CONVERSION 'TABLE WEIGHTS 1 grain 0-065 grams ^ f gram 0-0352-70 Ouncc 1 Ounce 0065735 Tola 2S'35.fl-;^Eains 1 'Pound’ ' 0-«36 Tigs ‘l Kg 2'20452 Eoands I Qiiintal 100 Kgs 1 Tonne 10 Qtiintals 'v C-984-20 T(Jrtaes I Toiuie I'OlWS ; Tonnes “1 Gwt 50-8d§ 1 ^ ' n l e n g t h j Qjjj = 0'39370l Inches V Inch ■ = 25-4 mm = 0*0254 metres '>'■ ft [foot) = 0-3048 metres = 30-48 Cms -1 metre = 1-09361 Yards 1 Yard = 0-9144 Metres 1 mile = 1-609344 Kms 1 Km = 0-62137 miles Ill CAPACITY a n d v o l u m e 1 Gallon (Imperial) 4.54596 litters, 2 Gallon (U. S.) 3.78533 litres 0.83268 Gallons (Imperial; 1 litre 0.21996? Gallons (Imperial) 1 Cubic feet 28.3168 Cubic decimetres 0.028 Cubic metres I Cubic metre 1.307f5 Cubic Yards 1 Cubic yard 0.76455 Cubic metres IV AREA 1 Square inch 6.4516 SquaieCentimetres 1 Square foot 0.09J903 Sq.4metr«s 1 Square yard 0.836131 Sq. metres 1 Square metre 1.19599 Sq. yards I acre 0.404686 Hectares 3.025 Bighas 4.340 Sq. yards 1 Sq- mile 2.58999 Sq. Kilometres 640 Acres I Sq. Km. 100 Hectares 247 Acres 0.3IS610I Sq. miles I Hectare 10000 Sq. metres 7.46993 BigJias 2.47105 Acres 1 Bigha 0.13387 Hectares 0.33058 Acrc! CONTENTS SI. No. fa g e No. 1. Area and population ... 3—31 Climate ... 34— 39 3, Agriculture • • ... 42—5ij 4. Forest — ... 55— 59 5. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary 62—64 6. Fisheries • • ... 66—67 7. Industry - • • 70— 80 8, Mining ... ... 82— 83 9. Electricity ... ... 86— 8 j 10. Co-operation • ■> • • 90—91 n . Banking ... 96—101 12, Road and Transport ... 104—108 13. Communication ... • ft ■ 110—116 14. Tourism and Re-creatior .. 118—120 u SI. No. Page No. 15. Education 122— 134 16. Labour and Employment 137—156 17. Health and Family Welfare 158—164 18. Crime Statistics 166— 177 -19. Statt Finance ■ 180—187 20. Consumer price Indices 190-193 21. Supply 196 22. Election Statistics 198—201 Regional Comparison ... 204— 212 24. India at a glance 214—233 1 : AREA a n d POPULATION T able No. 1.01 Population Trends, 1901-1981. 1.02 Decadal variation in population, 1901*1981. 1.03 Population by D istrict and Sex, 1981. '■■vV 1.04 Area and Population, 1981. 1.05 Decadal variation in population of Districts^ 1901 -1911-1971-1981. 1.06 Sex ratio by D istrict, 1981. 1.07 Changes in Sex ratio, 1901-1981. 1.08 Changes in the District sex ratio, 1901-1981'.- 1.09 Area and Population by Gommunity Develop­ ment Block, 1981. 1.1D Population of Towns, 1981. 1.11 Growth of Towns, 1971-1981. 2 I : AREA AND POPULATION Table No. 1.12 U rban popvilation by class of Towns, 1981. 1.13 Number of villagss by size, 1981. 1.14 Number of villages and Towns, 1981. 1.15 Scheduled Caste/Tribe Population, 1981. l',I6 Population of Scheduled Casterrribe by District, 1981. 1.17 Houses an d Households by District, 1981. 1.18 Households and Population by Histnct, 1981. 1.19 Populatiou by Religion, 1981. 1.20 Decadal changes in Population by Relig-ion, I97I-1981. 1.21 Population by Language ^Mother ■ Tongue, 1971. ■ '" J^2 Changes in population by ■ Mother •t'aaaie 19(il-l«71. ' ‘ POPULATION TRENDS IN MEGHALAYA (C en su s 1501 to 1981) 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 tABLE 1-Cl POPULATION TRENDS IN MEGHALAVA (1901-1981) Year Male Female Total Sex ' Ratio (K/ICCO M) H) (2) (3) (4) 1901 1,67,256 1,73,268 3i40,524 1035 1911 1,95,706 1,98,299 3,94,605 lor^ 1.921 2,11,216 2,U,187 4,22,403 loco 1931 2,43,993 2,36,844 4,80,837 971 1941 2,82,666 2,73,154 5,55,820 966 1951 3,10,706 2,94,968 6,05,674 949 1961 3,97,288 3,72i092 7,69^380 93/ 1971 5.20,969 4,90,732 10.11,699 942 39B1 6,83,710 ,6,52,109 13,35,819 954 Source:—Gensua of India, . 198i TABLE r0 2 DECADAL VARIATIONS IN POPULATION (1901--1981) Year Population Variation Percentage ( 0 (2) (3) (4) 1901 3,40,524 ... 1911 3,94,005 4*53,481 415*71 1921 4,22,403 +28,398 4 7-21 1931 4,80,837 +58,434 413.83 1942 5,55,820 4-74,983 415-59 1951 6,05,674 449,854 4 8-97 1961 7,69,S80 41,63,706 4-27-OB 1971 10,13,699 42,42,319 4-31*50 1981 15,35,819 432,41,20 4 3 2 0 4 Source f^Cen,8Us of India, 1981, tA B LE 1-03 POPULATION BY DISTRICT AND SBX, 1931 Total Male Female 1 2 3 Jaintia Hills l,r)6,402 79.052 77,350 tn East Khasi Hills 5,11,414 2,62,952 2,48.462 West Khasi Hills 1,61,576 82,906 78.670 East Garo Hills 1,36,550 70,365 66,185 West Garo Hills 3,69,877 1,88,435 I,B 1,442 Meghalaya 13,35,819 6,83,710 6,52,109 Source:—Census of India, >981, TABLE : 1.04 AREA AND POPULATiON, 1981 Area * ]lurat U rban Toial Density/ Sq. Km. SqfCiri. (1) (2) (3) (4)^ Jaintia H iils 3819 143,479 I2,92'5 156,402 41 East KhasI HilJs 5196 330,614 180,£00 511,414 98 West Khasi Hills 5247 157,696 3,880 161,576 3i East Garo Hi Hi 2603 132^260 4,290 136,550 52 West G aro Hills 5564 330,437- 39,440 369,877 66 State 2,24,29 i,094,48& 2,41,333 I.335,8i9 60 *l^i'ovisioiial,, Spurge:—^Census of In4ia, 1981. TABLE 1-05 DECADAL VARIATION IN POPULATION OF DISTRIOTS {ia percentage) £ast West East West Decadal J«intia Khasi Khali Garo Garo Meghalaya ended Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) > 1901—1911 15.23 14.94 15.70 1911— 1921 3.49 12.71 7.21 1921— 1931 19.18 5.57 13.83 1931-194-1 14.60 17.11 15.59 1941— 1951 9.44 8.28 8.97 1951— 1961 21,46 28.39 26.91 27.03 1961—1971 38.62 31.03 23.87- 31.21 32,74 31.50 1971—1981 37.72 34.35 45.76 32.96 21.70 32.04 Source;—Census of India, i;981. T A B l^ 1.06 SEX RATIO BY D ISTRICT, 1981 Females/1000 Males District Ruial U rban Combined (I) (2) (3) (4) Jaintia Hills ... 977 994 978 Efist Khasi H ilh 966 907 945 Wc^t Khasi Hills ... 953 795 949 East Garo Hills .. 947 772 941 West Garo Hills ... 972 £88 963 Meghalaya ... 965 904 954 Source:—Census of India, 1981, fAuLE 1.0? c h a n g e s i n s e x RrVTIO 1901-1981 Females/NOO Ma'eS . —— ^ ------- — if ear Rural U rban Combine (1) (2) (3) (4) 1901 1047 725 1036 t911 1024 757 1013 1921 1009 809 :c o o L931 989 697 971 1941 991 683 966 1951 969 784 949 1961 971 764 937 1971 958 85i 942 1981 965 904 954 Sourcc :—Census of India, 1981. TABLE 1*08 CHA.KGES IN THE DISTRICT SEX RATIO (1901—I98J) Females/1000 males East West East West Taintia Khasi Khail Garo Garo Meghalayj ‘ Hills Hills Hills Hills Hills (1) (2J (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 1901 1,080 * 974 * * 1,036 1911 ♦ 1,054 954 H5 * 1,013 1921 1,031 * 959 * * 1,000 1931 978 * 959 * * 971 1941 * 960 * 975 * * 966 I95I 1,066 * 923 951 * * 949 1961 1,015 * 902 960 .t * 937 I97I 999 922 957 930 957 942 1981 978 ' 945 949 941 963 95^ Source:—Census of India, 1981. ^—Included in the then TJiiiied Khasi and Jaintia Hjlls District. Inc]^ded in Gai-oIJilis Distric^. ‘ TABLE 1.09 AREA AND POPULATION BY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK, 1981 Area Persous Ma/es Fe'males Sq. km (1) (2) (3) (4) JAINTIA HILLS 1. Thadlaskein G.D, Block 639 44,709 22.194 22,515 2. Amlarem C.D. Block 398 21,765 30,917 iO/848 3. Xaskein C.D. Block 716 46,8c3 23,320 23,533 4. Khliehriat G.D. Block 2066 43,075 22,621 20,454 ( 0 (2) (3) (4) e a s t k h a s j H iLLSi 1. Nongpoh C.D. Block 1153 39,555 20,641 18,914 2, Btoi Area C.D. Block 1225 60,378 31,374 29,004 3. Mawryngkneng C .D . Block 293 27,132 13,536 13,596 4. M ylliem C.O. Block 215 229,792 119,949 109,843 5. Mawphlang C.D. Block 249 29,455 14,804 14,651 5 6. pynursla C.D. Block 505 34,001 16,679 17,322 7- Mawsynram C.D, Block 623 34,137 17,361 16,776 8. Sheila Bholaganj C.T). Block 578 36,549 18,648 17,901 9. Mawkynrew C.D. Block 355 20,415 9,960 10,455 (1) (3} (4) WEST KHASI h i l l s 1.
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