15546 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE August 21 By Mr. MARTIN: By Mr. REUSS: Christopher Huvos; to the Committee on the H. R. 9397. A bill for the relief of the Wil­ H. R. 9401. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Judiciary. liam T. Manning Co., Inc., of Fall River, Anna (Anita) Verber; to the Committee on By Mr. VANIK: Mass.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the Judiciary. H. R. 9405. A bill for the relief of Dr. An­ By Mr. MICHEL: By Mr. ROGERS of Texas: tonio Valbuena; to the Committee on the H. R. 9398. A bill for the relief of Luis H. H. R. 9402. A bill for the relief of John Judiciary. Trevino; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Teiber; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. PRICE: By Mrs. ST. GEORGE: PETITIONS, ETC. H. R. 9399. A bill for the relief of Aemar H. R. 9403. A bill for the relief of Ester Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Donikian; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Revidi Peretz; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 334. Mr. MARTIN presented a petition of By Mr. RAY: Miss Glennie Scott and sundry citizens of H. R. 9400. A bill for the relief of Angelina By Mr. SCHERER: Durham, N. C., opposing jury-trial amend­ Materdomini; to the Committee on the Judi­ H . R. 9404. A bill for the relief of Kornel ment to civil-rights legislation; which was ciary. Laszlo Huvos, Mrs. Anna Huvos, and son, referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS St. Stephen, Symbol of Hungarian ask God for sustenance enabling them We have also recently seen the wages Freedom to endure the brutality of communism. or salaries of employees in the State, To all Hungarians St. Stephen is a county, or municipal offices increased. symbol of a free Hungary where truth EXTENSION OF REMARKS This has been necessary. Why, then, and justice prevailed and where the dig­ should faithful Government employees OF nity of man was recognized. Conse­ be denied the increase they are in jus­ HON. ELMER J. HOLLAND quently, on this August 20, they will be tice entitled to have? OF PENNSYLVANIA praying for the return of this freedom. When the necessary increase pay bills All freedom-loving people will join them were passed, especially by such large IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in their prayers. majorities in both the House and Sen­ Wednesday, August 21, 1957 ate, it is not right for Congress now to Mr. HOLLAND. Mr. Speaker, in the deny the increases provided by an ad­ journment and thereby make effective a days before the Communist occupation, Congress Should Not Adjourn Until the August 20, St. Stephen's Day, was a "pocket veto." happy feast day in Hungary. On this Pay Increase Bills for Postal and Fed­ Of course, if the President signs the occasion the Hungarian people with eral Employees Have Been Finally bills it would not be necessary for Con­ great pomp and religious ceremony cele­ gress to be in session as the bills would brated the feast of the saint who Acted Upon then become law, but in case the Presi­ brought them out of the darkness of dent does not sign the bills, then in my paganism into the light of Christianity. EXTENSION OF REMARKS opinion the Congress should be in ses­ Although the Hungarians today will OF sion to act on the -vetoes, and by the not be celebrating this holy day with HON. CHARLES A. WOLVERTON votes of the Members either sustain the jubilance, they nevertheless will observe veto or pass the bills over the vetoes. it with solemn prayer. They still piously OF NEW JERSEY It is not fair nor just that Congress and graciously cherish the memory of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES should run away from its responsibility Saint Stephen. They remember that Wednesday, August 21, 1957 in this matter. during his reign, Hungary was a free I am opposed to adjournment until Mr. WOLVERTON. Mr. Speaker, the this important piece of business has nation ruled by Christian laws rather drive for adjournment of Congress is on than by fear, as it is today. been decided, as it should be by the in full force. It is regrettable to realize Congress, if and in the event Presiden­ St. Stephen was a deeply religious that in all probability the adjournment tial vetoes should make such necessary. monarch. It has been said that all his at this time will leave the postal pay life he had Christ on his lips, Christ in bill and the classified employee pay bill his heart, and C,hrist in all he did. When in the hands of the President without he became King in 1000 A. D. he vowed final action by Congress if the President Let's Begin the War Against Fire Ants that the task of his reign would be the vetoes the bills. extension of Christianity throughout his It is generally understood that the kingdom. He accomplished this by root­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS President will veto both bills. This in OF ing out idolatry, breaking the power of the ordinary course of events will come paganism, and establishing monasteries after Congress has adjourned and gone HON. KENNETH A. ROBERTS and churches throughout Hungary. home. Thus, without Congress in ses­ OF ALABAMA King Stephen was also a benevolent sion to pass on the vetoes it leaves them IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES monarch. He passed good laws and saw in force and effect, and the legislation to their execution. The King was easily is dead. Wednesday, August 21, 1957 approached; he listened to all his sub­ It is particularly regrettable because Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. Speaker, until jects no matter how minor tteir station both bills were passed by overwhelming one has actually seen what damage the in life. A large sum of his royal funds majorities in both Houses of Congress imported Argentine fire ant can do, it is were distributed to the poor. Under his in both instances. There were very few hard to realize the dire necessity for im­ benign leadership Hungary became a votes against either of the bills. It mediate action to eradicate this pest. great nation. He died in the year 1038. could be truthfully said that both of Earlier this year, I walked across Ala­ Forty-five years later he was canonized them were passed almost unanimously. bama farmland and saw the havoc that by Pope Benedict IX. It is right and just that Federal em­ had been wrought by fire ants. The Today, the Communists will prevent ployees in th~ postal service and other ravage was typical of what is happening any open celebration of this great feast agencies of government should receive in an ever-spreading section of our day. Nevertheless, the day is still the benefit of these increase pay bills country. hallowed to his memory. The Hungarian to enable them to meet the high cost In March legislation which I strongly people still. refer to his holy acts, judg­ of living. Workers in industrial and supported was enacted, authorizing the ment and knowledge. He still is a source commercial enterprises have in many Department of Agriculture to enter into of inspiration to them during these instances received by means of nego­ a program to eradicate this uninvited troubled days. On this holy day, they tiation or even by strikes, in some cases, and dangerous pest. Up until now, will fervently pray to St. Stephen to the increase they were entitled to have. USDA has dragged its feet on this pro- 1957 CONGRESSIONAL -RECORD - ·HOUSE 15547 gram, claiming that it did not have the Address by Hon. Basil · L. Whitener to Greece has given so much beauty to the money to implement this project. world. The art galleries in every land reflect Adelphotis Arahoviton Karyae Annual her glory. The mind of man from early an· I am extremely happy that both Houses tiquity has been enriched and disciplined of Congress now have approved funds to Greek-American Reunion by Greek philosophy, and Spartan courage initiate an eradication program. The has thrilled all ages and given hope to man· $2.4 million authorizeci in the supple~ EXTENSION OF REMARKS kind in its unceasing struggle for liberty. mental appropriation budget .for com~ OF No country on earth can boast of a more bating fire ants is not much, considering glorious, constructive, or romantic history the vast job that must be done, but it is HON. HUGH Q. ALEXANDER than Greece. OF NORTH CAROLINA Our Nation's Capital is full of Greek tem­ a start, a step in the right direction, and ples. I remember the first time I saw the I am grateful. Thousands of stricken JN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES United States Capitol. This beautiful shrine farmers and cattlemen are also grateful. Wednesday, August 21, 1957 of representative government is supported Mr. Speaker, even while there was no by countless columns whose very names re­ action taken by the Department of Agri~ Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, on flect the glory of ancient Greek cities and culture to fight fire ants, some States Sunday, August 18, 1957, our colleague, islands. The fluted and delicate columns of have taken the initiative in finding prod­ Congressman BASIL L. WHITENER, of the beautiful Corinth support the wing where I sit as a Member of the House of Representa· ucts to eradicate this pest which is tak~ 11th District of North Carolina, delivered -an excellent address to the Greek-Amer­ tives. Throughout our magnificent Capitol ing an annual toll of millions of dollars.
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