JUNE 7,1989 25 CENTS ___________________________________________VOLUME 19 NUMBER 23 w . R e a d y f o r t h e f u t u r e Lauren Demko and Michael Szafarz attend commencement ceremonies at the Playtime- Playtots Nursery School program in Hazlet. The graduation, one of many exercises scheduled this month in our area, was conducted last week by the Hazlet Recreation Commission. For another photograph of the event, see P a g e 5 . n0^ 9eRo^ e34 s T 0 ' ' ^ c S ’ Photograph by William Perlman 2 JU N E 7,1989, THE INDEPENDENT TODAY THRU MONDAY 6-12-89 FLOW ERTlM E’S p r e s u m m e r GARDENING SPECTACULAR! W E’R E FULLY STO CKED WITH ALL YOUR SUM M ER GARDENING NEED S! I No R21989E c 19«*9 Flower Time THE INDEPENDENT, JUNE 7, 1989 3 INSIDE STORY Sidewalk surfing Aberdeen and Middletown officials are taking different approaches to the problem o f youngsters riding skate­ boards on highways and in shopping centers. SEE PAGES 1 2 -1 3 Cyclists struck Recently in Holmdel and Hazlet, there have been three motor vehicle accidents involving children riding their bicycles. SEE PAGE 2 2 Riley retiring Photograph by Martin Petterchak GOING TH E DISTANCE For 44 years, the Rev. Norman R. A large field of runners break loose in Saturday’s five-mile run sponsored by the Union Beach Business Association. For Riley, pastor o f St. John’s United another photograph of the event, see Page 13. Methodist Church, Hazlet, has served the Christian and local community. On Sunday, he will retire. SEE PAGE 2 5 MRTA considers suit over negotiations Bayshore eyed ratified contracts with both the secretarial- scheme to undermine the union. clerical and custodial bargaining units of the He noted, however, that he did plan to Maryann Sebanskas returned to her Hearing officer association. At the time, the board was file an exception to the recommendation native Bayshore from Florida to bogged down in heated contract negotia­ that the contracts were inappropriately ne­ spearhead the Bayshore Access Plan, a recommends pact tions with the teachers’ union. gotiated. task that could require 20 to 30 years “We (the board) are inclined to believe to implement Stuart Reichman, the PERC hearing offi­ be found illegal cer who issued the recommendation, de­ that the hearing examiner did not give suffi­ SEE PAGE 3 4 clined to comment. cient weight to the fact that the secretaries By Jonathan R. Friedman According to Malachi Kenney, the school and custodians have separate contracts with board’s labor attorney, Reichman recom­ the board,” Kenney said. “We felt that it ABERDEEN — The Matawan Regional To call The Independent mended that it was improper for the board was appropriate to deal with those that rep­ Teachers Association may file a civil suit to negotiate a contract with anyone but resent the maJority of the unit.” Advertising..................... 542-4000 against those who negotiated a contract last union leadership. The two units, by maJority votes, selected Circulation..............................,.254-7000 year for the secretaries and clerks at the representatives to negotiate with the board, The hearing officer declared that the two Classified...................................542-4000 Matawan Regional School District, accord­ he said. contracts, which expire at the end of this Editorial.......................................542-4000 ing to the union's president, Marie Panos. The secretarial-clerical unit went a few month, would not be rescinded, Kenney Sports ............... 254-7000 steps further, attempting to split off from After learning that a hearing officer for said. As an alternative punitive action, the the union and Join the Professional and the state Public Employment Relations board would be required to post a notice Press releases and advertising copy Clerical Employees Union, a division of the Commission had recommended that the that it had been found guilty by PERC, the may be brought to The Independent International Ladies Garment Workers contract be found improper, Panos said the attorney said. office at 1 Register Plaza, union would now seriously consider taking Union. Reichman also made recommendations Shrewsbury. the legal action. A maJority of the units members voted on several other claims made by the M R TA Panos would not identify which individu­ last year to break away and asked PERC for in the charge. According to Kenney. Reich­ an election to do so. Only members of the als would be named in the suit, although she man declared that the board had done noth­ said the list of names would include some unit would vote in the secession election. ing wrong when it met with the representa­ After the M R T A blocked the election, INDEX school administrators and the three mem­ tives of the clerical unit; it did not illicitly bers of the secretarial-clerical bargaining most of the secretaries formally withdrew ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT.............. 3 3 conspire with a dissident union vice presi­ from the union, although they are not per­ CLASSIFIED............................. 4 5 -5 5 unit of the M R TA. More details about the dent; and did not take harassing and puni­ action will be released this week after Panos mitted to officially be represented by anoth­ IN THE SERVICE.................................4 5 tive actions against M R TA members. discusses the PERC decision with union at­ er union without an election. They later be­ IN THE SPOTLIGHT............................1 4 Panos said she was pleased with what she torney Mark Blunda. she said. came associate members of PACE, giving LETTERS.......................................... 4 -5 had heard about the recommendation, but them some benefits, but no representation. OBITUARIES ....................... 3 7 At the same time, the recommendation, if would not discuss it in detail bccause, she Ann Hoffman, a PACE representative endorsed by the full labor commission, OPINION ......................................... 4 said, she had not seen it or discussed it with who has been advocating for the secretaries, would pave the way for the bargaining unit MY TURN.............................................. 5 Blunda. said she was pleased with the recommenda­ to hold an election on whether to secede PEOPLE IN THE NEWS.................... 1 9 "It certainly looks like what the board did tion because it means that an election will from the union. POLICE BEAT................................... 4 0 by signing a contract with three people was soon be possible. Last fall, the M R T A successfully blocked illegal," she said. PULSE..................................... 6 It is unknown when PERC will review the the election until the unfair labor practice Blunda could not be reached for com­ PROPERTY LINES..................... 3 0 -3 9 recommendation and issue a final decision. charge concerning the contract is resolved. ment. REAL ESTATE NEWS...................... 3 9 If it does so this summer, the earliest an The charge, filed more than a year ago, Kenney said he was largely satisfied with election could be held would be in Septem­ SOCIAL NEWS.................................. 2 4 Reichman’s recommendation because the ber, after many o f the unit’s members return SPORTS..................................... 4 1 -4 4 alleges that the Board o f Education acted wrongly when last March it negotiated and hearing officer did not find an elaborate from vacation. WHAT'S HAPPENING.................... 8 -9 W ILL)AM R. CANINO Vic® P r e s i d e n t JCP&L plans to close Union Beach office DAVID THALER P u b l i s h e r By Marilyn Duff The offices scheduled to be closed are no said Eugene J. McCarthy, vice president of THOMAS R. DeCARG longer cost-effective, according to Eunice customer services. Executive Editor UNION BEACH — Jersey Central Pow­ Mackie. a public information manager for Currently the business offices handle me­ JUDITH M cGEE FEENEY er & Light Company plans to close its the company. ter reading, meter service functions, walk-in M anaging Editor Union Beach business office next year and “The volume of people walking in to pay customer inquiries, bill payments and credit MARK ROSMAN combine it with another office at its Free­ their bill or to ask for assistance is Just not and collections. As part of the consolidation Sports Editor hold area facility. there,” she said. plan the credit and collections function for all o f the company’s more than 850,000 cus­ Bayshore Independent is published weekly (Of The closing is part of a plan to consol­ More than 75 percent of utility bills are tomers in 13 counties will be transferred to $22 pet year by Greater Monrooyth Publishing Co., idate seven offices in the company’s South­ paid by mail today. Customers who do pay a central facility in Morris County. 1 Register Plaza, Shrewsbury. N.J. 07702-4320. ern Area into three centrally located facili­ bills at offices scheduled to be closed will be Application to mail at secortd-class postage rates The Union Beach facility employs 12 me- ties. able to use some of the 130 banking and is pending at Red Bank, N.J. Bayshore indepen ter-reader collectors who will probably be dent not liable for errors m advertisements be­ other agencies that accept JCP&L pay­ The Union Beach and Hightstown offices transferred to the Freehold facility, Mackie yond the cost of the space occupied by the error. ments. Notification of an error must be made -n w ritin g will be combined at Freehold. Also the As­ said. Some of the other 11 employees - th­ withtn one week of publication POSTMASTER bury Park and Point Pleasant Beach offices The restructuring is subject to formal ap­ ree meter service field representatives, two Send address changes to; will be combined at Asbury Park. The Lake­ proval of the N.J.
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