E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2011 No. 53 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was The Iraqis showed no mercy in their nocent people and empowering the called to order by the Speaker pro tem- attack. They used live ammunition Governments of Iran and Iraq to harm pore (Mr. FLEMING). against these people who could not de- them. They are on our side. They op- f fend themselves. They ran over these pose the evil dictator in Iran. citizens, smashing them with their This is just another example of the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO American-made Humvees. Reports in- inconsistency the United States pre- TEMPORE dicate an estimated 300 people were in- sents with our foreign policy. In one The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- jured and 33 people were murdered in breath we say publicly we need to pro- fore the House the following commu- their vicious attack. tect Camp Ashraf. Yet in the second nication from the Speaker: And it doesn’t stop there. Iraqi sol- breath we won’t take MEK off the For- WASHINGTON, DC, diers still occupy parts of Camp Ashraf. eign Terrorist Organizations list. April 12, 2011. We don’t even know if the attackers Fifty-four of my colleagues have I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN are all Iraqis. It has been reported that joined me on a resolution urging the FLEMING to act as Speaker pro tempore on some of these occupiers could be Ira- Secretary of State to immediately re- this day. nian agents who seek to harm the Ira- move the MEK from the FTO list. The JOHN A. BOEHNER, nian dissidents living in this camp. State Department has yet to give con- Speaker of the House of Representatives. The international community cannot vincing evidence that the MEK is an f tolerate this unprovoked, violent at- FTO. It is time they make their case or MORNING-HOUR DEBATE tack by the Government of Iraq. We remove them from the designation. have a legal and moral obligation to Failure to do this sends mixed sig- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ensure the safety of Iranian dissidents nals to both the Iranian and Iraqi Gov- ant to the order of the House of Janu- in Camp Ashraf. ernments. These governments think ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- The innocent people who live in they have a license to kill these dis- nize Members from lists submitted by Camp Ashraf continue to be in danger sidents. the majority and minority leaders for as we speak. It has been reported that This is a matter of life or death for morning-hour debate. the Government of Iraq blocked the de- the people in Camp Ashraf. If more The Chair will alternate recognition livery of American humanitarian aid to Iraqi attacks occur against these peo- between the parties, with each party the wounded until Sunday, 2 days after ple, the blood will be on the hands of limited to 1 hour and each Member the attack. And just yesterday the the Iraqi Government and the little ty- other than the majority and minority Iraqi Government announced that they rant of the desert, Ahmadinejad. leaders and the minority whip limited plan to close Camp Ashraf and move its We must make it clear to the Iraqis to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall residents out of the country. This is ex- that they do not have the right to at- debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. actly what Ahmadinejad wants. tack Camp Ashraf just because Amer- f If this happens, Mr. Speaker, these ica is leaving town. We must not tol- ATTACK ON CAMP ASHRAF people’s lives are in total danger. Why? erate these crimes against innocent ci- Right now, some citizens of Camp vilians that we have legally and mor- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Ashraf are members of the MEK. The ally promised to protect. Chair recognizes the gentleman from MEK is on the United States’ list of And that’s just the way it is. Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. Foreign Terrorist Organizations. f Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, last The FTO organization designation by week Iraqi forces unleashed a surprise the United States is still being used by REPUBLICAN PATH TO THE PAST attack on Camp Ashraf, the home of Iran to justify the harsh treatment of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The thousands of Iranian exiles, including its own citizens, of the MEK worldwide. Chair recognizes the gentleman from innocent men, women and children; Many nations have already removed Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) for 5 minutes. 2,500 members of the Iraqi military, the MEK off the FTO list. So the Gov- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. armed with military weapons, attacked ernment of Iran uses our designation as Speaker, the Republican budget for fis- those 3,000 unarmed Iranian exiles. a justification to harm the MEK citi- cal year 2012 that the House will take These Iranian civilians are pro-Amer- zens. That is why the Iranian Govern- up later this week is not a Path to ican. They are exiles from Iran because ment praised the attack in Camp Prosperity. Rather, it is more accu- of their opposition to the evil dictator, Ashraf on the Iranian dissidents. rately a Path to the Past. the little tyrant of the desert, Mr. Speaker, by not taking the MEK Just like President Bush’s ill-fated Ahmadinejad. off the FTO list, we are endangering in- attempt to privatize Social Security, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H2577 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:39 Apr 13, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A12AP7.000 H12APPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with HOUSE H2578 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 12, 2011 the Path to the Past eviscerates Medi- 1 percent. During the height of the spent $56.1 billion in Afghanistan since care, forcing retirees to bear the brunt Great Recession, for several months, 2002.’’ of cost increases and severely jeopard- 700,000 Americans lost their jobs. Mr. Speaker, let me remind the Con- izing their access to health care, re- According to Mark Zandi, an econo- gress and the American citizens that placing today’s guaranteed access with mist with Moody’s Analytics and an the Taliban are killing and maiming a limited voucher system. adviser to Senator MCCAIN’s Presi- American soldiers and marines. It is Today, thanks to Medicare, every one dential campaign, those policies would time that this Congress debate the Af- of America’s senior citizens has access cost American workers another 700,000 ghan war and to bring our troops home. to health care coverage. Before Medi- jobs. The Economic Policy Institute Here we are talking about cutting care was enacted in 1965, roughly half projected a loss of 800,000 jobs, while spending for programs that help the of all seniors suffered without health the Center for American Progress said American people, but yet we continue insurance. The Path to the Past would it will cost 900,000 jobs. That’s a past to send billions and billions of dollars send American seniors back to the America does not want to go back to. to a corrupt leader. It doesn’t make times of scrambling to find coverage The Republican budget proposal, the sense. Mr. Speaker, we could save while always worrying how they will be Path to the Past, returns us to the law American lives, which is the most im- able to afford rising health care costs of the jungle and the survival of the portant, but also $8 billion a month if on fixed incomes. fittest, throwing the young, the elder- we were to bring our troops home from The Republican Path to the Past ly, the sick, and the disadvantaged on Afghanistan. brings back the doughnut hole in Medi- their own fates. Mr. Speaker, I will continue to come care part D prescription drug coverage. That’s not an America I believe in. to the floor once a week, and I will Under the doughnut hole, many seniors f bring photographs in the way of post- have been forced to pay thousands of ers to remind the American people and dollars out of pocket for prescription b 1210 my colleagues in Washington of the medication because they weren’t cov- AFGHANISTAN price of war. Right beside me now is ered by part D. the Air Force Honor Guard at Dover I was proud to fix that inequity and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The bringing a hero home in a transfer eliminate the doughnut hole during the Chair recognizes the gentleman from case, which is known as a coffin as previous Congress. Unfortunately, the North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- well, flag draped. Republican Path to the Past brings it utes. Mr. Speaker, it is time for this Con- back once again, requiring many sen- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, as many gress to debate the issue of bringing iors to pay thousands of dollars extra people know, and I do not say this with our troops home from Afghanistan. for their prescription drugs. That’s a pride, but for years, I’ve been signing How much longer can we afford to give past Americans don’t want.
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