sending delegations to the Labor Notes From the National Director conference this April. They are orga- nizing Climate Strikes for Earth Day, Fund-a-Thons for Abortion Access in Inspired by YDSA April, and demands for elected officials BY MARIA SVART action. National co-chairs Amelia Blair- at all levels to sign the National Nurses Smith and Kristen Cervero reminded United’s People Over Profits Pledge, ’m writing this YDSAers to organize events after their stating that they will not take contribu- column before state primaries to invite students to join tions from executives, lobbyists, and Super Tuesday, DSA and become part of the struggle PACs affiliated with the Partnership for Iso rather than com- for the long haul as well as to take rank- America’s Health Care Future and their ment on the presi- and-file union jobs in key industries af- corporate backers. dential campaign, ter graduation. We gave the attendees a We’re working alongside ally or- I’ll talk about the copy of We Own the Future: Democrat- ganizations with a multiracial work- national conference ic Socialism, American Style (reviewed ing class base, such as the Center for of the Young Demo- on page 14), along with a discussion Popular Democracy Action, Make the cratic Socialists guide (at Road By Walking, People’s Action, of America (YDSA), which I attended [The DSA Political Education commit- and Dream Defenders, among others in February 14-16 in Chicago. These young tee is developing educational program- the People Power for Bernie indepen- socialist organizers have more at stake ming linked to the book.] dent expenditure coalition. than any of us, and while they were very Why do I give this description of the Most important, we’re able to do pumped about Bernie Sanders and many YDSA conference? Because it high- all this amazing work because we are are volunteering long hours back home lights a major strength of DSA: We fight funded and run democratically by you, for the Sanders campaign or a campus hard to get our members and allies into our members. We are unbought and un- YDSA for Bernie operation, the prize office, but we will still be organizing bossed, fueled largely by the small-dol- they have their eyes on is a lasting so- long after election day. If we put Bernie lar contributions of tens of thousands cialist movement. in the White House, we can expect the of democratic socialists. Some 275 students traveled from Ari- capitalist class to do everything in its At the 2019 DSA national conven- zona and West Virginia, California and power to hamstring his agenda. tion, delegates passed a resolution to Florida, and in between. Colleges, high More than a hundred DSA-endorsed grow our membership to 100,000 by schools, and even a middle school were candidates are currently in public of- 2021. One of our most recent new represented. We met in the union hall of fice. DSA chapters across the country members is Phillip Agnew, who ended the legendary Chicago Teachers Union. are teaching each other how to build his rousing YDSA conference speech Conference sessions included a volunteer field programs through door by declaring that he had joined. mix of panels, skills workshops, and knocking for candidates or legislative I hope you will join this member- discussion breakouts, a chance for stu- pressure campaigns like Medicare for ship campaign by asking your friends, dents to canvass with DSA for Bernie All or public energy. DSA for Bernie neighbors, family, and coworkers to on Sunday afternoon, and a speech alone (our independent expenditure join DSA. And I hope you will find from Phillip Agnew—organizer, artist, effort), has knocked on 381,000 doors the closest DSA chapter and attend a and founder of the Dream Defenders— as of mid-February. This is possible meeting or event. You may be nervous that brought down the house. In my because we have trained up members about attending your first meeting speech, I touched on my own history of to bypass the consultant class and sup- if you don’t know anyone. But, as I organizing and emphasized that the re- port working-class candidates to run said to students at the conference, go- lationships the students build now and winning campaigns that rely on direct ing alone to my first YDSA meeting the lessons they teach each other and voter conversations instead of expen- when I was a student was a decision learn from more experienced genera- sive radio or television ads. that changed the trajectory of my life. tions of DSAers will prepare them for And members are organizing their I realized I actually wasn’t alone, and the work ahead. workplaces into unions or strengthen- that there’s power in solidarity. Now I YDSA promoted good praxis, or ing their existing unions, setting up ask you, in this critical moment, to take the alchemy of combining thought and chapter-based labor committees, and that step. Executive Editor: Maria Svart Democratic Socialists of America promotes Editor: Maxine Phillips a humane international social order based on equitable distribution of resources, meaningful Editorial Team: Laura Colaneri, Meagan Day, work, a healthy environment, sustainable growth, Christine Lombardi, Stephen Magro, Don gender and racial equality, and non-oppressive McIntosh, Christine Riddiough relationships. Equality, solidarity, and democracy Democratic Left (ISSN 1643207) is published quarterly at Founding Editor: Michael Harrington can only be achieved through international political and social cooperation aimed at ensuring that P.O. Box 1038, New York NY 10272. Periodicals postage paid at (1928-1989) New York, NY (Publication No. 701-960). economic institutions benefit people. We are Subscriptions: $25 regular, $30 institutional. Cover: Blue Delliquanti, art; Alan Duda, layout dedicated to building truly international social Layout: Don McIntosh movements—of unions, environmentalists, feminists, Postmaster: Send address changes to P.O. Box 1038, New York and people of color—which together can elevate NY 10272. (212) 726-8610. Signed articles express the opinions Book Review Editor: Stephen Magro global justice over brutalizing global competition. of the authors and not necessarily the organization. Online Editor: Christine Lombardi PAGE 2 DEMOCRATIC LEFT SPRING 2020 Building DSA with Bernie BY ALEC RAMSAY-SMITH involved in the chapter. New Orleans DSA also holds events beyond Bernie ernie Sanders is running an canvasses to get new folks engaged unprecedented class strug- in organizing, including voter regis- gle campaign for president tration drives and tabling in targeted Bthat is capturing the imagination areas from the Mardi Gras parade to a and enthusiasm of millions across high school. The chapter is also build- the country. Students, union mem- ing up a pressure campaign with med bers, Walmart and warehouse student organizations demanding the workers, teachers, and the rest city council endorse Medicare for All, of the multiracial working class and potential crowd canvasses at hos- are donating and volunteering pitals or other tactics will be a strong in droves because they believe onboarding point for activated Bernie they can meaningfully change supporters who know we need a move- their lives through a Bernie vic- ment past election day to get this done. tory. But, even if Bernie wins the Chapters often struggle making presidency, it will take much more membership asks, but Los Angeles to enact his democratic socialist DSA has used its DSA for Bernie platform. campaign to bring in dozens of new That’s where DSA comes in. members by integrating deliberate Our membership formed an in- and repeated membership asks in their dependent expenditure campaign public events. During a recent city- for Bernie, with our own mes- wide canvass, where more than 150 saging and the ability to tailor the volunteers attended, chapter leaders work to local conditions. As of had DSA members identify themselves February, more than 70 chapters in the crowd, had volunteers make dues have launched active DSA for Bernie pitches, and set up a signup station for campaigns, and these chapters are al- this. And because we live in Tennessee, non-member volunteers. This single ready making a real impact on the elec- the battle here is completely during the canvass netted around 20 new DSA tion. More than that, these chapters are primary, so we need to think beyond the members for the chapter. At the chapter’s structuring their campaigns to ensure we Bernie campaign to build power in Ten- debate watch parties, speakers go up dur- leave this primary season with a stron- nessee after March 3.” ing commercials to talk about their cam- ger, larger DSA that is ready to fight the Chattanooga’s DSA for Bernie cam- paign, and work to get non-members to ruling class and win our transformative paign has focused on canvassing within sign up. By practicing and experimenting demands. specific districts of the city, in places how to best make pitches, DSA is pre- In the Chattanooga DSA, their DSA where DSA is considering running down paring to make the most of our potential for Bernie campaign is bringing in new ballot candidates in the future. The Bernie bump. members while laying the groundwork chapter is also working to build canvass- This is a unique moment. If chapters for campaigns after the primary. In a ing skills and lists for a future pressure are strategic about bringing Bernie sup- city without a formal Bernie field office, campaign demanding a police oversight porters into DSA, we have the opportu- the local DSA chapter has attracted new board in Chattanooga and other potential nity to build a 100,000-strong socialist active members who were looking for a campaigns around cash bail or housing organization.
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