October 17, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1933 United States—welcome each of you here that strategy would evolve into the electoral We have proven that they can have a this evening as we pay tribute and to thank successes of the day for Sinn Fein and the United Ireland by all peaceful means. the peacemakers. other Nationalist Party, the SDLP. Thank you ladies and gentlemen of the It built a confidence in the Irish Repub- Congress for having the courage to do the licans that they were not alone and that peo- TRIBUTE TO THE AD HOC COMMITTEE FOR IRISH right thing though it may not be the popular ple in the United States knew of their plight, AFFAIRS thing during the past quarter century. due in no small part because of this Ad Hoc (By Ned McGinley) Committee. f Reverend clergy, Members of Congress, It would bring in 1996 Gerry Adams to New AOH and LAOH national officers, AOH Dis- York City—in no small part because of the REMEMBERING MICHELE MILLS trict of Columbia state board officers, and efforts of this Ad Hoc Committee. AS A GREAT POINT-OF-LIGHT members of the AOH and LAOH. Welcome to It would mean a ceasefire for the IRA and our congressional reception. the decommissioning of weapons during the HON. MAJOR R. OWENS The Ancient Order of Hibernians in Amer- past two years. ica, along with our Ladies Ancient Order of It would bring about the Good Friday OF NEW YORK Hibernians, is proud to host this reception Agreement in 1998 that would tie everyone in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for the 25 years of work that the Ad Hoc the North of Ireland to the ballot box. Wednesday, October 16, 2002 Committee for Irish Affairs has accom- It would build a consensus for a political plished. solution to what was once known as one of Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay a We know that Ad Hoc refers to a ‘‘tem- the world’s interminable conflicts. special tribute to Michele Mills, a Flight Attend- porary committee.’’ When our efforts in the In all of this I do not wish to get too opti- next few years are successful and bring about ant who was also a distinguished community mistic. The latest threat to the peace proc- leader and friend who’s life was cut short by a United Ireland with Peace and Justice for ess came only last weekend because the level all of it’s citizens, we will all come down the American Airlines crash in Rockaway, New of tension loyalist paramilitary UDA and here for a really big, party when we finally LVF have had during a summer of violence York which occurred only a few weeks after dissolve this Committee. unparalleled in a land used to summers of vi- the September 11th tragedy. As we approach The following is a quote for the—Irish the one-year anniversary of her passing, I Echo of May 2, 1981 right after Bobby Sands olence. Their one and only aim in all of this had won a by-election to become a legally is to draw the Irish Republican Army back would like to pause for a moment to remem- elected member of the London Parliament into the violence, knowing that any violence ber her and salute her as a Great Point-of- and put and end to the lie to the propaganda by the Republicans will cause headlines Light for All Americans. that Irish-Republicans had NO political sup- while their violence will be against little The bird is one of God’s creatures. When it port in the six counties in the north of Ire- girls walking to Holy Cross School to not is ill or near death, the bird does not fly. She land. In a letter to President Reagan, the even draw a camera. The Royal Ulster Constabulary, about prepares for death on the ground. The air- Committee wrote: plane is one of man’s creations; sometimes ‘‘As members of the Ad Hoc Congressional which the U.S. Congress held hearings in Committee for Irish Affairs, we are making many instances chaired by Ben Gilman and we know when there is illness or decay and an urgent appeal on behalf of the Ancient Christopher Smith, exposed this lethal para- many times we do not. We say that flying is Order of Hibernians and the Irish National military arm of Unionism for the collusion safer than driving a car, and, in our arrogant Caucus, that you immediately communicate and murders in which they had aided the confidence, we fly our airplanes as long as we with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to Unionists. possibly can. After all, imitating God is expen- urge a humanitarian resolution in the mat- There have been changes, but not yet enough. Those who helped murder National- sive and we want to get every dollar’s worth ter of Mr. Robert Sands. Mr. Sands, a legally of flying time from our creations. Thus, trage- elected member of the British Parliament, ists must be vetted from the Police Service and a prisoner in the Long Kesh prison facil- and brought to trial. Rosemary Nelson testi- dies such as the end of American Airlines ity, is in the 54th day of a hunger strike. fied at a U.S. congressional hearing, chaired Flight 587 herald the immediate need for in- ‘‘As his condition deteriorates, violence in by Chris Smith, in which she said that she spections, new regulations and equipment the North has escalated. His death very well had been threatened. Within months after modifications. It is the human way, not God’s may trigger more severe violence. It is our she returned to the north of Ireland, she was way. hope that you can convey your concern per- assassinated with a bomb in her car. Our Lord is always with us. But who, be- The Patton Proposals must be instituted sonally and immediately to Mrs. Thatcher. sides our Lord, is on every flight worldwide to Clearly, time is of the essence as officials in full, not partially. The Special Branch of have indicated that his death may be immi- the RUC, which may have failed to prevent guide the plane, to make the passengers com- nent if quick action is not taken. the Omagh Bombing when it protected an in- fortable or to rescue them if the need arises? ‘‘As you stated in your St. Patrick’s Day formant, needs to disappear. The valiant crews who love their jobs and do message, ‘I add my personal prayers and the With my own eyes I saw this past August them well. And particularly now, in the after- good offices of the United States to those that the RUC is still a sectarian police force math of terrorist attacks where planes and in- who wish fervently for peace.’ We make our in the Belfast neighborhoods of the Short nocent lives were used as weapons of de- appeal to you in the spirit of peace and hu- Strand and Ardoyne, where Protestant gangs struction, these flight attendants and pilots manity.’’ roam unchecked firing shots and attacking That telegram sent to President Reagan any Catholic in the area. have a greater burden thrust upon them as a was signed by many members of Congress, We need to answer the Unionists who say jittery nation struggles to come to terms with namely Senator Alfonse D’Amato (R–NY), this process isn’t working with the list of flying again. And, for the most part, they have and Representatives Mario Biaggi (D–NY), concessions made by the Republicans both in been wonderful healers for our nation. Day in Benjamin Rosenthal (D–NY), William Cotter arms control and in politics. Remember that and day out, these unsung heroes face the (D–CT), Leo C. Zeferetti (D–NY), Norman Sinn Fein gave up their long-time armed same risks as their charges and they serve us Lent (R–NY), Harold C. Hollenbeck (R–NJ), struggle to accept the ballot box as a means all very well. John Conyers (D–MI), Richard Ottinger (D– to bring about a United Ireland. I submit NY), Nicholas Mavroules (D–Mass), William that the Ulster Unionist Party is more afraid One of these unsung heroes is our friend, Carney (R–NY), Frank Annuzio (D–Ill), Eu- of Sinn Fein at the ballot box than they are sister, daughter, and constituent Michele Mills. gene Atkinson (D–Pa), Charles Schumer (D– anywhere else, and that they are also death- Michele Mills was born to Priscilla and Eugene NY), John LeBoutillier (R–NY), Benjamin ly afraid of the Sinn Fein mandate with Mills on June 4, 1955 in St. Mary’s Hospital of Gilman (R–NY), Gregory Carman (R–NY), their rightful place in the government. Brooklyn, New York. Michele remained a Hamilton Fish (R–NY), Cardiss Collins (D– Please don’t stop now! We together—the proud resident of the Brooklyn communities for Ill), Samuel S. Stratton (D–NY), and James Ad Hoc Committee for Irish Affairs and Irish many years—from both Red Hook and Crown Nelligan (R–Pa). organizations like the AOH— Heights. Michele graduated Franklin D. Roo- Obviously the Ad Hoc Committee made a We have made the difference in converting statement on the Hunger Strike in May of the armed struggle into the political strug- sevelt High School in 1973. She furthered her 1981 that the election of Bobby Sands may be gle. education at Fashion Institute of Technology the seminal moment in the Peace Process We have made the difference between war and majored in merchandising/buying.
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