Established June, 1893 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY. JULY 23. 1959 Number 14 Louis Baker Injured 1 I $60 Stolen From School Board Sunday Near Cadillac Dan E. Lehman j Local Funeral Home Record Crowd of 6,000 See Opening Performance of 1959 Lowell Showboat Louis Baker, 1062 Reach St., lo- Thieves broke into the desk of Organizes; Sells cal plumbing and heating contrac- Dies Thursday | the Roth Funeral homo last Thurs- tor was seriously injured Sunday Daniel E. Lehman, aged 57. of • day and made off with a reported I Bonds to Bank afternoon some 25 miles west of 1022 E. Main. Lowell, passed away j Slid in cash. Jerry Roth, owner of Cadillac between Dublin and Irons | at his home last Thursday after 1 Lowell School Hoard orcnnizod the home, discovered the theft while riding a motor scooter. The 'being ill for several months with around 1:30 Thursday afternoon, ' on Mondny ovcninR for tho com- accident happened when Raker lost cancer. j Workers, who were in the home ins ycnr, ro-olpcling Gerald Rol- control of the scooter and was i Besides his wife, Lena, he is 'around noon, said that they didn't lins as prosiflont of iho board. Rol- thrown over the handle bars, fall- survived by two brothers, George notice that the drawer had been lins was unable lo be present at ing on his loft side. A. of Portland. K. James of Ionia; j pried open. Authorities believe that the meeting: be has been a patient He was taken lo Cadillac hos- one sister. Mrs. Martha Feuer- I Iho theft took place between noon 'and 1:30 Thursday afternoon*. at St. Mary's hospital having throat pital Sunday suffering from severe stein of Belding, and several nieces surgery. He is expected home in lacerations of the knee, back and and nephews. a few days. head along with broken ribs, col- Funeral mass was held Monday VFWTo Stage Francis Campau was named vice- lar bone and socket bone in his morning at St. Mary's Catholic church of Lowell with Father Stra- president; David Coons, treasurer left shoulder. Outdoor Roxiiiff and Dr. Thomas Hill was re-elected Monday be was removed lo Rlod- han officiating. Burial was at Olivet cemetery in Ionia. secretary. Edward Rankin, new gelt hospital in Grand Rapids Show, August .{I member of the board was sworn where his condition is good although Lehman was born in 1901. the son of John and Anna Lehman of in. still in lots of pain. He is expected Lowell's V. F. W.. Flat River The bid of the State Savings to be at the hospital for some Portland. Here he was raised and schooled, working in and around Post S303, will present an outdoor | Hank to purchase $32,000 in lax time and laid up for several weeks. boxing program at the Showlxiai Portland until 193ft when he went anticipation bonds from the school The Bakers were visiting at the stadium on Friday. August 31. Vf board at an interest rate of 3 per- Chauncey Boyce cabin near Irons to work as a truck driver for the King Milling company of I>oweII. The program, being presenUy' | cent was accepted. The loan was when the accident occurred. For the last 15 years, Lehman had through the cooperation of the Ionia necessary to meet current bills of Reformatory's Dick Hey/elder and been a loyal feed salesman until the school. This money is expected Warden George A. Kropp, will con- to carry the school until the legis- his death. Sprinkling Ban Lehman married Lena Reusser sist of 10 bouts. lature makes up its mind at Lan- Showboat directors have agreed sing. and the promised state aid of Ionia in 1939, moving to their present home in 1940. Lehman was to leave the bleachers up for the money is received. Continued Here event which will commence at 8 also an active member of St. Ma- The next meeting of the school I^iw ground water table in spite p. m. Admission will be charged board will be on Monday, August ry's Catholic church during his of the rain last week has made life. at the gale, but the price is still 10. It is hoped that bids for the it necessary to continue the sprin- unknown. construction of the addition to the kling ban in Lowell until further ii Runciman Elementary building will Moose Team To Play i notice. Roger Westenbroek. I-ow- Two Teams Tied For be ready by the middle of August. ell Utility Superintendent, announc- Ionia Squad, Friday Little League Lead ed Wednesday. Sprinkling will be The regular Moose Softball team Bom Bums Monday permitted on an alternate day bas- will meet the very strong Ionia Last Wednesday evening ibe Yel- is with the east side on even days • At Cornelius Bouwen's Reformatory team this Friday low beat the Grey 14 to 9 to go in and the west side on odd days. night at Recreation Park starting a first place tie with the Green A blaze, thought to have started Westenbroek revealed that won- team. On Thursday evening the at 6:30 p. m. This game will be a from a short in a milking machine, derful cooperation has been re- Blue trimmed the Red by the score real battle for the local team, as destroyed a barn, silo, and six ceived from local citizens and the of 18 to 2. On Friday evening Herb 1 the Ionia squad is one of the most head of cattle owned by Cornelius alternate days have allowed the powerful teams in Michigan. Elzinga's Green team cinched Ist [ Bouwens. of Nash Ave.. Alto. Mon- water utility to maintain a reserve The Moose Oldtimers didn't need place by beating the Yellow team day morning. of water needed in case of a fire. any .strclrhers, but would like to by the score of 6 to 0 behind the The fire was discovered in the The continued cooperation, he said, thank an; me who brought one to shutout pitching of Duane Mclver. milking section of the bam around would be appreciated. last week's contest with the Ada There is still a battle for second 8:20 in the morning. Besides the The Robert E. Lee swee|K around Cattail Bend preparing to Girls. The Oldtimer's game brought and third place as the Brown and bam and cattle, all of the milk- M-91 Bridge dock before Monday night's record crowd of H,<MMl excited spec- Jail and Fines For in better than $75 for the Swimming Blue arc scheduled on the 27th and Tuesday Night's Show ing equipment was destroyed. Bou- tators. Aboard Ibe majestic floating castle are such top profes- Pool Fund. Incidentally the Old- the Red and Grey on the 29th. wens was able to get all his milk- Drivers in Court Here Repairs Completed Tuesday night'H iierfornianee sional stars as Bob Crosby, Carol Kichards, Johnny Matson, Tanya timers did A in the game by a There will be an All Star Baseball ing cows out of the blazing in- game between the Little Leaguers was well received by a crowd and Biagi, the Kerosinis and the .Miriam Sage Dancers. Also aboard William Valney Miller. 19, of close score, but it was a real battle. Last Friday are those siv intellectual endmen who spend most of their time ferno, but he was not able to save Lowell was arraigned in Justice on the 27lh or 29th. All boys are J of 5,000, which is over last year's six head who were chained inside requested to be there with their The M-91 bridge, that crosses iittemlunce figures lor Ihe sec- in concentrated nonsense, not to mention their fine display of tal- Rittengers court here after being Jersey Parish Show ent. Over •.'» acts appear in this year's Lowell Showboat, which the bam. arrested by Sheriffs Department on colored shirt, cap and shoos. The the Grand River just South of Low- ond night of Showboat. All in- Fire departments from both Alto Here August 3rd team that does not play their regu- ell. was closed for repairs last dications point to a uood attend- will run through Saturday, making it the biggest and best Show- a wreckless driving and driving boat ever to come down the Flat Kiver. and Caledonia answered tho call, with a suspended license. lar scheduled game because of the Friday. According to slate highway I ance fur the remaining perform- which was reported by fire officials The Southwest District Jersey ances of lhi> 1919 Showboat. He was fined $100 on each offense All Star game will play on Friday officials a truck driver reported Cries of "Here comes ihe Show- showed his versatility by not only Parish Show will be held Monday, Tickets may still be purchased as one of the hottest fires they or 30 days in jail along with a July 31st. that the old structure sagged as' boat!" echoed throughout the singing his well-known style of mu- have fought this year. The reason August 3rd, at the Fair Grounds at the Showboat ticket office or manditory 5 days for driving with We have just received word that he drove his truck over it Tburs-| crowd of 6.000 excited opening sic. but by also joining in with tho for the terrific heat was that 3.000 in Lowell, Michigan. Entries must Jack Tighe, former Detroit Tigers day night. at the gate each nlKht. a suspended license. be on the grounds by noon with night spectators, as the Robert K.
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