BROADCASTING CORI'ORATION MASTER SERI ES M ICROCOM J>UTE R THE MASTER SERIES JbiiLBRITI SH BROADCASTI NG CORPORAT ION MASTER SERIES MI CROCOMPUTER t I if) ~ ~ ~ if) ~ ~ ~ n 1981 a good-looking newcomer bought for UK schools and for five out if) arrived on the microcomputer scene. of ten used for medical applications. I Its impressive pedigree and range of In homes and factori es, offices and <C connections aroused interest; its perform­ laboratori es the BBC Micro's ability to ance caused a sensation. solve problems has wo n it countless That newcomer was the British Broad­ fri ends and admirers. ~ casting Corporation Microcomputer, Now the concepts that were the key one of the great success stori es of the to that success have been incorporated ~ computer industry. A key feature of the in a new range of advanced micro­ BBC's Computer Literacy Project, it was computers- the BBC Microcomputer ::t chosen for seven out of every ten mi cros Master Seri es. ~ HE MASTER SERIES provides all the the Scientific. eatures for which BBC Micros have When you start to use a computer, who become renowned: the ability to knows where your interests and require­ JilLBRITISH ~ BROADCASTING link many computers together in a ments will take you ? That's why the CORPORATION MASTER SERIES network enabling them to share data and Master Series is open-ended, enabling MICROCOMPtrrER resources; the highly regarded BBC you to put together the system that you BASIC programming language; the flexi­ need now and to add to it as your needs bility that has led to BBC Micros being change. chosen for applications as diverse as electronic funds transfer and satellite THE RELIABILITY OF EXPERIENCE communications. The Master Series incorporates the These proven capabilities are combined experience gained by Acorn Computers The utmost care and precision has gone into every stage of the Master Series. with the best of modern technological on more than 700,000 microcomputers developments. The Master Scientific missing link. personal computers we provide both RGB over five years of operation. Acorn's brings the power of 32-bit processing to a The Master Series is upwardly compat­ and video outputs so that you can choose design skills and production expertise microcomputer. The Master 512 offers ible with previous BBC Micros. In other the monitor, either colour or monochrome, ensure that the Master Series maintains a 16-bit processor with 512 Kbyte of words, new features have been added that suits both your purpose and your the BBC Micro's tradition of high random access memory. And in the without losing existing ones. pocket. Or of course you can use your engineering standards and its reputation Turbo version, the Master Series achieves This means that an enormous range of television. for reliability. And if you want advice or speeds of execution which are faster than add-ons and peripheral devices, plus a Neither are you limited when it comes assistance, it's readily available from an virtually any other personal computer. vast software library with many thousands to printers. Two industry standard inter­ existing network of hundreds of dealers In addition to its computing power the of titles, are available for use with the faces are provided enabling you to choose throughout the UK or from Acorn's Master Series comes complete with an Master Series- now. from a huge selection of manufacturers central Customer Services Unit. ~ impressive range of integral software. The Moreover, the Master Scientific can and types- the low cost dot-matrix Master Scientific offers three of the leading run existing programs written in any of its printer, the high quality daisy-wheel or MASTERING THE FUTURE ~ mainframe languages used by scientific mainframe languages, and the Master even the speed and versatility of a laser Above all, the Master Series has programmers. The Master 512 makes 512, through its DOS+ operating printer. inherited and developed the BBC Micro's ~ available the simplicity of icon-based syste1J1, can be compatible with software The same applies to data storage. Make unique ability to bridge the gaps between interaction with the computer. The written for MS-DOS, CP/M-86 or your choice from 40 or 80 track 5 W' disc home and scientific use, between 0~ Master 128 and Master Turbo provide GEM. drives, the convenience of 3. 5" discs, or education, business and industry. No highly-praised word-processing and In fact, probably no new range of the huge capacity of a Winchester disc; other micro has demonstrated this a spreadsheet packages. And of course, computers has ever offered so many Master Series Microcomputers can also versatility in the past; no other micro BBC BASIC is supplied with every applications from the moment of its be used with a cassette recorder. looks like doing so in the future. ~ Master Series Microcomputer. launch. And when we talk about a series of The Master Series brings together microcomputers we don't just mean hardware and software excellence, ~ COMPATIBILITY CHOICE there's a bigger machine we can sell you if professionalism and experience. Its a The Master Series represents a Like previous BBC Micros, a major you'd care to throw your old one away. If combination that will make the Master ~ continuous evolutionary development attraction of the Master Series is the you choose to buy a Master 128 today it Series the yardstick by which all micro­ of the BBC Micro; unlike some other choice that is designed into it. can be converted tomorrow to provide computers are judged throughout the X computer families where each 'new You're not, for example, restricted to the speed of the Turbo, the sophistication second half of the 1980s. ~ generation' leaves you looking for the one supplier's monitor. Unlike some of the 512 or the even greater power of THE MASTER SERIES OFrWARE. Many Projects Networking thousands of software School Administration Maritime Training Aid _bl_ titles are currently BRITISH S SCIENCE Market Garden and Nursery available for use on the Master 8 ROADCASTI NG Biology, C hemistry, General Labels CORPORATION Series, with more being MASTER SERIES and Primary, Physics published each week. These SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS MI CROCOMPliTER are some of the applications Social Studies and Careers for Bakers, Dentists, Doctors, that they cover. Farmers, Milkmen, Science and Industry Newsagents, Video shops General Interest ADMIN ISTRATION Recipe Costing Adult Education Databases, Spreadsheets, Spelling checks Word processing Adventure Games Spreadsheets Chemical analysis Arcade Games Stock control Computer Aided Design Books Textile Production Planning Computer Languages Business Packages Word processing ENERGY MANAGEMENT Communications Education Air conditioning control, Medicine and Health Computer Languagues Art, C raft, Creative Studies Heating control, Lighting Administration Computer Programming & Technical Drawing control, Ventilation control Business Studies Aids for disabled people Control Devices INSTRUMENTATION CONTROL Dentists' packages Databases COMPUTERS Data capture, Laboratory Computer Languages monitoring, Simulations Doctors' packages Examination Revision Computer Studies Security and access systems Medical records Graphics and design Programming Statistics Occupational therapy Home Interest and Leisure Economics Pathology Home Organisation English Business Pharmacists' package ~ Integrated Business Systems FOREIGN LANGUAGES Communications Training Music and Sound Dutch, French, German, ~ Databases Word processing Robots Itali an, Russian, Spanish, Welsh Display software Sport General Subjects Graphics Details of individual Spreadsheets Indexing programs for the Master g Geography Strategy Games Series, including the names Integrated accounting History and addresses of suppliers, Toys packages Home Economics can be found in the BBC ~ Turtles and Buggies Invoices and delivery notes ~ Information Retrieval Microcomputer System Word Pr.ocessors Job Costings Catalogues, published by Maths Journal Indexing Acorn Computers. 0 Music U) TilE MASTER SERIES HE MASTER 512. Today's professional which work under these operating __.__ omputer user demands, righdy, systems, even though they may ha.ve hat programs should be quick to been written with far more expensive BRITISH ~ BROADCASTING learn, friendly to operate. machines in mind. CORI'ORATION MASTER SERIES That's why the software provided with , No other microcomputer can rival the MICROCOMPUTER the BBC Microcomputer Master 512 Master Series' communication abilities or includes both GEM and the GEM . range of interfaces. Master Series Micro­ Collection, from Digital Research. computers can access Prestel or teletext GEM, the Graphics Environment services such as CEEFAX and ORACLE Manager, enables the Master 512 to run (they include a true viewdata display programs in which much of the user's mode); or they can communicate with control is by means of a desk-top 'mouse'. any other computer via the telephone Movements of the mouse control an service. They can be used for information arrow on the screen, enabling the user to retrieval, electronic banking and funds i3]@~0 : .. ~:: .:-:-- ;:: :.=:~ ~:; =::.:~· give commands by simply pointing to transfer, electronic shopping or two-way ·corresponding symbols or 'icons'. The use of central databases. And by using an =:JOOD need to remember complicated command Econet network, many. machines can be names and structures is almost eliminated. linked together to share data and resources. In addition, 'pull-down' menus appear In addition, the
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