APPLICATION No: 17/69345/FUL APPLICANT: De Trafford LOCATION: Navigation House, 1 Furness Quay, Salford, M50 3XZ PROPOSAL: Demolition of office building and construction of residential development comprising 421 apartments (C3), 408 sqm of ground floor commercial space (A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, D2) across buildings ranging from 6 to 27 storeys, along with associated access and landscaping works. WARD: Ordsall Description of Site and Surrounding Area This application relates to an approximately 0.5ha site located within Salford Quays, off Furness Quay. The site is occupied by Navigation House which is a 3 storey office building with a pitched roof that stands on the southern part of the site, fronting The Quays road. The remainder of the site, although subdivided into two parcels of land, is in the main hard surfaced and used for car parking. There are landscaped areas with tree planting around the perimeter of the site, with some landscaped areas within the car parks. The site is relatively flat, but is on higher ground than the site to the north and the site rises up to meet The Quays road. All the buildings immediately adjacent to this development are accessed from Furness Quay. This includes the Dock Office and Ontario House, to the east and south east, and to the northwest is Custom and Furness House and the northeast Northern House and Parkside Court. The Dock Office has been redeveloped into apartments and Custom and Furness House have recently been granted planning consent for the redevelopment of the buildings and the wider site for residential use, this is known as the Fortis Quay scheme. Northern House and Parkside Court are in commercial use and the office space at Ontario House is currently being upgraded. The Dock Office and the Entrance Gateway which sits to the front of the Dock Office building along Trafford Road are both Grade II Listed Buildings. The Metrolink runs along the south/west boundary of the site and it is at this point where the tram rises up. The Salford Quays tram stop is located approximately 200m south of the application site. Description of Proposal Planning permission is sought for the demolition of the existing office building and substation on site and the erection of a residential development with commercial uses at ground floor. The proposed building has a footprint at ground floor level which fills the majority of the site. Above this the built form would be located around the perimeter of the site, in three blocks. In terms of the developments footprint it would follow the curve of Furness Quay and the angle of the north and west boundaries. Along Furness Quay the proposed building will be set in from the site boundary to create a larger pavement which widens out at the junction of Furness Quay and the Quays road. The development is set off at a minimum 2m from the common boundary with Fortis Quay and sits at its closest point 1.85m from the western boundary. To the front of block A the development would be set back from The Quays road to create a public plaza. The plaza would be, at widest points 30m by 10m. At ground floor along The Quays road and Furness Quay the proposed building would provide for two commercial units, a concierge, a residents gym, access to the landscape podium, entrance into the car park and two entrance lobbies for the apartments. Along this frontage access would also be provided to substations, plant and cycle stores. A further entrance into the residential development is proposed from the northern elevation. During the course of the application, the red line of the development site has been extended to include land within the Fortis Quay development. This has been undertaken to ensure that public access can be gained to this block of development from a new public route which is being secured between Trafford Road and The Quays road. To the rear of these blocks in the centre of the site at ground floor level is a car park. Vehicle access into this car park is taken from Furness Quay and will provide for 64 car parking spaces, 3 of which are allocated for disabled use, and space to store 280 bikes. From this car park residents will have access to their apartment blocks and also access is provided to bin storage and plant. At first floor and above, the built form would be located around the perimeter of the site, in three blocks. The first block (block A) would front The Quays road and Furness Quay, the second block (block B) would front Furness Quay and the third block (block C) would be sited along the northern boundary of the site. The development has been designed to gradually step up in height; the lowest element of the scheme which is 6 storeys is located in block A, closest to The Quays road and the tallest element of the scheme, 27 storeys, is located in block C. At first floor, in the centre of the site and above the car park a decked landscaped podium will be provided. This will provide occupants of the development with outdoor amenity space and further access into the apartments will be provided at this level. Overall the residential element of the scheme would provide 421 apartments in a mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms, including some duplex and triplex apartments. The development will also include commercial space, across two units each totalling 189sqm and 137sqm. The applicant is seeking a flexible consent of either A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 or D2. The applicant has not proposed any hours of use for the commercial uses proposed. The resident’s only gym will have a floorspace of 74sqm. The application has been supported by: Arboricultural Impact Assessment Design and Access Statement (updated during the course of the planning application) Planning Statement (updated during the course of the planning application) Landscape Strategy Document (updated during the course of the planning application) Air Quality Assessment Daytime Bat Survey And Ecological Walkover Survey Statement of Community Involvement Heritage Statement (updated during the course of the planning application) Crime Impact Statement (updated during the course of the planning application) Contaminated Land Assessment Flood Risk Assessment & Surface Water Drainage Strategy Noise And Vibration Impact Assessment Daylight, Sunlight and Overshadowing Assessment (updated during the course of the planning application) Transport Assessment (updated during the course of the planning application) Framework Travel Plan Highways Technical Note (updated during the course of the planning application) Sustainability Checklist (updated during the course of the planning application) Wind Engineering Desktop Study (updated during the course of the planning application) Viability Report Relevant Site History 97/37398/ADV - Display of two sets of non-illuminated lettering positioned vertically on wall of building - Approved - 19 February 1998 02/43617/FUL - Erection of new handrails to either side of main access route and provision of external task lighting to ATM, nightsafe and main entrance - Approved - 15 March 2002 10/59298/FUL - Erection of 2.4m high security fencing and access gates - Approved - 10 December 2010 12/61553/ADV – Display of four internally illuminated fascia signs, one non-illuminated fascia sign, one externally illuminated projecting sign and fourteen non-illuminated signs – Approved – 27th June 2012 Publicity Site Notice: Non HH Article 15 Date Displayed: 27 June 2018 Reason: Wider Publicity Site Notice: Non HH setting of listed building Date Displayed: 27 June 2018 Reason: Affecting setting of Listed Building Site Notice: Non HH Article 15 Date Displayed: 16 February 2017 Reason: Wider Publicity Site Notice: Non HH setting of listed building Date Displayed: 16 February 2017 Reason: Affecting setting of Listed Building Press Advert: Manchester Weekly News Salford EditionDate Published: 5 July 2018 Reason: Affecting setting of Listed Building Press Advert: Manchester Weekly News Salford EditionDate Published: 26 January 2017 Reason: Article 15 Standard Press Notice Press Advert: Manchester Weekly News Salford EditionDate Published: 26 January 2017 Reason: Affecting setting of Listed Building Neighbour Notification 64 occupiers of neighbouring properties were notified of the planning application on 19th January 2017. They have received two further letters of notification on 8th January 2018 informing them amended plans and information had been received and then on the 26th June 2018 informing them the redline of the application had been amended and further amended plans and information had been received. Representations Four representations from two separate addresses have been received in response to the publicity for this application. The issues raised can be summarised as follows: C The neighbouring landowner has concerns on how this development impacts on the amenity of future occupiers of the residential development at Custom/Furness House. R The schemes impact on the amenity of existing and future neighbours in the vicinity of the development has been considered and deemed to be acceptable, see the amenity section of this report. C The supporting technical documents consider the proposal in isolation and do not assess the relationship between the proposed development and surrounding built environment. R All technical documents have been reviewed by the case officer and consultees. All issues raised during the course of the application have been addressed and more detail of this can be found in this officer report. C The development will generate traffic, over that predicted as car ownership will be high. This will have an unacceptable impact on traffic the junction at Furness Quay which is already problematic at peak hours and this is made worse by the merging lane and the tram. This causes problems for drivers and highway safety concerns. Also the traffic impacts of the development need to be considered in light of the surrounding schemes which have planning approval but have not yet been implemented.
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