G-78 CHAPTER G7: IMPACT ON WATER RESOURCES DOWNSTREAM OF TIiE STUDY AREA G7.1 Impact on Flows at the End of the Study Area G-85 G7.2 Additional Water Resources Downstream of the Study Area G-86 G7.2.1 Shashe River G-86 G7.2.2 Along the Zimbabwe/RSA Border G-87 G7.2.3 Tributaries that Join in Mozambique G-88 G7.3 Impact on the Downstream States G-89 REFERENCES G-91 APPENDIX G-A WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES APPENDIX G-B SAMPLE RESULTS OF RESERVOIR YIELD ANALYSIS iv Ll STOF TADU :S ~geNo m.1 An:lIysi. of Boreholes in u... Crooodile·M;uito \..0"'1:\1\11 03.2 Ground".,t ... Qu.>lity in the M3tbba$ Cmclvnent 03.3 Oroundwot ... Qu.>lil)' in the Sllr.ln~ ... .lId 8e~uty An:~ G4.1 SedimcnL Yields Recordtd in Lhe Upper Limpopo B:lSin "'.2 EffectiYe CatclunenL A~ 04,3 Resull'l of Scdjmenl Yield An:lIysis GS.I Wot ... Quality Reconk for RSA SamplinJ $t:ltioru G-38 m.l Woter QwJity Ouidc~nes for Diff~t Use. 0·)9 G>3 F'nIpo$ed Woter QlWity S:lmplinl Requirement$ G·'" 06.1 MAR AAumed fOf PreUmin:lry Assoumcntl of Yield 0·53 0<.2 Prelimin3ly Yield An:lIysis for Limpopo D:Im Site, G·~ 06.3 Summ:.ry of i>:u:Imo:lm for the 83SC ~ Y",1d Assessment O-SS 0<.' l13sc C:t$C Yields for Selected Ibm Si",. G· S6 06.3 Comp:uison Of MAR's fOf Al"'m:lli'e Flow Sequt:nces 0·58 0<.' Comp:uison of Yiekb: for Al",m:ltiw: Flow Sene., [Of the Middle Orovp of SiteS 0·59 Comp:trison 6f Yields (Of Al!em:uiw: Flow Serks I G.., ""06.' Comparison of Yickb: (Of AILem:lL"e Flow Series 2 0·61 06' Eli$ting DeIThlnd Oft the: Upper Limpopo G<J G6.iO Yields from the: Elistin, SYSltm G<J G6.11 Yields from the: Existin, System .... iLh Rcdu=! Dem:1nd G... G6.12 Reduttlo!l in Yields from EliSOR' Wdrs:lS 3 ResuIL of Ibm ConJUUo:lion G~' 0613 Yield.I from E1iSllng We", for AlICm:lUVe Time·borizCIIJ G-66 06.14 CompeM:lUon Rele:ues G.., G6.1i JoinL Yields for SW~ Share G.., 06.16 JoinL Yields with 3O'At of Bots"'":lft:l·s Share ~l.d to Irrig.1lion 0-70 06,11 JoillL Yields with 1Slft 10 Urb:In De=nd in BotiW:ltl:l G-71 06.18 Comparison of MAR·, .... illt Different Oevt:lopment Options G·n 06.19 Yields with 3 Ibm ot C"",berl:lnd G·13 06.20 Yields with a Ibm :It Buffdsdrirt G-n 0<>< Joint Yields with l Ibm at Buffel5drift for 3 SQISO\IIII Sh:n G·74 0<.22 Yields with a Ibm ot Sdib 0·15 0<>3 Yields of S~ together willt Selib G.76 06.2.4 Yields of Sh:lp3fle togeLhe' willt Sclib wit"h 15'1{, of TOC:ll Yield to U'b:u! Oem:\l\ll in Bouwan.. G·n G6.lS CQmpariJOll af Yields for Fut""' Developmc:nt Flow Series 0·18 Gti.26 Reliability of Mcetinll ~ with ~ D:Im :It Cumbetbnd Storing 1SO m'U)' (l·80 • UST OF TABLES (COr--rINIJED) 06,27 Reliability of Mtctinll Dcm""" with ~ D:Im 31 Buffelsdrifl SlOring 7SO m'IO' G·go 06.28 Reli3biJity of Mtclinll Dcm.wl ... illl a Dam 31 Rlocnd:llc. Slorinll 7SO m'IO' G·82 0<1.29 Reliability of Mtclin& Dcm.wl willl a Dam at Ri .
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