-~-~-------~-----_.~--~-~~------------------------_.~~_.- ---~----~~----.- -; . • .• r All the News of AU the Pointes Every Thursday Morning Grosse Pointe ews Home of the News VOL. 36-NO. 43 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1975 lie Per Cop, t:1l~~::~I~.:--~~.~IIa:.lk "." Per Yeu HEADLINES Bird's Eye View of New Park Facilities IWoods Dedicates YSD Vie,"'s of lhe Report 011 WEEK 1 New Complex at Marijuana As CompUecl by tbe Grosse Polllie Ne~s Detectives Rel.te N. Lakef ront Park tion.wide Figures to .11lursday, October 16 Present Situ.tion MAYOR YOUNG and City Swimming Pool Is largest in Stat. and Second in Pointe Are. Council Pre sid e n t Carl Biggest in Country: Entire Project By Bo,er A. W.h. Levin announced VVednesday Cost S I,680,000 that, with or wilhoul federal Nationwide survey ~ approval, the city plans Dark, overhanging clouds and a brisk damp, suits indicating that mote within 48 hours ro begin de. cold wind failed to deter the dedication of the young people are smo~i molishing hundreds or dan. gerous federaUy-owned houses Woods' new Lakefront Park Swimming Complex ing marijuana were l':ltr in Detroit. Elmer Binford. and Tennis facilities on Sunday, October 19. The cently viewed in relatiOn local director of the Depart- new outdoor pool is reputed to be the largest in to the Pointe area by the ment of Housing and Urban Michigan and the second largest in the United Youth Service Division'., Development, said the city States, with Toledo, 0" claiming the honor of hay. (YSD), four detectivet_ would have to pay HUD some ing the biggest. - An Assocllted Prell storr $14,000 for each house it The park is located It 23006 C:te Traff:c earlier this month Slid ~ tears down without permis. East Jefferson, just west of " "Natlonll Institute on Drug sian, The city says It intends Nine Mile rOld, St. Clair Abuse released four QllWllif. to pay nothing. S h 0 res. The Woods PIYS P blems:n veyl costin, $2.2 . million • • • taxes on the 13.acre Ilnd to ro, "which reported, Imon. otHer the City of st. Clair Shores, W ad A informltion, thllt marljullil which in effect mlkel it a 0 ~ un Imong 1Z.17.year.oldl ,f. Friday, October 11 privlte park, for the exclu. rea most doubled between 191~. THREE AMERICANS who sive use of Woods residents 74, discovered how viruses may and their guests. Residents Ask Council Based upon marijulnl ~. cause malignant tumors in Dlp1tariea AUe.. for Relief: a.im e1dentl reported to the YSD humans won the 1975 Nobel Attending the ceremonies Congestive Flow for ils iIlvestlgltion betWetll Prize in Medicine on Thurs- were two State senltors, of- 1971-7., plus the thoulhts of day for accomplishing "'a ficials from the Woo d s, of Vehicles 's division detectives based up. giant step in cancer re- Shores Ind SI. Clair Shores, Dangerous on their oVin experiences In search." Sweden's Karolinska and other civic dignitaries. this area, the national sur. Institute awarded the $143.. The dedication was opened Residents of Brys drive veys reglrding the use or p(lt 33000prHizoewtaordDaMvla'~trnal~~r::r:,'7,. This aerial picture of Grosse Pointe Woods' and tennis improvements just completed and by WoodS'City Administrator Helen, Canton and old rnen;~:l~of:t~a,llel such usage U', and Renato Dulbecco, 61, Lakefront Park, taken by Don and Walter Bid- dedicated. For d etai Is see story In. co Iumns 6 an d Chester Petersen whowe1- E'19ht M'l1 e roa d , near )y Dee:ld.... Drop 11 t h a ve eran cancerresearc. dlingmeier shows the new complex of skimming 7 on th is page. thankedcorned aUthemIn attendancefor being pres.and filledh the Woods council From 1971-73._ known marl. ers, "for their discoveries ---=---------------------------- -------------- ent. 'He the n Introduced c ambers on Monday, juana cases 110ng with total concerning the interaction M B I Di I LWV P' - Woods Mayor Ben jam in October 20, to beg for drug related incident reports between ~umor v~uses and City Balks ayor ut er sc oses . wns Pinkos, wbo in his opening relief from the heavy ve- showed a steady increllse In ~helel'~eThnetelyCWml.lalt~~l~cffth~~ 0 eha F N ed Be f.. T P t speech expressed his Ipprec- hicular traffic on their frequency, However, in 1974. ... m ne IClary 0 resen iation to the residents of bis streets. Motorists, it was tbere was a decided drop prize in Stockholm on De. n nge arDlS a community (or approving the claimed, are using these both In ~he numbe~ of report. ce~~~.1~: __:~~.,..;~ ,Oi,,-E~ilJp,a.,B,y,Lo,le,BeniQmipH. wng Candidtlte8 ~po~S~ub.ire~.~:f~:~:e ~eJ1l:r:~::W;,~,.ses~~~ll~~~~, ~1~:r~12~A~~~te~sd:::. Sltm."oe-.- 'I' . -" - , . -'-'- .. '. __ Mack avenue. '... R01I ." ....... NEW YORK CITY escaped State Attorney G.~er.1 Prominent. A!torney's ~ill. Stipul~htS City Will In for m • d EJector.t. th~~:~y:~dthl:;t~~u;:: Not only are t!le.relldeQta fl~':f bk~~~~Ij=::~~:e~ fisc.l default aDd linancial ,Fr."k,j<~, ¥e~:, ., .~~~!1:\'It.'q~.~..,T!'...ir'!'.(t~:f,i~r.~~.:~f:"."J,.',. ' :~ .'ofForu~s ies .Ind petti OAband tbr. eoJnP~mta,.bo ..t the ellr aiJ4.•totaliqe~ntafor that chaos"by ;lq;eyellshFriday , 'Prop' osed. Amend- ., ~ . ~ •.t. e. ;::W~ow ,.",Nth. ,. Scltecluled For tbe ceremonies. "alfle, but ,I., .bQut the period lOolr. Uk, thi.: If71- when a teachers' union agreed - ......------ B th W--~ Mayor Pin to. ClUed on helVy t r u c It sind semi. marijuanl, 6ll reportsj total at the last minute to grant a ment to In a surprise announcement before the Farms 0 vggS Charles VIII Hove, chlirman IraUera , whlcb Ire prohibited Incidents inc1udln"uch cite. $150 million transfusion from Charter Council Monday night, October 20, Farms Mayor .nd Farms (CoatJllued 011 P.,e 4) from u.ill' the.e atreets, iorles I' opium. cocaine, Its pension funds into muni- William Butler revealed that The Farms has been ------ Si,n. Ire po.ted to that el. etc., .yn/hetie narcotics and cipai coffers that were run. Michigan At tor n e y named as a partial beneficiary in the last will and With the idea of get. EMS Retracts feet. "Ill oUler," 120 reports. ning dry. United Federation General Frank Kelley testament of the late Benjamin H. Long. ting out an informed The citizens cllimed that 1972-mlrljulnl. 122 casel. of Teachers President Albert vetoed a proposed amend- Mr. Long. I prominent ----------- I t t' th Shores Charge approximately 2,100 vehicles totll Incidents, 182; 19'J3- Shanker yielded to intense Grosse Pointe attorney and DlamondLIl's and Pip e r' s e ec ora e 10 e upcom. 01 all types. not only use mariJulnl. 13» report!, tot,1 state 'and city pressure after ment to the City of long time Grosse Pointe resi. Alley. ing Woods' and Farms' their !boroughlares, but Ule loddents, 199; and 197~ once reneging on the prom- Grosse Pointe's charter dent, died at his home on Devon Kelly's cur r en t Council elections, the Michigan Department of drivers Ignore traffic control marijuanl, 82 Clles, total i¥-: ised money in union pension which would change the August 12 of this year. owner is Robert A, Cuson. League of Women Vot- Public Health, Emergency and truck prohibition sl,ns. e1dents, 111" funds. Once Shanker agreed local election voting day. The potentill new owners of ers of Grosse Pointe Me d i c a I Services (EMS) Speedln, is another problem. While these figures show. to d /h th bo d The wording of the will Ch' f J h W H U Id spen e money, e ar The Council was thus stipulates that The Farms the bar are: James A. Addi- (LWV) is holding can- h le , d o,~ep.. t' u : .. Sl . All these flcton, and more, the fluctuation of these af. of trustees for the pension forced, at the regular will receive one-third of the son, 22, of The Park, who didates' forums before e ha mlSm erpre t"'" hIS not only are hlZardolls to the fenses Ind provide an indl. system quickly approved his Monday October 20 meet- residue of his estate after will be the actual manager the election in each city. records," when he Innounced children and people lIvini 10 cation of trends in usage, the decision. of the premises; Eli Ozeirey, last week that tbe Shores' these streets, but Iiso cause bazy lrel of unrepOrted eases ing, to rescind its motion the death of hb widow, HeD- 36, of Southfield; Cynthia L. The Farms forum will be ambulance service was un- dlmage to property, over tbis period always r, .. • • • to put the proposal on rietta. The will further stlpu- h d Tu derstaff d " Cohen, 26, of Franklin Vil. el on esday, October 28, e . Dama,e to Property maIn •. Sunday, Odober 19 the November 4 ballot. lates that tlhe .endlowmfentthbe lage; Christopher J. Dasaro, at 7:30 p.m., in the City Hall, The Shores actually has As one w 1" I Slaill 1. DI'U(I VALIUM, THE DRUG most The proposed amendment, used "exc USlve y or e 23, of The Park; and Louis 90 K rby d Th . Ii 18 licensed attendants on its B loman lvmg n There was a "tremendous often prescribed by doctors passt!d by the council on Au. benefit of the people of The J. Dasaro, 21, also of The e roa.
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