Student Ki lied In Crash A~.:cord•na to the DPS Incident luke IIOlll>l Deters wa, trea ted and A one car crash on Johns IIIII Rotd Report, Officer Cheesman found one rcleued wh1le Boehmker, lonneman took the hfe of Northern student Steve student s1ttma on the s•de of the road and ...eddcr s are still at Samt Luke m lle•tzman, 49 Carr~n Dnve, Edaewood , who told ham there were " three more" Newport lnd IJ1Jured four other Northern down m the d1tch. students. A hosp1tal spokesman, commentma The accident occurred at 7 ·3S p.m. Cheesm•n pulled Terry Boehmker, on the number of VIJJt o rs who have on Sunday, Much 17 , when the veh1cle , 422 Pickett, Covinaton, out of a small 1ppcared at St Luk e Slid , "The boys trneUng northe1st on Johns Hill left stream of water 1n the culvert and found are still a httle m shock and too many the ro•d and slammed mto a culveri. Heitzm1n, driver of the 1962 Plymouth, VISitors are not aood ror them The kids The Incident was reported by an unconscious at the wheel. have been nice, but at 11 a httle hecllc umdentlfJed person to the officer on espe,ully when more than one pat1eni duty , Rick Cheesm1n , 1t the 11 m the room" John Oeten, 3022 lAwrence Drive, Boehmker, Lonneman and Fedders Oep1rtment of Public Safety (DPS), S41 Florence; Rick Fedders, 10 Bustetter Johns Hall . are lJsted as beina m fa1r co nd111on Drive, Florence, and John Lonneman, today. Officer Cheesman responded to the 363S Turkeyfoot Road, Fort Mitchell, report and radioed the Campbell were also ifl,jured in the crash. The ampbell County pollee are still County Police dispatcher for assistance. Heitzman was dead o n arrival at Saint investigat ina. Michael Murphey In Concert Here Northern has been putting on quite 1 few concerts recently, and the talent has been more than good . The Michael Murphey Concert ~ no exception. It is produced by the PEARL IIARBOR COFFEEIIOUSE COMMilTEE, and NorthJ!.lJJ.flt ta ckets are really cheap for a concert The S2 .00 w1th a validated 1.0., and $3.00 -- COLLEGE LIBRARY general admiss1on. Students may NKSC HIGHLAND HEIGHTS, KENTUCKY purchase two tickets w1th their VOLUME 2- NUMBER 26 MARCH 22, 1974 validated 1. 0 . VOICE OF TH E COLLEGE COMMUNITY There are not too many people around thas area who have heard of M1 chael Murphey. He is a fo lklorist (Continued P1ge 8) Faculty Senate Expands Membership by Dennis Limbach The Faculty Senate, which has replaced· advise the college," of anything the to the senate. After these elections, the whole. I came here 10 January of 1972 the old Faculty Assembly, recently held faculty decides upon. • senate elected its own officers. These and spent one semester at the old departmental elections and inducted I 0 Williams summed up his duties as officers are, besides WiJiiams , Dr. campus, so I have been here awh1le ," he new members into the organization presiding over senate meetinss; Richard Couto-Vice-President , Mr. Chris clarified. bringins total membership fo 20. report ina on what the senate decides at Broadhurst-Secretary, and Dr. Linda Williams also explamed that Dr. Election of senate officers followed and the Administrative Council meetings, of Oolive-Parliamentarian. Steely ; Dr. Ralph Tesseener, academic Dr. Jeffrey Williams of the History which he is a member; and taking Williams stated that other members of dean ; Mr . John DeMarcus , Department was elected president. decisions d1rectly to the president of the primary mterest to the students are Dr. administratiVe VJce-pres1dent, and Dr. Williams explained that the new college, Dr. Frank Steely. Robert Wallace, chairman of the James Claypool, dean nf student affairs, senate would be a representative body Williams explained that no plans for Student Affairs Committee; Ms. Jean w'"• "' ~x -o tii!.:I O mcmb~1:. iiLCOfOI!lg 10 rather than consistins of the entire the immediate future were bein& Koehler, chairman of the Faculty the Faculty Senate oonslllution. faculty as had the Faculty Assembly. entertained by the senate as yet. He Affairs Committee; and Dr. Thomas "We really hope they will come," The assembly had been too loosely indicated that they were busy getting Tierney, chairman of the Academic W1lhams emphasized. "We want to meet organized and difficult to run, accord in& organized at present. Affairs Committee. with them on a one to one ba s1s. " to Williams. The senate would be a "We are real spontaneous," he said, W ilhams, who was edu ... ated in The 20 members of the senate are : ti&hter organization which would refernng to the forum atmosphere of California and Scotland and is an Dr. Warren Corbm-Educatio n, Mr. Thad respond more quickly and would be a the body. The group will convene and Assistant Professor of History, LJnd sey -llumanities, Dr . Robert more effective lever on the college. discuss issues that the faculty brings up attnbuted his election as president o f Wallace -English , Dr. Leo nidas Other than that, the senate would at that time. the se nate to the fact that he IS no t Sarakat"anm~ · Fm e Arts, Or. Robert perform the same function as the The entire faculty voted for the first associated w1th any particular group. Vitz-lllstory , Ur. W1111am uuver-Natural assembly had , Williams mdicated. "We 10 at-larae senators and then each of the " I can balance different views of the Sc1ences, Dr Jeffrey W1l11 ams-Social never had any statutory power. We JUSt 10 departments elected a representative faculty and can ~ rt>ak for the gro up as a Scte nces, Ms Martha ~1allo y- Pia ce m e nt Serv1ces, Or . Gerald Smolen-Bu ~m ess, Ms. Jea n Koc hlcr-Lthrary, Dr Terry Paui-Bu s 1n ess, Ms Mary Hlcn Ryan - Li b r ar y , Dr. Adalbe rt o P1n elo-Po ht1cal Sc1c m:e, Dr Lmd a Oohv e· l'o htt ~.: al S ~: 1 e m:e, Dr. R~~:hard Couto·Pohtu:al Sc1en c~. Mr 1-dward Goggm-ChaSt' College of Law , Mr. Chns Broadhurst · llut o ry , Ms. Patnc1a Oolan·Sol:ioloay and Anthropology, Dr. M1cha e l Colll&an· l,sychology , Dr. Tho mas Rambo·BlOIO&Y , Dr . M1cha el ltur-Pohhcal Sc1ence , Dr. Thomas Tierney-Psycholoay , and Ms. R1ta fobler-Nursma Coffeehouse Ju 1 a renunder that the PEARL IIARBOR C'OFFFliiOUSF presents Fnday n~&hl, Tllf IIIRSCHBERG CIRCUS ANO BAR MITZVAII BAND. The act1on starts at 8 ·JO p.m. , and t)ltuuuL ~1\JOYS 1 relaxsn& nap ouruajl we rcc~nl Wllrm w~alh~r . adm11110n 11 1111 only SO cents. 0444.tif Editorial• repr-nt the of the editon £dltou In Cnler •.eonnle V•tlltl"l OJ'I""''" o.t\nll LlmbKfl and not ne<:Oioarily thooe of the eoll_,;e. Or~ VOfel Editorials M•n.,ln, [dltOf" •.. '<.Jirl Kuntz Some Lessons Come The Hard Way We spent 01 few rough hours Sunday sa•d Terry was h1 s usual self w1th h1s 1ugh1 trymg lo fmd out tf a fnend of b1g gnn, lopmg stride and swingmg oms was dead or alive. That lncnd •s gym bag. Terry Oochrnker and he was one of the A shon time later, Terry jumped m a f1ve NKSC student who were tnvolvcd car with four of h1s buddies and the 1n tlus past week 's trag1c automobile rest of the story can be found with the acc•dent on Johns IIIII Road . straight news on the front page. We called each other. we called o ur We are trying desperately not to be sources and then we called each other maudlin, but we do have somethmg to agam. We wa1tcd for word and we say. thought abmll Terry. There is something to be learned We thought about how unassunung from every experience and, thus, there and JUSt plam ruce he IS. We thought of must be some usable tenet to be all the copy he had managed 10 wntc gleaned from this. in the few spare hours he has between What is it? It could be "always work and school. buckle up" or "drive carefully" or any We thought of all the tunes we had of the other bromides associated with screwed up lm stones 10 one way or riding in an automob1le. It could be. another and how Terry lud taken it as But we think it is something else. calmly and eas1ly as he appeared to We learned we shouldn't take our take evcrythmg eiSI.'. friends for granted. One staff member had dnven by Sometimes we learn the most Regent s l-lall Sunday evening and important thmgs in the hardest Terry had waved to h1m. The staffer possible ways. representative of the non-elite, the elite with a student body consisting of: 2% Dear Rick: being the present ruling class at Afr~American, 1% Indian-American, Northern Kentucky State Colleae. Little more than a month ago I wrote I% Spanish-American, I SO Foreign, I% He won as students flocked to his side Japanese-Aermican, and 94% Other? leners to you a lelter of commendation for the to force the elite to hear this minority valorous responsiveness you showed representative. David R. Lange during a fire emergency. At this time I Yet who are the elite, but Senior want to again express the sincere representatives of the students; we play TO THE NORTHERNER : gratitude of all at Northern for your euchre all day in the lounge minority, act1on Sunday evenina. we park 1n the faculty lot minority, we 1 am enclosing two letters of I am aware that your quick response Anyone wishina to submit an article are straight "A" students niinority, we should have the material in The commendation addressed to R!ck may have saved the life of one of the are straight "0" students minority, we Cheesman and one addressed to R1ck Northerner office by noon on •n.iured passenaers involved in the support the administration minortiy, Sears, both of whom are Department of acc1dent, and that it was you who had Wednesday of the week if it is to be and of course, we oppose the published.
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