Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. 145, 1988, pp. 999-1007, Printed in Northern Ireland Middle Jurassic within-plate granites in West Antarctica and their bearing on the break-up of Gondwanaland B. C. STOREY,'M. J. HOLE,' R. J. PANKHURST,'I. L. MILLAR' & W. VENNUM2 British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment Research Council, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 OET, UK 2Department of Geology, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, California 94928, USA Abstract: Five post-tectonic granitic plutons isolated within the central Ellsworth-Whitmore moun- tains crustal block in West Antarctica form a distinctive geochemical suite. All have some characteris- tics of S-type granites and are atypical of active continental margins. They rangein composition from a within-plate granite (WPG) end member, with the lowest "Sr/'"Sr initial ratio (0.707), to granites with a much more marked crustal signature and high initial ratios (0.722). The granitic suite was emplaced over a restricted Middle Jurassic time interval at the same time as the extensive Ferrar- Karoo-Tasman mafic suite and just prior to the disintegration of the supercontinent Gondwanaland. Petrogeneticmodelling suggests that the WPG end member couldhave been derived entirely by differentiation of the enriched mantle-derived Ferrar magma, and the end member with the highest initial ratio by partialmelting of a crustal source. Low initial '43Nd/144Nd ratiosand Proterozoic model ages are compatible with a Precambrian crustal component but may alternatively, as in the case of Ferrar Supergroup magmas, reflect partial inheritance from enriched lithospheric mantle geochemi- callycoupled to the lower crust since Precambrian differentiation. Data from these granites are consistent with large-scale underplating of mafic magma and crustal melting in response to a thermal disturbance in the Gondwanaland lithosphere related in some way to break-up of the supercontinent. Although granitic rocks from a large and important part of thesuite was emplacedjust prior to the disintegration of thebedrock geology of WestAntarctica, they pre- Gondwanaland itis tectonically importantand mayhave dominantly crop out as a linearbelt along the Pacific margin some bearing on the causes of supercontinent break-up. We and are related toMesozoic subduction processes. However, consider thesource and evolution of thegranite magmas a suite of geographicallyisolated Middle Jurassic granites andapossible petrogenetic relationship tothe contem- (175 f 8 Ma) occurs within the centre of West Antarctica, poraneousFerrar mafic suite. The tectonicsetting of the up to 1500 km from the Pacific margin. These granites have granites is explored by use of adiscrimination diagram previouslybeen interpretedas allochthonous subduction- combined with Sr and Nd isotope data. related granites that moved to their present-day position as a result of the reorganization of the crustal blocks of West Antarctica during Gondwanaland break-up (Dalziel & Elliot Geological setting 1982).Recent palaeomagnetic data reveallimited a Thegranitic suite occurswithin theEllsworth-Whitmore movement of the crustal blocksof West Antarctica (Grunow mountains crustal block (EWM),which is the central one of et al. 1987) andsuggest thegranites may have been five crustal blocks making up the mosaic of West Antarctica emplaced well awayfrom an active margin. Moreover (Fig. 1). The blocks are separated by deep crustal rift zones geochemical and isotopic data from the combined 'British (Storey et al. 1988),and are regarded as having moved AntarcticSurvey-United States Antarctic Research Pro- during thebreak-up of Gondwanalandalthough there is gram West Antarctic tectonics project' (Dalziel & Pankhurst some doubt as to their precise pre-drift positions (Grunowet 1985) indicate that the granites are adistinctive geochemical al. 1987). TheEWM blockhas a deformed Cambrian to suite with some of thecharacteristics of S-typegranites Permian stratigraphy, comparable with the Cape fold belt of (Vennum & Storey1987a) and are atypical of active South Africa and partsof the Transantarctic Mountains. It is continentalmargins. These granites were emplaced at the geologically distinct fromthe adjoining Haag Nunataks sametime as the extensive Ferrar Supergroup mafic suite block, which consists of Precambrian crystalline basement, (179 f 7 Ma) within the Transantarctic Mountains (Kyle et andfrom theAntarctic Peninsula, Thurston Island and al. 1981) and just prior tothe disintegration of the Marie Byrd Land blocks, which for the most part represent supercontinent.The Ferrar tholeiites are noted for their the Mesozoic-Cenozoic proto-Pacific margin of Gondwana- anomalous enriched continental trace element and isotopic land. characteristics and are part of a larger magmatic province The granites are post-tectonic, intruded into the deformed that includes the Karoo and Tasman dolerites. These have sedimentary rocks (Storey & Dalziel 1987), and now form been related to a lithospheric melting event associated with the main exposure within the central partof the EWM block the break-up of Gondwanaland (Dalziel et al. 1987). (Fig. 1). In the Nash and Pirrit hills, large granite plutons Thispaper summarizes both new and published are surrounded by thermally altered metasedimentary roof geochemical and isotopic datafrom the unusual suite of pendants,and in theMartin Hills smallleucocratic granites isolated within the centre of West Antarctica. As rhyodacitestocks intrude shallowmarine calcareous 999 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/jgs/article-pdf/145/6/999/4889636/gsjgs.145.6.0999.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 loo0 STOREY B. C. ET AL. ... .. Fig. 1 (a). The crustal blocks of West Antarctica. AP, Antarctic Peninsula; TI, Thurston Island; MBL, Marie Byrd Land;HN, Haag Nunataks; EWM, Ellsworth-Whitmore mountains; TAM, Trans- antarctic Mountains, WSE, Weddell Sea embayment. The solid black areas are the main mountains. (b) The Middle Jurassic granites of the Ellsworth-Whitmore mountains crustal block. J, Jurassic; C, Cambrian; P, Permian. Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/jgs/article-pdf/145/6/999/4889636/gsjgs.145.6.0999.pdf by guest on 29 September 2021 JURASSIC GRANITES IN WEST ANTARCTICA 1001 sedimentaryrocks of possibleCambrian age (Storey & Geochronology and isotope geology Macdonald 1987). The largest outcrop area, the Whitmore Previousradiometric dating of thesegranites has been Mountains,exhibits two principal granite types; the summarized by Millar & Pankhurst (1987), who presented coarse-grainedMount Seelig granite, which commonly Rb-Srwhole-rock isochron ages of 173 f 3, 175 f 8 and possesses an aligned mica fabric, is cut by the fine-grained 175 f 8 Ma, respectively, for the Pirrit Hills, Nash Hills and leucocratic Linck Nunatak granite. The remaining exposure PaganoNunatak plutons. They proposed that the EWM at Pagano Nunatak is entirely formed of a granitic pluton granites form a coherent and contemporaneous suite. Thisis with no preserved sedimentary envelope. extended by new data which give an age of 176 f 5 Ma for Although thegranitoids are not associated with mafic the LinckNunatak granite of theWhitmore Mountains intrusionsat thepresent erosion level, they are clearly (Pankhurst et al. 1989). Thesefour intrusions are relatedto distinctive low-amplitude,moderate wavelength collectively termed the EWM granitic suite. This does not E-W orientated magnetic anomalies (Garrett et al. 1988). include theMount Seelig granite phase of theWhitmore The only mafic igneous rocks exposed in this area comprise Mountains, which is distinct in terms of its petrography and small gabbro stocksand sills geochemicallysimilar to the geochemistry,and for which preliminaryRb-Sr and U-Pb Ferrardolerites (Vennum & Storey19876). These occur zircon data suggest an age perhaps as old as Triassic. within deformed metasedimentary rocks at Hart Hills (Fig. The uniformity of initial R7Sr/mSrratios within each 1) and within the same magnetic anomaly as the granite at pluton is strongevidence that anyinternal differentiation Pagano Nunatak, suggesting thatthe granites may be wasby crystal-liquidprocesses such as fractional crystal- underlain by and related to a magnetite-rich mafic batholith. lization and did not involve variable crustal contamination effects. But between the plutons, initial *'Sr/% ratios are extremelyvariable (Table l), rangingfrom 0.707 forthe Petrography Pirrit Hills to 0.722 for the Linck Nunatak granite. These Thegranite outcrops are fairly uniformin appearance, ratios are all higher thanexpected for mantle-derived consistingpredominantly of medium- to coarse-grained magmas, and mostly higher than in subduction-related arc white or palepink leucocratic biotite-(muscovite) granite granites, which suggests a considerableamount of crustal (for details seeVennum & Storey1987a). Plagioclase contribution in theirpetrogenesis. The MiddleJurassic feldspar is An,,,. Some granites are porphyritic, with up to (179 f 7 Ma) basic magmasof the Ferrar Supergroupof East 40% of K-feldsparphenocrysts, which areoften strongly Antarcticashow acomparable range of elevated initial perthitic. Othersare fine-grainedaplogranites, and veins s7Sr/X6Srratios (0.7085-0.7153), in this case ascribed only in andsmall bodies of apliteare common. Alteration and part to crustalcontamination and thought to primarily xenoliths are rare although pegmatitic segregations contain- reflect anomalousmantle (e.g. Kyle 1980). These com- ing tourmaline, beryl and muscovite
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