the Quarterdeck Log Membership publlcalionor the coast Guard Combat Veterans Association. PutlIishesquarter1y - Wimer, Spring, Summer, and Fa •. Not sold on a subscriplioo basis. The Coast Guard Comb,lI Veterans AssociatIOn is a Non, Pral,l Corporalion or Active DUly Members. Retired Members, Reserve Members and Honorably Discharged Former Members altho United Slates Coast Guard who SONOa In, Ot prOVIded d'recl SUppotllO combat silua· lions recognized by an appropnale military award while S6fVlng as a memberol the Unilocl Stales Coast Guard. Volume 16, Number 4 Winter 2001 ASSOCIATION Collins Tagped For Fourth Star Current Vice Commandant Nominated by President Bush to Lead Coast Guard Congratulations are lieutenant aboard CGC extended from the Coast Vigifant, commanding offi- Guard Combat Veterans cer aboard eGC Cape Association to current Morgan, Deputy Group Coast Guard Vice Commander in SI. Commandant, VADM Petersburg, FL, and Thomas H. Collins, on his Captain of the Port in presidential nomination to Long Island Sound. be the 22nd Commandant A native of Stoughton, of the Coast Guard. He MA, Admiral Collins grad- has served in his present uated from the Coast post since June 2000. Guard Academy and Prior to that, VADM Collins served as a faculty mem­ served as Commander, bar within the Humanities Pacific Area and Department from 1972 to Commander, 11th District 1976. He earned a in Alameda, CA. From Master of Arts degree 1996 to 1998, he was from Wesleyan University Commander, 14th District VIce Admiral Thomas H. CoJJlns and a M.B.A. from the in Honolulu, HI and from Vice Commandant, U.S. COBst Gusrd University of New Haven. 1994 to 1996, he served as Chief, Office of Following Senate confinmation, Admiral Collins Acquisition at USCG Headquarters. will relieve Admiral James M. Loy on May 30, Admiral Collins completed a number of other 2002 in ceremonies in Washington, DC._ operations and staff assignme[lts since he began Congratulations again Admiral. .. we hope you his Coast Guard career in 1968, including first will join us at our Reunion in Reno, NV. Editor PLEASE NOTE: INCORRECT REUNION DATES WERE PUBLISHED IN THE LAST QD LOG. 2002 CGCVA REUNION & CONVENTION WILL BE HELD OCTOBER 28 - NOVEMBER 1 AT THE PEPPERMILL HOTEL &CASI­ NO IN RENO, NV. SEE CENTER SECTION FOR ALL DETAILS & REGISTRATION. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION! From the President Dear Shipmates: This time of year always finds me in sunny Florida so I cannot make my usual weekly visits to Coast Guard Combat Veterans the Coast Guard Association Training Center in OFFICERS Cape May to present John W. "Jack" Campbell, LM, Nat'l President the CGCVA awards Ed Swift "Swifty", LM, Nat'l Vice President to designated gradu­ D.T. uTerry" Graviss, LM, Nat'l ating recruits. I hope JACK CAMPBELL Secretarytrreasurer other members have been able to visit there and make our presenta­ BOARD OF TRUSTEES tion during the fall and winter months... I feel this 1\'1o-Year: is a very valuable program for us. W. Figone, LM and B. W. Herbert, LM Four-Year: Apologies are in order for publishing the incor­ Patrick T. Denney; Sidney "Herb" Weinstein, rect dates for our Reno Convention & Reunion. LM; PNP Joseph L. Kleinpeter, LM Revised information sheets and registration forms can be removed from the center section of ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE' this QD Log issue for reference and to do your National Secretaryfl'reasurer mail·in. By the time this issue goes to print all 295 Shalimar Drive CGCVA members will have received a flyer from Shalimar, FL 32579-1242 the Peppermlll Hotel & Casino indicating the cor­ Message & Fax: (850) 651-3664 rect dates, plus the costs of the various rooms Toll-free (866) 242-8277 available. Hopefully, this did not cause too much e-mail: [email protected] disruption for member plans. I'd like to thank the * use the Administrative Office for contact tWO members who contacted the Association with the CCCVA on all matters. after first trying to make reservations at the Peppertree for the dates published in the last QD Coast Guul'd Combat Veterans Log. That popped a flare and the Reunion Association Committee scrambled to get things corrected AUXILIARY OFFICERS quickly. I hope to see many of you there and Shirley Ramsey, Nat'l President please pass the word to other Coast Guard vet­ Mare Swift, Nat'l Vice President erans association and reunion groups that they Jennifer Graviss, Nat" Secretarytrreasurer can hold their own reunions along wit~ us in Reno and get the discount rates our fine Reunion THE QUARTERDECK LOG Committee has negotiated. Ed Swift, LM, Editor-In-Chief David Teska, LM, Assistant Editor Finally, my personal congratulations to VADM Thomas Collins on his nomination to be the next APPOINTEES Coast Guard Commandant and my thanks to Walter W. COIT, LM, Parliamentarian; Vince ADM James Loy for his tremendous support to Stauffer, LM, By-Laws Chairman; William G. the CGCVA the past four years! Jack Miller, LM, Chaplain; PNP Robert J. Maxwell, LM, Budget Director & Convention Planning Next Quarterdeck Log Director; Patrick Ramsey, Membership Chairman; Robert MacCloud, Ways & Means deadline is May 1, 2002 From the Vice President Reno Reunion News ing torture and abuse Kudos to our National Membership Chairman inconceivable to ~ Pat Ramsey for providing information on the humanity - all while # CGCVA Convention & Reunion in Reno to 21 mil­ wearing this uniform ... ~., but sometimes I forget. itary publications. Pat researched a number of '~~ national publications and came up with a com­ During the day, when prehensive list of ones that will run reunion I think of all the other ~f notices at no cost to the organization. This things I would rather be doing with my'life, I should certainly help in getting the word out and ~~ hopefuny increasing the number of attendees and try to remember the ~' , other reunion groups that opt to have their own role I take part in while ED SWIFT reunions under the CGCVA special price umbrel­ wearing this uniform. ia. Great work Pat! try to remember this world is still a dangerous P,S. Pat is working overtime to develop ways to piace, and we must work extremely hard to safe­ attract new members but he could sure use your guard the freedom we take so for granted, so that help. He's looking for members across the coun­ our children will know the freedom we have try with ideas and to serve as regional CGCVA always known... but sometimes I forget, recruiters. I try to remember as I pledge my allegiance to aid Glory, this awe-inspiring symbol of freedom Sometimes I Forget and democracy, that others entrust my comrades When I dress in the moming, I try to remember and me with her safekeeping... but sometimes I that I wear the uniform of a military that protects forget. the greatest symbol of democracy and freedom in At bedtime, as I kneei in prayer before God, I the world... but sometimes I forget. try to remember the hundreds of thousands of I also try to remember the people who dress as families who lost their loved ones in the defense I do every moming, the ones who have dressed of this great land... but sometimes I forget. this way so many days before me, and those who I try to remember that I would die for this coun­ will follow me... but sometimes I forget. try, but would much rather live for it... but some­ I try to keep in mind just one of the fallen heroes times I forget. who wore this very same uniform. The one who Yet at times like this, when I remember to take lost his life in it, and the one who still wears it, as these things into account, there is no way I can he lies in his final resting place in a national explain the pride I feel and the honor I embrace cemetery... but sometimes I forget. while serving this country. And when I leave this Every moming, when I go to work, I try to world, my spirit will echo words known to me remember to say good moming to my co-work­ since childhood, "One nation under God, indivis­ ers, military and civilian. I try to remember these ible, with liberty and justice for all." Airman 1st Class Joshua Wilks, USAF people protect my freedom as I work beside them each day... but sometimes I forget. ~ This was sent to me by MCPO-CG Vince I try to remember that my job is the greatest in Patton and it seemed quite appropriate. Switty the world... but sometimes I forget. I try to remember that although this uniform In English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts. may be a little too warm in the summer and just So, In old England, when customers got unruly, the not warm enough in the winter, thousands of my bartender would tell them to mind their own pints comrades remain missing in action, and others and quarts and settle down. Later, the phrase was were imprisoned for years on foreign soil, suffer­ shortened to "mind your P's and Q's." [The Quarterdeck Log 3 Vol. 16, No.4 I From the Secretary-Treasurer Welcome New Members our policy to apply bi­ A hearty "welcome aboard" to the following ennial dues payments new CGCVA and Auxiliary members. New to the life membership Member names are boldfaced and sponsors are payment if within 90 in parentheses: days of the bi-ennial payment. NOVEMBER 2001 Under 30 ($200); 31­ Donald E. Brian (Irwin Abelson); Earl L. 40 ($185); 41-50 Bushnell (Donald Kahler); Arthur J.
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