2018 Journals Price List Growing Research Globally Journal Institutional (Print & Online) Institutional (Online only) Institutional (Hardcopy only) Archive (Print & Online) Archive (Online only) Title Code ISSN Vol Freq £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ ** £Stg/€/US$ ** Accountability in Research GACR 0898-9621 25 8 £1,558/€1,666/$2,081 £1,363/€1,458/$1,821 £1,714/€1,833/$2,289 £1,519/€1,625/$2,029 Accounting and Business Research RABR 0001-4788 48 7 £529/€633/$794 £463/€554/$695 £582/€696/$873 £516/€617/$774 Accounting Education RAED 0963-9284 27 6 £1,249/€1,626/$2,033 £1,093/€1,423/$1,779 £1,374/€1,789/$2,236 £1,218/€1,586/$1,982 Accounting History Review RABF 2155-2851 28 3 £552/€729/$918 £483/€638/$803 £607/€802/$1,010 £538/€711/$895 Accounting in Europe RAIE 1744-9480 15 3 £201/€265/$331 £176/€232/$290 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A Animal Sci SAGA 0906-4702 68 4 £329/€437/$551 £288/€382/$482 £362/€481/$606 £321/€426/$537 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Combined (A and B ) SAGDP 9999-0954 15 12 £757/€999/$1,251 £662/€874/$1,095 Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B Plant Soil Science SAGB 0906-4710 68 8 £615/€810/$1,014 £538/€709/$887 £677/€891/$1,115 £600/€790/$988 Acta Borealia SABO 1503-111X 35 2 £83/€108/$140 £91/€119/$154 Acta Caradiologica TACD 0001-5385 73 6 £600/€800/$960 £525/€700/$840 Acta Chirurgica Belgica TACB 0001-5458 118 6 £595/€792/$952 £521/€693/$833 £655/€871/$1,047 £581/€772/$928 Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory YACB 1784-3286 73 6 £615/€880/$943 £538/€770/$825 £677/€968/$1,037 £600/€858/$919 Medicine Acta Linguistica Hafniensia: International Journal of Linguistics SALH 0374-0463 50 2 £272/€342/$494 £238/€299/$432 Acta Odontologica Scandinavica IODE 0001-6357 76 8 £1,110/€1,465/$1,830 £971/€1,282/$1,601 £1,221/€1,612/$2,013 £1,082/€1,429/$1,784 Acta Oncologica IONC 1651-226X 57 12 £866/€1,154/$1,433 £965/€1,286/$1,597 Acta Orthopaedica IORT 1745-3674 89 6 £725/€939/$1,173 Acta Oto-Laryngologica IOTO 0001-6489 138 12 £1,087/€1,424/$1,786 £951/€1,246/$1,563 £1,196/€1,566/$1,965 £1,060/€1,388/$1,742 Action in Teacher Education UATE 0162-6620 40 6 £205/€270/$337 £179/€236/$295 £226/€297/$371 £200/€263/$329 Action Learning: Research & Practice CALR 1476-7333 15 3 £313/€417/$522 £274/€365/$457 Activities, Adaptation & Aging WAAA 0192-4788 42 4 £862/€1,118/$1,123 £754/€978/$983 £948/€1,230/$1,235 £840/€1,090/$1,095 Acute Cardiac Care IACC 1748-2941 20 4 £858/€1,137/$1,416 £751/€995/$1,239 Addiction Research & Theory IART 1476-7392 26 6 £930/€1,216/$1,535 £814/€1,064/$1,343 £1,023/€1,338/$1,689 £907/€1,186/$1,497 Adelphi Series TADL 1944-5571 58 8 £719/€1,063/$1,262 £629/€930/$1,104 £791/€1,169/$1,388 £701/€1,036/$1,230 Adelphi Series (Rest of the World Price) TADL 1944-5571 58 8 $1,329 $1,163 $1,462 $1,296 Adipocyte KADI 2162-3945 7 4 £423/€565/$677 £370/€494/$592 Administrative Theory & Praxis MADT 1084-1806 40 4 £327/€434/$522 £286/€380/$457 £360/€477/$574 £319/€423/$509 Adoption Quarterly WADO 1092-6755 21 4 £432/€561/$571 £378/€491/$500 Advanced Composite Materials TACM 0924-3046 27 6 £1,551/€1,861/$2,605 £1,357/€1,628/$2,279 £1,706/€2,047/$2,865 £1,512/€1,815/$2,540 Page Increase Advanced Robotics TADR 0169-1864 32 24 £3,379/€4,050/$5,674 £2,957/€3,544/$4,965 £3,717/€4,455/$6,241 £3,295/€3,949/$5,532 Advances in Applied Ceramics (Structural, Functional and YAAC 1743-6753 117 8 £862/€1,233/$1,453 £772/€1,104/$1,298 £970/€1,388/$1,631 £860/€1,230/$1,446 Bioceramics) Advances in Building Energy Research TAER 1751-2549 12 2 £367/€482/$606 £321/€422/$530 Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies TMPT 2374-068X 4 4 £433/€579/$695 £379/€507/$608 Advances in Mental Health RAMH 1837-4905 16 2 £518/€689/$826 £453/€603/$723 Advances in Physics TADP 0001-8732 67 6 £4,049/€5,349/$6,715 £3,543/€4,680/$5,876 £4,454/€5,884/$7,387 £3,948/€5,215/$6,548 Advances in the History of Rhetoric UAHR 1536-2426 21 3 £185/€242/$303 £162/€212/$265 Aerosol Science & Technology UAST 0278-6826 52 12 £854/€1,128/$1,409 £813/€1,072/$1,338 Africa Education Review RAER 1753-5921 15 4 £355/€554/$696 £311/€485/$609 Africa Journal of Management RAJM 2332-2373 4 4 £304/€407/$487 £266/€356/$426 Africa Review RAFR 0974-4053 10 2 £249/€322/$403 £218/€282/$353 African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal RABD 1752-8631 11 3 £301/€469/$589 £263/€410/$515 African Geographical Review RAFG 1937-6812 37 3 £173/€230/$287 £151/€201/$251 African Historical Review RAHR 1753-2523 50 2 £207/€320/$405 £181/€280/$354 £228/€352/$446 £202/€312/$395 African Identities CAFI 1472-5843 16 4 £506/€673/$845 £443/€589/$739 African Journal of AIDS Research RAAR 1608-5906 17 4 £353/€509/$638 £309/€445/$558 African Journal of Aquatic Science TAAS 1608-5914 43 4 £405/€579/$728 £354/€507/$637 £446/€637/$801 £395/€565/$710 African Journal of Herpetology THER 2153-3660 67 2 £209/€265/$329 £183/€232/$288 £230/€292/$362 £204/€259/$321 African Journal of Marine Science TAMS 1814-232X 40 4 £450/€647/$810 £394/€566/$709 African Journal of Range & Forage Science TARF 1022-0119 35 4 £394/€566/$710 £345/€495/$621 £433/€623/$781 £384/€552/$692 African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and RMSE 1811-7295 22 3 £406/€542/$650 £355/€474/$569 £446/€596/$715 £396/€529/$634 Page Increase Technology Education African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Frequency RAJS 2042-1338 10 7 £578/€695/$927 £506/€608/$811 Development Increase African Journalism Studies RECQ 0256-0054 39 4 £319/€410/$528 £279/€359/$462 £351/€451/$581 £311/€400/$515 African Security UAFS 1939-2206 11 4 £307/€397/$607 £269/€347/$531 African Security Review RASR 1024-6029 27 4 £333/€439/$550 £291/€384/$481 £366/€483/$605 £324/€428/$536 * Perpetual access to volume paid non-perpetual access to 20 year archive. As at: 02/10/2017 ** Perpetual access to volume paid for and non-perpetual access back to volume 1 or content published. 1 Journal Institutional (Print & Online) Institutional (Online only) Institutional (Hardcopy only) Archive (Print & Online) Archive (Online only) Title Code ISSN Vol Freq £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ * £Stg/€/US$ ** £Stg/€/US$ ** African Studies CAST 0002-0184 77 4 £607/€801/$1,006 £531/€701/$880 £668/€881/$1,107 £592/€781/$981 African Zoology TAFZ 1562-7020 53 4 £279/€370/$446 £244/€324/$390 Agenda RAGN 1013-0950 32 4 £424/€559/$698 £371/€489/$611 Aging & Mental Health CAMH 1360-7863 22 12 £2,278/€2,986/$3,745 £1,993/€2,613/$3,277 Page Increase Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition NANC 1382-5585 25 6 £1,074/€1,433/$1,802 £940/€1,254/$1,577 £1,181/€1,576/$1,982 £1,047/€1,397/$1,757 Page Increase Agrekon RAGR 0303-1853 57 4 £320/€423/$526 £280/€370/$460 £352/€465/$579 £312/€412/$513 Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems WJSA 2168-3565 42 10 £1,154/€1,497/$1,514 £1,010/€1,310/$1,325 £1,269/€1,647/$1,665 £1,125/€1,460/$1,476 AICCM Bulletin YBAC 1034-4233 39 2 £295/€423/$477 £258/€370/$417 AIDS Care CAIC 1360-0451 30 12 £2,205/€2,915/$3,656 £2,426/€3,207/$4,022 AJOB Journal Pack UJOBP DUMM-0075 8 20 £1,354/€1,787/$2,231 £1,185/€1,564/$1,952 Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology TALC 0311-5518 42 4 £243/€327/$407 £213/€286/$356 £267/€360/$448 £237/€319/$397 Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly WATQ 0734-7324 36 4 £929/€1,207/$1,213 £813/€1,056/$1,061 £1,022/€1,328/$1,334 £906/€1,177/$1,182 Al-Masaq: Islam & the Medieval Mediterranean CALM 0950-3110 30 3 £370/€493/$614 £324/€431/$537 £407/€542/$675 £361/€480/$598 Ambix: The Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and YAMB 0002-6980 65 4 £290/€414/$462 £254/€362/$436 £319/€455/$508 £283/€403/$486 Chemistry American Academy Advertising Journals Pack UAAAP 1525-Pack 6 4 £199/€239/$320 £174/€209/$280 £219/€263/$352 £194/€233/$312 American Communist History RACH 1474-3892 17 4 £550/€726/$913 £481/€635/$799 American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis UJHY 0002-9157 60 4 £433/€570/$714 £379/€499/$625 £476/€627/$785 £422/€556/$696 American Journal of Distance Education HAJD 0892-3647 32 4 £274/€369/$459 £240/€323/$402 £301/€406/$505 £267/€360/$448 American Journal of Family Therapy UAFT 0192-6187 46 5 £311/€413/$521 £272/€361/$456 £342/€454/$573 £303/€402/$508 American Journal of Health Education UJHE 1932-5037 49 6 £194/€258/$321 £170/€226/$281 £213/€284/$353 £189/€252/$313 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences UMMS 0196-6324 37 4 £689/€911/$1,138 £603/€797/$996 American Journal of Sexuality Education WAJS 1554-6128 13 4 £256/€334/$344 £224/€292/$301 American Journalism UAMJ 0882-1127 35 4 £307/€408/$493 £269/€357/$431 American Nineteenth Century History FANC 1466-4658 19 3 £334/€445/$559 £292/€389/$489 American Orthoptic Journal UAOJ 0065-955X 68 4 £286/€381/$457 £250/€333/$400 American Orthoptic Journal (Canadian Dollar Price) UAOJ 0065-955X 68 4 CAD 466 American Review of Canadian Studies RARC 0272-2011 48 4 £271/€391/$489 £237/€342/$428 £298/€430/$538 £264/€381/$477 American Statistical Association journal pack UASAP PACK-1706 7 12 £787/€1,038/$1,256 £668/€882/$1,103 American Statistical Association journal pack (Rest of the World UASAP PACK-1706 7 12 $1,298 $1,103 Price) Amyloid IAMY 1350-6129 25 4 £1,121/€1,706/$2,117 £981/€1,493/$1,852 £1,233/€1,877/$2,329 £1,093/€1,664/$2,064 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration IAFD 2167-8421 19 8 £1,369/€1,821/$2,256 £1,198/€1,593/$1,974 Analytical Chemistry Letters TACL 2229-7928 8 6 £296/€391/$490 £259/€342/$429 Analytical Letters LANL 0003-2719 51 18 £5,122/€6,763/$8,497 £4,482/€5,918/$7,435 £5,634/€7,439/$9,347 £4,994/€6,594/$8,285 Anatolia - An
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