JFK ASSASSINATION INFORMATION CENTER 603 Munger Boa 40 Dallas, Texas 75202 (214) I-2770 VOLUME 1: NUMBER 1 " T -IE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL " SPRING 1992 IN MEMORIAM: Penadsaat.... FROM LARRY HOWARD BERNARD "BUD" FENSTERWALD, JR. The JFK Center's main goal is to gather information on the assassination and com- WELCONIE! This first issue of municate that information to the public. To DATELINE DALL4S is dedicated to the this end, the Center has been a total success. memory of Washington Attorney Bernard The Centex has obtained over 30 Photo- Fensterwald- Jr.. who died of a heart graphs that have never before been published attack on April 2. 199L He was 60. has discovered over 100 new leads, and has Feristerwald's contributions to 3.35314Sfla- identified some of the unknown witnesses non research were -mammoth" according to who were in strategic locations before, dur- Larry Ray Harris. co-author of Cover-L'p and ing and after the assassination. (Not to men- Director of Research at ihe JFK Assassination tion a large number of uttriguing stories— I Information Center. guess it comes with the territory. l In addi- Fensterwald considered the Warren Com- tion, we have over 29,000 signatures on our mission Report to be "unadulterated crap". petitioned to re-open the case in Dallas. Harris said. In 1969. Fensterwald founded the As new mformation develops, the Cen- Committee to Investigate Assassinations to ter continues to update its displays so that channel ongoing research on the deaths of the researchers and the public can view all of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King. Jr. latest information when they visit the Center. Fensterwald was also instrumental ire The JFK Center takes no position nor helping enact the Freedom of Information chooses sides with any particular individual Act (FOIA 1. Harris recalled. "Without the or organization in the research community. FOIA, assassination research might not have The Center intends to remain neutral in order advanced to the stage it has and a clearer un- (Above) The late Bed Fensterwald, to supply information to everyone. derstanding of the events surrounding the I'd like to thank everyone who has helped events of November 22. 1963 in Dealey Plaza. us keep ihe Center open for the past 3 years, Funeral seervices were held at Temple In 19134, Fiseiterwald founded the Assas- despite the efforts of some who would like the Ohabai Shalom in Nashville. He was bu- sination Archives and Research Center in Center's doors closed forever. Washington, D.C., and three yaws ago was ried at Arlington Cemetery in Virginia lliere must remain an alternative view of co-founder of the JFK Assassination Informa- what happened in Dealey Plaza on November tion Center in Dallas, publisher of this news- PARKLAND AND BEThESDA MED4CAL 22, 1063. The JFK Center will continue to letter. INTRIESSES SPEAK UP fight for this cause. Larry Howard, Director of Operations of The JFK Center held a press conference the JFK Center, said that Fensterwald "will be Wednesday. April 30th at the request of Harri- missed mostly for his moral support." son Edward Livingstone, author of High Fensterwald made a trip to Dallas the Treason and high Treason 2. Honored atten- INSIDE... weekend before his death_ "1 remember him dants included surgical and autopsy medical saying that he would live to the year 2039 to witnesses from Parkland Hospital Dallas and View Fromll Capital Hill 2 six the National Archives opened." Howard Bethesda Navel Hospital in Maryland. Behind the Picket Fenix 3 said. -He was our guardian angel. Without "The autopsy photographs and X-Rays of Forgotten Witnesses. Bud, there would not have been 3 JFK Center. President Kennedy are faked or forged," ac- JFK, The Movie 4 He will be missed by everyone involved with cused Mr. Livingstone. Arlene Spector, a Unpublished Photos 5 the Center." lawyer who helped the Warren Commission Upon My Death 6 Fensterwald was a graduate of I larvard investigate the ass.issinalion. covered up the Witness to Histury Umversity, where his classmates included facts of the murder. "1 think Arlene Spector Student Essay on WK. 9 John F. Kennedy and Clayton Bertrand Shaw. belongs In Jail. This is treason., and this is Viewpoint 10 His legal clients ranged froni Martin Luther an accessory after the fact," Mr. Livingatune Cuban. King. Jr.'s accused assassin, James Earl Ray. said boiling with controlled rage. Classifieds. 12 to Watergate burglar James McCord. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 JFK DATELINE: DALLAS 2 VIEW FROM Both of these bills are taking back seat to the Stoktm-Boren bill - Joint Resolution 4-154. DATELINE: DALLAS CAPITAL HILL This bill. cited as the "Assassination Materials by Bill Kelly and John Judge Disclosure Aix of 1992 (AlviDA)," 5 distin- PUBLISHED BY TILE guished and impartial private citizens, none of JFK ASSASSINATION Suddenly, with the tip of the hat to Oliver whom shall have had my previous involve- INFORMATION (INTER Stone, there is a national consensus to release ment with any investigative or inquiry relating the all the files related to the assassination of to the assassination of President Kennedy." ouvetoe of Opotsborm: This group will decide what is "assas- LW? y Howor0 JFK. Yet, the files remain closed and will re- sinatton related material" and review requests Morro/ of Arcrivr• main so until the public pressures Congress to by agencies to delay the release of specific take decisive action to release them. documents to the public. There arc many DIrocton of R... oh: lof ,r Ftar fro The ball is moving however, although it problems with this bill. For instance, the is still uphill. It is bang dribbled in the Con- president has ultimate veto authority over the 11•111.0. Of C<N17••106081kIn11: Co.. 8.4.,lart•fl gressional court at the moment, where the documents, and there is no recourse to chal- House of Representatives is considering a lenge their decision through the courts. JFK AIC: number of Bills on the manta.. A joint Flou.se- This bill (JR#454) Stokes - Boren. has John Nagel. Yolanda Perez Senate resolution has been introduced to es- been sent to the Senate Government Affairs tablished a commission (choke) to evaluate Committee as well as three House commit- the release of all JFK scsassination documents tees, the House Judiciary. Administrative and DATELINE: DALLAS wishes to thank the from all federal agencies. Rules. if your Senator or Congressman is a following contributors and resources: • • • The first two relevant bills to be intro- member of any of these committers, you Balite Nelson, Jean Hill, Bill Sloan, Harri- duced into the house were the House Reso- should contact them and make your fixlings son E. Livingstone, Bill Kelly, John Judge, lution (FIR) #4000, by Rep. James Traficant known about the details of this bill. Committee For An Open Archives, Mari- (P.Ohio) on January 3, 1992. It calls for Each committee should hold at least one dith Nixon, Torn Blackwell. Ed Hoffman, :...Senate and House of the U.S. Congress as- public hearing. and that will be our opportuni- Bradley Kizzia, The Dallas Morning News, sembled, to require that government held in- ty to voice our opinions and try to got the Mark Oats, Assassination Symposium on changes we want. Kennedy, Theodore C. Sorenson/Harper & formation regarding the assstsination of JFK Row Publishers, William ManchesteriHarp- be made available to the general public, other One of the problems here is that Rep. er & Row Publishers. that information of vital national security in- Stokes. the one man who opposed the release terests..." of HSCA documents for so long, is now writ- The second bill was introduced by former ing the bill to release the files. Although we INVITATION House Select Committee on Assassination only asked him to release, the HSCA Ides, he went ahead on his own to include all of the The JFK Center welcomes material sub- chairman Rep. Henry Gonrales, (D. Texas) on mitted for publication consideration. Mate- January 22. 1992. It "-provides for the re- other federal agencies. Attorney G. Robert rial not immediately published will remain lease for public use of the records of the for- Blakey, the third chief council of the INCA, in our Archive files and open to the public ma LLSCA...within 30 days after the adoption is reported to be wasting this bill. for viewing or future publication, unless of this resolution." The Committee for an Open Archives and accompanied with otherwise specified A third bill was introduced in March by was founded last November at the ASK con- a return address staripecl envelope. Send ference in Dallas. Its purpose is to lobby your article to the attention of Robert Rep. Louis Stokes (D.Ohiol. the third chair- Johnson. man the HSCA, a joint resolution introduced Congress for the release of all assassination at the same time in the other side of Congress related documents from all government agen- ATTENTION STUDENTS by Senator David Boren l D. Oklahoma). cies and to monitor Congressional actions in The difference in the wording of the bills this regard. The JFK Center encourages you to send a is important. Traticant's bill (1111#4090) re- For more information on the COA or to copy of any JFK related essay you've writ- quires all federal government agencies to subscribe to our newsletter, write: ten for our consideration of publishing it in comply, but it must be passed by both the DATELINE: DALLAS. Copies will be re- tained at the JFK Center and available for House and Senate and needs the signature of viewing to the public. the president. It also contains a loophole to ••• exclude any information that is "of vital Committee for an SUBSCRIPTIONS national security interests." This ss the same lame excuse given to seal the documents in Open Archives The JFK Center offers an annual subscrip- the first place.
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