DIALOGUE CONTINUITY SCRIPT STARGATESG-1 "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) DISTRIBUTED BY: MGM 2500 BroadwayStreet Santa Monica, CA 90404 tel (310) 449-3102 CONTINUITY SCRIPT PREPAREDBY: CASABLANCA CONTINUITY tel (310) 397-7741 STARGATESGI - "THE SERPENT’SI_AIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 1 TIMECODE DIALOGUE START MEASURING00.00.00 AT FIRST FRAMEPICTURE TEASER: 00.09.25 NARRATOR(VO)-Previously, on Stargate SG-I 00.12.12 GENERALHAMMOND (OS)-It’s over, Jack. No extensions, reversals.... GENERALHAMMOND (CONT)-no new hearings. The Stargate will buried, literally andfiguratively. 00.21.08 TEAL’C-Weshould inch the coordinates in an attempt to open the gate. 00.23.16 CARTER-Sir,we would be court-martialed the secondwe got back. 00.26.09 O’NEILL-If we get back. 00.33.00 DANIEL(OS)-We’re on an attack... DANIEL(CONT)-ship headed to Earth. 00.34.25 APOPHIS(VO FILTERED)-Themighty warrior, Klorel. 00.38.28 O’NEILL (VO)-rm gonna try and grab Skaara. STARGATESG1 - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 2 00.39.10 CARTER-Sir,are you sure? CARTER(OS CONT)-It...it would be like... CARTER(CONT)-trying to take Apophis. 00.45.00 APOPHIS(VO FILTERED)-Youwill get to see your homeone last time before you and everyoneon your planet are destroyed. 00.56.17 JAFFA(OS)-Skaara!!! 01.01.17 NARRATOR(VO)-And now, the conclusion. 01.20.10 O’NEILL-CaptainCarter... 01.21.11 CARTER-Sir? 01.22.09 O’NEILL-Wereyou able to put enoughC-4 around this ship to makea dent? 01.25.12 CARTER-Weplaced charges where they should generate secondary explosions, so...yessir. Shouldmake a helluva dent. 01.31.20 O’NEILL-Thankyou, Captain. 01.32.19 CARTER-Givenenough time, I might he able to figure out -... STARGATESGI - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 3 01.34.14 O’NEILL (OVERLAPPING)-Negative.We should expect some other reinforcements through that door any second. O’NEILL (OS CONT)-Standby to... O’NEILL (CONT)-detonateyour charges on my order. 01.42.21 CARTER-Yessir. 01.44.05 DANIEL-Wait - 01.45.03 O’NEILL-Daniel,if we don’t stop them now, we maynever stop them. 01.48.05 DANIEL(OS OVERLAPPING)-Yeah.... DANIEL(CONT)-I know that. 01.55.15 Let’s just makeas big a dent as possible. ’Okay? 02.05.06 CARTER-Readyand awaiting your order, sir. 02.09.04 O’NEILL-Okay.Well, I supposenow is the time for meto say something profound. (BEAT)Nothing comesto mind. Let’s do it. 02.27.08 TEAL’C-O’Neill.... TEAL’C (OS CONT)-Apophis’sship approaches. STARGATESGI - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 4 02.31.12 DANIEL(OS)-We overheard in the gate room; he said he would rejoin Klorel... DANIEL(CONT)-once they came out of the shadows. 02.38.16 O’NEILL-Teal’c,if wecan knockout this ship, will it stop them? 02.42.07 TEAL’C-Itwill not. TEAL’C(OS CONT)-Apophis’svessel’s equipped with defense shields. Hewill... TEAL’C(CONT)-still be able to destroy your cities from high above. 02.52.21 O’NEILL-Tell methose C-4 charges are on an automatic timer. 02.55.26 CARTER-They’reon automatic timer. 02.57.04 O’NEILL-Good. How long do we have? 02.58.06 CARTER-Twenty-fourhours. 02.59.06 O’NEILL- Twenty-four hours? 03.01.03 CARTER-Atthe time, sir, I thought wewere still light years away. STARGATESG1 -"THE SERPENT’S LAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 5 03.04.08 O’NEILL-Justa minute~It. (BEAT)Teal’c, work with me, buddy... Is there any other way?. 03.11.09 TEAL’C-None. 03.14.07 O’NEILL (UNDERBREATH)-Alright, cover-... 03.18.00 This is turning out to be a badday. END OF TEASER. 03.46.18 04.59.16 TEAL’C-O’Neill? 05.07.14 O’NEILL-Teal’c...ah... 05.18.26 Teal’c, I can’t see. 05.23.03 TEAL’C-Iam blinded as well. It will pass. 05.27.12 O’NEILL-Whatthe hell was that? 05.28.28 TEAL’C-AGoa’uld shock grenade. TEAL’C(OS CONT)-Thoughextremely painful it’s effects are temporary. 05.34.24 O’NEILL-That’Sgood to hear. O’NEILL (OS CONr)-Ow! STARGATESGI -"THE SERPENT’S LAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 6 O’NEILL (CONT)-God! O’NEILL (OS CONT)-Ow! ¯ 05.40.03 CARTER-Colonel-? Sorry, sir, it’s just so dark. 05.44.18 O’NEILL(OS)-Oh .... O’NEILL(CONT)-Carter! It’s all right. I like your attitude. 05.51.11 DANIEL-Itisn’t dark. We’re blind. Andwe failed. 05.56.02 O’NEILL-Allright, take it easy, Daniel. We’vebeen in worsesituations than this. 06.01.22 TEAL’C-Notto my knowledge. 06.05.04 O’NEILL-Thanks,Tearc.. 06.07.03 DANIEL(OS)-Right now, they’re getting... DANIEL(CONT)-ready to wipe out the major cities of Earth. They’ll do DANIEL(OS CONT)-orbit...out of reach. 06.13.02 O’NEILL-Daniel-.... STARGATESG1 - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 7 06.13.22 DANIEL(OS)-Jack, I’ve already been through this once before. DANIEL(CONT)-I’ve already seen this before. 06.16.28 O’NEILL(OS)-Daniel .... O’NEILL(CONT)-will you relax?. You’ve beenthrough it before, and you survived. We’re...just having a bad day. 06.29.05 CARTER(OS)-Colonel .... CARTER(CONT)-I think I’m starting to see something. 06.32.13 TEAL’C-Mysight returns as well. 06.33.29 O’NEILL-Now,that’s what I want to hear. O’NEILL(OS CONT)-Carter.... O’NEILL(CONT)-if someonecomes in here, you...bite ’em in the hand. 06.45.08 CARTER-Yessir. 07.11.18 JAFFACAPTAIN (FILTERED)-Tal Kree, shak! 07.15.08 JAFFA-Forgiveme, Master... I will not fail Klorel again. 07.18.13 JAFFACAPTAIN (FILTERED)-No. You will not. STARGATESG1 - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 8 07.31.20 GENERALHAMMOND-What the hell are you doing here? 07.34.27 SAMUELS-Reportingforduty, sir. I’m to coordinate with the Pentagon. 07.37.23 GENERALHAMMOND-By who’s order?. 07.38.18 SAMUELS-Thechairman of the Joint Chief’s - at the request of Senator Kinsey. He... SAMUELS(OS CONT)-...he tried to contact you. 07.44.06 GENERALHAMMOND-Maybe you can tell my why our forces haven’t gone onfull alert. GENERALHAMMOND (OS CONT)-If we don’t get our assets moving now, they’re... GENERALHAMMOND (CONT)-gonna be caught on the ground. 07.49.22 SAMUELS(OS)-The... SAMUELS(CONT)-current thinking at the Pentagonis to do nothing alert the Goa’uld weknow they’re there. 07.54.06 GENERALHAMMOND-Let me guess who’s bright idea that was. 07.57.15 SAMUELS-GeneralHammond, may I speak freely? SAMUELS(OS CONT)-Iknow I seemto have lost your respect .... STARGATESG1 - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 9 SAMUELS(CONT)-for whatever reason...but we wouldn’t be in this situation - that is, at the bdnkof war with the Goa’uld- if you had heededmy advice andburied the Stargate in the first place. 08.13.21 GENERALHAMMOND-Was that "1 told you so", Colonel Samuels? 08.17.00 SAMUELS-I’mnot here to point fingers, Sir. I’m here to help... SAMUELS(OS CONT)-coordinate our preemp~vestrike against the Goa’uld ships. SAMUELS(CONT)-That’s, if the President approves. The Joint Chiefs are briefing him now. 08.27.14 GENERALHAMMOND-And with what do you intend to strike them? 08.29.18 SAMUELS-Anew weapon,Sir. I’ve helped to oversee its developmentat area 51, with Colonel Mayboume. SAMUELS(OS CONT)-Twoprototypes are being prepared for launch VandenbergAir Force base as we speak. SAMUELS(CONT)-If all goes well, history should mark this day by two brilliant and unexplainedflashes that occur in the night sky. The world should never know how close we came to Armageddon. 09.10.20 APOPHIS(FILTERED)-Kel K/ore/? STARGATESGI - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE 10 09.11.13 JAFFACAPTAIN-Your son was struck downby the humanson Klorel’s vessel. 09.14.22 APOPHIS(FILTERED)-He has been placed in his sarcophagus? 09.16.17 JAFFACAPTAIN-Yes, my lord. But his woundswere great. JAFFACAPTAIN (OS CONT)-It will take time to revive him. 09.21.10 APOPHIS(FILTERED)-What of the humans? 09.22.16 JAFFACAPTAIN-I thought to wait until Klorel - 09.24.11 APOPHIS(FILTERED)-No! Executethem, now. 09.28.11 JAFFACAPTAIN-I will see to .it myself. 09.38.17 KAH’L-Wehold our position. The humansof this world still send no challenge. 09.45.07 APOPHIS(FILTERED)- Yet they find their way to my son. Wewill attack their world whenK/ore/has risen again. Theywill pay a hundredfold for their insolence. 09.59.27 KAH’L-Kel sha, Apophis. STARGATESG1 - "THE SERPENT’SLAIR" (Episode #8905) PAGE11 10.11.20 SAMUELS(VO)-The Goa’uld’s... SAMUELS(CONT)-unexplained delay is buying... SAMUELS(OS CONT)-usthe necessary time to prepare. SAMUELS(CONT)-We’II launch a strike as soon as they enter orbit. 10.18.13 GENERALHAMMOND-What makes this weapon of yours so special? 10.21.18 SAMUELS-An,othe~,ise ordinary, Mach-12A... SAMUELS(OS CONT)-warheadhas been enriched by the alien material naquita. 10.29.10 GENERALHAMMOND (OS)-The Stargate element? 10.31.00 SAMUELS-Yessir. SAMUELS(OS CONT)-Asyou know, a small amount of the raw ore was found... SAMUELS(CONT)-by SG-5 and brought back some months ago. The warheadsshould nowyield in excessof..
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